The uppermost section of the annulus is normally sealed with a bentonite clay and cement grout to ensure that no water or contamination can enter the annulus from the surface. The depth to which grout must be placed varies by county. Minimum requirements are defined in the California Well Standards : 50 feet for community water supply wells and industrial wells and 20 feet for all other wells. Local county ordinances may have more stringent requirements depending on local groundwater conditions. At the surface of the well, a surface casing is commonly installed to facilitate the installation of the well seal. The surface casing and well seal protect the well against contamination of the gravel pack and keep shallow materials from caving into the well. Surface casing and well seals are particularly important in hardrock wells to protect the otherwise open, uncased borehole serving as a well.Wells can be constructed in a number of ways. The most common drilling techniques in California are rotary, reverse rotary, air rotary, and cable tool. Auger drilling is often employed for shallow wells that are not used as supply wells. In unconsolidated and semi-consolidated materials, rolling benches rotary and cable tool methods are most commonly employed. Hardrock wells generally are drilled with air rotary drilling equipment. Properly implemented, all of these drilling methods will produce equally efficient and productive wells where ground water is available.
Reverse rotary and rotary drilling require large amounts of circulation water and the construction of a mud pit, something to be considered if the well is to be drilled in a remote location with no access to water. During drilling, drillers must keep a detailed log of the drill cuttings obtained from the advancing borehole. In addition, after the drilling has been completed but before the well is installed, it is often desirable to obtain more detailed data on the subsurface geology by taking geophysical measurements in the borehole. Specialized equipment is used to measure the electrical resistance and the self-potential or spontaneous potential of the geological material along the open borehole wall. The two most important factors that influence these specialized logs are the texture of the formation and the salinity of the ground water. Sand has a higher resistance than clay, while high salinity reduces the electrical resistance of the geological formation. Careful, professional interpretation of the resistance and spontaneous potential log and the drill cuttings’ description provides important information about water salinity and the location and thickness of the aquifer layers. The information obtained is extremely useful when finalizing the well design, which includes a determination of the depth of the well screens, the size of the screen openings, and the size of the gravel pack material. Because of timing issues, it is better—especially in remote areas—to drill a pilot hole a good deal ahead of the well construction date and obtain all pertinent log information early on from the pilot hole. The well design can then be completed and the proper screen, casing, and gravel materials can be ordered for timely delivery prior to the drilling of the well. Note that a copy of all well log information should be given to the person who pays for the drilling job.
The Department of Water Resources keeps copies of all well logs and has a large collection of past well logs. These can be requested by a well owner if the original records are unavailable. The well log contains important information about construction details and aquifer characteristics that can be used later for troubleshooting well problems.After the well screen, well casing, and gravel pack have been installed, the well is developed to clean the borehole and casing of drilling fluid and to properly settle the gravel pack around the well screen. A typical method for well development is to surge or jet water or air in and out of the well screen openings. This procedure may take several days or perhaps longer, depending on the size and depth of the well. A properly developed gravel pack keeps fine sediments out of the well and provides a clean and unrestricted flow path for ground water. Proper well design and good well development will result in lower pumping costs, a longer pump life, and fewer biological problems such as iron-bacteria and slime build-up. Poorly designed and underdeveloped wells are subject to more frequent pump failures because sand and fines enter the well and cause significantly more wear and tear on pump turbines. Poorly designed and underdeveloped wells also exhibit greater water level draw down than do properly constructed wells, an effect referred to as poor well efficiency. Poor well efficiency occurs when ground water cannot easily enter the well screen because of a lack of open area in the screen, a clogged gravel pack, bacterial slime build-up, or a borehole wall that is clogged from incomplete removal of drilling mud deposits. The result is a significant increase in pumping costs. Note that well efficiency should not be confused with pump efficiency.
