Monthly Archives: September 2022

A much newer entrant into medical cannabis research is UC Irvine’s Center for the Study of Cannabis

The researchers analyzed liver samples from 84 barred owls and 10 northern spotted owls.Within the study area, 70% of northern spotted owls and 40% of barred owls tested positive for anticoagulant rodenticides.The researchers hypothesize that cannabis cultivation in the area is the main source point for the presence of dangerous rodenticides.They also determined that barred owls are a suitable surrogate for determining rodenticide levels in the threatened northern spotted owl.Gabriel, in his capacities as a UC researcher and as executive director of the Integral Ecology Research Center, a nonprofit organization based in Humboldt County, is currently carrying out reclamation projects at illegal cannabis cultivation sites in California and Oregon.In a project conducted this May in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, a team representing 11 governmental and nongovernmental entities worked at 16 cultivation sites within eight large cultivation complexes, removing 6,000 pounds of trash, which included rodenticides and more than 5 miles of irrigation lines.Mourad estimates that removal of the irrigation lines restored more than 500,000 gallons of water — daily — into affected watersheds.Agencies including the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Law Enforcement and Investigations arm of the U.S.Forest Service have provided grant funding for 170 such projects, 112 of which have already been completed.In an entirely different vein, UC Davis–based cannabis research has been conducted since 2016 at the UC Agricultural Issues Center , a UC Agriculture and Natural Resources statewide program operating since 1985.The center’s broad mission is to provide research based information on the economic dimensions of emerging issues in agriculture.Cannabis, then, is right in the center’s wheelhouse.Dan Sumner, the center’s director, reports that AIC began pursuing cannabis-related work after the 2015 passage of a set of laws known collectively as the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act.This legislation laid the groundwork for state regulation of medicinal cannabis and ultimately of the recreational cannabis industry.

The lead agency in regulating commercial cannabis licenses for distributors and retailers, among other business types,pot drying is the Bureau of Cannabis Control — for which, between 2016 and 2018, the AIC prepared a Standardized Regulatory Impact Analysis.In the process, the AIC advised the BCC on the economic dimensions of various regulatory scenarios — and the bureau used the center’s analysis to inform the final cannabis regulations that it issued on Jan.16 of this year.According to Sumner, a principal insight that the AIC furnished to the BCC was that, since illegal cannabis continues to be attractive to retail buyers because it is cheaper than cannabis from regulated retailers, “much of the cannabis sold in California [after legalization] would remain in the illegal segment.” Moreover, regulations that generate benefits for consumers at lower costs will help sustain the legal marketplace.In this issue of California Agriculture, three AIC researchers — Pablo Valdes-Donoso, a postdoctoral scholar; Robin S.Goldstein, principal economic counselor; and Sumner — present their research on California’s rather stringent system for testing cannabis that enters the legal market.All cannabis sold legally in the state is tested for more than 100 contaminants.Of those contaminants, 66 are pesticides — and tolerance for 21 of those pesticides is set at zero.In many cases, allowable levels of cannabis contaminants are lower than those established for food sold in the state.The researchers, drawing on data provided by testing laboratories and manufacturers of testing equipment, estimated how much it costs to test a pound of cannabis under California’s regulatory regime, as well as the cost of collecting samples.They concluded that the need to destroy batches of cannabis that fail testing accounts for a large share of testing costs.The researchers argue that, though the availability of certifiably safe and legal cannabis products may prompt some customers to join the regulated market, other customers will remain in the cheaper illegal market.They speculate that, over time, increased availability of data about cannabis testing and sales will allow for greater certainty about the effect of the testing regime on cannabis prices and demand for legal cannabis.Meanwhile, UC Davis is establishing a dedicated center for research into psychoactive cannabis and industrial hemp — the Cannabis Research Initiative.

According to Cindy Kiel, executive associate vice chancellor for research administration at UC Davis, the initiative will draw on the comprehensive strengths of UC Davis faculty in areas ranging from agricultural and environmental impacts to legal, economic and policy outcomes to human and animal health.In particular, the initiative will benefit from UC Davis’s strong emphasis on agricultural issues such as soils, water, genomics and plant science and from faculty interest in two-way interactions such as those between cannabis and the environment.Funding is envisioned to flow from the UC Davis budget, from research funds established in Proposition 64 and from outside sources such as industry partners.Funding could also flow from the federal government via the National Institutes of Health.The initiative will be headed by co-directors representing the agricultural and medical sides of cannabis research.In May, UC Davis faculty members including Chemistry Professor Mark Mascal, along with colleagues from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, published an article demonstrating that a synthetic analogue of cannabidiol is as effective as CBD in controlling seizures in rats — and that it provides several benefits in comparison to CBD.The synthetic analogue is cheaper than herbal CBD, cannot be converted into psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol and is not restricted by the Drug Enforcement Administration’s “scheduling” apparatus.Meanwhile, the UC Davis–affiliated Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety is studying issues such as workplace safety for cannabis workers, who face risks that include unhealthy pesticide exposure.For students, UC Davis has offered cannabis courses including the graduate-level Cannabis sativa: The Plant and Its Impact on People — and, for undergraduates, Physiology of Cannabis.Abrand-new entrant into UC cannabis research is the UC Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center at UC Merced , established just last year to study tobacco- and cannabis-related issues in public health and public policy, especially in the San Joaquin Valley.The center, partnering with local public health departments and organizations such as the American Heart Association, aims to produce tobacco and cannabis research that places special emphasis on the San Joaquin Valley’s diverse population of teens and young adults and informs policy decisions that affect the region.The center’s flagship research initiative is a long term, survey-based effort to understand issues surrounding cannabis, tobacco and e-cigarettes.

The project is led by Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford University and Mariaelena Gonzalez, assistant professor in public health at UC Merced.According to NCPC Director and UC Merced Associate Professor Anna Song, the researchers intend to provide data to counties that will allow them to make informed decisions about policy.Song notes that the counties in the study area are very different from, say, the Bay Area or Southern California, so state-level data isn’t adequate for formulation of local tobacco and cannabis policy.Song reports that the center’s work will fill gaps in knowledge about cannabis intake behavior; epidemiological data is spotty, she says, because many people won’t admit to engaging in behavior that has historically been illegal and continues to be federally illegal.The researchers are also keen to understand the interconnections between tobacco and cannabis — emerging data indicates that perceptions of tobacco risk are related to perceptions of cannabis, and the relationship between the two may affect individuals’ future tobacco use.“These are the things we are trying to disentangle,” Song says.The center was founded with a $3.8 million grant from the Tobacco Related Disease Research Program, a state initiative administered by the UC Office of the President, which dispenses funds derived from the Tobacco Tax Increase Initiative, a proposition approved by California voters in 2016.Cannabis institutes at three UC campuses in Southern California — UC San Diego, UC Irvine and UC Los Angeles — conduct research on the health effects and medical uses of cannabis and its derivatives.But they differ greatly in their approach.The program at UC San Diego focuses closely on medical cannabis drying research and public safety issues.The UC Irvine program brings together medicine and law.The UCLA program has set itself the ambitious interdisciplinary task of exploring how cannabis affects society along the medical, legal, economic and social dimensions.The UC Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at UC San Diego, the oldest of the three institutes, was established when California Senate Bill 847 enabled UC to establish a program to “enhance understanding of the efficacy and adverse effects of marijuana as a pharmacological agent.” Today, the center’s cannabis research covers a broad range of clinical conditions such as neuropathic pain, autism, bipolar disorder and early psychosis — as well as public safety issues surrounding the use of cannabis and cannabinoids.A notable current CMCR study, authorized by the 2015 Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, seeks to better understand the effect on driving of THC.CMCR Director Igor Grant describes the study as “one of the first in the United States that looks in great detail into different dosages of THC and their effect on driving.” Each research day begins with study participants — already experienced with cannabis — entering driving simulators to undergo driving assessments.Participants then consume THC in specified doses and continue over the course of the day to undergo driving assessments.Meanwhile, their bodily fluids are drawn over the course of several hours.The study seeks to determine how multiple dosing strengths of cannabis affect driving and for what duration driving impairment continues after cannabis use.The research also seeks to determine if saliva or breath tests can substitute for blood samples in determining cannabis intoxication and if sobriety tests administered with iPads can supplement standard field sobriety tests.The study is led by Thomas Marcotte, a professor of psychiatry at the UCSD School of Medicine.

Another notable CMCR study, tentatively set to begin at the end of the summer, concerns autism.The research, which includes both a clinical trial and a basic science component, investigates the effect of CBD on severe autism spectrum disorder, a condition that affects one in every 68 U.S.children.In the clinical trial — overseen by Doris Trauner, a professor of neurosciences and pediatrics at UCSD — researchers will administer oral doses of CBD or a placebo to 30 children who have been diagnosed with moderate to severe autism.CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a network in the human body that regulates various physiological and cognitive processes.Researchers will attempt to determine whether CBD is safe for the study population to use, whether it addresses their symptoms, whether it alters neurotransmitters or improves brain connectivity, and if so, how.In the basic science component of the study, researchers will use cells from the skin and blood of participants and, in Grant’s words, “re-engineer these cells to be neurons — to create little brain organoids, if you will.” This feat of re-engineering will allow researchers to observe how the cells function and, if CBD has benefited the subjects of the clinical trial, to investigate the associated mechanism of action.The study will be conducted with funding from the Wholistic Research and Education Foundation.Grant notes that Proposition 64 allocates $2 million annually to the CMCR.The center intends to use the funding partly to support its core facility and partly to fund small-scale pilot studies that might be conducted at the center itself, at other UC campuses or at campuses of other universities in California.As an interdisciplinary venture involving UC Irvine’s School of Medicine and School of Law, the center includes basic medical science, clinical science and jurisprudence in its purview.Daniele Piomelli, director of the center — as well as a professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the UC Irvine School of Medicine — calls cannabis “a quintessential multidisciplinary problem.” Because much existing cannabis law was written when medical knowledge about cannabis was scarce, he says, new knowledge to underpin new legislation is urgently needed.Piomelli further argues that because cannabis encompasses, for example, commercial and agricultural dimensions, researchers across disciplines must engage with each other to find realistic solutions to cannabis-related problems.“If medicine and science and law don’t talk to one another,” he says, “we’ll never have sensible legislation.” In that spirit, the center has two directors — Piomelli representing the medical side of the interdisciplinary undertaking and Robert Solomon, a clinical professor of law at UC Irvine School of Law, representing the legal side.About 30 faculty members across law and medicine are involved in the center’s work.

Sexual harassment can have debilitating effects on victims both personally and interpersonally

The differences in price ranges we report here should not be interpreted as measures of price dispersion, because we are not observing maximum and minimum prices for exactly the same products at different retailers and thus are not comparing “apples to apples,” as is traditionally required to measure price dispersion.However, concrete differences in product attributes — such as potency or grow type for minimum-priced or maximum-priced cannabis — may also vary between retailers, and may correlate with price differences , even if price differences between agricultural products do not necessarily correlate with sensory characteristics.For instance, the minimum price for one-eighth ounce of flower at a particular retailer might represent a price for outdoor-grown cannabis with a THC concentration of 15%, whereas the minimum price for one-eighth ounce of flower at another retailer might represent a price for indoor-grown cannabis with a THC concentration of 20%.By analogy, if one were to collect minimum and maximum prices for all wine at retailers around California, the minimum-maximum range could not be used to measure price dispersion in a traditional sense; in order to measure dispersion, one would have to compare, for instance, the price of the same Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay at different stores.For our research, comparing prices for identical products across retailers would not have been feasible, given the Weed maps format and our data collection methods.Our approach here, in reporting cannabis price ranges, is to make no assumptions about quality and assume that minimum and maximum prices are simply prices for different types of products.It would be interesting, in future work, to explore dispersion by collecting and comparing data on standard product types across retailers.Beyond requiring product standardization, an analysis of cannabis square pot price dispersion with respect to geographic areas would also likely require a larger data set than ours.Hollenbeck and Uetake comment that regulatory barriers to entry can facilitate the exercise of monopolistic behavior by retailers.

