The last one is more labor intensive, but is often economically and ecologically sounds, and does not re-quire sophisticated technology, and thus is suitable for the farmers in developing countries and also for organic farming.Duke et al.proposed three approaches to select the sources of natural products for the discovery of potential herbicides: 1) to obtain pure compounds from other scientists, 2) to obtain biological material that has not previously been studied, and 3) to use ethno biological and/or chemical ecology clues. However, ethnobotanical knowledge showed better performance only in case of pharmaceutical, rodenticide and insecticide discovery, but not for phytotoxins. In this backdrop chemical ecology provides some important clues. They suggested two chemical ecology approaches to identify phytotoxic plants: a) allelopathic activity has been the most common approach; an example of this strategy is the discovery of sorgoleone from allelopathic sorghum species, b) the second approach is to examine compounds on that plant species have sequestered to avoid autotoxicity, for examples, artemisinin and hypericin . The allelopathic plants have been suggested as a viable option for alternative weed management under sustainable agriculture. These plants could be exploited in weed management through a number of processes.
For example, use them as cover/smother crops,rotational/companion crops , application of their extracts,vertical grow system incorporation of their residues or their different parts as mulch , application of allelopathic substances as natural herbicides, use of allelopathic plant ex-tracts with lower herbicide doses or development of allelopathic crop cultivars through breeding program. Xuan et al.demonstrated that allelopathic plant extracts performed better than synthetic herbicides to control weeds. They observed that Japanese alfalfa variety inhibited 80% total weed biomass and promoted 81% rice yield when compared with the control . In contrast, herbicide treatment suppressed 75% paddy weeds but increased rice yield by only 10%, and those for hand weeding were about 70% and 25%, respectively.As stated earlier, an increasing number of weeds are now gaining resistant to several synthetic herbicides. Therefore, it is much difficult to control them through synthetic herbicides. Allelopathic plants showed promising results in controlling those weeds. In Japan, Rotala indica showed strong resistance to some common herbicides. Application of alfalfa and rice byproducts at the rate of 1 2 t·ha−1 could completely inhibit the emergence of this noxious weed, and A. conyzoides, B. pilosa, G. pendula, L. glauca and Piper methysticum inhibited significantly R. indica at the same dose .Xuan et al.also reported that 70% 80% weed reduction could be attained through the incorporation of 1 2 t·ha−1 of strong allelopathic plants. Al-though the inhibitory activity of allelopathic plant biomass is dose-dependent, they suggested not exceeding the limit above 2 t·ha−1.
Otherwise, it will be labo-rious and costly.Therefore, it is very difficult to apply plant bio-mass in highland areas where water crisis exists. To overcome this problem many researchers currently focuses on allelopathic substances rather than the plant itself. They stated that if allelopathic substances with stronger activity on weeds are deployed as a tool for new natural herbicides development, the burden from plant residue application could be minimized.Sorgoleone, an isolated allelo-chemicals exudate from Sorghum root hair, has been characterized as a potent bio-herbicide. It is phytotoxic to broadleaf and grass weeds at concentrations lower than 10 μM. Post-emergent foliar application of Sorgoleone, at a similar concentration to labelled field rates of Atrazine , inhibited growth of most of the small-seeded broad-leaf weeds . Pre-emergence soil applications were also toxic to certain small-seeded weed species . The allele-chemicals of tomato e.g., tomatine and tomatidine also reduce the growth of weeds, pathogenic fungi at a satisfactory level .Several types of allele-chemicals for examples, phenolics, terpenoids, alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, flavonoids, steroids and quinines are involved in the phytotoxic activities of the allelopathic plants. Recently, a number of com-pounds extracted from higher plants, such as cineole, benzoxazinones, quinolinic acid and leptospermones, have been commercially applied in crop fields to control weeds such as Benzoxazinones and Quinolinic acid by BASF, Germany; Cineole as Cinmethylene by Shell, USA; Letospermones as Triketones by Zene-ca, Letospermones as Mesotrione by Syngenta AG. A brief description of the natural products commercially used in the crop fields is summarized in Table 1. Moreover, these herbicides are not quite enough to control a vast number of weeds, and also not effective to all weeds. Therefore, searching of new natural plant products effective for weed control is very crucial. Isolation and identification of new natural plant products might lead to the development of new natural herbicides.