Monthly Archives: August 2022

The collapse of the fibers was explained by the significant changes in their chemical composition

The influence of the treatments with Na2CO3 and BTCA on the shives SHI-C and SHI-BTCA microstructure is clearly visible on the nano-CT scans.The removal of a part of the hemicelluloses in the case of sample SHI-C led to the partial deconstruction of the woody fibers cell wall,and general disorganization of the cells within the tissue,which is directly observed through the misorientation and waviness of the woody rays.The fiber walls were also strongly affected by grafting ,the woody rays degraded,the vessels distorted,and the tissues got fully disorganized as shown in Fig.3c.Indeed,the cellulose compartment seems the most affected,with a strong decrease,whereas the lignin content was increased,reflecting an enrichment effect.One can note that the pectin content is also higher in the BTCA sample,suggesting a selective chemical targeting of the treatment on cellulose polymers Fig.3.also shows EDX spectra of SHI-W,SHI-C,and SHI-BTCA samples before copper adsorption,highlighting the presence of sodium on the surface of hemp shives after Na2CO3 treatment and BTCA grafting.Fig.4 presents the X-ray nano-CT images and EDX spectra of the raw and modified hemp shives after copper adsorption.No significant effect of the exposition to copper on the shives’ microstructure can be detected but a major change in the EDX spectra can be observed.The data point out the presence of peaks that were not observed before the shives immersion in the copper salt solution,flood and drain tray which was assigned to copper.It is worthy to remind that EDX is a technique for surface characterization with limited penetration in matter thickness.

To better identify the spatial localization of the copper in the whole shives’ volume,a density-based segmentation of the 3D computed nanotomography images was done.The obtained images are proposed in Fig.5.The figures 5 b and d show the typical microstructure of hemp shives where the vessels are isolated or grouped by two or three,rarely by more,and then they deform one another.The vessels have a quite thin cell wall and a diameter of approximately 50 to 150 μm.They are surrounded by relatively thick-walled woody fibers with diameters of only a few μm and an irregularly polygonal section with a rounded cavity.It is evident that copper is adsorbed on all the free surfaces of the SHI-WCu sample,meaning shives external surface but also on the internal surface of the cells’ lumen.The situation is something different in the case of SHI-CCu shives where it is possible to observe that the copper is not only located on the internal surface of the cell wall bordering the lumen but also in the wall itself.This is attributed to the partial removal of the hemicelluloses in the cell wall induced by the treatment with sodium carbonate and by the micro- and nano-porosities created in the cell wall in which the aqueous solution can diffuse.Furthermore,the copper is massively adsorbed on the internal surface of the vessels’ wall bordering the lumen of the sample SHIBTCACu.The BTCA presence allowed more copper to be absorbed in these areas when compared to raw shives,which is in accordance with the results presented in Fig.1.The detailed analysis of EDX and nano-CT results showed that these two techniques were complementary in revealing the mechanism of copper adsorption on materials.In the EDX spectra ,we can observe an important decrease in the sodium peak and its replacement by copper cations,suggesting the presence of interaction by ion-exchange.In addition,some copper agglomerates are also observed in the internal part of the wall of some of the vessels,suggesting micro-precipitation during the adsorption onto the SHI-BTCA sample.So,the results point out that,even if the two treatments performed similarly in terms of copper removal,the spatial localization of copper and the adsorption mechanisms were significantly different.

FTIR and Raman spectroscopy were further used for the characterization of the shives before and after copper adsorption.The main IR and Raman absorption bands and their assignments according to the literature are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3,respectively.These bands were generally attributed to the three main shives components: cellulose,hemicelluloses,and lignin.The comparison of SHI-W and SHI-C samples shows an important difference in their IR spectra.Namely,the bands at 1730 cm− 1 and 1250 cm− 1 assigned to the stretching of unconjugated C=O groups present in hemicelluloses disappeared after the activation with sodium carbonate.This is in agreement with the data of the chemical composition and is also observed after the partial hemicellulose removal from jute fibers using alkaline treatment.When the FTIR spectrum of the SHI-BTCA sample was observed,the bands in the region 1500-1800 cm− 1 in particular those of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups ,are more intense than in the case of the two other samples which is ascribed to the esterification reaction.In addition,the comparison of SHI-W and SHI-BTCA samples also shows an important increase of the band at 1730 cm− 1 and a decrease of the band at 1250 cm− 1 corresponding to the elimination of hemicelluloses enhancing the lignin content in the material.The interpretation of Raman data indicated that the SHI-W and SHI-C spectra were similar with little differences in the intensity of the bands.On contrary,the Raman spectrum of the SHI-BTCA sample showed an important change in the intensity of the ester band at 1743 cm− 1.The comparison between the FTIR and Raman spectra before and after copper adsorption for the studied samples is shown in Fig.6.After copper adsorption,no changes were observed in the IR spectra of SHIWCu and SHI-CCu,while the spectrum of SHI-BTCACu showed an important change at 1590 cm− 1.Indeed,this band underwent a profound change in both intensity and width,and shifted to 1610 cm− 1.This data reflected the implication of the carboxylate groups on the copper removal through complexation and/or ion-exchange.By comparing the samples’ Raman spectra,we observed that the alkaline activation resulted in the disappearance of the ester band at 1743 cm− 1.The addition of copper contributed to obtain samples with a very high sensitivity to burning,resulting in spectra with enhanced background noise.

This is the reason why we had to work at 1% laser to avoid such noisy phenomena.However,it was difficult to explain the difference in the ratio between polysaccharides and lignin.In this case,we observed more lignin signals in samples containing copper.SHIBTCA gave very fluorescent samples,around 60,000 counts in comparison to 10,000 counts or less for SHI-C.For this sample,we also worked with a 1% laser both to avoid the detector’s ’ saturation and to burn the copper containing sample.The Raman spectrum for SHI-BTCACu also showed the involvement of the ester group in the removal of copper ions,confirming the presence of various interactions between them.Finally,the Raman spectra of samples after copper adsorption also revealed two bands at 1420 cm− 1 corresponding to carboxylate group and at 885 cm− 1 ,in agreement with IR data.Fig.7 compares the XPS wide-spectra of the SHI-W,SHI-C,and SHIBTCA samples before and after copper adsorption.The spectra obtained before copper adsorption are very similar showing the presence of oxygen and carbon C1s at their surfaces.Nevertheless,hydroponic tables canada the sample SHI-BTCA has an additional peak corresponding to the presence of sodium localized near the surface at 1072 eV.The presence of this element is due to the conversion of the carboxylic groups into a carboxylate by immersing the BTCA treated shives in a sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.The 1s level of carbon allows access to the different oxygen functions.The decomposition of level 1s of carbon is significantly different for sample SHI-BTCA with a strong decrease in C-O / C-OH bonds in favour of carboxylic functions.These results are in agreement with the data of the chemical composition.After copper adsorption,Fig.7 clearly indicates the disappearance of the sodium signal in the SHI-BTCA spectrum,due to the ion-exchange with copper cations.Fig.8 shows the main and satellite peaks of Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2 after copper adsorption onto three studied samples,while Table 4 reports atomic concentrations of detected elements before and after adsorption.All three samples showed XPS peaks around 933 eV and 953 eV characteristic for Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2,respectively.

The XPS analysis of the Cu 2p peaks showed that this element was not in the same oxidation state in all studied samples.Indeed,the detection of satellites on the 2p level of copper for the SHI-BTCACu sample makes it possible to deduce also the presence of copper at the oxidation number for 60%.These satellites are associated with the peak at 934.66 eV of the 2p3/2 level which corresponds to copper in the form of Cu2 [33].In the case of SHI-CCu and SHI-WCu,the detected copper was only in the I oxidation state.Indeed,there are no satellites,the 2p3/2 level showed only one component at about 933 eV.The measurement of the kinetic energy of the Auger transition of copper L3M45M45 at approximately 913.7 eV allowed us to calculate a modified Auger parameter value at 1846.7 eV close to the species Cu2O.This shows that the reactions involved in the removal of copper were different for each hemp sample.In order to know the rate of adsorbed copper on the surface,the atomic percentage of copper was calculated from the area of the Cu 2p peaks.SHI-BTCACu sample had the highest ratio Cu/C = 8.3,followed by SHI-CCu which ratio is 1.5.SHI-WCu sample had a very low Cu/C ratio of 0.4.These results agree with those obtained with other characterization techniques,notably on the fact that copper is well absorbed at the surface for SHI-BTCACu,which gives it this green colour.The less important Cu/C ratio for SHI-CCu confirms that,in this case,the mechanism of copper adsorption is different from those of SHI-BTCACu.Namely,the main interaction between copper and sodium carbonate activated shives is diffusion inside the particles.XANES spectroscopy provides quantitative insight into the oxidation states of copper present in materials.The XANES spectra of SHI-CCu and SHI-BTACCu display the same shape with a pre-edge at 8977.5 eV,the edge at 8991 eV,the maximum of the white line at 8996.5 eV,and a broad oscillation centered on 9052 eV.The absence of peak around 8983 eV,as found in Cu2O,shows that Cu was not detected and that Cu oxidation did not change during the Cu adsorption,it was kept as Cu.CuSO4,5H2O spectrum shows specific features such as a shoulder at 8990.0 eV and an oscillation at 9008.0 eV that are not present in hemp samples’ spectra.Moreover,the white line of CuSO4,5H2O spectra is slightly shifted toward lower energies and is more symmetric compared to that in hemp samples’ spectra.

These differences indicate that after adsorption onto hemp,Cu did not correspond to the crystalline form of CuSO4,5H2O.Furthermore,the hemp samples’ spectra are quite different from those of CuO and Cu2,corresponding to other Cu-bearing precipitates.The spectra of hemp samples are similar to the ones of Cu2+ measured in liquid phase; CuSO4 but also Cu2,another Cu complex,both when recorded in a liquid phase.The results obtained by XANES and those obtained by XPS or both Cu and Cu seems to differ.However,they are compatible and complementary as XANES at Cu K-edge sounded the bulk sample whereas XPS sounded the first atomic layers on the surface of the sample.XANES spectroscopy evidenced that most of the Cu atoms are present in Cu form in both SHI-CCu and SHI-BTCACu samples and XPS spectroscopy indicated that the external surfaces of SHI-WCu and SHI-CCu are coated by Cu2O and that the external surface of SHIBTCACu is coated by a mixture of Cu2O and Cu2,explaining this characteristic blue color.An increased interest in the acceptance of novel foods,that is,foods to which a consumer has not been previously exposed ,is borne of an increasing global population that should reach nine billion by the year 2050.Globalisation has resulted in increased exposure of the world’s population to foods from other cultures,and increased multicultural culinary experiences have altered normative perceptions for many.The increasing global population presents a challenge to food security as many traditional food production techniques will become environmentally unsustainable at the levels required to meet world food demands.Hemp foods might suitably address many food security issues.The hemp plant,Cannabis sativa,from which hemp foods are produced is environmentally sustainable due to a reported low water need and natural pest resistance ,can be economically lucrative with high yields and shorter growth cycles compared with many traditional crops ,and has many nutritional benefits.Nutritional benefits of hemp include being high in levels of plant protein,high in dietary fibre,a rich source of Omega 3 and 6,and contains all of the amino acids essential to human life.

The separated hull and heart fractions were ground prior to carbohydrate analysis

Another benefit of hemp seeds is that they contain proteins that are rich in several essential amino acids including arginine and the sulfur-rich amino acids methionine and cysteine.Hemp contains other known beneficial and nutraceutical compounds but also some antinutrients including phytate and trypsin inhibitor that can impact on nutrient uptake especially of minerals and amino acids.However rat model studies confirm the high bio-availability of hemp proteins suggesting that the anti-nutrients may not be a major concern.A disadvantage of one of the earliest seed cultivars,FINOLA,is that the seed is about 50% smaller than other seed varieties.Comparisons between different lines are usually based on thousand seed weight.A recent comparison of 33 lines showed TSW ranged from approximately 7.5 g–23 g,with FINOLA at around 12 g,which is at the lower end of the expected range of 12–15 g for FINOLA.Seed size is not the only important consideration for seed varieties.A higher proportion of heart to hull tissue ,here called heart %,is desirable since it is the heart that attracts a higher value margin.A study of five hemp cultivars in Romania showed that heart % varied from 59.0% to 69.5%.However,current data on the heart % trait is limiting with very few published studies.Hemp hearts,also known as dehulled seed have more protein and more “digestible” fiber than whole seed and seed meal ,based on analysis of a “typical” variety.Interpretation of fiber data in food products can be difficult,due to the use of different terminology and methods.Scientific papers often report both neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber ,where NDF includes cellulose,‘hemicellulose’,and lignin whereas ADF only includes cellulose and lignin,thus providing a measure of non-fermentable fiber.One disadvantage of NDF and ADF is that they underestimate the amount of total fiber,as the methods may not recover all of particular components such as pectins and gums,which can be some of the healthier fermentable fibers.However,this information is useful because it provides an indirect way to determine lignin content,trimming tray for weed and high levels of lignin can negatively affect palatability.