Dispersion measures, as proxies for competition, might help illuminate regulatory impacts.As more tax and sales data are released by government agencies, it might soon become possible for researchers to collect data sets of sufficient size and precision for dispersion to be measured.Table 2 shows average minimum and maximum prices over the course of the 21-month data collection period for the three product types that we studied, along with the number of observations in each period.In the last four rounds of data collection , we generally observe only relatively slight differences in both average prices and upward or downward movements among the three retailer groups.Both statewide and within the seven-county sample, average minimum and maximum prices for one-eighth ounce of flower and for 1 ounce of flower differed by 2.5% or less, but averages differed by up to 8.8% for 500-milligram cartridges.In table 3, we report prices over the 21-month period for the non-attrited sample of the original retail store locations whose prices we collected in October 2016.These retailers may not be representative of overall state averages, particularly after the substantial attrition from the original group of retailers that we observed beginning in November 2017.However, this set of observations avoids potentially confounding factors introduced by the changing sample composition over time.Table 3 shows substantial attrition from the original seven-county sample of 542 retailers that listed prices on Weed maps in October 2016.By July 2018, 21 months after the first round of price collection, only 74 non-attrited retailers from the original sample remained active on Weed maps or Leafly.Local police crackdowns and municipal bans in some counties surely contributed to this 86% attrition rate, which should not be interpreted as representative of statewide attrition from Weed maps or evidence of the general rate of business closures.What is more interesting, perhaps, is the basic observation that only 270 licensed cannabis retailers were listed on Weed maps in all of California in July 2018, whereas in November 2017, near the end of the unregulated market, about 2,500 California cannabis businesses operated without the need for a license.This observation suggests, at least, that many medicinal cannabis retailers that had been operating legally in 2017 had not yet obtained licenses and entered the new legal market as of mid-2018.

Figures 1, 2 and 3 show average minimum and maximum prices for one-eighth ounce of flower, 1 ounce of flower and 500-milligram oil cartridges for each round of data collection, both for legally marketed cannabis and for the 20-county unlicensed sample.In the 2016 and 2017 price data, before mandatory licensing, regulation and taxation, we observe relative stability in California cannabis price ranges for all three product types.In 2018, after licensing, regulation and taxation, we observe three patterns.First, we observe falling prices for all products between February and May 2018, which may be related to retailers’ need to liquidate untested inventory that would become illegal as of July 2018.Second, we observe generally rising prices between May and July 2018, which may be related to the introduction of mandatory testing rules.However, because of the limitations and uncertain representativeness of the Weed maps sample, as well as changes to our sampling methods in different rounds, we do not have a basis for inferring a causal relationship between testing rules or other regulatory events and our minimum and maximum price averages.Third, we observe rising maximum prices for 500-milligram oil cartridges over our last four data collection rounds.At all retailers statewide that listed prices on Weed maps or Leafly, we observed a 33% increase in maximum prices from November 2017 to July 2018.Table 2 shows that the latter pattern can be observed, with some variation, in prices both in the original seven counties and in all of California.We do not know to what extent the maximum price increases for cartridges might be attributed to the introduction of new, higher-end products with differentiated sensory or functional attributes as the market has evolved; to differentiated packaging attributes; to price increases generated by increased high-end demand; to supply-side factors; or to other market effects.In general, the price patterns we observe demonstrate little evidence of seasonality, even though wholesale cannabis prices are known to vary seasonally because of the annual outdoor harvest and consequent increase in outdoor cannabis supply in the fall and winter months.We collected eight rounds of price data from the legal California retail cannabis market during a 21-month period of regulatory transition, as cannabis was being decriminalized, legalized and regulated in stages.Given the differences between the data sets we collected and the unknowns about Weed maps that we have discussed above, readers should be especially cautious in interpreting the movements we observe as “trends.” We instead describe them as “patterns.” In general, one surprising result from our price data sets over time may be the relative lack of overall price movements in California cannabis prices, with the exception of rising maximum prices for cannabis oil cartridges in 2018.

The data we report in this paper provides one source of unique information on the retail prices of cannabis flower and oil during the state’s period of transition to a regulated market environment.We hope that our data may useful to economists and other researchers who need to make basic assumptions about characteristics of the cannabis market.We did not collect price data for numerous products now available on the legal cannabis market in California, including edibles, waxes and topicals.The market has also changed in important ways since mid-2018.Many other basic reports on price data beyond ours are still needed to understand the economics of California’s rapidly changing cannabis market.Sexual harassment continues to endure as a public health problem through its persistence in everyday life, but especially in the workplace.Recently, thanks to efforts of the #Me Too movement, issues of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace have become significantly more visible in the public sphere.As defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , sexual harassment is defined in terms of “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment” and “when such conduct has the purpose or effect unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance,trim tray or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment”.The EEOC also notes that sexual harassment in the workplace is classified as a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 as it is a form of sex discrimination.Workplace sexual harassment is further distinguished into two categories.First, quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a supervisor with the ability to impose rewards or disciplinary actions onto employees uses their position to coerce victims to oblige them with sexual favors.Second, a hostile work environment harassment exists when an employee regularly experiences sexual harassment because co-workers and/or supervisors frequently engage and allow such behaviors to occur in the workplace.Lastly, with the advancement of social media and virtual communication, sexual harassment does not require in-person interactions as harassment can occur virtually.Although men and women are both victims of sexual harassment, women are most often burdened by such behavior.Studies indicate 15% of men experience sexual harassment at their work compared to one in four women who report experiencing some form of sexual harassment in the work place and in 2018, 84% of charges alleging sexual harassment while at work were filed by women.

Additionally, men more often perpetuate sexual harassment against women.The United States Merit Systems Protection Board regularly conducts a survey to capture instances of sexual harassment among employees in the federal government.Their most recent report indicates men are perpetuators of sexual harassment in the workplace in 68% of all cases.Yet, despite a greater prevalence of female victimization by males, it is important to remember men can still experience harassment perpetuated by either men or women.In addition to understanding the prevalence of sexual harassment, it is important to be aware of how harassment is perpetuated in order to understand the severity and frequency of such behavior.Behaviors that constitute sexual harassment can range from nonverbal behaviors such as staring, verbal harassment including jokes and remarks of a sexual nature to unwanted physical contact and assault.The most common forms of sexual harassment reported by employees include unwanted verbal asides as well as nonverbal behaviors including sexually suggestive looks and gestures of a sexual nature.Other commons forms of sexual harassment experienced in the workplace include showing explicit material and persistently pressuring someone for a date.Although least reported, intense instances of assault and coercion are often acted out by supervisors as opposed to co-workers or customers.For instance, negative psychological outcomes spurred by sexual harassment include stress, lower self-esteem and depression.Regardless of the severity of the incident, frequent experiences with harassment at work can negatively affect a victim’s psychological well-being and attitudes surrounding their job.For example, in more severe cases of sexual harassment, one in ten women develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.A longitudinal study investigating sexual harassment experienced by young adults at work found that such experiences early in one’s career can have long term effects such as depressive symptoms in adulthood among male and female victims.Such findings indicate that the mental health consequences of sexual harassment are not only immediate but can have a long lasting impact on victims.Specifically, researchers propose that the stress caused by harassment can affect not only work, but other domains in one’s life such as family relationships and friendships.Therefore, stress proliferation serves as a mechanism for linking sexual harassment to an increased risk of depression among victims.In addition to effects on psychological well-being, sexual harassment also negatively affects an organization via a worker’s ability to fulfill their work responsibilities.The aftermath of such an experience can affect a worker’s ability to function in the very environment where they experienced and are at further risk of harassment.Sexual harassment can cause female workers to become withdrawn from their job, through their avoidance of tasks and refusal to show up to work altogether.Studies have also found that harassment by supervisors leads to lower employee satisfaction with their job, supervisors, promotions as well as lower job commitment by both male and female workers.Trauma and stress invoked by harassment can also cause workers to become distracted on the job and increases the risk of accidents occurring.Harassment in the workplace significantly increases employee turnover, despite mediation of work satisfaction, particularly in studies focused on female workers.As women are forced to leave their jobs because of harassment, they experience financial stress in the form of career disruption and wage loss.

The rACC is involved in implicit or automatic emotion regulation that occurs at a subconscious level

However, to date very few studies have examined intrinsic functional connectivity in adolescents and emerging adults.Studies to date in adolescent and young adult cannabis users have demonstrated increased intrinsic connectivity in frontal -temporal gyrus-cerebellar regions , frontal-parietalcerebellar network , increased middle-frontal and cingulate gyrus connectivity , and increased frontal gyrus activity along with reduced middle temporal activity.Increased connectivity patterns were linked with increased symptoms of cannabis dependence and recent cannabis use frequency.In young adult males, cannabis use was linked with increased connectivity in insula and decreased connectivity in the anterior cingulate and midbrain, even after a month of abstinence.Thus, overall, young cannabis users appear to demonstrate increased intrinsic connectivity patterns, especially in frontal-limbic regions.Still, these studies were primarily in men , thus findings may not generalize to female users.Further, two studies did not control for comorbid alcohol use and despite the aforementioned link between cannabis use and affective processing, no studies to date have specifically examined affective processing networks in cannabis users.Therefore, additional research is needed to examine intrinsic connectivity in affective processing networks in larger samples that include both males and females, controlling for comorbid alcohol use.The purpose of the current study was to explore whether regular cannabis use in adolescents and young adults was associated with aberrant ifcMRI frontolimbic connectivity at rest.We employed a priori region of interest analysis focusing on regions with reported cortical differences between young cannabis users and controls, including: vmPFC , ACC , insula , and amygdala.This project utilized ifcMRI data from three collection sites from the Imaging Data in Emerging Adults with Addiction Consortium.The strength of utilizing multi-site data sets include excellent reliability and validity when combining multi-site ifcMRI data , increased generalizability of more heterogenous groups , and larger sample sizes.It was hypothesized that cannabis users would demonstrate increased intrinsic connectivity patterns in regions subserving emotional expression.Lastly, in order to interpret the findings, a secondary aim examined if group differences in connectivity were associated with cannabis grow racks users’ self-reported anxiety and depressive symptoms.

The current study examined whether cannabis use was associated with frontolimbic intrinsic connectivity using a cross-sectional design in a sample devoid of independent Axis I anxiety FIGURE 2 | Scatter plot between total depression symptoms and bilateral rAcc connectivity in cannabis users.or mood disorders.After controlling for MRI collection site, recent alcohol, and nicotine use, and abstinence from cannabis use, cannabis users demonstrated increased intrinsic connectivity between the left rACC and the following: left insula, left amygdala, and right rACC in comparison to controls, though only group differences between bilateral rACC survived after correcting for multiple comparisons.Further, we found that increased bilateral rACC connectivity was associated with greater sub-clinical depressive symptoms in cannabis users.Current findings parallel previous intrinsic functional studies indicating frequent cannabis use among youth is associated with greater connectivity between frontal and temporal regions , and increased ACC connectivity in males.Resting state connectivity increases in comparison to controls was also reported within the medial frontal gyrus among a high-risk mostly male adolescent group.The present study adds to existing literature by including more females, controlling for other substance use and cannabis abstinence period, and relating the observed connectivity differences to mood-related symptoms.Task-based studies also report altered medial PFC activity associated with cannabis use among emerging adults , suggesting chronic cannabis use is associated with region-specific changes in brain activity and connectivity among regions implicated in emotion regulation, identification, and modulation.The current findings of abnormal functional connectivity in the rACC and limbic regions, which is consistent with our previous structural findings.Our team recently reported that greater cannabis use was related to reduced left rACC volume among young cannabis users, and smaller rACC volumes were also significantly associated with lower performance in an emotional discrimination task.Further, we also found reduced right ACC cortical thickness in a sample of young cannabis users, including a subset of cannabis users with a history of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, compared to non-using controls.The ACC undergoes significant developmental shifts in functional connectivity during young adulthood , has been implicated in ones’ ability to detect and monitor self-produced errors whether one is conscious/aware of the error or not.

The ACC may be less engaged in cannabis users compared to controls during tasks requiring inhibitory control and error monitoring.The rostral subdivision of the ACC is functionally connected with the amygdala , forming a network for processing affective facets of behavior.In concert with the insula, the ACC also serves to incorporate perceptual information with autonomic and emotional information.More specifically, the rACC has been posited to have top down control influence, serving as a gatekeeper, between regions processing negative affective information and those integrating environmental stimuli, and demonstrates protracted development during young adulthood.Indeed, lesions in the rACC are posited to impair ones’ sensitivity to adjustments in personal performance during a cognitive control task.For example, cannabis users have demonstrated reduced P300 during implicit and empathic emotional processing paradigms, particularly for the highest using cannabis users that also demonstrated deficits in explicit processing of negative emotions.Thus, abnormalities in rACC structure and function may impact various behavioral aspects, including cognitive control and emotional regulation.The current study suggests that chronic cannabis use may increase intrinsic connectivity between emotion regulation regions, which was opposite of our original hypothesis.A potential interpretation may include the inefficiency of prefrontal top-down regulation, as hypothesized by Behan et al., suggesting reduced intrinsic amygdala responsiveness.Further, Pujol et al.found reduced ACC and insula connectivity; however, the study did not examine sub-components of the ACC and used seed-based rather than region of interest approaches.Thus, disruptions in rACC function may lead to challenges in modulating ones’ mood, consistent with the current study findings, or adjusting to emotionally salient internal and external information.Indeed, we also found that increased depressive symptoms among cannabis users were associated with greater connectivity between the bilateral rACC.Alterations in rACC structure and function [see ] have been previously linked with depressive and affective symptoms and antidepressant response.Though the current sample did not meet criteria for an Axis I mood or anxiety disorder, cannabis use may impact regions implicated in symptom manifestation.Although cannabis users reported significantly greater sub-clinical levels of depression, we are unable to determine whether the endorsed symptoms predated the initiation of cannabis use or whether the endorsed symptoms occurred during the course of regular cannabis use among users.Indeed, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies among cannabis using youth have found increased risk of mood and affective symptoms.

