HDPE and VIF film was installed after the disk and rolling operation using a Noble plow rig

A shank fumigation trial was conducted in 2007 at the UC Kearney Agricultural Center , near Parlier, to determine the effect of two fumigation shank types and five soil surface treatments on 1,3-D emissions and control of representative soilborne pests following removal of a plum orchard. Soil texture at the site was a Hanford fine, sandy loam with pH 7.2, 0.7% organic matter, and a composition of 70% sand, 24% silt and 6% clay. The experiment included 10 treatments with 1,3-D in a split plot design with surface treatments as the main plots and two application shank types as the subplots, as well as an unfumigated control and a methyl bromide plus chloropicrin standard for comparison . Individual plots were 12 feet by 100 feet, and each treatment was replicated three times. Fumigant application. Fumigants were applied using commercial equipment on Oct. 2, 2007. Methyl bromide with chloropicrin was applied at 350 pounds per acre with a Noble plow rig set up to inject fumigants 10 inches deep through emitters spaced 12 inches apart while simultaneously installing 1-mil high-density polyethylene film. The 1,3-D treatments, at 332 pounds per acre, were applied using either a standard Telone rig with shanks spaced 20 inches apart and an injection depth of 18 inches or a Buessing shank rig with shanks spaced 24 inches apart and the fumigant injection split at 16- and 26-inch injection depths. The Buessing shank also had wings above each injection nozzle to scrape soil into the shank trace and minimize rapid upward movement of the fumigant . Following 1,3-D application, a disk and ring roller was used to level and compact the surface soil before surface seals were applied over the fumigated plots. Average soil temperature at 20 inches during fumigation was 70°F, grow rack with lights and soil moisture was 8.2% to 10.5% weight per weight in the top 3 feet. Surface treatments included HDPE film; virtually impermeable film, VIF ; and a series of intermittent water applications .

The intermittent water seals treatment was applied using a temporary sprinkler system installed in the plots following fumigation and the post fumigation tillage operation; water was applied four times in the first 2 days after fumigation: 0.5 inch after 3 hours, 0.2 inch after 12 hours, 0.2 inch after 24 hours and 0.2 inch after 48 hours. All plastic films were removed 10 days after fumigation. Fourteen days after the initial 1,3-D fumigation, the metam sodium treatment was applied through sprinklers at 160 pounds per acre in 2.75 inches of water. For the dual application treatment, 21 days after the initial treatment, soil was inverted with a moldboard plow and an additional 1,3-D treatment was applied with the previously described Telone rig and rolling operation. Emissions data collection. Fumigant emissions from eight 1,3-D treatments — two application shank types times four surface seal methods — were monitored in three replicate plots for 10 days following the initial application. Emission of 1,3-D from the soil surface was monitored using previously described dynamic flux chamber techniques . Briefly, a flow-through flux chamber with a 10-inch-by-20-inch opening was installed on the surface following fumigant injection and installation of the films or after the initial water seal treatment . These chambers allow semi-automated, continuous sampling of fumigant concentrations in the air above the surfaces. The cis– and trans-isomers of 1,3-D were trapped in charcoal sampling tubes . The two 1,3-D isomers were summed as total 1,3-D for data analysis and reporting. Individual tubes were removed from the flux chambers every 3 to 6 hours and stored frozen until laboratory processing. Emission flux and cumulative emission during the 10-day monitoring period were calculated based on surface area and air flow rates through the flux chambers, and treatment differences were compared using analysis of variance . The concentration of 1,3-D in the soil-gas phase was determined 6, 12, 24, 48, 120 and 240 hours after treatment. At each time point, samples were collected using a multiport sampling probe and a system of gas-tight syringes to draw air from eight depths through charcoal sampling tubes. Samples were stored frozen until analysis. In the laboratory, all samples were processed using procedures described by Gao et al. . Briefly, sample tubes were broken and trapped fumigants were extracted from the trapping matrix with ethyl acetate and analyzed using a gas chromatograph equipped with a micro electron capture detector .

Pest control data collection. Pest control efficacy was evaluated using citrus nematode bioassay counts, fungal dilution plating, and weed emergence counts and biomass collections from each replicated plot. The pest control data from this research station emission flux experiment were reported in Jhala et al. . Rose and tree nursery trials In addition to the emission flux and efficacy study conducted at KAC, two field trials were conducted in commercial nurseries to evaluate pest control efficacy and nursery stock productivity. Fumigation and surface treatments in the nursery experiments were the same as in the flux study with minor exceptions . The commercial nursery trials were arranged as randomized complete block experiments with a split plot arrangement of 1,3-D treatments. The whole plot factor was surface treatment, and the split plot factor was the shank type. Individual plots in these experiments were 22 feet by 90 feet, and each treatment was replicated four times. Fumigant application. In 2007, the experiment was established in a garden rose nursery near Wasco. The soil at the rose nursery site was a McFarland loam with pH 6.2, 0.9% organic matter and 74% sand, 13% silt and 13% clay. Treatments were applied on Nov. 7, 2007, when the soil temperature was 64ºF and soil moisture averaged 9.2% w/w from 2 to 5 feet. The experiment was repeated in 2008 in a deciduous tree nursery near Hickman, in a Whitney and Rocklin sandy loam soil with pH 6.5, 0.8% organic matter, and 66% sand, 23% silt and 11% clay. Treatments in the tree nursery trial were applied on Aug. 13, 2008, when the soil was 80ºF and soil moisture ranged from 5.0% to 12.6% w/w in the top 5 feet. Immediately following 1,3-D application, a disk and roller were used to compact the soil and disrupt shank traces and HDPE and VIF were installed using the Noble plow rig. For the water seal main plots, a temporary sprinkler system was installed after the post fumigation tillage operation and intermittent water seals were applied: 0.5 inch after 3 hours, and 0.2 inch each after 12, 24 and 48 hours.

