The raw banana and hemp fibers used in for fabrication of composite laminates are presented in Fig.1 and Fig.2.The fabricated composite laminates are given Fig.3 and Fig.4.The tensile test specimens are prepared and testing of the composite laminates are carried out as per ASTM D638 standards and procedures.There are three specimen are used from each laminates for testing tensile behavior of hybrid laminates.The test has been carried out on the universal testing machine,by means of applying load on the specimen until its get failure and the results are observed.These methodologies are followed for remaining specimen in the same composite laminate and other laminate specimens to get the mean tensile strength and corresponding stresses for the comparison of results.The tensile test specimen before and after fracture of bananahemp-glass fibers reinforced epoxy composites are presented in Fig.5 and Fig.6.The use of natural and manmade fibers reinforced hybrid composite materials are growing day by day due to its characteristics like eco-friendly,recyclable,bio-degradable and user friendly in nature.Many researchers are working in this field to make the composites hybrid and to replace metals and alloy materials in the field of engineering and technology without affecting the load carrying capabilities and cost aspects.In the present experimental study,the banana and hemp fibers are hybridized with glass fiber and prepared hybrid composite laminates.Then the test specimen are prepared from the composite laminates as per ASTM standards and testing of materials has been carried out under tensile,pot for growing marijuana flexural and impact loading conditions by using universal testing machine and impact testing machine.The experimental results on mechanical properties of the tested composite specimen are observed and presented in Table.2.
The composite samples are tested in the universal testing machine and the typical force vs.stroke curve generated directly from the machine during tensile loading for the hybrid composites is presented in Fig.11.The tensile strength comparison of different hybrid composites is presented in Fig.12.From the figure it can be observed that the banana-glass fiber reinforced composites are performing better than the other composites tested which can withstand the tensile strength of 39.5MPa followed by hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites can hold the strength of 37.5MPa.The flexural properties of the hybrid composite samples are tested and the experimental values are presented in Table.2.The force vs.stroke curve generated directly from the machine during flexural loading for the hybrid composites is presented in Fig.13.The flexural strength comparison of different hybrid composites is presented in Fig.14.From the figure,it is asserted that the flexural load carrying capacity of banana-hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites is better than banana-glass fiber reinforced composites and hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites.The impact test is carried out for evaluating the impact load carrying capability of the different hybrid composite specimens and the charpy impact test is used in the present investigation.The impact strength comparison of different hybrid composite samples is presented in Fig.15.The results indicated that the maximum impact strength is obtained for banana hemp-glass fibers reinforced hybrid composites which hold the impact strength of 8.66Joules.The banana-glass fiber reinforced composites and hemp-glass fiber reinforces composites are performing in the same level can withstand the impact strength of 5.33Joules.The failure morphology of the hybrid composite samples tested in the present experiment is examined through scanning electron microscopy analysis.The SEM micro-graphs of the hybrid composite samples subjected to tensile loading are presented in Fig.16.
From the images,it can be seen that the fracture of the fiber and matrix due to the applied tensile load.The SEM micro-graphs of the hybrid composite samples subjected to flexural loading are presented in Fig.17 and the samples subjected to the impact loading are presented in Fig.18.The fiber breakage and fiber pull out due to flexural loading are clearly in observed in Fig.17.Fig.18 indicated that the fractured edges of the fibers in the specimen and also the dislocation of fibers due to impact loading.The permanent growing of the world population within the next two to three decades by round about 2.5 billion will result in an additional demand for food of 43 % and for textile fibers of more than 80 %.In contrast to the increasing demand arable land is more and more limited and the cropland area per capita will shrink.This situation will result not only in a food crisis,but also in a “cellulose gap” because cotton production is predicted to be stagnant in the future and the history of man-made fibers shows that approximately one third of all textile fibers have to be cellulosic fibers because of particular properties like absorbency and moisture management.The outcome of this is a disproportionately high demand for man-made cellulosic fibers in the coming years and for dissolving pulp,the most used raw material for fibers manufacturing,too.Dissolving pulps are usually manufactured from several kind of hard or soft wood by an intensive material and energy consuming cooking procedure,which is required for separation of pulp fibers,hemicelluloses and lignin.For those reasons an increase of pulp production will require a lot of time for growth of the trees and money for erection and implementation of new pulp mills.In contrast,pulp raw material based on annual plants like bast fibers offers the options to increase much more quickly the available pulp volume,because of the faster rate of crop growth and lower energy consumption for degumming and fiber separation.Nevertheless,new process steps for pulp purification are required.