Even casual cannabis using young adults report greater depressive symptomatology.Thus, structural and functional abnormalities within the rACC observed in cannabis users may result in mood dysregulation.Alternatively, subtle mood dysregulation may be a risk-factor for riskier cannabis use consumption.Proposed theories accounting for these functional and behavioral differences in cannabis users may have multiple underlying etiologies.Chronic young adult cannabis users demonstrate abnormal CB1 receptor density in the ACC ; thus, frequent cannabis use may influence continued white matter myelination and gray matter pruning within this region, impacting structural integrity.Further, altering CB1 availability and eCB signaling may impact GABA and GLUT signaling, which is observed in the ACC of adolescents with chronic cannabis use , suggesting continued cannabis use may impact healthy ACC functioning.Indeed, rACC glutamate levels have been associated with interactions between task-positive and task-negative sub-regions , suggesting excitatory activity at rest may alter one’s ability to engage networks involved in environmental interaction.Thus, altered inhibitory eCB activity may account for changes in intrinsic ACC connectivity among users.It is also possible that abnormalities in rACC and increased symptoms of depression place adolescents and young adults at increased risk for regular cannabis use.Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to address causality.In terms of youth treatment, there are potential interventions that may target ACC functioning to improve emotional regulation and mood in cannabis users.For example, activation within the ACC was associated with positive treatment outcomes following change talk among a diverse group of cannabis-using youth.Mindfulness-based mediation and a combination of mindfulness with aerobic exercise have also been associated with ACC specific changes.Findings from the current study should be considered in light of potential limitations.Although comorbid use of nicotine products was measured, some participants may have smoked cannabis with nicotine mixed in ; this was not measured in the current study.Given the cross-sectional nature of the current study, potential differences in frontolimbic connectivity and sub-clinical mood symptoms may exist prior to the onset of frequent cannabis grow system use and serve as a risk factor for regular cannabis use during adolescence.The relationships between such factors and substance use patterns among youth have previously been investigated [see ].Therefore, prospective, longitudinal studies are necessary to determine timing and causality.In conclusion, the present multisite imaging study found that among otherwise healthy young adults devoid of independent mood or affective disorders, regular cannabis users had greater intrinsic connectivity between left and right rACC.The current study also found that greater intrinsic bilateral rACC connectivity was associated with greater sub-threshold depressive symptoms among cannabis users.Results coincide and expand uponprior intrinsic and task-based imaging projects among young adults with chronic cannabis use, suggesting altered connectivity between regions with high cannabinoid receptor density that are imperative for emotional inhibition, recognition, and regulation.As THC content continues to rise , today’s users may be at increased risk for elevated mood or anxiety symptoms.Considering these findings, it is recommended that youth delay regular use of cannabis until after peak brain maturation is achieved [see ].In light of the current paper, cannabis interventions for youth may target improving anterior cingulate functioning, including aerobic exercise and mindfulness-based approaches.Pain in Sickle Cell Disease is a major comorbidity and unique.

It can arise from acute, unpredictable episodes of vaso-occlusive crises that may begin in infancy and continue throughout life.Additionally, chronic pain, with or without acute pain crises, occurs in a large proportion of SCD patients.In a study spanning just over 31,000 patient days, 232 adult SCD patients experienced chronic pain on more than 54% of total days.Acute, painful VOCs are a characteristic feature of SCD that require hospitalization, impair quality of life, and impact patient survival.Both acute as well as chronic pain are life disabling.Opioids are the mainstay for pain management in SCD, but high doses of opioids are required and are associated with adverse effects including pruritus, tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia.Rates of opioid overdose are low in patients with SCD and have not shifted with the opioid epidemic.Cannabinoids have been widely considered for treating pain to meet the demand for alternative pain management therapies.Evidence of human use of the Cannabis sativa L.plant in rituals and medicine dates back millennia.In 1970, cannabis was classified as a Schedule 1 drug in the United States , and it was deemed to have no known medical use and a high potential for abuse.Despite the prohibition of cannabis in the U.S.and many European countries, there has been steady progress in studying its constituents for their beneficial effects in many conditions.An analysis of cannabis use among people using opioids for chronic pain management reported greater pain relief with cannabis than with opioids used alone in a national survey of adults in the U.S..In addition, emerging evidence suggests that prescriptions for opioids and deaths attributed to opioid use have declined in states that have made medicinal cannabis legal.Sickle patients often report use of cannabis to manage pain.It will be an understatement to say that the opioid epidemic and Centres for Disease Control guidelines on opioid use in 2016 have added another hurdle to pain management in SCD because pain treatment for both persistent chronic and acute VOC pain is reliant on opioids.Surveys conducted on residents involved in pain management of SCD suggest that potential for opioid tolerance and dependence pose a major hurdle in prescribing opioids.Similarly, adults with SCD reported using cannabis due to increased stigmatization for seeking opioids for pain, recent inadequate opioid dosing by the prescribers, and lack of alternatives through healthcare providers.Similar challenges in opioid prescribing for pain management among providers and patients have been disruptive to lives of patients living with chronic pain in other conditions as well.Thus, inadequate pain management due to fear of opioid prescribing and dosing and stigmatization for continued requirement of opioids in SCD contribute to use of cannabis and related easily available products by the patients to find pain relief.On the other hand, it provides a compelling reason to evaluate the potential of cannabis and its many non-toxic products for the potential to treat sickle pain.

An online survey was also the most cost-effective means of reaching a large number of cannabis growers

The current study did not examine variability in sleep patterns and sleep problems that may be particularly salient to MC users.Additional research in this area is needed to better inform treatment interventions.Meanwhile, treatments such as cognitive– behavioral therapy for insomnia should be routinely available to veterans who may derive greater benefit from this behavioral strategy than resorting to using cannabis with its known adverse effects on health, cognitive, and psychological functioning.Finally, VHA providers should expect an increase in the number of veterans seeking voluntary treatment for CUD, because more cannabis users now seek treatment since the legalization of MC use.Therefore, routine screening or assessment for cannabis use and CUD in the VHA is recommended, particularly in the context of assessing for sleep problems and trauma related symptoms.At a minimum, researchers and clinicians should not be combining cannabis use with other illicit drugs of abuse in terms of screening and treatment recommendations.Several study limitations warrant mention.As with many veteran samples, a small number of female veterans limited the generalizability of our findings to female veterans who are using the VHA for health care services.The caveat to our and other similar cross-sectional findings is that these data cannot establish precedence of cannabis versus other substances or whether MC use leads to subsequent reductions in alcohol or other illicit or prescribed substances, or whether sleep problems amount to increased MC use or vice versa.Planned longitudinal analyses of the larger parent study will indeed help clarify the putative relationship between these variables and MC use in this veteran sample.Next, characterizing MC and RC groups as mutually exclusive categories does not take into account the nuance and complexity of using cannabis for reasons that can be viewed as both medicinal and recreational.Future studies might need to utilize a continuous index of the proportion of use for medicinal and recreational purposes and account for differences across states and jurisdictions in their definitions of medical use of cannabis.

Next, it is possible that responding to the questionnaires specific to medicinal cannabis grow set up use could have influenced responses on the subsequent MPS assessing cannabis-related problems for the MC users.Finally, the study was explicitly focused on examining differences between MC and RC users in terms of the presence of PTSD and MDD diagnoses, the two psychiatric disorders that are most prevalent among the returning veterans.However, comorbidity with other anxiety disorders may be important to investigate in future comparisons between MC and RC users.In conclusion, our findings suggest research on MC use in veterans needs to continue.In addition, although the line between cannabis use for medicinal and recreational reasons may often be blurred , current findings help identify motivations underlying medicinal cannabis use among veterans.Future research can further resolve and address specific needs of veterans seeking medicinal cannabis, which could inform mental health treatment within the VHA.Legalization of cannabis production in 2017 has generated demands for state regulatory, research and extension agencies, including UC, to address the ecological, social and agricultural aspects of this crop, which has an estimated retail value of over $10 billion.Despite its enormous value and importance to California’s agricultural economy, remarkably little is known about how the crop is cultivated.While general information exists on cannabis cultivation, such as plant density, growing conditions, and nutrient, pest and disease management , only a few studies have attempted to measure or characterize some more specific aspects of cannabis production, such as yield per plant and regional changes in total production area.These data represent only a very small fraction of domestic or global activity and are likely skewed since they were largely derived not from field studies but indirectly from police seizure data or aerial imagery.In California, where approximately 66% of U.S.marijuana is grown , knowledge of the specific practices across the wide range of conditions under which it is produced is almost nonexistent.Currently, 30 U.S.states have legalized cannabis production, sales and/or use, but strict regulations remain in place at the federal level, where it is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance.As a land-grant institution, UC receives federal support; were UC to engage in work that directly supports or enhances marijuana production or profitability, it would be in violation of federal law and risk losing federal support.As a result, UC research on California cannabis production has been limited and focused on the geography of production and its environmental impacts.

These studies have documented the negative effects of production on waterways, natural habitats and wildlife.While such effects are not unique to cannabis agriculture per se, they do present a significant threat to environmental quality and sensitive species in the watersheds where cannabis is grown.Science-based best management practices to mitigate or avoid impacts have not been developed for cannabis.Because information on cannabis production practices is so limited, it is currently not possible to identify key points of intervention to address the potential negative impacts of production.As a first step toward understanding cannabis production practices, we developed a statewide survey on cultivation techniques, pest and disease management, water use, labor and regulatory compliance.The objective was to provide a starting point from which UC scientists could build research and extension programs that promote best management practices — which are allowable as long as their intended purpose is not to improve yields, quality or profitability.Survey results also establish a baseline for documenting changes in cultivation practices over time as legal cannabis production evolves in California.To characterize key aspects of cannabis production in California, we developed an anonymous online survey using Qualtrics survey software.A web-based survey that masked participants’ identity was determined to be the most suitable approach given that in-person interviews were limited by legal restrictions on UC researchers visiting cannabis farms, and mail or telephone surveys were constrained by the lack of any readily available mailing address or telephone contact information for most cannabis growers, who are understandably discrete with this information.Survey questions focused on operational features , pest and water management, labor, farm revenue and grower demographics.Two draft surveys were reviewed by a subset of cannabis growers to improve the relevance of the questions and terminology.A consistent critique was that the survey was too long and asked for too much detail, taking up to 2 hours to complete, and that such a large time commitment would significantly reduce the response.We therefore made the survey more concise by eliminating or rephrasing many detailed questions across various aspects of cannabis production.

The final survey included 37 questions: 12 opened and 25 structured.Structured questions presented either a list of answer choices or a text box to fill in with a number.Each list of answer choices included an “Other” option with a box for growers to enter text.Open-ended questions had a text entry box with no character limit.Condensing the survey to capture more respondents resulted in less detailed data, but the overall nature of the survey remained the same — a survey to broadly characterize multiple aspects of cannabis production in California.Data from the survey has supported and contextualized research by other scientists on specific aspects of cannabis production, such as water use , permitting , law enforcement , testing requirements , crop prices and perceptions of cannabis cultivation in the broader community.Recruitment of survey participants leveraged networks of California cannabis growers who had organized themselves for various economic and political purposes.These were a combination of county, regional and large statewide organizations, with many growers affiliating with multiple groups.We identified the organizations through online searches and social media and sent recruitment emails to their membership list-serves.The emails contained an explanation of the survey goals, a link to the survey website and a message from the grower organization that endorsed the survey and encouraged members to participate.The emails were sent in July 2018 to approximately 17,500 email addresses, although not all members of these organizations necessarily cultivated cannabis, and the organizations noted that their mailing lists somewhat overlapped the lists of other groups that we contacted.For these reasons, the survey population was certainly less than 17,500 individual cannabis growers, outdoor cannabis grow but because we were not able to view mailing lists nor contact growers directly, and because there are no comprehensive surveys of the number of cannabis farms in California, we could not calculate a response rate or evaluate the representativeness of the sample.Respondents were given until Aug.15, 2018, to complete the survey.All survey participants remained anonymous, and response data did not include any specific participant identifiers.Our survey, although of limited sample size, is the first known survey of California cannabis growers and provided insights into common forms of cultivation, pest and disease management, water use and labor practices.Since completing this survey, we have discussed and/or presented the survey results with representatives from multiple cannabis grower organizations, and they confirmed that the data were generally in line with production trends.Evident in the survey results, however, was the need for more data on grower cultivation practices before best management practices or natural resource stewardship goals can be developed.All growers monitored crop health, and many reported using a preventative management strategy, but we have no information on treatment thresholds used or the efficacy of particular sprays on cannabis crops.Likewise, the details of species-level pest and disease identification, natural enemy augmentation and sanitation efforts remain unclear.