The nature of the non-cellulosic polysaccharides that contribute to dietary fiber in hemp has not yet been studied.One review suggests that hemp seed contain 25% starch,however the two cited references report soluble fiber and not starch.Since “detailed chemical characterization of dietary fiber is crucial to explain its effect on health” ,there is a clear knowledge gap of the nature of the polysaccharides in hemp lines grown for food.Different cell wall polysaccharides have remarkably different functional properties and these in turn influence fermentability,nutrient bio-availability and composition of gut microbes.The role of complex carbohydrates in microbiome diversity and human health is becoming clearer,and many positive effects relate to the fermentation products or short chain fatty acids such as butyrate,acetate and lactate.It has long been established that plant polysaccharides can differ in length of backbone,number and distribution of side branches and the form of each monosaccharide and pyranosyl and the linkages between them.Even within the same general class the structures can be markedly different.For example,heteroxylans from different species of Plantago have different proportions of unsubstituted xylan and linkages along the xylan backbone.It is now understood that microbes exist in cooperative metabolic networks where selected bacterial species initiate degradation and other species continue fermenting the partially degraded polysaccharides,thus supporting microbial biodiversity and a healthy colon.To fill the knowledge gap on the nature of hemp polysaccharides,we analyzed the composition of 20 different industrial hemp varieties and breeding lines that are currently available in Australia.We report analysis of 1000 seed weight,heart %,% nitrogen ,lipid profiles,lignin,phytate,and a detailed analysis of the carbohydrates in hemp heart and hull fractions including cellulose,starch,monosaccharide composition of complex carbohydrates,and soluble sugars.In addition,we use specific antibodies to investigate the distribution of plant polysaccharides in hull and heart fractions,thus providing critical information on the distribution of non-cellulosic polysaccharides in hemp seed.One hundred seed were counted out and weighed,then multiplied by 10 to provide 1000 seed weight.A single replicate of 100 seed was selected for further analysis.Hull and heart tissues were separated using a fine spatula and the separated fractions weighed.

Hull fractions were ground in a retsch mill for 30 s,and the softer heart fractions were ground in liquid nitrogen and air dried prior to analysis.These ground fractions were used for quantification of cellulose and soluble sugars and monosaccharide analysis ,lignin and starch.This research is the first detailed study of complex carbohydrates in hemp seed using a combination of chemical analysis and immunolabelling of tissue sections from a selected set of germplasm mainly sourced from Ecofibre’s seed bank.The focus of this study was on end-user/health traits where diversity of dietary complex carbohydrates is positively correlated with microbiome diversity and improved human health outcomes.The new findings on carbohydrate composition are combined with analysis of heart %,1000 seed weight,lipid composition,total protein,lignin and phytate,thus providing a foundation for selection of plant lines with improved human health attributes for expanding the hemp industry in Australia and internationally.Coefficient of variation % is a useful parameter for determining the characteristics that vary most between lines.Since the batches of seed used in this study were sourced from different regions of Australia,it is not possible to tell if the source of variation is from genotype or environment or an interaction of both.However,CV information is still useful for prioritising hemp lines for future field trials,and traits for subsequent analysis,and for identifying traits with a strong genetic component suitable for targeting in breeding programs.In the following discussion,we make the assumption that traits with a high CV have a strong genetic component,but obviously this will need to be tested in the future.There is some support for this assumption based on a hemp field trial from Canada that evaluated 11 cultivars over two years in seven different environments.Analysis of field trial data revealed that most of the traits evaluated had statistically significant genetic ,environment and G x E components,including seed protein,seed yield,plant height,biomass yield,biomass cellulose and biomass hemicellulose.

However,for the 11 varieties studied there was not a significant genetic component for biomass lignin and seed oil,but both had significant G x E components,and seed oil also had a significant environmental component.In our study,heart %,seed lignin and total lipids had a CV of <10% indicating low variability,whereas,many traits had intermediate CV ,including crystalline cellulose,hull monosaccharides ,non-resistant starch,phytate,the essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA.A few traits had high CV ,including 1000 seed weight,GLA,soluble sucrose and soluble raffinose.This information can be used to select a smaller number of appropriate lines for statistical validation of each desired trait,and used by breeders to select lines for future field trials to determine the extent of the genetic and environmental components of each trait.There is high variation in 1000 seed weight.Thousand seed weight provides an approximation of seed size,as generally the bigger the seed,the heavier it will be,although variation in the composition and ratio of heart % means that this correlation may not always hold.Furthermore,seed size does not usually correlate with overall seed yield which is key for profitability,since yield is heavily influenced by inflorescence architecture and shattering resistance.Higher heart % provides an opportunity to increase profitability,through increases in higher value hemp heart products.The heart % trait has not been widely reported for hemp,with only one published study to our knowledge,where heart % varied from 59.0% to 69.5%.Twelve of the 20 lines analyzed in this study had heart % greater than 59%.This does not guarantee that these lines are high yielding,profitable lines for current use,but rather they are potential lines for breeding,if the heart % trait has a strong genetic component.For other nuts,such as Macadamia,high heart % is called kernel recovery,and is known to be influenced by the genotype of the pollen donor.Kernel recovery in Macadamia is also sensitive to mild drought stress during nut development.To our knowledge there have not been any studies in C.sativa on what factors affect kernel recovery ,but we hypothesize that pollen donor and/or stress could be important,and should be explored in future to determine genotype by environment effects on this trait.Hemp hulls contain crystalline cellulose as the major polysaccharide ,with xylan as the next most abundant polysaccharide.The identification of xylan as a major complex carbohydrate in hemp hulls is based on monosaccharide analysis and immunolocalization analysis which demonstrates the polysaccharide is present as an unsubstituted xylan and not arabinoxylan.

The variability in hull xylose content is of significant interest to the food industry for adding value to agricultural wastes.Xylan is a source for the production of xylan oligosaccharides for prebiotics,which are non-digestible food ingredients that promote growth of bacteria in the colon and can improve health.Xylan oligosaccharides have been produced from peanut shells.The two hemp lines with the highest levels of xylose in their hulls,Frog-1 and Yunma-1 ,are likely to have higher levels of xylan than peanut shells,assuming that all the xylose is hemp is found in the xylan as suggested by immunolocalization.Hemp hulls and hearts are low in soluble sugars,with hemp hearts generally containing more soluble sugars than the hull fraction.The new data reported here is mostly consistent with a previous study that showed that sucrose was the most abundant soluble sugar.The major difference between the earlier study and this study is that they did not detect any raffinose in whole hemp seeds,whereas here raffinose was found in all 20 heart samples.This difference is puzzling since the 2018 study was able to detect raffinose in other food samples,weed trimming tray however it is not of great importance given the low levels <0.5% w/w observed in the 20 lines analyzed here.An important finding from the current study is that starch is not a major component of hemp seed,based on the trace levels of glucose in the polysaccharide fraction and <2% total starch in the six lines chosen for starch quantification.This contrasts with information in a recent review where the authors state that hemp seeds contain 25% starch.The results presented here show that the dietary fiber is not starch but predominantly xylan and pectin in hulls,with a small amount of xyloglucan and pectin in hemp hearts.This is important because it suggests that hemp will have a low glycemic index and contains a range of complex carbohydrates that could be fermented in the gut to varying degrees.This could be readily tested in future by including hemp as a protein source in human diets,because SCFAs,the products of gut fermentation,are readily detected in stools making them convenient biomarkers.Other studies adding whole seeds to human diet plans show that increases in SCFAs can be achieved in relatively short time frames.

The fate of the different cell wall polysaccharides is an area of active research,for example,xyloglucans from cranberry promote the growth of SCFA producing strains of Bifidobacterium longum.Furthermore a phenol-free xyloglucan derived oligosaccharide fraction from cranberry hulls reduces biofilm formation by strains of E.coli that cause urinary tract infections.Pectins are also substrates for gut bacteria,and although present in small amounts in hemp,they should contribute to microbiome diversity,especially as their fine-structure may be different to commonly consumed pectins such as citrus pectin.The fine-structure of the hemp carbohydrates remains to be determined,and xylan would be the obvious first target as it is the major noncellulosic polysaccharide in hemp.The hull should not be overlooked as a food source.It can be milled for example and used as a high-fiber ingredient,or better still,more emphasis could be placed on developing food products that use the whole seed.In addition to providing the best human health outcomes,use of whole seeds may have the benefit of reducing manufacturing costs and waste products generated through the dehulling process.Whole seed products would also contain lignin ,which can be perceived as a negative component.However,rather than being an inert compound,lignin is now thought to contain beneficial antioxidant activity.The mean value of lignin in hemp hulls observed in this current study was 17.6  1.0 ,which is higher than a prior study that reported a mean value of 11.2.However,the values are comparable given that our study used hemp hulls,not whole seed.The other major components of hemp hearts are proteins and lipids.The study conducted by House et al.,used a rat bio-assay to calculate protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score measurements.Importantly they showed that hemp protein had PDCAAS value equal to or greater than certain grains,nuts,and some pulses.specifically whole hemp seeds have a higher PDCAAS value than almonds and whole wheat,and hemp hearts have a higher score than lentils,pinto beans and rolled oats.

The research project proposed for this study focuses on the hemp shiv and earth clay

As for the composites reinforced with 30 vol% hemp fabric, it was noted a larger number of broken fibers and holes characteristic of pulled out fibers, which could be related to greater interaction of the hemp fibers in the fabric with the epoxy matrix. Table 5 shows the ANOVA for the tensile strength of the composites. According to the values in this table, it is possible to state, with 95% confidence, that the tensile strength averages are different since the F > Fc . The HSD results for the tensile test are shown in Table 6. Based on the obtained HSD, all the values were considered statistically different. Therefore, it confirms the initial hypothesis that the 30 vol% hemp fabric epoxy composites exhibited the highest tensile strength in comparison to all tested conditions. As a material for engineering application, the results presented for hemp fabric reinforced epoxy composite disclose a potential substitute for common composites reinforced with glass fiber. Indeed, the epoxy matrix reinforced with 30 vol% of glass fibers reveals a specific tensile strength of 64.5 MPa$cm3 /g. Comparatively, it is only about 40% higher than that for hemp fabric reinforced epoxy composites .The hemp plant and the building industry have a lot in common, especially when it is about sustainability. At the European Union level, the construction industry is answerable to 35% of the GHG-greenhouse gases emissions, 30% of the water consumption and waste generation, 42% energy consumption, and the highest percent is 50% of the extracted materials. Therefore, the concept of sustainability in the construction sector tries to find solutions to develop the materials building market in the way in which the future of the coming generations will not be compromised, as Brundtland report defines development in 1987 – to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The increasing needs to develop and deepen the research on sustainable materials, which can be defined as building products with low density, hydroponic grow tent composed of affordable raw materials and which have a positive impact on the environment are made in order to find solutions to use the materials as naturally as possible to reduce energy consumption during transport and processing and help retain a higher percentage of CO2 in the environment where they are located. However, finding solutions to decrease the 50% of extract materials connects more the building sector with the agricultural one, in the pursue of two of the main goals of sustainable development: number 11- sustainable cities and communities by implementing affordable building materials and number 12- responsible consumption and production which can be focus on decreasing the percentage of extract raw materials. In the last years, many studies were made in the sector of building materials having a perspective on the raw materials derived from the agricultural sector, as hemp, flax, jute, and so on, which can represent an alternative to the natural extracted materials. For this reason the research is focused on the hemp plant, finding a proper composition which can respond to three aspects: improving the impact upon the unwanted sounds, decreasing the energy consumption and obtaining a composite which reduce the percentage of the extract materials. The hemp plant is known as Cannabis sativa L., which has a low concentration of THC, and allows the plant to be cultivated for the seed and fiber, without having psychoactive effects as marijuana. It is a plant which grows rapidly, having an annual regeneration rate. The hemp plant is used for the seeds, fiber and shiv. The seeds are used especially in the food and cosmetics industry, while the fibers are more met in the paper, textiles, automobiles industry.

The hemp shiv represents the highest percentage from the plant and it is considered a form of waste obtained after the extraction process of the fibers. The shiv is used for bedding and recently, after 1990 in the building industry. Today, more than 25000 products have in their composition hemp elements. One hectare of the hemp culture for fiber represents 6 to15 kg of dry plant from which it results 75% of hemp shiv, 20% of long fibers and 5% dust. In the scientific literature the hemp plant, shiv or fiber, or both of them, are found in mixtures with various natural or artificial binders, to obtain hemp based composited building materials which have the role to decrease the negative percentages on the enviroment of the building industry. Regarding the building materials based on hemp and cement, the scientific literature presents the study of Guillaume Delannoy which compared the composition of the hemp shiv with a binder based on cement and one with lime and showed that the acoustic, thermal and hydric properties of the compositions are similar, Hakamy analyzed the characteristics of hemp fabric reinforced nanoclay–cement nanocomposites, Balčiūnas studied the impact of hemp shives aggregate mineralization on the physical–mechanical properties and structure of composite with cementitious binding material, Çomak deepens in the subject of the effects of hemp fibers on the characteristics of cement based mortars, Hamzaoui analyzed the mechanical performance of mortars modified with hemp fibres, shiv and milled fly ashes and Balčiūnas presented a paper about the physical properties and structure of composites made from hemp hurds and different binding materials. Starting from the studies presented in the literature, the present research discusses more in-depth the composition of hemp elements and white cement and identifies the acoustical and thermal properties of the hemp based building materials.The sound absorption coefficients of the hemp based building materials are presented in Figure 5 and 6. The values of the acoustic parameter are presented in the diagrams 5a and 6a on a frequency spectrum from 50-6400 Hz and on the diagrams 5b, respectively 6b, on standardized frequency bands. In the first diagram, Figure 5a, the two curves of the sound absorption coefficient of the composition with fiberblue line and the composition with shiv- orange line can be noticed. After evaluating the values of the samples, the most performing composition is the one based on fibers which present the highest point of absorption at 90% on the 1500 Hz frequency. At the frequency of 2500 Hz, the monolayer composition with fibers and cement solution presents the lowest value on the interval between 500-6400Hz of sound absorption which is around 65%.