Furthermore,pulp quality will have to be adapted to the intended fiber manufacturing and processing line.Here new approaches are needed and have to be developed by the R&D activities.For that purpose a project consortium was installed,consisting of partners from organic farming,agricultural machine development,pulp and fiber manufacturing and fiber and fabrics processing.Moreover,as present in figure 1 it was the target of the team to develop an integrated process chain for the manufacturing of innovative fabrics produced of man-made Lyocell type fibers made of dissolving pulp based on OG hemp.Bast fiber material almost free of wooden shives and dried HBS was delivered by Bast & Faser GmbH and was used as delivered.Dried HBS and mechanical pre-processed hemp fiber tow were typically treated by aqueous caustic soda at 160 °C for about one hour.A mixture of caustic soda and surface active additives was applied as cooking liquor.Reduction of Kappa number was used for process time and DP adjustment.Alternative,a fiber bleaching sequence could be applied for adjustment of cellulose pulp DP at 450 up to 700 using subsequently hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite at 55 °C for 120 minutes,each.Within of pulping procedures suitable sequestrants were added for elutriation of high metal ion contents.The resulting pulp was finally dried to a solid content of 80 % and was used without any further treatment for dope preparation.For dope preparation about 15 % of delivered pulp was redispersed in 85 % aqueous dissolution of NMMO comprising about 20 % of water and transferred into a discontinuous laboratory scaled stirring and kneading reactor.The pulp was dissolved by evaporation of excess water as well as elevated temperatures of 100 °C,decreased pressure of in minimum and a rotational speed of 20 rpm.At the moment when excess water was fully evaporated and a mixture of one mole of water per mole of NMMO was achieved the pulp dissolved immediately and a transparent,brownish,viscous spinning dope was generated.The shearing was continued another 20 minutes at 10 rpm for dope homogenization.Within the project activities the major part of HBS should be converted into dissolving pulp suitable for solution spinning of cellulose man-made fibers.For that purpose a feasibility study was ordered as subcontract from OP Papirna s.r.o.,Olšany,Czech Republic.Because bast fibers commonly offer higher alpha cellulose content,it is not so difficult to adjust required pulp purities of more than 92 % alpha-cellulose content.
But for an application in solution spinning the primary DP of hemp is too high and should be reduced either by a pulp cooking or a pulp bleaching process.At first both approaches were pre-tested in laboratory scale using flax fibers.In the end,the conducted cooking trials generally confirmed,container for growing weed that the increase of cooking liqueur concentration and/or of cooking time could acceptably increase polymer degradation down to the intended pulp DP.However,the cooking process lowered the overall pulp yield.Therefore also the adaptation of bleaching sequences was investigated in a second step.Conventional bast fiber pulp bleaching procedures for paper manufacturing use successively hydrogen peroxide,chlorine dioxide.They end up with an extraction sequence at presence of hydrogen peroxide.For the intended DP reduction an additional sequence was required using sodium hypochlorite as bleaching agent.Also this approach worked well,but only the cooking approach should be further investigated in the running project,because of the environmental toxicity of chlorine containing agents.To conclude from figure 5: At lower caustic soda concentration the Kappa number is different in case of hemp tow control from those of HBS because of its higher amount of lignin in contained hurds.Nevertheless,the Kappa numbers of both hemp samples could become equal,if the optimal caustic soda concentration and process duration were chosen.From these results the conclusion could be drawn that the lignin of hurds was also fully separated from hemp tow control at the properly chosen concentration and time.Table 1 summarizes the typical properties found in crude and purified pulp.Another challenge,also arising from high metal salt contents,is the chemical sensivity of the solvent NMethylmorpholine-N-oxide.Especial,the pulp immanent heavy metal complexes based on iron and copper ions,might generate serious solvent decomposition,what could be autocatalytic pushed on by means of addressed ions.For that reason crude pulps were washed with de-ionized water in order to isolate most of the included hazardous metal ions.After washing of the pulp the iron and copper metal ion content decreased down to no longer relevant amounts.Ongoing problems arise from the extremely high Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions concentration,even in purified pulp samples.But problems could be solved when cooking was transferred into commercial scale and pulp manufacturing was combined with pulp purification by means of aqueous solution containing suitable sequestrants.
The sequestrants might irreversibly bind the ions by formation of complex compounds,even under caustic and/or oxidative conditions.In the end Ca2+ ion concentration dropped down below 200 and Mg2+ ion concentration was found below 50 ppm.Finally,of cooking process investigation a 5.3 metric ton OG hemp tow sample should be converted into dissolving pulp applying the identified process parameter.Five different cooking batches were performed in commercial scale equipment.Intrinsic viscosity of the produced five pulp samples was in the range of 370 dl/g up to 450 dl/g,what correlates with pulp DP’s of about 500 up to 650,respectively.The accepted iron ion concentration in semi-technical scale was appointed below 10 ppm.Unfortunately the content of iron ion was nearly twice the number.The so-called onset-temperature,that temperature at what thermal induced solvent decomposition occur,has to be measured,if the iron ion content is higher than allowed.In case of dope derived from OG hemp it was determined at the same temperature as of dopes prepared of wooden pulp and was located at higher temperatures than 170 °C.That temperature is high enough to release the prepared pulp for further processing of man-made cellulose fibers.In the last step the pulp was dried to solid content of 80 % and was handed over for further investigation of direct dissolution in NMMO monohydrate.Spinning dopes were manufactured as described in material and method section.After finishing dissolution and homogenization dopes were characterized by daylight microscopy,laser light scattering,particle analysis and rotation/oscillation rheometry.Incomplete pulp dissolution as present in figure 6,what even could be detected by daylight microscopy,might occur whenever fibrous particles are insoluble in case of high molecular cellulose shares or unsuitable pulp is used or solid particles are formed in case of higher amounts of inorganic impurities.Bad solution state as shown in fig.6a could be caused by extreme high Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions concentration.Visible particles are generated by calcium and magnesium salts,which are precipitated at low concentration of excess water in dopes.Because those particles are incompressible danger arises for clogging of spinning holes,if dopes are extruded through the spinneret.Fig.6b demonstrates the effect when OPP Hanf HP pulp is well dissolved and separated from the inorganic contamination at application of sequestrants.Such kind of purified pulp could be easily shaped into cellulose man-made fibers by dry-wet spinning procedure.Adolescence is a unique developmental period characterized by major physiological,psychological,and neurodevelopmental changes.These changes typically coincide with escalation of alcohol and marijuana use,which continues into early adulthood.