Growers did not report using synthetic pesticides, which contrasts with findings from previous studies that documented a wide range of synthetic pesticide residues on cannabis.Product selection for cannabis is very limited due to a mixed regulatory environment that currently does not allow for the registration of any insecticide or fungicide for use specifically on cannabis , although growers are allowed to use products that are exempt from residue tolerance requirements, exempt from registration requirements or registered for a use that is broad enough to include cannabis.As such, it may be that in the absence of legally available chemical controls growers were choosing allowable, biologically derived products or alternative strategies such as natural enemy augmentation and sanitation.Our survey population was perhaps biased toward non-chemical pest management — the organizations we contacted for participant recruitment included some that were formed to share and promote sustainability practices.Or, it may be that respondents were reluctant to report using synthetic chemicals or products not licensed for cannabis plants.The only other published data on water application rates for cannabis cultivation in California we are aware of is from Bauer et al., who used estimates for Humboldt County of 6 gallons per day per plant for outdoor cultivation over the growing season.Grower reported estimates of cannabis water use in this survey were similar to this rate in the peak growing season , but was otherwise lower.Due to the small sample size, we cannot say that groundwater is the primary water source for most cannabis growers in California or that few use surface water diversions.However, Dillis et al.found similar results on groundwater being a major water source for cannabis growers, at least in northwest California.If the irrigation practices reported in our survey represent patterns in California cannabis cultivation, best management practices would be helpful in limiting impacts to freshwater organisms and ecosystems.For example, where groundwater pumping has timely and proximate impacts to surface waters, limiting dry season groundwater extraction by storing groundwater or surface water in the wet season may be beneficial , though this will likely require increases in storage capacity.The recently adopted Cannabis Cultivation Policy requires a mandatory dry season forbearance period for surface water diversions, though not for groundwater pumping.Our survey results indicate that the practical constraints on adding storage may be a significant barrier for compliance with mandatory forbearance periods for many growers.More in-depth research with growers and workers is needed to explore the characteristics of the cannabis labor force and the trajectory of the cannabis labor market, especially in light of legalization.Several growers commented on experiencing labor shortages, a notable finding given that recent market analyses of the cannabis industry suggest that labor compliance costs are the most significant of all of the direct regulatory costs for growers.Higher rates of licensing compliance among medium and large farms is not surprising given the likelihood that they are better able to pay permitting costs.Yet, that the majority of respondents indicated they had not applied for a license to grow cannabis, with over half noting some income from cannabis sales, indicates potentially significant effects if these growers remain excluded from the legalization process.

The exportation and importation of illegal drugs constitute capital offenses in more than 30 countries

The certification process is applied to countries included in what came to be known as the Majors List .The success of the US to coerce and to induce dozens of countries to adopt its preferred models of implementing cannabis prohibitions promoted convergence of drug laws across jurisdictions and thus increased the degree of concordance between the transnational and the national levels of this TLO. However, the global diffusion of tougher cannabis laws cannot be sufficiently explained by focusing on the coercive mechanisms employed by the US alone. This diffusion was also a product of broader social transformations stimulating increasing political mobilization around law and order issues during the final decades of the twentieth century.Illustrating Durkheim’s observation that societies have a functional need to construct categories of deviance,the instigation of moral panics concerning drug abuse epidemics provide a useful tool of identifying “suitable enemies” and scoring political points.In an era during which a broader shift from welfare oriented to punitive-focused approaches to governing social marginality took place, strengthening state capacities to condemn and to penalize drug dealers and users proved to be a far more attractive project for politicians than undertaking to address the public health implications of drug use. As the primary international organization responsible for monitoring the implementation of the UN drug conventions, the INCB played an important role in facilitating the concordance between the transnational and national levels of the cannabis prohibition TLO. In its annual reports, the INCB has repeatedly supported the “gateway drug thesis,” according to which the use of cannabis serves as a risk factor in increasing the user’s probability of using harder illicit substances, such as amphetamine, cocaine, or heroin. Based on this thesis ,the Board’s 1983 Report criticized those “circles in certain countries” that “apparently assume that to permit unrestricted use of some drug,cannabis grow supplies regarded by them as less harmful, would permit better control of other drugs which they deem more perilous to health.”

This criticism was leveled at supporters of the separation of markets strategy, which came to be endorsed by Dutch policymakers at the time.In its later reports throughout the 1980s and 90s, the Board adopted an increasingly critical stance toward the Dutch attempts to depenalize cannabis usage. In its 1997 Report, the selling of cannabis in coffee shops was depicted as “an activity that might be described as indirect incitement.”The focus on the Netherlands and its singling out for disapprobation reflects the rarity of open contestations of the prohibitionist imperatives enforced by the Board during that period. The extensive institutionalization of the cannabis prohibition TLO throughout the 1980s and 1990s facilitated the international spread of tougher laws, severer penalties, and more aggressive policing strategies. However, the very success of this TLO to propagate its policy models highlighted its failure to deliver on its own promise to reduce the prevalence of cannabis use and to eliminate its illicit supply chains. The intensification of enforcement activities also brought into focus the adverse human rights impacts of implementing the prohibitionist cannabis policies. The increasing criticisms of the failures and boomerang effects of the cannabis prohibition TLO prompted both internal and external processes that eroded its legitimacy and compromised its ability to continue guiding the practices of legal actors at the national and local levels. From the early stages of the institutionalization of the cannabis prohibition TLO, it became vulnerable to criticism of its inherent input legitimacy deficiencies. As discussed earlier, the central role played by the US in shaping the goals and strategies of this TLO has largely depended on the exercise of unilateral measures of coercion and inducement. The degree to which the certification process has realized basic standards of transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability is obviously limited. The procedures by which the INCB defines and applies its compliance criteria seem conspicuously insulated from ongoing public debates regarding the impact of cannabis prohibition laws on marginalized populations.

These legitimacy deficits are conveniently set aside by proponents of the war on drugs, who tend to focus more on the ability of these measures to promote global public goods than on the quality of the processes through which these measures are created. As Niko Krisch observes, such tendency to prioritize output legitimacy considerations is pronounced in various contexts of global governance and often produces pressure to move toward more informal and hierarchical modes of transnational governance in these issue-areas.However, this view is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain in the issue-area of cannabis policy given the mounting evidence on the failure of this TLO to achieve its regulatory goals. Despite billions of dollars of investment and extensive law enforcement resources, a sizable body of scholarship has documented the growing availability of the drug during the 1990s, the widespread prevalence of its usage among adolescents, and the increasingly tolerant attitudes toward cannabis consumption among both users and non-users.Drawing analogies to the failure of the “Noble Experiment” of the alcohol prohibition period,criminologists developed thorough critiques of the underlying assumptions of the cannabis prohibition TLO. The assumption that the availability of cannabis can be meaningfully reduced by the deployment of militarized policing strategies has been criticized for overlooking the resilience of cannabis markets and their high levels of adaptability to changes in their regulatory environments. Studies have shown that rather than eliminating supply chains, such interventions served to disperse, displace, and fragment supply sources and distribution routes.In turn, such interventions precipitated a spillover of armed violence to new geographical areas and exposed otherwise uninvolved indigenous populations to new risks and insecurities. The inherent flaws of this dimension of the cannabis prohibition TLO are often illustrated by referencing the “balloon effect” metaphor, depicting the ways in which efforts to suppress the cultivation of cannabis in one geographical area causes a convenient shift of its production elsewhere. The legitimacy of the cannabis prohibition TLO has also been damaged by evidence regarding the immense human rights violations that the implementation of war on drugs policies has entailed.

Advocacy networks led by prominent transnational NGOs, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have exposed the disproportionate punishments imposed under the banner of the war on drugs in various countries. In the US, such criticism focused on the contribution of marijuana prohibitions to the nation’s internationally unparalleled incarceration rates and its distinctive patterns of racially-skewed law enforcement.A recent ACLU report using data extracted from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program indicates that between 2001 and 2010, there were over eight million marijuana arrests in the US, of which 88% were for marijuana possession.In 2010, there were more than 20,000 people incarcerated for the sole charge of cannabis possession. Outside of the US, human rights activists focused on the increasing use of capital punishments for drug offenses from the late 1980s onward, as part of the broader escalation of enforcement efforts during the war on drugs era.In China, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines, the death penalty is exercised regularly for cannabis trafficking offenses. By the mid-1990s, the criticism leveled at the cannabis prohibition TLO began to stimulate increasing advocacy activity in favor of reform. These activities failed to change the direction of drug policy making at the international level. Indeed, the “outcome document” issued in the wake of the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs kept in place the existing framework of cannabis prohibition and did not endorse the calls to reclassify cannabis as a less dangerous drug. However, the criticism of the prohibitionist approach had a considerable transformative impact on the development of drug policies at the national and subnational levels. Before long, the diffusion of liberal cannabis policies across national borders began to jeopardize the normative settlements institutionalized by the cannabis prohibition TLO in previous decades. The efforts to liberalize cannabis regulations have focused on three distinct models of reform: depenalization, decriminalization, and legalization. Under formal depenalization regimes, the possession of cannabis is still formally prohibited; however, such prohibitions are enforced through intermediate justice measures rather than through conventional penal sanctions such as incarceration. The Netherlands pioneered the experimentation with depenalization strategies in 1976 when it formalized the use of the expediency principle to guide the enforcement of drug prohibitions. Based on this principle, Dutch prosecutors are instructed not to bring charges when cannabis use offenses take place within the user’s home or within the so-called coffee shops, where cannabis can be openly consumed and purchased.From the 1990s onward, many national and subnational jurisdictions introduced cautioning and diversion schemes to deal with drug use offenses.Cautioning schemes authorize police officers to avoid arresting suspected drug offenders under certain circumstances. Instead, the cautioning schemes require them to issue a written warning of the possible consequences of the illegal behavior.

Diversion schemes, which may operate at the pre-trial, pre-sentence, or post-conviction stages of the legal process, are intended to shift offenders from the criminal justice system and its carceral institutions to other channels of legal intervention. When applied before the sentencing stage, such measures may require the offender to participate in certain treatment and education programs as part of the bail conditions. After the sentencing stage,cannabis grow facility diversion measures may subject a convicted offender to community-based or rehabilitative measures . The widespread transnational diffusion of depenalization regimes is enabled by the structural mismatch between the actors shaping the formal rules of the international drug control system and those implementing these rules in national and local contexts.58 The diffusion of these regimes was not initiated by international organizations or powerful countries. Rather, it has evolved through uncoordinated processes of institutional isomorphism, reflecting converging professional concerns regarding the complexities of implementing criminal prohibitions that are extensively violated by ordinary citizens and that do not reflect widespread social disapprobation of the targeted activity. From the perspectives of ground-level enforcement officials and more senior bureaucratic elites, the implementation of cannabis prohibitions raised pragmatic concerns regarding the limited effectiveness of conventional penal measures and the immense costs that such efforts entailed. In democratic systems committed to the principle of legalism, it seems natural to expect that schemes of depenalization would translate into de jure changes in the statutory definitions governing processes of criminalization. The international drug conventions place constraints on the ability of national legislatures to introduce such reforms. However, the treaties also contain textual ambiguities that provide leeway for negotiating the scope and ambit of such prohibitions. The rise of the medical cannabis movement illustrates the unfolding of such processes of normative contestation. The movement began to gain ground in the early 1990s, focusing its efforts on promoting ballot initiatives at the municipal and state levels in the US.Within the next two decades, it effectively initiated the enactment of laws decriminalizing the medical use of marijuana in thirty-one states across the US and inspired norm entrepreneurs in dozens of other countries to campaign for the adoption of similar models. Countries adopting medical cannabis laws utilize the latitude allowed by the UN drug conventions regarding the definition of the term “medical and scientific purposes.” Importantly, they challenge the powerful view that marijuana has no demonstrated medical use. In this regard, the medical cannabis movement has demonstrated the effectiveness of bottom-up legal mobilization strategies operating at the subnational level to contest authoritative interpretations of transnational prohibition norms produced by powerful global actors. Building on the successes of the medical marijuana reform movement, advocacy networks in various countries have campaigned for the enactment of more radical models of decriminalizing and even legalizing the recreational use of cannabis. The seeds of this development were sown in the 1990s when European countries increased the thresholds of the amounts of cannabis possession exempted from criminal responsibility. Portugal, for example, adopted threshold parameters based on “the quantity required for an average individual consumption during a period of ten days.”Whereas Portugal adopted this policy as part of a comprehensive redesign of its drug laws on the basis of harm reduction principles,in other countries, these steps toward legalizing cannabis use were stimulated by court rulings reviewing the constitutionality of cannabis prohibitions. For example, in Argentina, a 2009 ruling by the Supreme Court struck down Article 14 of the country’s drug control legislation, which punished the possession of small amounts of cannabis with prison sentences ranging from one month to two years.