The sound absorption coefficient for the monolayer sample with shiv presents a maximum of absorption of the sound on the frequency of 1000Hz around 80%. From de 1000Hz until 6400 Hz the lowest value of the sound absorption is around the frequency of 2000Hz where only 45% of the sound is absorbed. For the results of the sound absorption coefficients presented on the standardized frequency bands, Figure 5b, it can be noticed that the both samples have similar values on the average frequency of 1000Hz, but a substantial difference is recorded on the 500Hz frequency where the shiv sample presents less than 30% sound absorption comparative with the fiber sample. Sustainable building materials are considered materials which have a minimum impact on the built and natural environment. These materials are designed to accomplish economic, social and environmental performances and also to contribute to reduce the energy consumption, to avoid the utilization of the limited natural resources and to have a positive impact on the environment and human life. Every type of sustainable building materials is defined by three major stages in its life cycle time: the pre-building stage, when a material is manufactured , the in-building stage when the product is used in a building and post-building stage when a material is disposed of . Researchers who are studying the building materials emphasize the fact that since the preconstruction stage it is necessary to design a material which has a positive impact on the environment. For this reason, the focus of the scientific studies in the last years is to establish a connection among different sectors, such as the agricultural and building sector. The raw materials coming from the agricultural sector together with different binders can represent an alternative to the synthetic building materials.The two components allow the production of a bio based building material. The presence of the earth-clay in the building industry is considered the most natural and friendly binder for the environment. It has been used as a building material since ancient times because of the characteristics that it shows: availability, low carbon footprint, low embodied energy, but also clay is considered a natural humidity regulator due to the fact that it has the capacity to transfer and store the heat and the moisture,cheap grow tents which contribute to a high heat capacity. This binder can usually represent also a waste from the construction sector, coming from the foundation of a building and it is completely recyclable. The hemp plant is known especially for the fiber in the textile sector, but in the last years many studies were made on hemp shiv which represents the woody core of this plant. The potential of the hemp shiv in the construction sector is due to the fact that this natural resource shows a high porosity which has a low density. The hemp shiv components are defined by cellulose , hemicellulose , lignin and other compounds.

To complete a wider investigation on the acoustic, thermal and mechanical properties of hemp-clay building materials, several studies about these bio-based materials were found in the scientific literature. Degrave-Lemeurs studied the acoustical properties of the hemp-clay concrete which showed that the concentration of the hemp influence upon the acoustic parameters, while the clay type and the binder fluidity did not have any effect. Mechanical properties of the hemp clay building materials were studied by Mazhoud and Brummer. Mazhoud observed that all the samples had a ductile behavior and the resistances strongly depend on the hemp to binder ratio.Brummer concluded the work by mentioning that in different mixtures of hemp and clay, stabilized with lime, varieties of hemp influence the recipes that need to be adequate to obtain the maximum performance. Relative to the mechanical properties, the use of lime for the stabilization of the mixture decreased the compressive strength and increased the flexural strength. The thermal conductivity of the hemp-clay building materials was analyzed by Bursbridge. The mixture between hemp and clay is not very used in the construction sector; for this reason there is a small number of studies that analyze the physical properties of the hemp-clay building materials.The agricultural industry uses pesticides to optimize food protection for the growing human population . Once crops are infected by fungi, no curative treatment is actually available, leading to crop loss. As a consequence, preventive treatments are often applied. Among treatment options, triazole-based formulations are preferred in agriculture because they specifically target fungi . Triazole molecules are broad-spectrum fungicides used for disease control in cereals, vegetables, fruits and other field crops . They represent 26.1% of total fungicides sales for agriculture and horticulture in Europe, with 31 molecules available . However, triazole molecules do not only control the targeted pathogenic fungi, such as the species responsible for septoria, fusarium ear blight and rust, but have also unintended impacts on other nonphytopathogenic fungi . Among them, Aspergillus fumigatus is a collateral damage especially worrying. This fungus causes invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients, an invasive fungal infection with a mortality rate of 50% which can reach 100% in cases of infections involving antifungal resistant strains. Medical triazole antifungal drugs are indeed used to treat patients, but many cases of antifungal resistance have been reported for 20 years. Two routes of resistance selection are described: the first is linked to the long-term treatment of patients , the second is likely caused by fungicides largely used in the environment for crop protection . Triazole molecules used in medicine and agriculture have similar chemical structures as showed in Scheme 1. Thus, resistant strains with spontaneous mutations are selected byfungicides, or sensitive strains can become resistant through phenotypic plasticity . These environmental resistant strains, in contact with fungicides in fields, would be also resistant to antifungal therapies .

Studies in laboratory animals have shown CBD to protect the liver from toxic insults

Assay of the extract was 61% edible fatty acids, 26% phytocannabinoids and 13% other plant chemicals including fatty alkanes, plant sterols, triterpenes, and tocopherols. In the 14-day repeated oral dose-range finding study reported by Marx et al., a No Observed Adverse Effect Level could not be determined, however, the results of a 90-day repeated dose study with a 28-day recovery period in Wistar rats was also reported. In this study, doses of 0 , 100, 360 and 720 mg extract/kg bw per day were used. Significant decreases in body weight, body weight gain, and differences in various organ weights, compared to controls, were reported at the mid and high dose levels, but the authors concluded that many of the findings were reversible as they were trending towards normal at the end of the recovery period. A NOAEL for the hemp extract in Wistar rats in the 90-day study was determined to be 100 mg/ kg bw per day and 360 mg/kg bw per day for males and females, respectively. In the 90-day study being reported here, test article related significant changes in body weights, daily body weight gain and feed efficiency were seen in the males in all treatment groups which was still noted at the end of the recovery period. The magnitude of the significant change in body weights, daily body weight gain and feed efficiency in the low and mid dose groups was less than 10% and showed signs of obvious recovery and were therefore considered to be not toxicologically relevant. The effect in the males receiving 800 mg/kg/day was >10% and was still evident at the end of the recovery period and was considered toxicologically relevant. Reported rodent studies have differing findings on hepatotoxicity when CBD is orally administered in high doses. Hepatocellular hypertrophy with a centrilobular pattern was observed in rat livers in the study being reported.

This pattern of hepatocellular hyperplasia is frequently observed in rats and other animals exposed to agents that induce the CYP family of enzymes and can be associated with activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors. THC has affinity for PPARα,trimming tray and CBD has very low to no affinity for PPARα and high affinity for PPARγ. Interaction with the PPARγ is one of the mechanisms of action for CBD. In our study, we did not show the mechanism of action for the hepatocellular hypertrophy. We did show that the activities of liver enzymes in serum were not significantly changed by treatment with the test article and the hepatocellular hypertrophy was reversed during the 28-day recovery period. In the study reported by Marx et al., no histopathological changes were observed in the livers from the treated and control rats and the liver weights in the male and female rats in the 360 and 720 mg/kg body weight/day were significantly increased at 90 days. The 28-day recovery males and females receiving 720 mg/kg/day retained the significantly increased in hepatic weights. The induction of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes can be associated with increased liver weights, and hepatocellular hypertrophy and hyperplasia and elevation of hepatic-source enzymes in serum. The evidence in the scientific literature supports a conclusion that the centrilobular pattern of hepatocellular hypertrophy and increased liver weights observed in our study was due to induction of HDMEs and/or peroxisomes. No hepatocellular necrosis and changes in the clinical chemistries occurred which is evidence that liver damage did not occur. This conclusion is further supported by not observing hepatocellular hypertrophy and increased liver weights in the 28-day recovery groups that received the test article.In the study being reported both the treated and control male rats had the same incidence and severity of vacuolization of the adrenal zona fasciculata and the adrenal weights were significantly increased in the Group 4 females. The vacuolization of the adrenal zona fasciculata and increased adrenal weights were not observed in Groups 5 to 8. The histopathological lesions noted in the adrenal glands in the current study was seen in both control and high dose males and is not considered to be due to treatment with test article and not toxicologically relevant. The hemp extract in these studies was shown to be non-mutagenic in a bacterial test system used to evaluate mutagenicity. Marx et al. reported on a GLP-compliant study that concentrations of 5, 000 μg/plate of a CO2 supercritical extract of C. sativa were not mutagenic in a bacterial test system. Our GLP-compliant mutagenicity testing on the diluted extract showed that concentrations of 76,355 μg/plate were not mutagenic with and without the S9 metabolic activation. The extracts produced by isopropanol extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction were not mutagenic with and without S9 metabolic activation at concentrations up to 5000 μg/plate. The bacterial test system with the S9 mix did cause mutagenicity providing evidence that mutagenic metabolites were not produced with any of the extracts. The two additional Ames tests conducted on the undiluted extracts produced by two different extraction methods, were conducted to determine if the method of production or the olive oil diluent impacted the results of the Ames assay. No mutagenicity was noted in any of the tests conducted. Other botanical extracts have been evaluated for mutagenicity. Mutagenic studies on extracts from the plant Euphorbia triaculeata showed that it is not mutagenic and provides protection from the mutagenic effects of cyclophosphamide.A study on a novel taste modulating powder derived from Cordyceps sinensis showed this product was not mutagenic in the Ames test and these results were supported in the micronucleus assay. In a study on the genotoxicity of CBD in Caco-2 cells, 10 μM of CBD did not significantly cause DNA damage after 24 hours of incubation, and CBD was also shown in the comet assay to protect Caco-2 cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. CBD at an oral dose of 1 mg/kg was shown to significantly reduce azoxymethane-induced colonic aberrant crypt foci, colonic polyps and tumors. In summary, the test article, both undiluted and diluted in olive oil, was not mutagenic in a bacterial reverse mutation assay and the NOAEL in the 90-day study was concluded to be 800 mg/kg bw/day and 400 mg/kg bw/day for female and male Sprague Dawley rats, respectively. This assessment adds significant data to the currently available literature as to the safety and toxicology of CBD rich hemp extracts. Given the potential of CBD for a variety of human uses and the limited data currently available, these results support that hemp extracts are likely safe human consumption and additional studies should be conducted to validate this conclusion. Natural lignocellulosic fibers are in past decades gaining increased attention as sustainable materials for polymer composite reinforcement in substitution of energy intensive and non-recyclable synthetic fibers. Indeed, NLF reinforced composites are being considered for applications in civil construction, food packing, automotive components  and ballistic armor. It is worth mentioning that nanocellulose fibrils obtained from NLFs are being investigated as possible reinforcement for novel bio-nanocomposites with special properties for medical applications as well as production of biodegradable plastic films. A well known NLF, the hemp fiber, has been for decades extensively reported as reinforcement of polymer composites in numerous articles and mentioned in most review papers. In fact, hemp fiber/polypropylene has been used as automotive parts. The remarkable mechanical properties of the hemp fiber, tensile strength of 900 MPa and modulus of 70 GPa, offer a possibility of use in ballistic armor reinforcing stronger thermoset polymeric matrices such as epoxy and polyester. This ballistic application has not yet been investigated in hemp fiber composites. Therefore, the objective of the present work is, for the first time, to compare the mechanical properties, evaluated by bend and tensile tests, of both epoxy and polyester composites reinforced with different amounts of hemp fibers. This would allow a definition, in terms of matrix and incorporated volume fraction, of the most suitable composite for application in multilayered armor system.The hemp fibers, Cannabis sativa, investigated in this work were supplied by Designan Fibras Naturais, Brazil, as a bundle illustrated in Fig. 1. Fibers were separated, washed in running water and dried at room temperature for one week. Characterization of the hemp fibers was conducted prior to their processing in composites. One hundred fibers were randomly pick up and measured in a profile projector Nikkon, Japan, to determine the equivalent mean diameter. The average density was obtained by the mass, in a 0.001 g precision scale, divided by the volume considering cylindrical fiber. Both epoxy and polyester resins were purchased from Resinpoxy, Brazil. The epoxy was a diglycidyl ether of the bisphenol A hardened with stoichiometric phr 13 of triethylene tetramine as the catalyst. The polyester was an unsaturated ortoftalic resin hardened with 2 wt% of methyl ethyl ketone for the curing process.Fabrication of the composites for mechanical tests was carried out by laying up continuous and aligned hemp fibers inside a steel mold, Fig. 2, trim tray pollen with internal volume of 150 × 120 × 7mm. Fibers were first cut and weighed according to the volume fraction, calculated by considering their previously evaluated density as well as the densities of epoxy and polyester from. Just before processing, the fibers were dried in a stove at 60 ◦C for 3h. Layers of fibers were placed inside the mold together with either epoxy or polyester resin, already mixed with corresponding hardener. After closing the mold, a pressure of 1 ton was applied and left to cure for 24h at RT. The produced composite plate, Fig. 2, was machined into 150 × 10 × 7mm prismatic specimens for 3 points bend tests as per ASTM D790 standard. Flat tensile specimens were directly fabricated in a specially designed steel mold, Fig. 3, in which hemp fibers were aligned together with the chosen resin already mixed with corresponding hardener. Shape of specimens with 7 × 7mm of gage cross section and 20mm of gage length as per ASTM D 638 standard. A pressure of approximately 1 MPa was applied to the mold’s lid during the cure at RT for 24h. Both flexural and tensile tests  were carried out in a model 5582 Instron machine, USA, operating at RT and a crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min. Fracture analysis of ruptured specimens was performed by scanning electron microscopy in a model SSX-550 Shimadzu microscope, Japan, operating with secondary electron at 20 kV. Fourier transform infrared analysis was performed to detect functional groups in the hemp fibers as well as the effect caused by addition of these fibers in the epoxy functional group. Band spectra were obtained in a model IR-Prestige- 21 Shimadzu spectrometer, Japan, using 2mg pressed ground samples mixed with 110mg of KBr.Frequency histogram for the equivalent diameter of the as-received hemp fibers is shown in Fig. 4. The average length is 76.6mm, while the average diameter, Fig. 4, was found as 65 m. The density of the fibers was obtained as 1.35 ± 0.27 g/cm3 with thinner fibers presenting comparatively higher densities. Fig. 5 shows FTIR spectra of the hemp fiber and three hemp fiber/epoxy composites. The hemp fiber spectrum in Fig. 5 displays intense broad bands centered at 3333 and 2916 cm−1 that could be associated with O H and C–H groups in the fiber cellulose. The sharp band at 1738 cm−1 might be assigned to the C O stretching of carboxylic group of hemicellulose, while the band at 1656 cm−1 was indicated as C C as stretching of unsaturated acids or sterols in tannin. The band at 1510 cm−1 was associated with the aromatic skeletal vibration of lignin. Bands at 1425 and 1377 cm−1 and around were attributed to C–H bending as well as C–H2 rocking vibration of Fig. 4 – Histogram for equivalent diameter of the as-received hemp fibers. groups in lignin and cellulose. The 1160 and 1030 cm−1 bands were assigned to cellulose, respectively, C–O C asymmetric valence vibration and C–O stretching primary alcohol. Finally, the band at 897 cm−1 corresponds to C–H rocking vibrations of cellulose. The FTIR spectra of the hemp fibers/epoxy composites in Fig. 5 revealed bands corresponding to the plain DGEBA/TETA epoxy such as: 2963 and 2866 cm−1 assigned to C–H alkyl group; 1612 and 1510 cm−1 assigned to C C phenyl ring; 1456 and 1257 cm−1 assigned to H C–H groups; 1255 and 1030 cm−1 assigned to C–O C ether; and a small 915 cm−1 band assigned to vibration of epoxide group.