The dual application 1,3-D treatments were applied in the garden rose experiment on Nov. 28, 2007, but were not included in the 2008 tree nursery experiment. Metam sodium was applied in 2.75 inches of irrigation water through sprinklers 14 to 30 days after the initial 1,3-D treatment in both experiments. All plastic films were removed 2 to 3 weeks after fumigation at both sites. Crop production and data collection. Both nursery trials were managed by the cooperating growers using their standard practices for planting, fertilization, in-season tillage and budding and harvest operations. In the 2007 rose experiment, two rows each of the rose rootstock ‘Dr. Huey’ and the own-rooted garden rose variety ‘Home Run’ were planted as hardwood cuttings in December 2007. Rose nursery stock was planted 7 inches apart in furrows spaced 3 feet apart, and the field was furrow irrigated during the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons. The own-rooted cultivar was harvested after one growing season in January 2009, and the unbudded ‘Dr. Huey’ rootstock was harvested in February 2010 after an additional growing season. At both harvest dates, all plants in one 90-foot row were lifted using a singlerow undercutting digger, plants were bundled and tagged by plot, and graded in a commercial packinghouse. In the 2008 tree nursery trial, two rows each of the peach rootstock ‘Nemaguard’ and the plum rootstock ‘Myro 29C’ were planted with 8 inches between plants and 5 feet between rows in December 2008. The tree nursery plots were sprinkler irrigated during the 2009 growing season. Due to the market needs of the cooperating nursery, the rootstocks in the tree trial were not available for harvest and grading as a part of the experiment. Pest control efficacy and crop productivity were evaluated during the 12- or 26-month nursery production cycle. Nematode control was determined using a citrus nematode bio-assay in which two sets of muslin bags containing 100 grams of soil infested with citrus nematode were buried at 6, 12, 24 and 36 inches below the soil surface in each plot prior to fumigation. The initial population of citrus nematodes in infested soil was 4,086 and 3,876 nematodes per 100 cubic centimeters of soil in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The bags were recovered 1 month after fumigation, nematodes were extracted from 100 cubic centimeters of soil using the Baermann funnel protocol, indoor grow rack and surviving nematodes were identified and counted. To evaluate the effect of fumigation treatments on soil fungal populations, ten 1-inch-by-12-inch soil cores were collected from each subplot 2 weeks after fumigation. Soils were homogenized, and a subsample was assayed for Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. and Pythium species using dilution plating techniques on selective media. Pythium species samples were plated on P5ARP medium for 48 hours, and F. oxysporum samples were plated on Komada’s medium for 6 days. Emerged weeds in a 1-square-meter area were identified and counted twice in the winter following the fall fumigation and several times during the subsequent summer growing season. Nursery stock establishment, vigor and growth were monitored during the season. Visual evaluations of crop vigor were made on a scale of 1 to 7, where 7 was the most vigorous and 1 was dead or dying plants. Near the end of the growing season, trunk diameter of 10 plants in each subplot was measured 3 inches above the soil surface using a dial caliper. As previously described, rose nursery stock was harvested and graded to commercial standards ratings, but tree nursery stock was not harvested as a part of the experiment. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, and initial analyses indicated that the shank types did not differ in their effect on any of the pest control or crop growth parameters measured. Thus, data from the two shank type treatments were grouped together within surface treatments and reanalyzed with seven treatments and six treatments . The nematode, pathogen and weed density data were transformed [ln ] to stabilize the variance prior to analysis; however, means of untransformed data are presented for clarity. Treatment means were separated using Fisher’s protected least significant difference procedure with α = 0.05.Emission flux. Within a surface treatment, there were no statistical differences in emission flux between the two application shank types, thus data were combined over application rig. However, significant differences in 1,3-D emission flux were observed among surface treatments . Fumigant emission flux from bare plots was two times higher than from water seals and HDPE and nearly 15 times higher than from VIF within 48 hours after treatment. Emission from water-sealed plots was reduced during the sequential water applications, but flux was similar to bare soil plots after 48 hours. HDPE film continued to give lower emission rates than the bare soil and water seals but was significantly higher than VIF. Throughout the monitoring period, VIF-covered plots had the lowest 1,3-D emissions; maximum flux was 11 micrograms per square meter per second , which was at least 90% lower than that from the bare soil plots. Relative to the bare soil treatment, estimated cumulative 1,3-D emission losses for water seals, HDPE and VIF were 73%, 45% and 6%, respectively, which were similar to reports from a previous field study . Headspace 1,3-D concentration. Concentration of 1,3-D immediately below the plastic film indicated that 1,3-D retention is much greater under VIF film than under HDPE . Several other studies have shown that VIF can retain substantially higher fumigant concentrations without negatively affecting nematode, pathogen and weed control efficacy or crop yield . Fumigant distribution in soil. Initial analysis of fumigant distribution in the surface 90 centimeters indicated that there were no differences between the application shanks within a surface treatment in this zone; thus data were combined over application shank types . The 1,3-D concentration was highest near the injection depth, at 45 centimeters and lowest near the soil surface, at 5 centimeters , and at 90 centimeters , but this difference diminished over time.