Neither have numerous other physiological effects of cannabis been reviewed here

Although the author practices in Colorado, the information is likely generalizable. This review clearly reflects the author’s biases, yet its composition was motivated by alarming experience in everyday practice. Discussions of cannabis’ effects are relevant not only to the healthcare system, but to legal, business, environmental, legislative, and other branches within a public health framework. This article does not address those other facets.Many of the previous research studies have focused on cannabis with a much lower THC level limiting applicability to cannabis sold at dispensaries today. Finally, the words “marijuana” and “cannabis” were used interchangeably throughout the article. This was done to maintain the wording from the studies cited consistent with their original language. No difference should be implied with the alternating use of these terms. While the harmful health effects of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure and the benefits of smoke free policies are well known1, there is little known about the pollutants that arise from cannabis use. Cannabis smoke is chemically similar to tobacco smoke2, 3 and PM2.5 exposure is a known cause of cardiopulmonary and metabolic disease4, 5. However, some communities allow cannabis smoking as an exception to existing smoke free laws and many more communities are considering similar legislation. To assess the air pollution associated with cannabis use, we measured airborne PM2.5, cannabinoid and nicotine concentrations in a cannabis store in California that permitted smoking, vaporizing, and dabbing in an on-site consumption area 6. We chose a dispensary that was noisy enough to mask the sound of our air sampling instruments. Nine visits were made; four in 2018 and five in 2019. All experiments were conducted between 15:00 – 19:00 . Airborne particles 2.5 µm in diameter and smaller were measured in the marijuana grow system consumption lounge using laser photometers. PM2.5 samples were collected on filters to quantify nicotine and cannabinoids.

Background samples were collected within 100 meters of the dispensary; either outdoors, in a pedestrian plaza, or indoors, in a coffee shop. The instruments were carried in backpacks and the experiments were conducted without permission from the businesses. The dispensary enforced a 30-minute limit in the lounge during most of our visits. When possible, the backpacks were relayed between researchers to collect multiple readings in a single experiment. The instruments were turned off each time one researcher left the lounge and turned back on after the next researcher entered the lounge. Experiment durations ranged from 32 to 152 minutes.PM2.5 concentrations were measured in real time using laser photometers operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions . The instruments were turned off prior to entering the dispensary, because bags were checked at the door. Photometers were paired with air pumps in each backpack, to collect samples on filters to measure cannabinoids and nicotine. After entering the smoking lounge, the researchers chose a seat that was not near the entrance or the emergency exit. The instruments were then turned on and the backpacks were placed on the tables with the sampling inlets located at the shoulder level of seated patrons. The instruments were switched off before the researchers left the lounge. For more details on the air pumps, filters, filter cassettes and flow calibrations, please refer to the Supplementary Materials. We used impactors and cyclones to exclude particles over 2.5 μm in diameter from all samples and measurements. Cannabinoid content of the particulate material on the front filters was quantified at the Organic Analytical Laboratory of the Desert Research Institute , as described in the Supplementary Materials. The limits of detection were 1.85, 0.67, and 1.90 ng per filter for THC, CBD, and CBN, respectively. The limits of quantitation per sample varied, depending on the volume of air sampled: 0. 995 – 11.6 ng/m3 for THC, 0.36-4.2 ng/m3 for CBD and 1.0 – 12 ng/m3 for CBN. Nicotine was quantified by gas chromatography as described previously 7, modified by using a capillary column and using 5-methylnicotine as the internal standard. The LOQ ranged from 16 ng/m3 to 29 ng/m3. Cannabis consumption behavior was recorded to identify and count emitting sources. Researchers also observed and counted the occupants in the lounge. On separate counts, the perceived gender , and role of the people in the lounge were tallied. People were counted as employees only if they were wearing dispensary ID and clearly working. Employees on break were counted as customers. Researchers and employees were included in the occupancy counts.

Data from routine cigarette smoke generation experiments8 were used to derive calibration factors for the photometers. Gravimetric samples were collected and weighed before and after each cigarette smoke experiment. We plotted the unadjusted average photometer data against the gravimetric data and forced the line through zero. The slope was the calibration factor. The field photometric data were multiplied by the calibration factors to yield the final particle concentration values. Over nine visits and 10 hours of measurements, the average PM2.5 concentration in the dispensary smoking lounge was 840 µg/m3, with a standard deviation of 674 µg/m3 . During the four visits conducted before the new ventilation system was installed, the average PM2.5 was 905 µg/m3, with a standard deviation of 728 µg/m3. During the five visits conducted after the ventilation system was installed, the average PM2.5 concentration was 795 µg/m3, with a standard deviation of 636 µg/m3. To determine whether the PM2.5 concentration was significantly lower after the installation of the new ventilation system, we performed an overall test for coincidence of two regression lines. The p value was 0.16, indicating that the 12.2 % decrease in PM2.5 concentration was not statistically significant. The number of cannabis articles that were actively emitting smoke or other aerosols was counted at least twice per visit, except during the second relay on 3/8/2019 when source counts were not recorded. To assess the relationship between PM2.5 concentration and average number of sources per count, we performed a regression. The R2 was 0.100, with a p-value of 0.219, indicating that there was not a statistically significant relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and the average number of cannabis articles emitting aerosols . The relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and the number of occupants was also tested and found not significant . The occupant-normalized PM2.5 concentration ranged from 18-52 µg/m3 * persons.In descending order of prevalence, the following cannabis products and modes of use were observed at the dispensary: cannabis in rolling paper , cannabis in water pipes , cannabis concentrates consumed by dabbing, cannabis in hand pipes, cannabis vape pens and blunts. Overall, 91% of the cannabis consumed in the lounge was smoked, 5% was consumed by dabbing and 4% was consumed by using a vape pen. 71% of patrons smoked joints . We did not observe any tobacco use. At any given time, approximately 43% of all people within the lounge were actively using a cannabis product. The patrons were 69% male and 31% female . Employees were observed working in the lounge at every visit ; supervising, loaning out equipment, emptying ash trays, cleaning the tables and interacting with customers. The PM2.5 concentrations we observed are similar to the highest published concentrations measured in public places where people were smoking tobacco 9.

Because the nicotine concentrations in the dispensary were below 0.10 µg/m3, the cannabinoid concentrations were high and the background particle concentrations outdoors and in a nearby business were low, we believe that nearly all the PM2.5 measured in the dispensary derived from cannabis consumption. Our prior study of a lounge in a dispensary where only non-combustible methods of consumption were permitted, found median PM2.5 concentrations during peak business hours almost 10- fold lower than the medians observed in this dispensary 10. The average concentrations in this study are similar to the maximum PM2.5 concentrations that Ott et al. observed after smoking a single joint in a small, unventilated bedroom11. Unlike tobacco cigarettes, cannabis vertical farming does not come in a single, standardized portion, and people do not always consume the same amount per session. This variation may explain why we did not find a correlation between PM2.5 concentrations and the average number of aerosol-emitting sources or the number of occupants. Our finding that the installation of a new ventilation system did not cause a large or statistically significant decrease in PM2.5 concentrations suggests that it was not effective in reducing pollutant concentrations. Prior research has shown that ventilation alone is not sufficient to control PM2.5 from tobacco cigarettes 12. The psychoactive effects of THC are typically felt at a dose of 2-10 mg for an adult of average size and tolerance. This means that psychoactive effects were unlikely at the concentrations in the dispensary. These findings agree with Herrmann et al. who found subjective psychoactive effects in nonsmokers after one hour of secondhand exposure in a sealed and unventilated 12 m3 chamber during which 14.4 grams of cannabis with 11% THC were smoked, but not after exposure to a similar amount of cannabis smoke when the chamber was ventilated14. Cannabinol is an oxidation product of THC that can form during combustion or storage15, so CBN concentrations one tenth those of THC are plausible. The low concentrations of CBD suggest that THC-dominant products were in use. Average nicotine concentrations in businesses with active smoking indoors range from 0.6 to 76 µg/m39. The fact that nicotine samples from the dispensary were all below the limits of quantitation validates our observation that no one was smoking tobacco in the dispensary. Because the concentrations of PM2.5 were so high, it is likely that the employees of this dispensary were at risk of health effects from secondhand cannabis smoke exposure. Although cannabis has a number of scientifically-validated and positive medicinal effects16, cannabis smoke contains carcinogens and PM2.52, 3. If an employee was exposed for two hours at 840 µg/m3 and for 22 hours at 4 µg/m3, their 24-hour average exposure would be 72 µg/m3. The US Environmental Protection Agency air quality index for this amount of air pollution is “Unhealthy”17 and the anticipated health effects are “Increased aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature mortality in persons with cardiopulmonary disease and the elderly; increased respiratory effects in general population.”

Research on bar workers, comparing their respiratory health before and after tobacco smoking bans, found that bans improved respiratory symptoms18, 19 and lung function19 in both smokers and nonsmokers. This suggests that dispensary employees may incur health risks from their exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke at work, even if they are smokers of cannabis. It is also possible that the secondhand exposure may increase nasal congestion and diminish cardiovascular function in the dispensary customers. Research from our laboratory has shown that a 30-minute exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, at 1,000 µg/m3 PM2.5, can increase nasal congestion in healthy, young nonsmokers20. Endothelial dysfunction, the loss of the ability of the cells lining the arteries to respond to normal increases in blood flow by dilating, is a risk factor for myocardial infarction21. Multiple studies have shown that short exposures to secondhand tobacco smoke at concentrations well below those seen in this dispensary cause endothelial dysfunction in healthy, young nonsmokers 22-24 and in healthy young smokers25, 26. One study has shown that exposures to cannabis smoke cause endothelial dysfunction in animals 27.We studied a business that was well-patronized and the PM2.5 and cannabinoid concentrations we measured may be higher than the concentrations in other dispensaries that allow smoking. We performed these experiments during peak business hours. Four of the experiments were conducted on Fridays, three on Thursdays, one on a Wednesday and one on a Tuesday. At other times of day or days of the week, there may have been less activity and lower concentrations of PM2.5. However, our experiments were conducted over 11 months, were not scheduled to coincide with special events and showed consistently high PM2.5 concentrations at all visits , so we believe our findings represent conditions at this business accurately. The Sidepak laser photometer calibration factor of 0.28-0.32 for secondhand cigarette smoke is well established 28-30. The calibration factors we derived are slightly lower and may reflect individual variations in our instruments. After we did this research, Zhao et al. published Sidepak calibration factors of 0.39 for joints, 0.40 for cannabis smoked in a bong and 0.31 for cannabis smoked in a small, glass pipe.

A sense of momentum has begun to suffuse cannabis research

Small farms, for example, may be less able to engage with the legal supply chain or obtain favorable pricing in the legal market, or they may systematically differ from larger farms in risk tolerance. Thus, because we are unable to directly control for these factors in the regression analysis, it is unclear which of these potentially omitted variables might be driving the size-application relationship. That ambiguity suggests a topic for future study. We also find that existing farms that expanded during the “green rush” years were more likely to apply for permits. This finding could arise via multiple pathways. Perhaps farms that expanded during this time were those endowed with, or able to accumulate, sufficient capital to enter the regulated market. Alternatively, some farms may have invested more heavily specifically in anticipation of formalization and legal marketing opportunities. We also found that farms that were established after 2012 were less likely to apply for permits, all else equal. Whether these newer farms will continue to operate illegally or abandon their operations remains unknown. Nevertheless, it suggests potential divergence in formalization strategies between newer entrants and older producers. Whether that divergence is driven by systematic differences in operators’ human capital and experience levels, in financial capital or in other unobserved factors like risk tolerance or “taste”- based considerations remains a subject for further research. Indeed, while formalization is clearly favored by larger farms, we do find evidence that smaller farms traditionally associated with Northern California cannabis production have not been completely shut out of the legal market. Though permit application rates for the smallest farms are substantially lower than those for large farms, the small farms that do apply tend to be farms with longer production histories. Our work documents permit applications at a dynamic moment in formalization,hydro tray and we suggest that the trends we have seen to this point may change going forward.

Many farms that applied for permits may not complete the application or gain approval, or may fail to receive necessary permits from state offices. Likewise, new cannabis investments continue in the county and some farms that initially resisted formalization may now decide to join the market. New cooperative businesses that specifically focus on supporting small farms are emerging, and these organizations are assisting small farmers in the permitting process. The final chapter of formalization is yet to be written.In 1953, amid reports that cannabis was growing around San Mateo County, the local sheriff’s office and the UC Agricultural Extension Service in Half Moon Bay issued a booklet entitled Identify and Report Marihuana. The booklet envisioned “total eradication” of cannabis. The authors couldn’t have imagined that, in 2017, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors would pass an ordinance allowing greenhouse cultivation of cannabis in the county’s unincorporated areas. A lot can happen in 60-plus years — such as voter approval of Proposition 64, the 2016 ballot measure that altered California law to allow the recreational use of cannabis by adults. The measure’s passage presented policymakers with the challenge of regulating, licensing and taxing a large, complex and fast-changing recreational cannabis industry — a challenge made more acute because scientific research on many aspects of cannabis in California had never been conducted at scale. UC is now working to fill that research gap. At least nine UC research centers, most of them new, now focus entirely or in part on cannabis.That said, federal restrictions still inhibit many aspects of research . Cannabis research is also inhibited by funding constraints. The $10 million in annual research funding that Proposition 64 allocated to California universities has not begun to flow, and the Bureau of Cannabis Control — the entity responsible for disbursing the money — reports that it is still establishing guidelines for doing so. Despite these obstacles, UC cannabis research in the legalization era is well underway, as attested by this special issue of California Agriculture. The research articles presented here fall into three broad categories — research into cannabis production, into the economics of the cannabis industry in California and into the social and community impacts of cannabis.