The irrigation activities and amounts of seeds and fertilizers used were also included in the analyses

The input–output data were collected by Agris Sardegna under the framework of the “CANOPAES” project at two experimental sites located in Sardinia . The first experimental site contains low levels of HM-contaminated soil, while the second experimental site contains high-level HM-contaminated soils . At both experimental sites, the “Futura 75” industrial hemp cultivar was sown at a rate of 40 kg ha− 1 and fertilized with 60 kg ha− 1 nitrogen , while the irrigation water was distributed at a rate of approximately 4,500 m3 ha− 1 based on the thermopluviometric trend and soil moisture content. The input–output data of the processes after the field gate were gathered from the most recent scientific literature and from the Ecoinvent database . As recommended by Siregar et al., to meet the data quality requirements, data verification must be conducted. The data adopted in this study were checked and verified according to the data quality parameters proposed by ISO 14044. Specifically, the data quality included the time coverage, geographical coverage, precision, completeness, representativeness, consistency, reproducibility, data sources, and information uncertainty. In addition, an uncertainty analysis was performed to address any parameter uncertainties and to test the robustness of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment . The Monte Carlo simulation method was conducted by using 1,000 Monte Carlo analysis runs. This analysis was carried out by collecting a set of uncertainties for the parameters that affected the variation of each scenario. Specifically, the uncertainties for industrial hemp cultivation, seed processing plants, anaerobic digestion plants, biomass-fired power plants and transportation were accounted for. Where available, uncertainty was explained by the results of this study , while for the other subsystems, greenhouse benches the mean and standard deviation were provided from the referenced sources or recalculated based on available published data.

The selected functional unit of this study consisted of 1 kg of dry matter industrial hemp product and 1 ha of phytoremediated area. An assessment of the cumulative energy demand and environmental impacts of each production phase, from raw material extraction, the manufacturing process, cultivation, transportation and biomass utilization, to the end of life, was analyzed in this study, and 4 different industrial hemp supply chain scenarios were designed . The system boundaries of the 4 scenarios were defined from cradle-to-grave. Scenario 1 – Industrial hemp supply chain scenario 1 includes, as shown in Fig. 1, industrial hemp cultivation and harvesting of the crop at the full ripening stage of the seeds , with two main products obtained, namely, industrial hemp seeds and residual straw. These two products share the same on field activities; thus, the energy and environmental burdens were distributed between these products by following the economic allocation method. After transportation, the industrial hemp seeds were treated in a processing plant to obtain several final products , while the industrial hemp straw was pressed and delivered to an anaerobic digestion plant for biogas production. The biogas produced was used to generate electricity and heat, where a portion of the heat was used to dewater the digestate. Next, the dry digestate was transported to a biomass power plant to produce electricity for the grid. Scenario 2 – Fig. 2 shows industrial hemp supply chain scenario 2 , which consists of, as specified in HSC1, industrial hemp cultivation, management and harvesting of the seeds and straw, and the treatment of industrial hemp seeds in a processing plant. The industrial hemp seeds and residual straw share the same on-field activities; thus, the energy and environmental burdens were distributed between these products by following the economic allocation method. In this scenario, the straw bales from the field were transported directly to the biomass power plant for electricity generation. Scenario 3 – Industrial hemp supply chain scenario 3 includes industrial hemp cultivation and then mowing the dried plants to obtain a dried whole plant product . Industrial hemp straw bales, after transportation, were used as solid fuel in a biomass power plant to produce electricity for the grid. Scenario 4 – Industrial hemp supply chain scenario 4 includes, as shown in Fig. 4, industrial hemp cultivation and harvesting of the crop after the complete flowering stage by using a self-propelled forage harvester to obtain a chopped whole plant with a short cutting length .

The industrial hemp biomass was transported to an anaerobic processing plant where after an ensiling process, the product was used as a substrate for biogas production. The successive steps of this industrial hemp supply chain scenario were the same as those presented for HSC1. An LCI includes an extended set of inputs and outputs that are associated with the studied system. Analyses of the inventoried data were conducted by splitting the overall processes into 5 subsystems, as described below. 1- Industrial hemp field cultivation for the phytoremediation of HMcontaminated soil. A field-level dataset was obtained from on-site measurements that included the overall inputs , outputs and detailed descriptions of each cultivation activity for each designed scenario . Specifically, the information consisted of the field task conducted, the type and power of the agricultural machinery used and the time spent per activity, which were collected for industrial hemp cultivation. The equations applied to assess the requirements for the amount of diesel fuel are available in the associated dataset .Moreover, as suggested in other energy and environmental studies, the indirect energy requirements of capital goods for on-field activities were included to obtain a broader overview of the examined system. For these reasons, the embodied energy of the machinery and equipment that was used for the field operations was considered in this study. 2- Seed processing plants transform seeds into refined products. After the harvesting operations, the industrial hemp seeds were delivered to a processing plant for further treatment in scenarios HSC1 and HSC2. The industrial hemp seeds were immediately dried with air ventilation because improper moisture levels of the seeds may cause considerable problems in their conservation and in subsequent processing phases. The preprocessing activities consisted of sieving and ventilation by rotary sieves. Then, the industrial hemp seeds were processed in an expeller screw press to extract the oil and to obtain the cake byproduct. The cumulative energy demand and environmental burdens of industrial hemp seed processing were offset by the savings that were obtained from the replaced products. Industrial hemp oil and its byproducts are widely used in the nonfood sector to produce biofuels and other industrial products. The seed processing dataset for this work comes from the processing trials that were carried out and are still in progress at the experimental stations of Agris. 3- Anaerobic digestion plants for biogas production and energy conversion. The industrial hemp byproducts for scenario HSC1 and fresh industrial hemp biomass for scenario HSC4 were used in an anaerobic digestion plant for biogas production. Based on the available literature, it was assumed that the fresh industrial hemp biomass was ensiled at the ADP with a dry matter loss of 12%, while the industrial hemp straw bales were stored at the ADP.

Both the industrial hemp silage and industrial hemp straw bales were mechanically pretreated with a cross-flow grinder before feeding the anaerobic reactor, and an energy expenditure of 12 kWh t− 1 of feed stock was adopted. The quantity and quality of the biogas may vary based on the input material compositions and operational parameter settings . A specific methane yield of 92 m3 t− 1 of volatile solids was adopted for the industrial hemp straw residues under mesophilic conditions of VS for the industrial hemp silage was used. Moreover, it was assumed that 1.73% of the methane produced was lost as diffuse methane emissions in the combined heat and power unit. The produced biogas was converted into a CHP unit for electricity and heat generation; electricity was conveyed to the national grid, while heat was used for dewatering the digestate. According to the national directive, the agronomic use of digestate, which is produced with the addition of biomass derived from contaminated areas, is not allowed, while the energy valorization of the digestate is encouraged after a rigorous dewatering process. Other studies have indicated that dewatering digestates improves their disposal , but the water content of the digestate should be reduced to 50–60%. Several technologies are available to reduce the water content of digestates obtained from anaerobic digestion , such as a belt conveyor dryer. In this study, the heat from the CHP unit is used to dewater the digestate, since only a minor proportion of the heat produced from the CHP unit is used to maintain the optimal thermal conditions of the anaerobic reactor, while the remaining heat proportion is generally not exploited in commercial ADPs due to their locations in rural areas and because there are only a few potential heat consumers for bulk consumption. For these reasons, in this study, the surplus heat that was produced from the CHP unit was released as waste heat into the atmosphere. The production of capital goods was excluded from the inventory assessment of this study since the capital equipment of ADPs is commonly not considered due to their long life spans and low environmental impacts. 4- Biomass-fired power plant for industrial hemp biomass incineration and energy generation. The dewatered digestates from scenarios HSC1 and HSC4, the industrial hemp straw bales from scenario HSC2 and the dried whole plant bales from scenario HSC3 were incinerated in a biomass-fired power plant for electricity generation. The exploitation of the waste heat that was derived from the BFPP was not considered in this study since reliable energy and emissions factors were not available.

Additionally, growers equipment the limited availability of national district heating structures causes the exploitation of waste heat to be difficult to pursue. Accordingly, the BFPP dataset was compiled from the available scientific literature. The BFPP was assumed to have a life span of 20 years and a power generation efficiency of 20%. In addition, due to the nonnegligible capital goods burdens, the cumulative energy demand and carbon emission impacts of BFPP upstream manufacturing were 0.35 MJ kWh− 1 and 0.036 kg CO2e kWh− 1 , respectively. The dewatered digestate and industrial hemp straw bales were stocked at the BFPP. The industrial hemp straw bales were mechanically pretreated with a cross-flow grinder before incineration, with an energy expenditure of 12 kWh t− 1 of biomass. The specific lower heating values adopted in the hemp supply chain scenarios are available in the associated dataset . In this study, the BFPP employed a mixture of biomass in the furnaces; thus, the suitability of ash as a mineral soil amendment is unknown and requires further investigation. In fact, Cavalcanti et al. and Ferreira et al. found that the contribution of the final disposal of biomass ash was not significant or was excluded from the study boundaries. For these reasons, the disposal of biomass ash was considered to be outside the system boundaries. This aspect represents a limitation of the study. 5- Transportation phases. The transportation of the products among the different processing sites was included in the system boundaries of this study. The transportation data were obtained from the Ecoinvent 3 dataset and from onsite information. Specifically, the industrial hemp seeds and industrial hemp straw bales were transported from the field gate to the seed processing plant and to the ADP , respectively, and 16–32-t Euro 5 trucks for road transportation were used. The fresh industrial hemp biomass that was harvested in scenario HSC4 was transported to the ADP by tractors . The dewatered digestates were delivered from the ADP to the BFPP in scenarios HSC1 and HSC4 with 16–32-t Euro 5 trucks for road transportation. These trucks were also used in scenarios HSC2 and HSC3 for industrial hemp bale transportation from the field gate to the BFPP . When addressing the cumulative energy demand and environmental impacts of the field subsystem inputs, the overall scores were reported based on the amount of product that was harvested; thus, lower production yields had greater impacts. Moreover, the working times that were related to on-field activities were likely influenced by the biomass yields. In fact, the harvesting operations in S1 were slightly greater than the activities carried out in the S2 experimental field.

Stem elongation and fiber development are associated with elevated levels of gibberellins

Without shattering,immature seeds would all fully mature,increasing yield by up to 15%.Thus,further domestication of non-shattering cultivars could greatly improve yield via a multifold mechanism,preventing harvesting loss and permitting all seeds to reach maturity.Seed traits that expand market options will also be valuable.For example,there has been little research investigating the differences in hemp seed flavors.Taste tests in our lab identified varieties with weak to strong flavors of hazelnut or walnut ,as well as one with a mild flavor.More work has been done on altering seed oil composition,although hemp seeds already possess valuable v-3 characteristics.Hemp seed oil is 85% polyunsaturated fatty acids with 60% and 24% being v-6 and v-3 fats,respectively.Further increases in v-3 fatty acid levels might foster the favorability of hemp seed for human and animal dietary needs.Overall,different tastes and oil compositions would expand the use of hemp seed in human and animal food products.Hemp stalks contain two key fractions,the bast fiber and hurd.To separate bast fibers from the inner hurd,the stalks must undergo a process called ‘retting’.Retting relies on the diverse microbial populations in the environment to break down pectin and other components that bind the fibers to the hurd tissue.Crop maturity at harvest,retting method,environmental conditions,as well as the nature of the bacterial and fungal populations,are factors that impact retting.Harvesting the crop at initiation of flowering improves fiber yield,strength,and quality.Continuing studies on the biodiversity,relationships,and functions of microbial communities will improve our understanding of the retting process and augment the consistency of obtaining high quality products.Retting methods,ebb and flow primarily dew- and water-retting,pose drawbacks,including inconsistent fiber strength and quality,and polluted wastewater,respectively.