The latter is related to selection of a properly sized pump, given the site-specific pump lift requirements and the desired pumping rate. Once the well is completed and developed, it is a good practice to conduct an aquifer test . For an aquifer test, the well is pumped at a constant rate or with stepwise increased rates, typically for 12 hours to 7 days, while the water levels in the well are checked and recorded frequently as they decline from their standing water level to their pumping water level. Aquifer tests are used to determine the efficiency and capacity of the well and to provide information about the permeability of the aquifer. The information about the pumping rate and resulting pumping water levels is also critical if you are to order a properly sized pump. Once the well development and aquifer test pumping equipment is removed, it may be useful to use a specialized video camera to check the inside of the well for damage, to verify construction details, and to make sure that all the screen perforations are open.The construction of the final well seal is intended to provide protection from leakage and to keep runoff from entering the wellhead . Minimum standards for surface seals have been set by the California Department of Water Resources . It is also important to install back flow prevention devices, especially if the well water is mixed with chemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides near the well. A back flow prevention device is intended to keep contaminated water from flowing back from the distribution system into the well when the pump is shut off.The development of multi-benefit land use practices that reconcile the needs of human societies with ecosystem function are critically important to biodiversity conservation given human population growth and the concurrent expansion of terrestrial land surface dedicated to agriculture. Accordingly, reconciliation ecology, which is the practice of encouraging biodiversity in the midst of human dominated ecosystems by specifically managing the landscape for the benefit of fish and wildlife has become an increasingly important component of global conservation efforts. This is especially true in freshwater habitats which constitute less than 1% of Earth’s land surface yet support freshwater fish species that make up approximately one third of all known vertebrates and where loss of biodiversity appears to be more rapid than in any other habitat type. Even among imperiled freshwater habitats, rivers and their associated floodplains stand out as among the most altered ecosystems in the world. They are also among the most desirable and agriculturally productive landscapes globally and therefore ideal locations for case-studies on innovative reconciliation ecology-inspired, multi-benefit land use innovations. Furthermore, these lands are managed to perform economically valuable functions of human food production and flood risk mitigation while simultaneously providing critical ecosystem benefits such as nutrient cycling, aquifer recharge, habitat creation, rolling grow table and conservation of biodiversity in heavily altered landscapes. Managing agricultural floodplain habitats in ways that approximate natural riverine processes re-exposes native species to physical habitat conditions similar to those to which they are adapted and may therefore enhance fitness and survival. To date, most North American work to reconcile working agricultural floodplain farmlands with the needs of wildlife has focused on waterfowl conservation. However, in Asia fish have been reared in rice fields for thousands of years, providing a valuable protein resource, natural fertilizer for agricultural fields, and refugia/food for native fishes. This paper explores means by which fish conservation can be integrated into the management of actively farmed rice fields on the agricultural floodplains of the Sacramento Valley, California. Chinook Salmon are in steep decline throughout California. A conservative pre-European establishment fish population estimate in the Central Valley was 2 million annual adults returning to spawn, which sustained a sizable commercial ocean fishery.
Prior to the mid-1800s, California’s Central Valley was estimated to contain more than 4 million acres of seasonal floodplain and tidal wetlands which provided abundant food resources for rearing juvenile Chinook Salmon. Of the historic wetland habitats in California, approximately 95% of floodplain habitat has been disconnected from rivers by levees and channelization, drastically reducing quality rearing conditions for out-migrating salmon. Though most of the historical alluvial floodplain in California is now inaccessible to salmon, some productive seasonal wetlands persist, presenting opportunities for conservation. In particular, winter-flooded rice fields within the Sacramento Valley flood protection bypasses–flood ways which route floods away from cities and which are designed to drain floodwaters rapidly in order to accommodate agricultural production–hydrologically connect to the river and can be managed to promote environmental conditions that resemble natural off channel habitat. Use of existing berms and water control structures used in rice propagation to prolong the duration of floodplain inundation on these managed floodplain wetlands during the winter and early spring seasons approximates the long-duration inundation of floodplains that typically occurred on Central Valley floodplains prior to the widespread wetland reclamation and levee construction in the 19th and 20th centuries. Inundation duration of several weeks facilitates the development of highly productive invertebrate food webs and improved foraging opportunities for fish. Chinook Salmon reared in floodplain and off channel habitats experience more rapid growth rates compared to those rearing in adjacent leveed river channels rivers due to more abundant invertebrate prey. For anadromous salmonid species such as Chinook Salmon improved growth during the freshwater juvenile stage is correlated with larger size at ocean entry and increased survivorship to adulthood. While the potential benefits to juvenile Chinook Salmon rearing on flooded bypasses is well established, there is little published research testing methodologies for establishing the optimal physical and biological conditions to achieve maximal benefit on these managed floodplains. Such is the primary goal of this study: to compare potential management practices intended to enhance the habitat benefits to juvenile Chinook Salmon of winter-inundated, post-harvest rice fields on the Yolo Bypass floodplain of the Sacramento Valley of California. This paper reports results from work conducted on a 7.3-hectare agricultural floodplain laboratory over four consecutive years beginning in 2013 and ending in 2016. Studies were built on an adaptive framework in which each year’s results are used to refine experimental approaches in subsequent field seasons. Listed sequentially, annual investigations included studying the effects of 1) post-harvest field substrate; 2) depth refugia; 3) duration of field drainage; and 4) duration of rearing occupancy on in-situ diet, growth and survival of juvenile salmon. It is our hope that the data produced by these controlled, field-scale experiments will inform farm, water, and flood resource managers as they continue to develop multi-benefit land use practices designed to improve habitat quality for salmon and other native fishes of conservation concern provided California’s system of water supply and flood protection infrastructure.Experiments took place in the Yolo Bypass, a 24,000-ha flood bypass along the Sacramento River in California, USA. Nine 0.81-ha replicated fields were constructed on Knaggs Ranch—a farm predominantly producing rice . An inlet canal routing water from the Knights Landing Ridge Cut canal independently fed each of the nine fields, and all fields drained into an outlet canal. The outlet canal ultimately emptied into the Tule Canal, which runs north to south along the east side of the bypass. Each field had rice boxes on the inlet and outlet of each field.