The three articles focused on cannabis production include the results of the first known survey of California cannabis growers’ production practices, by Wilson et al. . In the article “Characteristics of farms applying for cannabis cultivation permits” , Schwab et al. combine data on cannabis farms with information about applications for cultivation permits, establishing that, of farms within the dataset, those seeking permits tended to be larger and to have expanded faster than other farms. And on page 146, Dillis et al. analyze data submitted to the regional water quality control board to characterize the water sources used by cannabis cultivators in the Emerald Triangle region . Articles focused on the economics of the cannabis industry include a study by Goldstein et al. analyzing online retail prices for cannabis flower and cannabis-oil cartridges as changes in regulation and taxation have taken effect in recent years. ValdesDonoso et al. analyze data from sources including California’s cannabis testing laboratories to estimate the cost per pound of testing under the state’s regulatory framework. Four articles explore the social and community impacts of cannabis production. On page 161, Valachovic et al. report the results of a survey of timberland and range land owners in Humboldt County, who shared their experiences with the rapid expansion of cannabis production in their region and its attendant social, economic and environmental challenges. LaChance interviewed noncannabis farmers, ranchers and others across Humboldt, Mendocino and Sonoma counties, eliciting their views on issues such as increased land prices amid cannabis legalization. For the article “Growers say cannabis legalization excludes small growers, supports illicit markets, undermines local economies” , Bodwitch et al. surveyed cannabis growers to gain insight into their experiences with the state’s system for regulation of commercial cultivation. Finally, on page 185, Polson and Petersen Rockney employed ethnographic methods to study cultivation regulations in Siskiyou County and their effects on the county’s Hmong-American community. The special issue was conceived by Van Butsic and Ted Grantham — UC Cooperative Extension specialists based at UC Berkeley — and Yana Valachovic — a UCCE forest advisor and director for Humboldt and Del Norte counties. Butsic, Grantham and Valachovic developed the issue in collaboration with Daniel Sumner, a UC Davis professor of agricultural economics and director of the UC ANR Agricultural Issues Center, and with the staff of California Agriculture. The growing controversy regarding cannabis legalization in the United States is based in part on the question of whether increased access is associated with escalations of both use and misuse, with the latter currently affecting approximately 6% of the population.

Longitudinal studies have classified young cannabis users into those who remain casual users, those who transition to moderate levels of use and remain stable, those who show initial increases followed by declines in use and, importantly, those who demonstrate accelerated use and progression to problem use. Outlining the factors that contribute to the likelihood of progression to problem use might provide insights into targets for intervention. Cannabis use and misuse are heritable . Several genome-wide association studies have attempted to identify loci that might contribute to this heritable variation. For cannabis use, the largest published study to date identified four independent genome-wide significant loci and found a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism heritability of 10%, suggesting that the aggregated effects of common SNPs captured a sizeable proportion of the heritability of cannabis use. Polygenic risk scores offer a complementary approach to the study of such aggregated effects. In brief, a PRS is a person-specific index of genetic propensity to a trait ; PRS are constructed by multiplying the effect size from a discovery GWAS by the number of risk alleles that an individual possesses at that SNP. PRS approaches are widely used in psychiatric genetics, including substance use and dependence, and can be used to assess whether genetic risk for one disorder or trait is associated with aspects of the same trait or with a correlated disorder/trait. For instance, one study found that PRS for schizophrenia risk predicted cannabis use in individuals with bipolar disorder. However, few studies have explored how genetic propensity to cannabis initiation influences patterns of cannabis use across development. In addition to genetic risk, affiliations with cannabis using peers are believed to be among the leading contributors to persistent cannabis use. However, results from longitudinal samples remain mixed . While peer use is readily viewed as an ‘environmental’ agent of risk, it can also represent heritable aspects of underlying behavior,planting table with at least one study suggesting a heritability of 25–28% for general peer group deviance, a broad measure including peer marijuana use. That study also found that approximately 50–78% of the genetic variance in peer group deviance was attributable to genetic factors related to cannabis use. Another study reported that the heritability of perceived peer alcohol use ranged from 7% at age 12–14 to 38% by age 18, and that the relationship between peer alcohol use and one’s own alcohol use was attributable to genetic factors with a correlation of 0.83.

Taken together, these observations raise the possibility that polygenic risk for cannabis use may interface with peer cannabis use in several possible ways, ranging from a main effect to a potential interactive effect. To our knowledge, these hypotheses remain untested. To understand more clearly the role of genetic propensity and peer use in the longitudinal course of cannabis use, we used data on 1167 individuals of European descent who were part of a large longitudinal study of the genetics of addictions. We first identified trajectories of cannabis use frequency, and then examined whether trajectory class membership was related to cannabis use PRS and/or perceived peer cannabis use when the subject was aged 12–17 years. We also examined whether the relationship between polygenic risk, perceived peer use and trajectory membership could be explained by an interaction model where perceived peer use moderated the influence of polygenic risk on trajectory membership. Results from these analyses can provide a framework for how genetic liability and peer use might interface to shape the developmental unfolding of cannabis use.There are three key implications from our study. First, we found a statistically significant association between cannabis PRS and trajectory membership, and the effect size was consistent with other PRS analyses. Thus, genetic propensity to cannabis initiation derived from a large, heterogeneous discovery sample appears to differentiate between classes derived from frequency of cannabis use in an ascertained, longitudinal cohort. Interestingly, life-time cannabis use was not significantly related to PRS. However, maximum frequency of use and DSM-5 CUD were associated with PRS in the larger sample of 1840. It is possible that even though the discovery GWAS was aimed at assessing genetic propensity to life-time use, that polygenic liability is better captured along a developmental spectrum in these data. While, to some extent, the classes differed in severity of use , associations with class membership far exceeded cross-sectional associations with CUD, suggesting that class membership in this young and ascertained sample may be a superior index of genetic propensity than cross-sectional indices alone. Secondly, the ‘environmental’ risk factor in our study, perceived peer cannabis use, explained up to 11.3% of the variance in trajectory membership. This suggests that, although genetics certainly plays a role in the progression of cannabis use, established environmental influences such as peer use are better predictors of cannabis use than PRS at the moment, and this is also likely to be true for other complex behavioral traits. Uniquely, genetic propensity to cannabis use was also associated with greater perceived peer engagement in cannabis use. Consistent with prior heritability studies, this finding of genetic contributions to perceived peer use might reflect gene–environment correlations or causal processes, such as Mendelian randomization. However, both PRS and peer use remained significantly associated with class membership when simultaneously modeled, suggesting some independent effects. Thirdly, we found no evidence that peer cannabis use is a moderator of polygenic contributions to cannabis use trajectories. Previous studies have found some evidence for interaction effects between peer substance use and genetic liabilities for substance use, but few have used genome-wide PRS to do so. Although results from the discovery GWAS for cannabis use were genetically correlated with risk-taking, we found no evidence that our measures of risk-taking were consistently related to the cannabis use PRS.

HIV and cannabis affected the expression of a number of kinases and genes involved in kinase regulation

Neurode generation and inflammation were functional annotations identified in BIOCARTA. Given the large degree of overlap between these networks , we applied a merge network function in Cytoscape, which is shown in Fig. 7. The visualization of this gene network indicates that both HIV and cannabis increase genes with functions in neurode generation and inflammation , but cannabis decreased key contributors to the inflammatory process such as IL1b, TLR2, MyD88 and PARK7, as well as RASGRP1 . HIV infection in the context of cannabis indicated patterns that were similar to cannabis alone, with decreased expression in the same genes. Moreover, cannabis in the context of HIV elevated TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88, but had no or mild effects, or decreased a number of genes in this network . Another gene network related to neurode generation and inflammation in Fig. 6 but low overlap and smaller but significant enrichment , was functionally annotated to chemokines and cytokines . This network was highly sensitive to all the group conditions, with higher expression of most genes in cells from HIVþ/CAN- compared with HIV-/CAN- , and an effect of cannabis that was characterized by decreased expression of several genes, regardless of HIV . Yet, the genes decreased by cannabis differed in a context-dependent manner. For instance, the effects of cannabis alone as well as of HIV in the context of cannabis showed a lower expression of TLR2, GNAI3, AKT3,PRKACA, ITGAM, and GNG2, and a mild decrease of A1BG, Ly96, PIK3CD, BRAF, NAT1, NAT2, PRKAR2A and AADAC. Decrease in PLCB2 and RAC1 was a characteristic of cannabis alone , while decrease in RAF1 and NFKBIA was characteristic of HIV in the context of cannabis . The effects of cannabis in the context of HIV was also characterized by lower expression of MAPK3, PLCB3, CXCR6 and NFKB1 . Functional annotations associated with leukocyte-vascular adhesion and transmigration capacity were also sorted from pathway interactions. These functions were affected by HIV and cannabis . A large number of genes in this network were differentially increased by HIV and by cannabis . Yet cannabis lowered the expression of a large number of genes with cytoskeleton and signaling properties, including RHOA, AKT3, RAC1, BRAF and BCL2 .

HIV in the context of cannabis had also lower MAPK1 and CTNNB1 compared to uninfected cannabis users . HIVþ cannabis users had a high number of genes that were lower or mildly changed compared to HIV non-cannabis users . Inflammation is highly regulated by a kinases. The effects were differential and context-dependent. All the conditions showed decrease in CAMK4,vertical farming in comparison to respective controls . HIV alone decreased mTOR, CSF1R, EPHA4, PDPK1 and DGKE . Cannabis alone, as well as HIV in the context of cannabis , decreased ATK3 and MAPKPK2. Cannabis alone decreased CALM1 . HIV in the context of cannabis decreased the expression of PGK1 and RAF1 . Cannabis in the context of HIV decreased several genes in this network that were either not modified or increased by the other conditions . These included MAP2K1, MAPK9, MAPK3, PRKCA and PDPK1 .Networks analyzed above have shown distinct effects of cannabis, which differed between cannabis alone and in the context of HIV. We used iRegulon to make predictions on transcription factors usage associated with these context-dependent patterns, in order to identify regulatory and co-regulatory elements. Fig. 11 shows the same gene network assembled based on pathway interactions in Fig. 3, but now reorganized based on the expression of transcription factor motifs in these genes’ promoters. The table legend in Fig. 11 shows the transcription factors mostly associated with the genes in the network. We have identified a significant number of binding motifs to BHLHE40, BACH1, SPl1, NFKB1 , JUND, CEBPE, SRF, PRDM14, ATF4 and USF2. Mapping of genes regulated by these factors have revealed sub-clusters characterized by co-regulation. Interestingly, the visualization of effects of cannabis alone and of cannabis in the context of HIV suggests that the genes most affected by cannabis in the HIVþ subjects are more likely to be coregulated by at least two transcription factors. A closer visualization of these genes is shown in Fig. 12, mapping the majority of the blue genes . Of these, four genes were predictors of uninfected cannabis users: a disintegrin and metallo proteinase domain-containing protein 10 , the Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Delta , the cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 , and the CREB binding protein .

Four genes were predictors of HIV and were also affected by HIV and cannabis interactions: Beclin 1 , Plexin C1 , survival of motor neuron 1 , and the class II major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-DRA . Four genes marked HIV- cannabis users and also significantly distinguished between HIV- and HIVþ cannabis users: the Protein Phosphatase 3 Catalytic Subunit Beta and subunit gamma , the K-Ras gene and Cullin 2 . Overall, there was a trend to regulation of gene transcription by cannabis in the context of HIV, but not in the uninfected group, further highlighting interaction effects.The screening of a large number of transcripts associated with neurological disorders has shown that the effects of cannabis differed drastically between HIV- and HIVþ groups, particularly in gene networks playing a role in inflammation, neurodegeneration, apoptosis and leukocyte adhesion and transmigration. The results indicate that cannabis in the context of HIV may have beneficial effects. However, in individual genes, we identified detrimental effects that were associated with poly substance use as a covariate, particularly methamphetamine. Effects of cannabis, one of the most widely used drugs, on HIV and particularly on biomarkers of inflammation and cognition, are largely unknown, diverse or anecdotal. By examining a large number of transcripts associated with neurological disorders and pathways of inflammation in peripheral leukocytes, we fill a gap on the understanding of how drugs of abuse impact cellular phenotypes, with the goals of identifying biomarkers of HIV neurocognitive disorders that are sensitive to interactions with substance use. In this study, we examined cells from 102 subjects evenly distributed as HIVþ/-and CANþ/. In order to increase the power, the cohort was homogeneous in sex, age and education. The use of other substances was limited but not excluded, due to characteristics of the population. The sample size was a limitation for the identification of strong predictors. However, systems biology strategies helped us identify genes that exhibited interactive properties based on their co-involvement in highly overlapping molecular pathways. Visualization strategies helped identify gene networks with a concerted behavior in different groups, highlighting important trends in effects of cannabis use dependence.