Development of varieties having bast fiber with higher cellulose content as well as lower pectin and lignin cross-linkages may decrease the retting requirements,thus improving fiber strength and quality while saving time and labor.Hemp produces a diverse array of nonintoxicating phytocannabinoids,terpenes,and phenolic compounds with potential pharmaceutical values as drugs or supplements.The biosynthesis of terpenophenolic phytocannabinoids in Cannabis is well understood,albeit,several early steps in the pathway remain to be characterized.Understanding the regulation of phytocannabinoid biosynthesis is vital to development of varieties that are optimized for production of desirable metabolites while maintaining low levels of THC.Little is known about the endogenous and environmental regulation of phytocannabinoids.Abscisic acid,ethylene,and gibberellic acid modulate the production of phytocannabinoids.However;at present,factors controlling the epigenetic,transcriptional,and post-transcriptional regulation of phytocannabinoid biosynthesis remain uncharacterized.Hemp trichomes are classified into bulbous,capitate-sessile,capitate-stalked,and nonglandular types.Phytocannabinoid production and accumulation are localized to the capitate-stalked glandular trichomes.Increased production of phytocannabinoids in marijuana is,at least partially,due to the presence of larger glandular trichomes.Elucidating hormonal and other signaling cascades that regulate the development and size of specific types of hemp trichomes will also be important in maximizing phytocannabinoid production in hemp.The effects of agronomic practices and nutrients on phytocannabinoid production also need to be investigated.Anecdotal claims from marijuana growers suggest that pollination of Cannabis flowers lowers phytocannabinoid yield,consistent with decreases in essential oil levels.Further studies to evaluate this concern are essential to maximize the production of CBD and other desired phytocannabinoids.Germplasm collections are a fundamental source of genetic and phenotypic diversity for plant breeding and research.Currently,access to and utility of accession collections remain limited due to the lack of a core Cannabis germplasm collection.

As THC levels may limit germplasm utility in many regions,accessions with <0.3% THC should be used to form a hemp-only germplasm core collection.Establishment of a core collection encompassing the range of hemp genetic and phenotypic diversity would increase the utility of germplasm resources and be invaluable for breeding and genetic analyses.Comparisons of accessions present in existing collections are needed to help establish such a core collection.Similarly,centralized and curated collections of hemp mutants are not available.The development of mutant germplasm collections will provide a rich source of genetic variation for studying gene function and improved traits for breeding.Hemp is a dioecious plant with female and male hemp plants being valued differently depending upon the products.For phytocannabinoid production,a pure female population is most desirable.As a seed crop,a female predominant population,with a limited number of male plants for pollination,or a monoecious variety,is most desirable to maximize yield.For fiber production,males and females are both utilized,although males are preferred.Therefore,a major goal of hemp growers and breeders is to quickly and easily determine or manipulate the sex of plants,preferably prior to planting.Sex in hemp is genetically determined by a pair of heteromorphic sex chromosomes; females have an XX chromosome pair whereas males have XY.However,environmental conditions and phytohormones can affect sexual phenotype,suggesting other overriding regulatory mechanisms are involved in determining sex in hemp.Monoecious cultivars possess XX sex chromosomes,but they produce flower clusters with male flowers at the bottom and females towards the top of each inflorescence.Notably,male flowers occur as the plant transitions from rapid growth to flowering.In hemp,gibberellins are associated with plant masculinity and greater fiber number,length,and diameter.Thus,a concentration gradient of gibberellin and other hormones may dictate inflorescence sex.Genetic markers have been developed to differentiate sex in hemp plants; however,such a method is not viable for commercial plantings.Recently,quantitative trait loci were identified for sex expression in dioecious and monoecious hemp.

Cloning of the responsible genes from these QTLs will greatly improve our understanding of genetic control of sex in hemp.Identification of genes present on the sex chromosomes,especially outside the pseudoautosomal recombinant region,will be critical for understanding sex-linked traits.Continued development of molecular markers is needed to improve QTL mapping resolution and for marker-assisted selection of desirable traits in breeding programs.The organic food market is a key player in promoting hemp food and CBD products.As such,widespread public acceptance of transgenic hemp is unlikely.It also remains unknown whether the public will welcome hemp modified using gene-editing techniques,which lack non-plant or plant-pest DNA sequences.Thus,many improvements to hemp will probably be accomplished using traditional breeding methods.However; for research purposes,the development of applicable molecular biology techniques is imperative to further study the molecular mechanisms that determine important traits in hemp.Publication of a draft-quality Cannabis genome and other genetic studies have shed some light into the difference between marijuana and hemp.The Cannabis draft genomeAppendix Aiii has been compared with draft genome sequences of its closest relative common hop as well as more distant species including bread nut and mulberry.Recently,low coverage whole-genome sequencing and genotyping-by-sequencing have been performed on 54 and 325 distinct cultivars,respectively.However; with only raw data files available,the lack of websites with easy to-use graphical user interfaces for data analyses limits the utility of these draft-level genome sequences.Transcriptome assemblies are also available ,but are primarily targeted toward understanding phytocannabinoid metabolism.Comparison of marijuana and hemp indicates that the expression of phytocannabinoid biosynthetic genes is higher in marijuana,suggesting that transcriptional regulation of the pathway may be one factor controlling cannabinoid production.Recently,a transcriptome was generated for hemp bast fibers at different growth stages,providing insight into fiber development.The evolution of genetic differences between seed/oil,fiber,and dual-purpose cultivars is less studied.In-depth genetic comparisons of diverse seed/oil,fiber,and phytocannabinoid cultivars are needed to identify the specific genes and mechanisms controlling important yield traits.

To attain the full benefit of these and other studies across species,the genome sequence needs to be improved beyond draft quality,and websites with user-friendly graphical user interfaces must be developed.To characterize hemp gene functions,methods to manipulate gene expression are urgently needed.Protocols for developing transformed hairy roots and cell suspension cultures are available,but the utility of both methods is limited since neither tissue produces seed,fiber,or phytocannabinoids.A whole-plant regeneration protocol has been developed for marijuana,suggesting that the development of transgenic hemp plants is feasible.Virus-induced gene silencing methods would also prove useful for studying gene function,but thus far have been unsuccessful.Alternatively,isolation of mutants from chemical mutagenesis screens is possible,but extremely difficult due to the anemophilous and dioecious nature of hemp.Currently,exploitation of the natural genetic diversity present within hemp may be the most straightforward way to study gene functions.In the present study,salivary biomarkers for gastric ulceration in pigs were explored,and significant differences in oxylipin levels were observed between healthy pigs and pigs with gastric ulcers.The results suggest that reduced levels of oxylipins deriving from linoleic acid might function as biomarkers for gastric ulcers in pigs.The potential of oxylipins as biomarkers for early diagnosis of gastric ulceration and thereby as a tool to prevent severe gastric ulcer development would be relevant investigating.Moreover,hemp seed hulls might reduce the incidence of severe gastric ulcers in pigs.Ulceration of the stomach is a common disease in pig production worldwide and is associated with economic losses as well as animal health and welfare issues.Severe ulcers often lead to weight loss,and bleeding ulcers may lead to spontaneous death.Thus,prevention of gastric ulcers is important to improve animal production as well as animal health and welfare.The structure of the feed is known as a major risk factor for the development of gastric ulcers.Several studies have observed an association between fine-pelleted feed and incidences of gastric ulcers,presumably due to a more fluid stomach content,dry racks which increases the risk of the acidic chyme of the more distal regions coming in contact with the non-glandular part of the stomach.Thus,feeding ingredients with a high swelling capacity is expected to result in a more solid stomach content and thereby reduce the risk of developing gastric ulcers; however,there is a gap in knowledge regarding potential dietary treatments.Hemp is an old culture plant which is easy to cultivate and manage and is known as an important source of fibre as well as a medical product due to its high content of bio-active compounds with antioxidant properties.Different hemp feed products exist,including hemp seed cake and hemp seed hulls.Hemp seed cake is a by-product after oil extraction and has a high protein content as well as some fibre,whereas hemp seed hulls are the outer shell of the seed with a high fibre content.Studies indicate that hemp might protect the gastric mucosa by inhibition of gastric acid secretion through cannabinoid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract including the stomach.In addition,the potential swelling capacity of hemp seed hulls may result in a more solid stomach content.

Clinical diagnostics of gastric ulceration in pigs is difficult since gastric ulcers are often sub-clinical with only the most severe ulcers resulting in the development of clinical signs,such as anorexia,anaemia or sudden death.Therefore,an efficient non-invasive method is required to be able to detect early stages of gastric ulceration in pigs,allowing intervention with preventive measures, regulating the particle size of the feed,to reduce the economic losses as well as animal health and welfare issues.Saliva is a bio-specimen that has received attention for detection of disease biomarkers,as it has shown to contain compounds that are associated with certain diseases.In addition,collection of saliva is simple and noninvasive.Salivary glands with high permeability are surrounded by capillaries allowing exchange of molecules.Hence,saliva contains a variety of locally synthesised compounds as well as systemic compounds that might act as biomarkers.Studies have indicated that several factors present in saliva protect the oesophagus,including epithelial growth factors,mucins and prostaglandins.The maintenance of oesophageal health is to a large degree dependent on saliva ,indicating that saliva might be a potential biospecimen for identifying possible biomarkers that reflect the health status of the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract,including pars oesophagea.Since gastric ulcers in pigs are mostly located in the region of pars oesophagea,saliva might contain metabolites that indicate the presence of gastric ulcers.Non-targeted metabolomics is an analytical technique used to study a wide range of small molecules in biospecimens,making it possible to discover metabolites that discriminate across phenotypes,including health status.In this study,the saliva metabolome was explored for potential biomarkers associated with the presence of gastric ulceration in pigs.In addition,the effect of hemp on the incidence of gastric ulcers was examined.It is hypothesised that saliva contains metabolites that can be used as biomarkers for gastric ulceration.Furthermore,it is hypothesised that hemp seed cake and hemp seed hulls reduce the incidence of gastric ulcers via anti-inflammatory effects and by conferring more solidness to the gastric content,respectively.The pigs were provided dry feed ad libitum in single-space feeders and were offered the experimental diets from approximately 30 kg BW and until slaughter weight.One dry-feed dispenser with water supply and one drinking trough were available per pen.All pigs had permanent free access to water.Four experimental diets were formulated: meal feed without addition of hemp seed products ; pelleted feed without addition of hemp seed products ; pelleted feed added 4% hemp seed cake ; pelleted feed added 4% hemp seed hulls.Ingredient composition of the experimental diets is shown in Table 1.

The water absorption capacity correlates with the specimens’ porosity

The fibre bundles were then taken out from the containers and washed several times with distilled water until all the sodium hydroxide from the surface of the fibres was eliminated.This was verified by the neutral response of pH measurement of water in which fibres were washed.Afterwards,the fibre bundles were cut to the required length.Additional treated fibres were prepared for evaluation of their water absorption percentage share measured at different time intervals,i.e.the same intervals as for the non-treated fibres.The treated fibres resulted with the same percentages of their total water absorption as for the non-treated fibres.For all mortar mixtures,the fly ash to sand mass ratio was set to 1:3.The activator to fly ash dosage was defined by equaling the mass of Na2O from the activator with 10% of the fly ash mass.All mortar specimens were prepared according to the EN 1015-11.From each mixture,six prism specimens with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 160 mm3 were cast.The exact composition of all the mixtures is listed in Table 2.After the mixture is poured into the moulds and left for one hour in laboratory conditions ,the specimens were covered with a plastic foil,placed in an oven and cured at 80 ◦C for six hours.The oven was turned off and the specimens were left to rest inside the oven for the next 12 h.The specimens were demoulded and kept in a climate chamber until their testing at the age of 28 days.Non-treated hemp fibres have many small fibrous materials that are connected to the main fibres’ structure.These filaments result from the fibres’ processing and are not to be confused with the small structural fibres.Besides,mobile vertical rack other impurities and wax materials could be found on the surface of non-treated fibres.Generally,one single hemp fibre bundle consists of many fibrils that are glued together with waxy and oily materials.

During the fibres’ surface examination,it was noticed that 3% concentration of sodium hydroxide solution can significantly clean the fibres’ surfaces and remove small filaments.With the sodium hydroxide treatment also waxy and oily materials can be rinsed off and removed from a fibre,which leads to the separation of larger fibre bundles into smaller fibrils with cleaner surfaces.Using higher concentrations of sodium hydroxide treatment leads to further significant improvements in the cleaning of the fibres’ surface.The positive impact on the morphology of natural fibres after the sodium hydroxide treatment has also been proven in the study of others.Mwaikambo and Ansell showed that after the treatment with 0.24% sodium hydroxide solution,the surface of hemp fibres became cleaner and fibre bundles more separated,with a highly serrated surface.Sedan et al.proved that the hemp fibre treatment with 6% sodium hydroxide solution removed hemicelluloses,waxes and impurities from the fibres’ surface and thus increased its homogeneity.Edeerozey et al.showed that the treatment of kenaf fibres with 3%,6% and 9% of sodium concentrated solutions significantly enhances the purity of the fibres’ surface.They concluded that the optimum concentration of sodium solution for fibres’ treating in regards to fibres’ surface cleanness and tensile strength is 6%.After the chemical treatment of the fibres even by touching them and with visual inspection could be noticed that the fibres are rougher and show jagged edges.The level of roughness before and after the treatment can provide important information for further interfacial adhesion between the fibres and matrix.Measuring the roughness on the surface of non-treated hemp fibres was very difficult.Due to the inhomogeneous surface of the fibres ,the cantilever from the AFM could not move easily on the surface of the fibres.After the chemical treatment of the fibres it is indicated that sodium hydroxide not only cleans the fibres surface ,but also attacks more sensitive surface parts,disrupting them and providing the roughness and jagged edges of the fibres surfaces.

Chemically treated fibres had more uniform surface structure in the longitudinal direction.The fibres after alkali treatment also resulted in higher root mean square roughness,which indicates that the treatment increases the roughness of the fibre surface.After the alkali treatment,fibres also decrease their water absorption capacity ,due to the elimination of the fibres’ filaments and washing out the hemicellulose and waxes.The pore diameters in the range of 2.5–10 nm,10–50 nm and 50 nm − 10 µm are considered to be the small,medium and large capillary pores,respectively and were adopted according to Mindess et al..All pores with diameters larger than 10 µm are considered as entrained air pores.Plain mortar is characterized by 31% lower total pore volume and 24% lower porosity in comparison to the non-treated hemp reinforced mortar.The main pore structure parameters and the pore sizes distribution give evidence of the finer pore structure formed in the plain mortar than in the non-treated fibre reinforced mortar.In a plain mortar,the entrained air pores occupy only around 10% of its total porosity ,whereas in nontreated hemp fibre reinforced mortars even up to 25%.The fibre reinforcement contributes to aeration of the matrix by the entrained air,as in cement-based matrices,and consequently to pore structure coarsening.The medium capillary pores occupy in both mortars around 70% of their total porosity,however,the ratio of small capillary pores significantly differs,i.e.,in the plain mortar,it is around 20%,whereas in hemp fibre mortar – only around 7%.The pore size distribution curve of the plain mortar has a lower slope in the area of the coarser pores than in hemp fibre-reinforced mortar ,which also indicates its finer pore structure.However,the mortar’s total porosity and the effect of the pore structure coarsening by fibres addition are lowered when the fibres are previously treated with sodium hydroxide solutions.After the fibre treatment,reinforced mortars resulted in a lower volume of total pores and lower porosity.When fibres are treated with 3%-,6%- and 9% sodium hydroxide solution,the total pore volume of the fibre reinforced mortars’ decreases by 28%,3% and 20% and their total porosity – by 22%,3% and 19% respectively.The fibre treatment leads to a pores refinement of the reinforced mortar.Furthermore,the fibre treatment results in a decrease of the entrained air pores by 46%,19% and 22% when the fibres are treated with 3%-,6%- and 9% sodium hydroxide solution,respectively.Additionally,the alkali treatment of fibres results in a reinforced mortar’s lower slope of the pore size distribution curve in the area of coarser pores followed by a more pronounced rise in the small range pore area around 1 µm.

The alkali treatment leads to a cleaner fibres’ surface and better separation of the fibre bundles and consequently in a better mixability with more optimal distribution within a matrix.All this could be the reason for lower porosity and pore refinement in reinforced mortars containing treated fibres.In addition to this,treated fibres show higher surface roughness.Consequently,it is expected that treated fibres have a better bond with the matrix than non-treated fibres,resulting in fewer pores on the fibre–matrix interface itself.As a result of the entrained air,no fibre-reinforced mortar achieves the pore structure parameters of the plain mortar.Nevertheless,no significant deterioration is observed in the case of alkali-treated fibre reinforced mortars.In cementitious mortars,a similar but not so pronounced trend of total porosity change was obtained by Jo et al..It was shown that when using 5 mm-long 0.5% sodium hydroxide treated jute fibres in a dosage of 1 wt%,cement-based mortars reduced their porosity by 3.5% when compared to non-treated jute fibre reinforced mortars.After wet/dry cycles,the porosity of plain mortar measured with MIP is 41% lower than in the case of non-treated fibre-reinforced mortar,which shows a significant decrease.The reason could be that nontreated fibres absorb water and swell,causing micro-cracks in the matrix.The alkali treatment of fibres seems to lower the reinforced mortar’s porosity also after the wet/dry cycles.Reinforced mortars show a decrease in the total pores volume by 33%,35% and 26% and in porosity by 27%,28% and 23%,after the fibres treatment with 3%,6% and 9% sodium hydroxide,respectively.In addition to this,the alkali-treated fibre reinforced mortars show a more distinctive drop of the pore size distribution curve in the area of the main curve’s peak ,which is evidence of a pore refinement.Lower porosity in alkali-treated fibre reinforced mortars could arise from the reduced water absorption capacity of treated fibres ,which consequently reduces the fibres’ swelling under wet/dry cycles.Additionally,cleaner fibres’ surfaces and removal of surface filaments are expected to reduce the fibre agglomeration and improve the distribution of fibres within the matrix.In comparison to non-aged mortars,after wet/dry cycles,the porosity of the plain mortar increases by 15%,whereas the porosity of the non-treated fibre reinforced mortar increases significantly, 47%.The alkali treatment of fibres decreases this value.Decreased porosity by 36%,10% and 40% is observed for 3%-,6%- and 9% sodium hydroxide treated fibres,respectively.Most importantly,it is noticed that mortars reinforced with 6% sodium hydroxide treated fibres experience a smaller change in porosity after wet/dry cycles in comparison to the plain mortars.It could be concluded that 6% sodium hydroxide treatment helps to clean the fibres’ surface sufficiently and at the same time,it is not a too strong concentration for a possible deterioration of the structure of the fibres.

Water ingresses in open pores that are larger than approximately 1 μm.These pores belong to the large capillary and entrained air pores.The plain mortar results in 19% lower water absorption in comparison to non-treated fibre reinforced mortar.This occurs due to an increase of the coarser pores after the addition of non-treated hemp fibres.Since the fibres alkali treatment decreases the water absorption capacity of the fibres itself and refines the pore structure of mortars ,it also leads to an overall decrease in the fibre reinforced mortar’s water absorption capacity.The same trend was reported in cement-based mortars reinforced with 5 mm-long jute fibres with a dosage of 1% in the matrix.The addition of non-treated jute fibres to the matrix increased the water absorption of the plain mortar by 5.55%.Due to a better interface between 0.5% sodium hydroxide-treated jute fibres and the matrix,the water absorption of alkali-treated fibre reinforced mortars was 3.16% lower than by non-treated fibre reinforced mortars.After the wet/dry cycles,vertical grow rack the plain mortar shows 12% lower water absorption capacity when compared to the non-treated fibre reinforced mortar.The alkali treatment of the fibres,after the wet/ dry cycles,helps to reduce the water absorption capacity of the fibre reinforced mortars to almost the same level as the plain mortar’s absorption.On average 11% lower water absorption capacity is noticed for alkali-treated fibre reinforced mortars than for the non-treated fibre reinforced mortar.Comparison between the water absorption capacities of the mortars after the wet/dry cycles and their non-aged counterparts ,shows a decrease in the mortars’ water absorption capacity.It can be seen that fibre reinforced mortars experience a higher water absorption capacity drop in comparison to plain mortars.The alkali treatment results in a reduced water absorption capacity of the reinforced mortar after wet/dry cycles.The sodium hydroxide concentration itself has no influence on the fibre treatment in terms of the mortars’ water absorption capacity since all mortars showed on average the same capacity reduction,i.e.23%.The addition of non-treated fibres to the mortar has almost no influence on the mortar’s density,i.e.,a negligible decrease was observed.The decrease results from the entrained air and the increase of the total pore volume by the addition of fibres to the mortar.Additionally,hemp fibres have a lower density than plain mortar ,which in turn slightly decreases the composites’ overall density.In the case of sodium hydroxide treated fibres,the density of the reinforced mortar remains almost the same,.The different sodium hydroxide concentrations used for fibre treatment had no influence on the bulk density of the mortar.In fibre-reinforced cement-based composites,the same trend was reported.After the addition of 1% of 50 mm-long coir fibres to the matrix,the density of the composite decreased by 1.7%.In the case of 5% sodium hydroxide solution-treated fibres,the density of the composite increased by 0.4% in comparison to the nontreated fibre reinforced composite.The same trend with no significant change in density was noticed by Jo et the case of jute fibre reinforced cementitious mortars.The addition of the 5 mm-long,non-treated jute fibres,in the dosage of 1% ,decreased the density of the mortars by 1%.However,after the addition of the 0.5% sodium hydroxide-treated fibres,the density of the nontreated fibre reinforced mortars was increased by 0.7 %.Similar to the results of our study,there was no significant change in density after the fibres were chemically treated.Compared to the non-treated fibre-reinforced mortar,after the wet/ dry cycles,the plain mortar’s bulk density was only 4% higher.

The hackled hemp fibres can be used as a supplementary and complementarysource of reinforcement material

When extraction is performed on retted material,the scutching step has a significant impact on the strength and modulus compared to the breaking step.However,as a large part of the fibres weakened by the scutching stage are eliminated during hackling and transformed into hackling tows,this explains the slight rise in modulus observed at the hackling stage.In this case,the modulus and breaking strength after hackling are not significantly different to the ones determined after the breaking step.The tensile property analysis also shows that dew-retting has no significant impact on the strength and modulus of the fibres after hackling.Student’s tests have also shown that there is no significant difference between the fibres obtained at the end of hackling and the reference material,both for retted or un-retted stems.The mechanical potential of the elementary hemp fibres is not affected by the scutching/hackling steps and the level of tensile property and modulus of elasticity.This is globally lower than the potential of flax fibres extracted manually and reported in the literature by about 20 %,but highly sufficient for load bearing composite use.The properties obtained in this work cannot be compared directly as very few studies considered the tensile properties of hemp fibres after scutching and hackling extraction.In most of the studies,the fibres were extracted by hand or with more aggressive devices such as hammer mills,or a mechanical fibre opener.The tensile properties obtained in this work are also larger than the ones obtained by Liu et al.for hemp extracted manually,therefore showing the quality of the fibre extraction.The results obtained at the end of hackling are also compared to those collected at the end of industrial scutching/hackling devices carried out on retted stems from the same batch as the one extracted on the lab-scale device.Fig.8 shows that industrial extraction has a strong and significant impact on both the modulus and the strength with strong decreases compared to extraction on the lab scale device.

At this stage,cannabis grow equipment it has not been possible to identify which process is the most damaging for the fibres in comparison to the lab scale.Both processes are expected to contribute to the fibre property loss in comparison to the lab scale results.In any case,the process parameters used at the industrial scale are expected to be too aggressive and probably damage the fibre by generating defects on their structure.In order to confirm these observations,an analysis of the kink-band defects observed on the fibres at the end of hackling for the two batches extracted with the lab scale and industrial scale equipment was carried out.The results presented in Table 3 show that the number of kink bands varies little from one batch to the other.When the scutching/hackling of the retted material is carried out industrially,there is still no significant difference in the number of defects in the fibres,but the percentage of the fibre surface occupied by the kink bands has been increased ,but still insignificantly,from 12.2 % to more than 17 %.Industrial scutching/hackling therefore probably causes larger defects on the fibres and this may explain the decrease in both modulus and strength for industrially extracted fibres.To improve both fibre yield and tensile properties after industrial extraction,the authors recommend to reduce the processing speed especially with well-retted stems which are more delicate and to introduce the hemp stems as homogeneously as possible.The magnitude of the processing speed will depend of the hemp level of retting,but a reduction by a factor ranging from 1.5 to 2 is recommended and needs to be tested in next trials.Of course,the reduction in scutching speeds will lead to a reduction in the rate of production.However,it should be considered that the decrease in speed should be accompanied by an increase in the long line fibre yield and the preservation of mechanical properties adapted to load-bearing composite materials,which is not currently the case.With such improved process parameters and way of introduction of the stems it is expected to improve both fibre yields and tensile properties of the fibres to values close to the ones of flax.Phytoremediation is a mainly solar energy-driven technology that uses plants and agronomic techniques to remediate and restore contaminated soils.This method has several advantages ,as well as limitations.The first approach of phytoremediation was to use hyperaccumulators for phytoextraction or accumulators for phytostabilization.However,as the research and field application results were released,it became obvious that a crucial bottleneck in the technology was its slowness and economic viability.

A new phytoremediation approach was subsequently developed,the so-called phytomanagement,in which high-biomass and high-value industrial cash crops are cultivated on contaminated lands to produce useful biomass feedstock for bioproducts and bioenergy.The main advantages of this method are they: produce economic revenue for farmers and rural areas,contributing to the wellbeing of the local population; boost local economies by developing innovative entrepreneurship for industrial applications of the biomass produced; increase the availability of domestic raw materials and the ability for them to be used in new emerging markets; exploit land that cannot be used for food production; mitigate the route of exposure for the intake of contaminants by humans,etc.The main bottleneck of this method is that it becomes effective only when the contaminated site is a large area of unused/abandoned arable land,in which agricultural practices and mechanization can be applied.A group of crops that have many attractive characteristics for phytomanagement purposes are fiber crops.Among them,flax ,kenaf and hemp  are very promising candidates since they have been reported to show a tolerance to toxic trace elements in soils,are fast-growing and yield a high biomass,have low input requirements,use well-known agricultural practices,and are multipurpose.Several scientific works showed that flax is relatively tolerant to and in some cases an accumulator of Cd,Cu,Pb,and Zn ; kenaf accumulates Cd,Pb,Zn,and Cr;and hemp accumulates Cd,Ni,Pb,Zn,Cu,Cr,Hg,As,Mn,Se,Rn,Tl,and Sr.These crops have well-known large-scale agronomic and harvest practices and a plethora of industrial uses.Attention most certainly has to be paid to biomass exploitation since a small amount of heavy metals and metalloids may be taken up by the biomass produced.Especially if fibers are used for clothing,they might represent a risk to health and should be carefully monitored.Nevertheless,De Vos et al.demonstrated that hemp fibers concentrated Cd and Pb in levels far below the thresholds for textile product according to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX 2020,while Zn is not considered a toxic element in textile production.The aim of this work was to find crop and variety differences between FKH in their tolerance and potential for Cd,Ni,Pb,Zn,Cu,and Sb accumulation.