Our results show that cannabis has strong effects on the expression of a number of genes in peripheral leukocytes, which serve as reporters of biological processes that are relevant both to HIV infection as well as to neurological disorders. For instance, the pathway identified as viral host interactions included class II HLA-DRA, CCR5 and CCR2. While HIV in the context of cannabis developed to lower expression of HLA-DRA,cannabis did not lower the transcription of CCR5, suggesting a limited impact on viral entry . On the other hand, HIV in the context of cannabis and cannabis alone showed detectable decrease in the transcription of SIRT1, a histone deacetylase with epigenetic silencing properties . We have previously reported that the transcriptional decrease of SIRT1 may be one factor in the dysregulation of the inflammatory environment and others have suggested that SIRT1 regulates viral transcription . Whether the effects of cannabis in this pathway have real implications to the infection remains to be addressed. In this cohort, we did not find correlations between the activation of these pathways in leukocytes and plasma or CSF viral load . Yet, the attenuating effects of cannabis observed in the context of HIV links and expands to pathways in inflammation and neurodegeneration, as well as to apoptosis, due to overlap in genes and transcriptional co-regulators . The actions of cannabis on the expression of genes involved in vascular adhesion and leukocyte transmigration have indicated that in HIVþ cannabis users, peripheral leukocytes may be less likely to focally adhere to endothelial cells and migrate into tissues. This may be beneficial at preventing inflammation in end-organs including the brain, while potentially impairing surveillance, but also viral spread . The implications of this findings must be addressed using experimental models. Overall, the findings were consistent across pathways, suggesting that, like HIV alone, cannabis alone may increase the expression of a number of inflammation-associated genes, but this may differ in the context of HIV, where cannabis use was associated with attenuated or decreased expression of pathway components. In end organs, the actions of cannabis may differ due to effects via distinct receptors. Cannabinoid receptor 1 is largely expressed in CNS but also in several tissues with links to psychoactive and physiological effects, while CB2R is expressed mainly by immune cells with described anti-inflammatory and immuno suppressive properties . Given the differences in distribution and signaling between the receptors, effects of cannabis or cannabinoids may differ in the presence or absence of inflammatory cells,flood tray or in the context of infection, where pro-inflammatory signals are occurring. Other less studied cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids may also play a role. Our data supports this idea that cannabis effects on molecular markers and biological processes is context-dependent, potentially driven by infection and inflammation, and the resulting differences in numbers and activation status of CB2R-expressing innate and adaptive immune cells.

The examination of changes in expression patterns in kinase networks can inform mechanisms of action by cannabis in the context of HIV. Aberrant kinase activity is linked to a wide range of diseases including neoplastic diseases, central nervous system disorders, vascular disorders, and chronic inflammatory diseases. The analysis of a gene networks assigned to kinases indicated that cannabis in the context of HIV decreased transcription of components of the p38 MAPK pathway, which is involved in a diversity of biological functions . The blockage of p38 MAPK by cannabinoids has been previously reported in other models, with both suppressor and stimulating effects . Suppression of this pathway may be associated with blockage of oxidative stress . The anti-oxidant activity of cannabis and cannabinoid compounds has been previously acknowledged , although healthy cannabis users do not differ from non-users regarding oxidative stress markers . HIV infection promotes changes in the number of immune cells, quality and activation status of cell subsets. The infection and the broken homeostasis are likely critical in the determination of the effects of cannabis as a therapy or a complication. It has been suggested that the effects of cannabinoids on macrophages are critical to resulting T-cell mediated responses and may differ according to those cells activation status and to stimuli . Moreover, here we have shown by transcription factor usage predictions, that the effects of cannabis are associated with transcriptional co-regulation at the individual gene promoters, by multiple factors that may vary by context. Co-regulation by different transcription factors is a critical factor in determination of transcriptional levels and kinetics , and is highly influenced by covariates and comorbidities. Cannabis use may be considered as a confounder in biomarker investigations as it tended to mask the expression of molecules upregulated by HIV, particularly if cognitive function was not improved in parallel with markers, for instance when other drugs were present. Cannabis users had better neurocognitive performance, overall and in learning and memory subdomains, particularly if they did not have a history of lifetime METH dependence. Such effect was stronger in METH users, but also observed in markers sensitive to HIV/alcohol and HIV/cocaine. This suggests differential effects of cannabis in the context of poly substance use and how the potentially beneficial effect of cannabis on HIV biomarkers may be relative when other drugs are also used. Overall, our work has screened effects of cannabis on an extensive number of transcript biomarkers of inflammation and neurological outcomes, which were peripherally expressed by uninfected and HIV infected subjects. Systems biology strategies have aided the identification of gene networks assigned to processes relevant to neuroHIV, which exhibited orchestrated behaviors in response to HIV or cannabis alone, or their interactions. Cannabis effects were largely dependent on context, with infection as the most significant interacting factor followed by polysubstance use. Other factors not examined here may include cannabis use frequency and dose.

Executive functioning plays a role in the development and maintenance of substance use disorders

One of the first research groups to look at cannabinoid exposure found poorer performance on cognitive tasks, such as maze learning, in immature rats compared to mature rats treated with THC. Schneider and Koch have reported alterations in pubertal rats treated with the receptor agonist WIN, discrepancies in performance range from sensorimotor functioning, object recognition memory, and social behavior. A more recent study by Schneider and colleagues found that chronic WIN treated pubertal rats demonstrated object/social recognition deficits, which the authors suggest is consistent with impairment in short-term information processing. Particularly, immature animals demonstrated more pronounced behavioral alterations as compared to mature animals after acute exposure to WIN, and more lasting deficits in social play and grooming behaviors. Deficits in object recognition have also been reported in male and female pubertal rats treated with a cannabinoid receptor agonist as well as THC, and there is some support that findings are consistent across age groups. Spatial functioning in adolescent rats has also shown affected by acute THC treatment. In a recent investigation by Abush and colleagues , chronic WIN treatment was found to result in both acute and longer term effects not only in spatial memory and object recognition, but interestingly, long term potentiation in areas such as nucleus accumbens pathways. Studies are actively evaluating emotional functioning and neurochemical transmission in adolescent animals after exposure to cannabinoid agonists, as well as how cannabinoids moderate state-dependent learning based on brain regions. While this is not an exhaustive review of the preclinical findings, in general, the data suggest differential and often negative impact on adolescent animals compared to adult animals exposed to THC or other cannabinoid agonists in behavioral, emotional, and social outcomes.

The animal work is particularly important to highlight, given the consistency in many adolescent neurocognitive and neuroimaging studies conducted with human subjects reporting regular use of marijuana,plant bench indoor as the findings often point to the deleterious effects on brain functioning compared to non-using controls. When California voters approved Proposition 64 in 2016, legalizing recreational cannabis for adults, they fundamentally altered the state’s cannabis landscape. They also, albeit unintentionally, furnished UC researchers with intriguing new avenues of potential inquiry — many of which are blocked by federal law and pursuant UC policy. For example, researchers interested in the cannabis-derived sprays and beverages readily available at California’s retail cannabis establishments cannot obtain those products for research purposes by any permissible means. Licensed cannabis businesses dot the state today, but cannabis research still operates within the same strict constraints that have hindered it since legalization was a futile sentiment on a bumper sticker. Because state law is subordinate to federal law, Proposition 64 is subordinate to the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. Associated with that act is a “scheduling” apparatus, overseen by the Drug Enforcement Administration , that identifies cannabis as ripe for abuse and devoid of medical merit. Thus, along with heroin and other Schedule I substances, the psychoactive variety of cannabis cannot under federal law be cultivated, processed, sold, consumed — or, for the most part, researched. The University of California, as a law-abiding institution, complies with the Controlled Substances Act and its nearly total cannabis prohibition. As an institution that receives federal funding, UC complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act — which require universities, if they wish to receive federal funding, to implement policies prohibiting on-campus activities such as possession or use of controlled substances.

UC personnel, including staff, faculty and UC Cooperative Extension specialists and advisors, are therefore prohibited, in their professional capacities, from direct contact with the cannabis plant or its extracts, and also from certain types of indirect contact. They cannot, for example, visit cannabis cultivation sites or advise cannabis growers on topics such as yield increases. Researchers can’t even use cannabis or cannabis-derived products in medical studies — unless they fulfill a rather daunting set of federal requirements. Those requirements for medical studies include obtaining a Schedule I license from the DEA; submitting research protocols for Food and Drug Administration approval; submitting to the FDA an investigational new drug application ; and, as a non-federal matter, gaining the approval of a state entity, the Research Advisory Panel of California . If all goes well, researchers can then obtain cannabis or cannabis-derived substances from a DEA-licensed cultivator, a DEA registered bulk manufacturer or, with a DEA import license, a foreign exporter. The only DEA-licensed cannabis cultivator is the University of Mississippi, which grows the plant under a contract funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse . Bulk manufacturers of cannabis products such as tetrahydrocannabinol — the psychoactive component in cannabis — include, for example, the Massachusetts based life science company MilliporeSigma . Providers of imported cannabis products — such as Tilray, a Canadian firm — must be based in jurisdictions where such products are legal. No matter which path researchers choose, the process isn’t fast or easy. “You need a patient, dedicated team willing to jump through extra hoops at the institutional, state and federal levels,” says Jeffrey Chen, Executive Director of UCLA’s Cannabis Research Initiative. Even so, Chen reports, federal restrictions on types and sources of cannabis products can prevent researchers from conducting cannabis studies at all. And again, only medical researchers are eligible to obtain cannabis for research. Those who wish to perform agronomic studies, for example, are simply out of luck. For all that, opportunities to research cannabis are not scarce around the UC system. Observational studies of cannabis users are permissible, though the cannabis in question cannot be provided by the university and must be consumed off campus. Researchers interested in the legal or economic dimensions of cannabis, or in cannabis policy, will discover few obstacles in the Controlled Substances Act. Several UC researchers are vigorously investigating the environmental consequences of cannabis cultivation — and in fact Proposition 64 has effectively expanded the scope for such research. According to Ted Grantham, a UCCE specialist at UC Berkeley and co-director of the UCB Cannabis Research Center, researchers can now interact with cannabis growers — to learn, for example, about their cultivation practices — in a way that grower reluctance previously precluded. Today, Grantham reports, “a subset of growers is very interested in day lighting the cannabis industry to establish its legitimacy as an agricultural crop rather than an illicit substance.” In years to come, UC investigators will likely perform extensive research on industrial hemp.

This form of cannabis, which contains extremely small amounts of THC, is useless for producing a “high” — but very useful for making fabrics, insulation, paper and more. Until recently, however, federal law did not distinguish between low-THC hemp and high-THC cannabis — nor between THC and cannabidiol , a nonpsychoactive cannabis compound purported to relieve medical conditions ranging from arthritis to anxiety. The legal landscape for hemp and CBD began to change on the federal level in 2014, when that year’s Farm Bill allowed universities to cultivate industrial hemp for research purposes . In June of last year, the FDA approved a CBD-based medicine for treatment of epilepsy-related seizures. With last December’s passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, industrial hemp became a legal crop — pending establishment of a regulatory framework to govern it. Hemp-derived CBD now appears on course for complete de-scheduling by the DEA, and the FDA is wrestling with how to regulate the CBD-based consumer products already hitting the market in many states. Amid this liberalization of federal law on hemp and CBD, it becomes easy to envision UC academics and UCCE personnel performing agronomic studies with hemp — and providing California hemp growers with the same sort of research-based knowledge that has long been available to cultivators of almonds, grapes and lettuce.EF includes processes such as planning, organization, decision-making, set shifting and maintenance, working memory, and the like . Individuals with poor EF have difficulty engaging in future goal oriented behavior and incorporating experience to modify behavior. A defining characteristic of SUD is intense desire to use substance regardless of short and long term consequences. Significant substance use can dramatically affect how an individual handles the reinforcing properties of substances as well as influence control mechanisms and quality of responses to decisions . It is not surprising both that regular substance use is associated with deficits in EF and etiological models include cognitive dysfunction as a risk factor for developing SUD . A population with inherent EF difficulties includes individuals with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder . Patients with ADHD have particular deficits in the domains of attention and response inhibition , working memory , risky decision-making , and planning and shifting . Not surprisingly, childhood ADHD is associated with increased risk of later substance use, abuse, or dependence in adolescence and adulthood . In addition, individuals with SUD frequently have comorbid ADHD . It is not clear whether individuals with ADHD are at risk for more adverse cognitive consequences of substance use than individuals without ADHD. The minimal research on this topic is mixed. Some studies do not find a relationship between substance use and EF in individuals with ADHD.Others suggest substance use uniquely predicts EF deficits even after controlling for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual disorders, including ADHD . In the current study,greenhouse rolling racks we evaluated EF performance for young adults with and without ADHD histories crossed with cannabis use.