The research should generate data for the possible use of each crop/variety for phytomanagement of contaminated soils.Before sowing,water was added to each pot to adjust the soil moisture to 70% of the field capacity,which was measured by the static approach as defined by Reynolds.The seeds of each crop and variety were sown into pots on 4 March 2020.The initial seed germination rate was taken under consideration,and the target seedling number per pot and the actual sowing number for each variety and crop are shown in Table 3.Ten days after sowing,the number of seedlings per pot was recorded to determine the effect of HM&M stress on the germination rate of each variety.During the experimental period,the seedlings were observed for phytotoxicity symptoms every three days.The soil was kept moist by spraying pots every five days with a 100 mL of water.Weeds and pests were controlled in a timely manner.Seven weeks after sowing,the aboveground part of each crop was harvested and the plant height,stem diameter,number of leaves,and the fresh biomass per pot were measured.Then the plants from each pot were dried ,weighed and ground into powder using a cross-hammer beater mill.Plant samples were digested with 5–10 mL nitric acid in vessels,left for 1 h,and then heated in a microwave digestion apparatus.Subsequently,the vessels were placed on a temperature-controlled electric heating plate for 30 min at 100 ◦C to reduce the volume of the solution to approximately 2 mL and the sample volumes were adjusted to 25 mL with deionized water.The resulting solutions were filtered through a Whatman No.42 filter paper and were analysed for HM&M using ICPMS.At this point it should be noted that under Cu and Zn treatments,the seeds of all varieties did not germinate,indicating the severe toxicity of the applied contamination levels of both heavy metals to FKH.Several studies have been published on the phytoremediation potential of FKH; generally,in these studies,low to moderate soil contamination levels were examined.However,in this experiment,extremely high concentrations of the applied HM&M were used in order to evaluate the tolerance of FKH and their uptake potential.The plants were subjected in even higher stressing conditions since this was a pot experiment with artificially contaminated soil,resulting in higher soil availability of the toxic elements.The presented study was quite complex,covering three varieties of each of three crops in three replicates,while for each treatment,eight measurements were taken.The scientific questions to be answered were: which fiber crop and variety is most tolerant to the tested HM&M; which crop/variety takes up the most HM&M for phytoextraction purposes; and which crop/variety does not take up the tested elements,thereby producing a clean biomass for further transformation to bioenergy and/or bioproducts.

These findings will play a key role when designing a phytomanagement plan for areas heavily contaminated due to manufacturing,mineral extraction,abandonment of mines,accidental spills etc.In this work,vertical grow system seed germination per variety and crop was tested since it is the simplest and rapid method for evaluating the phytotoxic effects of inorganic contaminants on plants.The germination of seeds and the early stages of seedlings growth are more sensitive to metal stress as several defense mechanisms have not yet been developed.The heavy metals Zn and Cu are classified as essential micronutrients,involved in many important biochemical and physiological processes of plants.However,their presence in excess can lead to a significant reduction of seed germination and seedling growth.In this study and throughout the experimental period,no seedlings emerged for the pots under Cu and Zn treatments,indicating that the pollution levels of both metals were beyond the endurance of the supplied varieties.Thus,no further analysis was made for these two metals.Compared with the control,the addition of each heavy metal and Sb significantly affected the seedling emergence rates of all the varieties of FKH.Flax: Low Cd contamination increased the rates of emergence of three flax varieties when compared to the control,with the highest rate of 67.1% for Y2I329 and the lowest of 49.5% for Zhongyama No.1.The high Cd concentration reduced the emergence of all flax varieties,with the highest emergence rate of 53.3% for Y2I328 and the lowest one of 35.2% for Zhongyama No.1.Compared with the control,the three flax varieties did not emerge in Ni220; the emergence rate of Y2I329 was reduced for Ni110,but was significantly increased for Y2I328,and was slightly increased for Zhongyama No.1.Compared with the control,Pb1500 showed a tendency to increase the emergence rate of the three flax varieties,among which Zhongyama No.1 obtained the highest rate but Y2I239 the lowest; Pb3000 had no significant effect on the emergence of flax compared with Pb1500.Compared with the control,Sb50 increased the emergence rate of flax varieties; Sb100 reduced the emergence of Y2I328 and Zhongyama No.1 but increased that of Y2I329.Kenaf: Different metals significantly influenced the emergence rate of this crop.Treatment Cd40 notably or slightly increased the emergence rates of the three kenaf varieties,while Cd80 significantly reduced them.Ni110 significantly reduced the emergence of GSS,but did not notably affect the other two varieties,Ni220 significantly reduced the emergence of HP and slightly reduced that of GSS.Pb in this study showed no significant effects on kenaf emergence rate; these results are not in accordance with the findings of Sultana et al.,when two kenaf varieties were subjected to a combined Pb and Cr treatment of 120 and 120 mg/L,respectively.Treatment Sb50 significantly increased and Sb100 significantly reduced the emergence of Hongyou No.2,but did not notably affect that of GSS and HP.Heavy metal stresses also significantly affected the emergence rate of hemp.Compared with the control,Cd40 significantly improved the emergence of Guangxibama and slightly increased that of Zhongdama1,but notably reduced the emergence of Yunma No.1; compared with Cd40,Cd80 significantly reduced the emergence rate of Guangxibama and Yunma No.1 but did not significantly affect that of Zhongdama No.1.An increased germination rate under Cd treatment was also reported by Linger et al.and Seregin and Ivanov.A possible explanation for this is the expression of stress-inducible genes during germination that adjust seedlings’ metabolism to the stressing conditions and better protect them compared with the control seedlings.

The top layer of the open pit fields is characterized by not fully developed soil

The partition coefficient of the solute i was then calculated according to Eq. 1. LLC experiments were carried out on a counter current chromatography column, model HPCCC-Mini Centrifuge from Dynamic Extractions , with a column volume of 18.2 mL. Two isocratic Gilson 306 pumps , equipped with an 806 Manometric Module , were used for delivering the mobile and stationary phases. The elution profiles were monitored with a DAD 171 diode array detector at a wavelength of 220 nm. The CCC experiments were performed at room temperature. All LLC separations were carried out as pulse injections in DSC mode, where the lower phase is used as mobile phase. At the beginning of each experiment, the column was filled with stationary phase. Afterwards, the rotational speed was set to 1900 rpm and the mobile phase was pumped through the column at 1 mL min−1 until no more stationary phase eluted from the column. The samples were dissolved in the corresponding mobile phase , filtered and then injected via a 1 mL sample loop with a manual injection valve, with the mobile phase continuously pumped at 1 mL min−1. All CCC runs were manually fractionated after injection in fraction intervals of 1 min. The collected fractions were analyzed by HPLC-DAD. Based on the analysis of the fractions, a reconstructed offline LLC-chromatogram was generated for each separation run. GC-TCD analysis was performed using a Nexis GC 2030 coupled with a thermal conductivity detector from Shimadzu . A Restek Rxi-624Sil MS capillary column was used, with helium as carrier gas at a linear velocity flow of 40 cm s−1. The temperature of the injection port was set to 250 °C, at a split-ratio of 50 during injection. After an isothermal step of 1 min at 35 °C, a linear temperature gradient of 31 °C min−1 to 190 °C was applied. The TCD temperature was set at 260 °C. The biphasic solvent systems were prepared in 20 mL vials by mixing the corresponding portions of the solvents at ambient temperature and pressure.

The mixture was then vigorously shaken and equilibrated at 25 °C for 2 h. Then, 100 μL of upper and lower phases were separately diluted with 900 μL THF and their compositions were analyzed by GC-TCD, using six-point calibration curves established for each of the analyzed solvents. In this work, a computer-aided approach for selecting biphasic solvent system candidates for preparative LLC isolation of CBD from hemp extracts,cannabis grow supplies with simultaneous removal of contaminating pesticides that might be present in the starting material is proposed. First, a list of biphasic solvent systems from a predefined pool of solvents was created. After that, a fully predictive thermodynamic model was used to screen for potential systems . The objective of the screening was to identify biphasic solvent systems in which the partition coefficient of the target component CBD is within a predefined range. Three of the most promising solvent systems were next evaluated in terms of their ability to separate the target compound CBD from a list of pesticides as impurities. In this work, pesticides whose limits in cannabis products are regulated by the state of Oregon were considered. Consequently, a list of critical pesticides was determined for each solvent system based on separation factors αCBD/PEST values predicted by COSMO-RS and validated by shake-flask experiments . For the proof-of-concept, a hemp extract spiked with seven pesticides was subjected to LLC separations with each of the three selected solvent systems . To demonstrate the applicability and validity of the approach shown above for the selection of solvent systems for the preparative LLC separation of CBD from potentially contaminated hemp extracts, seven representative pesticides from the red, orange and yellow zones were selected. These were added to a decarboxylated hemp extract that was further subjected to LLC separations with each of the three solvent systems. The separations were performed on a lab-scale CCC column, in DSC mode at 1 mL min−1 and 1900 rpm. The feed mixture was injected in the column in a concentration of 5 mg mL−1 hemp extract spiked with 50 ppm of each pesticide. In all separations, a stationary phase retention of 0.6 was achieved.

Even though the pesticide concentrations for spiking might exceed those existing in real hemp batches, they were selected taking into consideration the higher LODs and LOQs of the UV detector of the HPLC-DAD system used to perform the off-line analyses of the collected fractions. The reconstructed off-line chromatograms presenting the individual fraction concentrations vs. elution time are depicted in Fig. 5. The peak shapes in Fig. 5 for CBD and each pesticide were obtained by fitting the experimental data points into Gaussian equations with Origin2020 software. The on-line chromatograms recorded with the DAD detector of the CCC set-up is presented in Fig. S1 . As expected from PCBD EXP values from Table 2, the yellow-zoned and green-zoned pesticides as well as trifloxystrobin were completely removed during the LLC separation with solvent system I . Nevertheless, ethoprophos and kresoxim methyl, cinerin I and pyrethrin II were partly co-eluting with CBD peak. In the case of solvent system II, the pesticides from yellow and orange zones were eliminated, with the exception of the highly critical pesticides cinerin II and pyrethrin II that strongly overlapped with the CBD peak; trifloxystrobin only partly co-eluted. Since none of the selected pesticides were in the red zone in solvent system III, the separation with this system showed the best outcomes, most of the pesticides being totally eliminated, while ethoprophos and cinerin II slightly overlapped with the CBD peak . Lignite is still an important source of energy in many countries of the world. Poland is the second lignite producer in European Union after Germany , and fourth in the world . Presently about 30 % of Poland’s energy is generated from brown coal . Lignite mining in Poland covers approximately 16 000 ha while the area of land degraded as a result of open mining activity is over 67 000 ha . Opencast mining is the most common technique used for mining of coal and other minerals when they occur close to the surface . Surface coal mining causes a lot of disturbances in the ecology of the natural environment. Sometimes, far-reaching geological and ecological changes may even lead to international conflicts and legal disputes . Opencast mining leads to significant geomechanical transformations and degradation of the natural structure of the soil profile and the layers of the natural cover of humus, one of the basic components of soil that determines its fertility. Before the lignite can be excavated by the open-mining method the top layer over the lignite deposit – so called overburden – has to be removed together with all the vegetation and the soil.

Surface mining drastically alters soil properties, destabilizes soil organic carbon and depletes SOC pools. Carbon is initially lost from mined soils in the same manner that organic C is lost from tilled soils due to the disintegration of soil aggregates that leads to organic matter being decomposed and carbon is ultimately respired . After the coal deposit mined with the opencast method is exhausted, a dead excavation remains, which is filled with material from the outlay as the excavation progresses. The surface of such terrain is leveled.The humus content in such a layer is trace, it does not have a biologically active surface layer consisting of mineral and organic particles of varying degrees of disintegration. When natural components of the environment have lost the capability to autoregenerate in a timely manner, their rehabilitation is only possible through anthropogenic correction. Natural processes of soil formation are slow and can take decades or centuries to form new soil. To speed up soil formation processes and to achieve a normal soil productivity level different procedures of land reclamation ale implemented, leading to construction of a new soil. The characteristics of this new soil or minesoil depend on the kinds and sequences of reclamation procedures employed . There are many possible options for the productive uses of reclaimed mine lands. This does not necessarily imply restoring precisely the characteristics of the premine soil and landscape but rather involves the establishment of geological and hydrologically stable landscapes capable of supporting a natural mosaic of ecosystems. The implementation of any one of the land use possibilities is conditioned by technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects . There are three main directions for the restoration of the post-mining areas. These are agricultural use when arable lands, cannabis grow facility permanent grassland or orchards are set up, afforestation of reclaimed areas that have a production or protective function and a special direction based on recreational, ecological or aesthetic and protective management. Agricultural reclamation is not the most common. The direction of reclamation in each country is selected for each case separately. In Great Britain for example, as well as in Germany and Hungary, the agricultural approach of reclamation is preferred while in the United States and Turkey the forestry approach dominates. In Poland many disturbed areas are used for recreational purposes . Among lignite mines in Poland, agricultural reclamation is used on a larger scale by only two mines – “Adam´ ow” and “Konin” .

Globally, agricultural reclamation is carried out mostly by cultivating a small number of non-food plants, which are then used industrially. In our opinion, this is not the optimal solution. From an industrially degraded area, where the process of creating a humus layer has just begun, biomass is extracted, resulting in low yields of succeeding crops, and the reclamation process is ineffective and extended over time. Devastated soil has a diverse geomechanical composition and deficiencies of some essential nutrients are common, which makes it unsuitable for the production of food or fodder plants. We propose here the use of fiber hemp cultivation as a pioneering plant, when all the produced biomass is not removed from the field but is reintroduced into the soil in order to restore the missing humus layer as quickly as possible. Hemp is an herbaceous plant that can grow from about 1–6 m tall, depending on factors such as cultivar and environmental and agronomic conditions. It can produce high amount of biomass. Some authors reported very high yields of hemp reaching more than 22 tons per hectare , however more typical values are lower and other authors report yields of fiber hemp on the level of 7− 15 tons per hectare . Fibre hemp is a traditional industrial crop in many regions of the world. For many centuries hemp has been cultivated mostly as a source of strong stem fibre and seed oil . Recently this species gains a lot of attention for its alternative use directions, these include using hemp for biomass and biofuel production. Hemp is a rapidly growing plant that tolerates high planting density and the total biomass of hemp per hectare is similar to other energy crops, including giant miscanthus, poplar or willow. However, hemp may provide a key advantage; its bast fibers contain high amount of cellulose and low amount of hemicelluloses and lignin comparing to other biomass crops. The stem biomass in hemp consists of high cellulose fiber; thus, the ratio of digestible sugars to lignin is higher in hemp than in other similar-yielding biofuel crops . In addition to a high amount of biomass, the plant has a well-developed taproot system, growing into the soil to a depth of about 2 m or more. Hemp’s short growing cycle, decreased need for pesticides, and low plant maintenance makes it an ideal candidate for phytoremediation utilization . Cannabis sativa is also plant potentially usable for the detoxification of contaminated soils due to its resistance to soil contamination, its ability to accumulate heavy metals and possibility of cultivation in different climatic conditions . All these unique characteristics of hemp and the awareness that vegetation plays a major role in improving the properties of mine soils, where increased biomass production, root residues and exudates, and the greater activity of microbes following revegetation have positive effects on the accumulation of soil organic matter has encourage us to test the study the usefulness of fibre hemp as a species for experimental reclamation of the 7.5 ha area degraded by previous lignite mining operations.

Rs data determines the power density of a structural super capacitor

The selected representative SEM images of structural electrolytes with various contents of hemp fiber are presented in Fig.4.As the content of hemp fiber increases,wider inter layer voids are found in the matrix.The processed images of structural electrolyte with various contents of hemp fiber are shown in Fig.5.Area considered here is defined as the number of pixels.The white part represents pore structure,while the black part is matrix.The pore structure here is mainly macro-pores,which have the greatest influence on storage of aqueous electrolyte and ionic migration.Interconnected pore structure is consisting of some isolated macro-pores in the matrix.Thus,the porosity P of structural electrolyte is calculated by P = S1/S,where S1 is the area of all the white parts,and S is the area of the overall area.And the pore connectivity PC of structural electrolyte is measured according to PC = S2/S,where S2 is the area of all the interconnected pore structure.The porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolytes with various contents of hemp fiber are depicted in Fig.6.It is found that the volume of hemp fiber is between 5 vol% and 15 vol%,a gradual increase from 8.3% to 18.6% in porosity and from 5.6% to 15.5% in pore connectivity of the structural electrolyte.The increase in porosity and pore connectivity attributes to the interlayer voids trapped beneath the fiber during casting.However,as the content of hemp fiber increases to 5 vol%,the porosity of the sample decreases from 10.8% and the pore connectivity decreases from 7.2%.It is consistent with that low volume of fiber is effective in reducing free plastic shrinkage and pore structure development.Moreover,cannabis grow racks as the content of hemp fiber is higher than 15 vol%,the porosity and pore connectivity of the samples decreases due to the disorganized arrangement and massive stacking dispersion of hemp fiber in the matrix.Thus when compared with foaming method by adding air entraining agent,synchronized changes of porosity and pore connectivity of the structural electrolyte by adding hemp fiber show better.

This is mainly due to that the macropores created by air entraining agent are independent bubbles and difficult to connect with each other,but lots of interconnected pore structure can be formed by adding large content of hemp fiber.Fig.7 shows the pore size distribution curve and porosity of structural electrolytes with various contents of fibers tested by MIP.It is clear that most probably aperture diameter is about 115 μm,54.6 μm and 86.5 μm for the structural electrolyte with 0 vol%,15 vol% and20 vol% of hem fiber,respectively.As the content of hemp fiber increases to 15 vol%,the pore number of structural electrolyte dramatically increases.The structural electrolyte has a total porosity of 13.0%,24.2% and 21.1% with 0 vol%,15 vol% and 20 vol% of hemp fiber,respectively.The pore content obtained by MIP is a little higher than by image analysis,which is mainly due to sampling,but the variation trend of porosity is consistent with that of image analysis.Fig.8 displays the CV curves of structural super capacitors with different contents of hemp fiber.All the CV curves are relatively in rectangular shapes and exhibit near mirror-image current response on voltage reversal,meaning ideal capacitive behavior.Based on the area of CV curves,the specific capacitance of the structural super capacitor initially increases with the increasing content of hemp fiber and then decreases,which are resulted from the porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolytes.Here,as the volume content of hemp fiber increases from 15 vol% to 20 vol%,the area of CV curves decreases,which is mainly due to that the pore structure of structural electrolyte decreases by 33.5%.Thus the pore structure of structural electrolyte significantly affects the specific capacitance of structural super capacitor.From Fig.9a,the typical triangular-shaped galvanostatic charge discharge curves of the structural super capacitors with different contents of hemp fiber are highly linear and symmetrical without obvious iR drop,exhibiting nearly perfect capacitive behavior.In Fig.9b,as the content of hemp fiber increases from 5 vol% to 15 vol%,the specific capacitance of structural super capacitor gradually increases from 35 F·g−1 to 51.4 F·g−1,which ascribes to the increase in porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolyte.However,as the volume of hemp fiber is lower than 5 vol% or higher than 15 vol%,the specific capacitance of structural super capacitor decreases with the increasing volume of hemp fiber due to the reduction of porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolyte.It can be deduced that aqueous electrolyte can be stored in the pores of matrix to assemble structural electrolyte,and aqueous electrolyte can pass quickly from the surface to underlying layers of the matrix through the interconnected pore channels during charge-discharge.

Similar findings have been reported by J.M.Xu,W.Y.Ma and N.Shirshova,they all agreed that ionic conductive phase was not only stored in the pore structure of matrix,but also transmitted to the electrode surface through the pore structure during charge-discharge.Yet they didn’t discuss the effect of pore structure on the specific capacitance of the structural super capacitor in depth.The higher porosity in the matrix,the more KOH aqueous stored.And the higher pore connectivity in the matrix,the more passageways provided for ion movement.Thus the specific capacitance of structural super capacitor is mainly affected by the porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolyte.Furthermore,the specific capacitance  of the structural super capacitor reaches to 41% of solid state super capacitor  under the same test conditions,which is promising to develop structural electrolyte combining magnesium phosphate with KOH aqueous.Fig.9c shows the Nyquist plots of structural super capacitors with various contents of hemp fiber.The nearly vertical line in the low frequency region is a result of ion diffusion in the electrolyte to the electrode surface,signifying an ideal capacitive behavior and the high frequency region represents an arc-like shape.The internal resistance Rs of the structural super capacitor can be obtained from Nyquist curves by the intercept at real part of horizontal axis.The charge transfer resistance Rct at the electrolyte/electrode interface is represented by the arc formed in a high frequency region.Seen from Fig.9d,as the volume fraction of hemp fiber increases from 5 vol% to 20 vol%,the curve trend of Rs and Rct are negatively related with that of porosity and pore connectivity in structural electrolyte.In addition,as the content of hemp fiber increases to 5 vol%,Rs of the structural super capacitor sharply reduces from 40.2 Ω to 17.4 Ω and Rct decreases from 21.2 to 4.4 Ω due to the strong absorption capacity of hemp fiber for aqueous electrolyte.Thus the internal resistance Rs and charge transfer resistance Rct are mainly affected by absorption capacity of hemp fiber to aqueous electrolyte when small content of hemp fiber is added,yet they are mainly affected by the porosity and pore connectivity of matrix when larger content of hemp fiber is added.Low Rct value of the structural super capacitor reflects the improved transfer mechanism at the interface of electrode/electrolyte.

Therefore,structural super capacitors in this work show better electrochemical performance than that of epoxy system.The long-term cycling stability of the structural super capacitor is evaluated by CV method with a scan rate of 100 mV·s−1 for 2000 cycles.From Fig.10,the specific capacitance of the structural super capacitors with 0 vol% and 15 vol% of hemp fiber retain about 92.2% and 88.2% after 2000 cycles,respectively.The cycling stability of the structural super capacitor slightly decreases after adding 15 vol% of hemp fiber,which is due to the increase of pore structure of the structural electrolyte.It can be concluded that the structural super capacitors in this work have good cycling stability during long-term charge discharge processes.Fig.11a depicted the compressive strength of structural super capacitors with various contents of hemp fiber.It is seen that an increase in the content of hemp fiber causes a gradual reduction in compressive strength of structural super capacitor.Although hemp fiber has been used to enhance the mechanical properties of cement pastes,it has been reported that hemp fiber has a negative effect on the compressive strength of cement matrix,even a small content.In general,high porosity of structural electrolyte can reduce the compressive strength of structural super capacitor,but it is not the only factor.Except for porosity,there are still many reasons for the reduction in compressive of structural super capacitor,such as disorganized arrangement of fiber,agglomeration of fiber and surface interactions between matrix and fiber.To analyze multifunctional properties of the structural super capacitor,two performance parameters are employed in this work,specific capacitance and compressive strength.However,as the mechanical performance and ion conductivity are in a trade-off relationship,an ideal structural super capacitor is designed in this work.The ideal structural super capacitor exhibits the highest values of the two parameters among all the samples,with a compressive strength of 24.1 MPa and a specific capacitance of 51.4 F·g−1.Fig.11b presents the multi-functionality of structural super capacitors with various contents of hemp fiber.It is known that the shorter the distance of scatter to the ideal point,the closer to the ideal structural super capacitor.As the content of hemp fiber increases from 5 vol% to 15 vol%,multi-functionality of the structural super capacitor gradually increases.Nevertheless,as the content of hemp fiber is smaller than 5 vol% or N15 vol%,the multi-functionality of structural super capacitor decreases with the increasing content of hemp fiber.It can be inferred that the multifunctional properties of the structural super capacitor is mainly affected by the porosity and pore connectivity of structural electrolyte.Lots of pore structure causing by adding large content of hemp fiber result in low compressive strength of structural super capacitor,yet such pore structure are beneficial to improve electrochemical properties of structural super capacitor.Moreover,when specific capacitance and compressive strength are combined for evaluation of structural super capacitor,cannabis grow system the porosity and pore connectivity are positively correlated with its multi-functionality.

The sample containing 15 vol% of hemp fiber appears for the optimum balance,displaying a specific capacitance of 51.4 F·g−1 and a compressive strength of 13.2 MPa.The comparison of this study with other relevant structural super capacitors is listed in Table 3.It can be seen that the structural super capacitor with 15 vol% of hemp fiber in this work shows good electrochemical and mechanical properties.In fact,perfect performance of structural super capacitor is still difficult to achieve,but this work is highly encouraging to improve the multi-functionality of structural super capacitor by developing pore structure of structure electrolyte with hemp fiber.Hemp   is one of the plants domesticated and used by humans.This important natural bast fiber crop originated from the central Asia and is belonging to the genus Cannabis,in the family of Cannabiaceae.Hemp is extensively used for paper,textiles,food,medicine,synthetic plastics,and fiberglass production.According to its usage,hemp can be divided into three types,seed hemp,industrial hemp,and drug hemp.For seed hemp,the seeds can generate oil rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are useful in treating atopic dermatitis symptoms.For industrial hemp,the bast fiber of hemp is widely used in garment production as an environmentally friendly raw material because of its excellent features including biodegradable,heat resistance,softness,and fitness.Also,hemp has a great value in the production of cosmetics and building materials.Because of these significance aspects,hemp has received much considerations from plant breeders in the recent years.As one of the largest transcription factor families in plants,WRKY gene family is widely distributed and is an important part of plant transcription regulation and signal transduction.It regulates the expression of related genes by combining cis-elements or interacting with other regulatory factors,thereby playing an important role in plant growth and development,defense against abiotic stresses,and other biological processes.All known WRKY proteins contain at least one DNA binding domain of about 60 amino acids residues,a highly conserved WRKYGQK heptapeptide at the N-terminus,and a C2H2 or C2HC zinc finger motif at the C-terminus.WRKY proteins can be classified into three groups  based on the number of the conserved WRKY domains and the type of zinc finger structure,and group II was further divided into five subgroups.Previous studies have shown that WRKY genes in group I exist not only in higher plants but also in ferns while group III WRKY genes only exists in higher plants and responds to abiotic stress.WRKY proteins usually preferentially recognizing and binding the W-box cis-element of the target gene to regulate gene expression,respond to environmental stresses,and regulate plant growth and development.The first WRKY gene  was cloned in sweet potato and then identified in Arabidopsis,corn,rice,rapeseed,potato,tomato,cotton,cucumber  and other plants.Previous studies have demonstrated that WRKY transcription factors play a vital role in response to biological/abiotic stress and plant development.In Arabidopsis,WRKY8 and WRKY75 regulate salt tolerance,while multiple WRKY genes  participate in drought stress response through different signaling pathways.In rice,over-expression of OsWRKY53 can promote cellulose synthesis in leaves,WRKY47 and WRKY80 participate in drought stress,while OsWRKY11 over-expression can improve the tolerance of high-temperature stress,and OsWRKY31 is also found to be related to lateral root growth.In addition,recent studies showed that the expression patterns of VviWRKY40 and VviGT14 are negatively correlated with that in grapefruits.