We aimed to ascertain whether any aspects of EF deficits are specific to ADHD or to cannabis use, and whether co-occurring ADHD and cannabis use have an additive effect on EF deficits. Our focus on cannabis is relevant because it is the most commonly used illicit drug in individuals with ADHD and cannabinoids significantly impact on EF . We anticipated individuals with a history of ADHD would perform more poorly than demographically similar age-mates without ADHD histories on response inhibition, decision-making, working memory, verbal memory including acquisition, recall, and recognition, and processing speed. The cognitive functioning literature is mixed for cannabis use, but we predicted that cannabis users would perform more poorly than non-users on decision-making , verbal memory , and cognitive interference . Although no studies to our knowledge have specifically examined the interaction of ADHD and cannabis use, we anticipated the most severe cognitive deficits for cannabis users with ADHD. It is also possible that early onset of cannabis use may disrupt healthy neuro development, which is of concern in cases of ADHD given reports of developmental lags in brain maturation among individuals with this disorder . Adolescence is a dynamic time when brain regions associated with EF undergo gray matter synaptic pruning which continues into the mid-20s . Maturation of white matter tracts, yielding more efficient neural conductivity, also continues into the early-30s . During adolescence, the limbic system develops earlier than the prefrontal cortex ; development of top-down control of the limbic system is therefore a gradual process . Adolescence may be a sensitive period associated with increased neurocognitive deficits resulting from substance use. Indeed, research has shown an association between initiation of cannabis use prior to the age of 16 and enduring deficits on attention and short-term memory even after 28 days of monitored abstinence . Therefore, we also conducted exploratory analyses investigating whether regular cannabis use prior to age 16 was a stronger predictor of EF deficits than contemporaneous use. We anticipated that cannabis users who engaged earlier in cannabis use would demonstrate poorer EF performance. Participants were recruited from the longitudinal follow-up of the Multi-modal Treatment Study of ADHD to participate in the current study. Recruitment took place at either the 14- or 16-year follow-up assessments . Original MTA participants included 579 children aged 7.0 to 9.9 years diagnosed in childhood with ADHD Combined Type. The MTA procedures for diagnosis, treatment specifics, and sample demographics have been described elsewhere . A local normative comparison group was recruited 24 months after baseline assessment to reflect the local populations from which the ADHD sample was drawn. ADHD and LNCG participants have been followed longitudinally with visits at 36-months, and 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 years after baseline assessment of the ADHD group. Participants in the current study included 87 ADHD and 41 LNCG based on their self-report of cannabis in the past year.

The economic influence of cannabis can be seen throughout the county

The clear majority of respondents did not think cannabis growers manage timberlands sustainably and a similar percentage felt the same about ranchlands. Eighty-five percent of respondents regarded cannabis growing as negatively affecting wildlife and 87% regarded it as negatively affecting stream flow . Eighty-four percent thought cannabis growing leads to soil erosion and 70% thought it increases fire hazard. Seventy-eight percent believed that cannabis production in ranchlands and timberlands leads to habitat fragmentation and the same percentage suggested that the economic value of cannabis incentivizes the subdivision of large parcels. Fifty percent of landowners felt that their property value had increased due to cannabis production while 40% were neutral on that question. Eighty-three percent of respondents thought that Humboldt County was a safer place before cannabis and 76% of respondents perceived new cannabis growers as less responsible than cannabis growers who have been in the county for years. About half of respondents believed that increased cannabis legalization will be good for Humboldt County. Fifty-seven percent of respondents were not yet willing to accept that cannabis is a leading industry and that people should support it. Fifty-four percent of respondents believed that Humboldt County would be better off in the future without cannabis. Most landowners included in the survey reported having observed changes in grower demographics in the last decade. Most felt that the number of small cannabis growers is decreasing. Sixty-one percent felt that the number connected to organized crime is increasing and perceived that there is an increasing number of green rush growers in their communities. Most respondents were concerned about organized crime, while only 48% were concerned with green rush growers and 18% with small growers. Overall, resident and absentee owners expressed similar views on most issues. Of the survey’s 59 statements on experiences and perceptions, pots for cannabis plants statistically significant differences between the two groups appeared for only eight statements.

Absentee owners were more likely to report that their surface water resources had been impacted by growers; that their fences or infrastructure had been destroyed by growers; that their safety had been threatened by growers and that they had been threatened by growers on public land. Absentee owners were also more likely to be concerned that growers were taking over public land. They were less likely to agree that growers manage timberland sustainably and that cannabis production decreases their property values. With this study, we aimed to better understand the experiences and perceptions of traditional agricultural producers — the families who, in most cases for several generations, have made a living off their land, all the while watching changes occur in the social, economic and environmental dynamics that surround cannabis. This survey’s documentation of social tensions may not come as a surprise to those who have lived in Humboldt County . Even after many decades of cannabis cultivation, traditional agricultural producers have not warmed to the people or practices involved in the cannabis industry. Indeed, changes in the social fabric of the cannabis industry have only perpetuated and intensified existing tensions. As this survey shows, concerns about “small growers” are minimal now — those growers have become part of the community, and one-third of respondents agreed that they know growers whose values align with their own. What was novel 40 years ago is now a cultural norm. Today’s concerns center instead on the challenges of current cannabis culture: environmental degradation and the threat of major social and economic change. Respondents mostly agreed that growers today are less reasonable than those who have been in the county for many years. As one respondent wrote, “Growers are a cancer on Humboldt County.” This distrust highlights the challenges that, in rural areas, can often hinder community-building and mutual assistance mechanisms, which are often needed in isolated communities.As the survey shows, approximately 40% of respondents have been impacted indirectly by the cannabis industry, and some respondents have directly profited through cannabis production themselves. Interestingly, just over half the respondents chose not to say whether they grow cannabis, hinting at the possibility that, even for traditional agricultural producers, cannabis has presented an opportunity to supplement income and cover the costs of landownership. However, the broader economic growth attributed to the cannabis industry is not always viewed favorably, and a majority of respondents agreed that Humboldt County would be better off in the future without cannabis.

Some respondents claimed that the industry has increased the cost of labor and that, in many cases, it can be difficult to find laborers at all because the work force has been absorbed by higher-paying cannabis operations. Likewise, many respondents agreed that land values have increased because of cannabis. But for landowners whose property has been passed down through generations, and who have little intention of selling, increased land values translate into increased taxes and difficulty in expanding operations, both of which can be limiting for families who are often land-rich but cash-poor. One respondent wrote, “Yes, the price of land has gone up… but this is a negative. It increases the inheritance tax burden, and it has become so expensive that my own adult children cannot afford to live here.” In Humboldt County’s unique economic climate, it’s difficult for most landowners to decide whether the opportunities the cannabis industry provides are worth the toll that they believe the industry takes on their culture and community — it’s not a simple story. As one respondent noted, “If I had taken this survey 40 years ago, my response would have been very different. With Humboldt County’s poor economy, everyone is relying on the cannabis industry in one way or another.” Our survey provides an important baseline from which such changing attitudes can be measured. Our results should be seen in the context of larger trends involving population and agricultural land in Humboldt County. At the time we were preparing our survey, property records indicated that slightly more than 200 landowners in the county owned at least 500 acres; these individuals made up our survey population. Past research, however, has documented that cannabis was likely grown on over 5,000 distinct parcels in Humboldt County in 2016 . Our survey respondents, because of their large holdings, may be unusually exposed to cannabis growers physically because their larger properties may have more contact with cannabis growers. At the same time, these respondents might be better able to survive economically in a Humboldt County without cannabis. It is unclear if the experiences and perspectives of many Humboldt County smaller landowners would be similar to those of these large landowners. For many in Humboldt County, the impacts of cannabis production on property and the environment are a central concern. Respondents mentioned problems involving shared roads and fences, illegal garbage dumping and contamination, deforestation, fire hazards, feral dogs and impacts on wildlife and domestic livestock. One respondent wrote that “Growers leave a mess, steal water, tear up roads, let guard dogs damage neighbors’ property, including livestock, poison wildlife, increase soil erosion and threaten people.” In many ways, it seems that land ethics are at the center of the concerns that traditional agricultural producers harbor about the new wave of cannabis growers. Though respondents remarked on cannabis growing’s direct impacts on the environment, they also largely agreed that the cannabis industry is causing fewer young people to enter traditional farming careers — and that growers are taking over working lands. It is unknown if the rates at which successive generations stay in the family business are lower in Humboldt County than in rural communities less influenced by cannabis.

For families who have managed and lived off these lands for decades — most of them for more than 50 years — these shifting stewardship ethics threaten their immediate environment as well as their very identity. Medical cannabis use was illegal throughout the US until 1996, and recreational use was illegal until 2012. As of August 2021, 18 US states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands had passed laws permitting recreational and medical cannabis and 17 states permitted only medical cannabis . Supporters’ reasoning for legalization includes arguments about therapeutic benefits, redirecting law enforcement to violent crimes, personal freedom, tax revenues, product regulations, and harmlessness . Both recreational and medical legalization increase cannabis use . In Colorado, the first state to legalize adult-use cannabis in 2012, past 30-day cannabis use increased among those aged 18–25 from 26.8% in 2011 to 34.4% in 2018 . The regulated cannabis market in Colorado registered $10 billion in sales between 2014, when adult-use sales began, and 2020, when sales reached $2.19 billion . Cannabis smoking, overwhelmingly the most common form of cannabis consumption , exposes users to many of the same toxins contained in tobacco smoke, including particulate matter , polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, gasses, and volatile organic compounds . Cannabis use is associated with more frequent chronic bronchitis episodes, airway injury, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke . Secondhand cannabis flood table smoke also poses a risk to nonsmokers . Commercial determinants of health research, which studies the commercial drivers of poor health outcomes, has identified mechanisms of influence that the tobacco, food, and alcohol industries employ to promote products in ways that compromise public health . Tobacco, alcohol, and gambling companies, for example, hire lobbyists to influence policy, connect with front groups and allied industries to oppose regulation, and build relationships with policymakers through political donations . Tobacco, alcohol, and food interests orchestrate lobbying across industries and transnationally to promote policies favorable to consumption. The cannabis industry has a similar interest in maximizing profits by creating a favorable regulatory environment. Cannabis corporations share links with the alcohol and tobacco industries. Tobacco companies Altria , Imperial Brands , and British American Tobacco , have all made significant investments in cannabis, a long-anticipated development . Constellation Brands, maker of Corona beer, has also made investments in Canopy Growth, a Canadian cannabis corporation . Tobacco and alcohol interests have openly formalized a cannabis-focused political association as members of the Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education, and Regulation, a lobbying group that lists Altria, Constellation Brands, and Molson Coors Beverage Company as members.

Employing tactics used by the tobacco industry for decades , cannabis companies are also vested in major sports through sponsorship of athletes and leagues in the USS . Considering the health risks involved with cannabis use and the conflict between public health and the commercial interests of these industries, systematic analyses of cannabis industry influence on policy making are essential. There has been little study on the topic despite several calls for research . Although there have been popular media reports on cannabis industry lobbying expenditures, we identified no systematic analyses that assessed cannabis lobbying over time or identified connections between the cannabis industry and affiliates. Cannabis products are legal in multiple states, while remaining illegal at the federal level. Even though federal law technically supersedes state law, gaps in enforcement have been carved out by the federal government to allow for state legalization of adult-use and medical cannabis . As a result, it remains to be seen whether cannabis industry efforts to influence policy are comparable to other industries for which recreational consumption has historically been legal. In this study we sought to describe cannabis industry lobbying in the Colorado state legislature, which dictates product standards, licensing requirements, and other policies relevant to cannabis sales. We hypothesized that the cannabis industry would use strategies similar to those of other similar industries including relying on hired lobbyists , obscuring industry funding, working with related industries, and building national networks to support policies likely to increase consumption . We focused on Colorado because it was the first state to legalize recreational cannabis in 2012, making it possible to assess whether cannabis industry lobbying activities have become comparable to other industries in nature and scope over time. Because of the complexity of relationships between the cannabis industry, lobbyists, and government officials, we supplemented the quantitative analyses with a case study illustrating cannabis industry tactics to influence the Colorado legislature. Colorado requires lobbyists to file reports on their activities with the Secretary of State, even if they are a salaried employee of the business they represent.