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Neither model showed significant mediating effect of inflammation on the relationship between childhood trauma and clinical outcome due to lack of association between inflammation and childhood trauma. Thus, we can conclude that childhood trauma and the 15-Analyte Index may have additive effects in predicting SOPS positive and GAF, and that the effects of total childhood trauma on clinical outcomes is not mediated by inflammatory processes. These results have several possible explanations. It is possible that the lack of association between childhood trauma and inflammation was due to the inability to account for severity of childhood trauma experienced. Thus, with a measure of severity of childhood trauma, perhaps the relationship between total severity/chronicity of trauma experienced would be associated with Cortisol, CRP, IL-6, TNF-a, or the 15-Analyte index. However, it is also possible that the individual analytes included in the 15-analyte index are uniquely and independently predictive of SOPS positive symptoms and GAF, thus childhood trauma may not be associated with those specific inflammatory analytes irrespective of the childhood trauma indices used. Several studies cite the significant relationships between inflammation, childhood trauma, and in first episode psychosis ,but no studies to our knowledge to date have evaluated the mediating effect of inflammation on the relationship between childhood trauma and clinical outcomes in CHR subjects to date.Lastly, we explored the effect of psychosis-risk conversion status and trauma history on inflammation, psychosis risk symptom severity, and functioning in CHR. Group stratification revealed that there were no significant differences between CHR-C and CHR-NC groups in total trauma,vertical growing rack meaning that CHR individuals who progressed to psychosis from an at-risk state did not demonstrate higher total trauma as compared to CHR subjects that did not progress to psychosis.

MANCOVA revealed significant between groups differences in SOPS P, GAF, and the 15-Analyte Index. Post-Hoc analyses using Bonferroni correction revealed that CHR- CTrauma subjects with a history of childhood trauma demonstrated significantly higher SOPS positive symptom scores than CHR- CNoTrauma, and CHR- NCTrauma, CHR- NCNoTrauma subjects. Given that criteria for conversion to psychosis is based on increased scores in the SOPS Positive scale, total childhood trauma may be an important independent variable associated with increased baseline SOPS positive symptoms and help identify a category of individual who are highest risk for conversion to psychosis. Further, CHR-CTrauma demonstrated lower GAF as compared to CHRNCNoTrauma subjects, whereas CHR- CNoTrauma did not demonstrate differences in GAF scores compared to either group of CHR-NC subjects. This again may imply that history of childhood trauma may be an important independent variable associated with increased baseline global functioning and thus help identify a category of clinical high-risk subjects who demonstrate the lowest global functioning. Finally, the 15-Analyte index did not differ between CHR-CTrauma and CHR-CNoTrauma subjects but did differ between CHR-NCTrauma and CHR-NCNoTrauma groups. Given that higher scores on the 15-Analyte index are associated with higher SOPS overall symptoms, lower global functioning, and lower social/role functioning, this finding may be interpreted to mean that CHR subjects with any history of trauma may demonstrate a unique population of subjects with worse clinical outcomes who would benefit most from early intervention. There are several possible limitations of this study that may explain the non-significant association between history of childhood trauma and pro-inflammatory cytokines . While sample size was adequate to detect small to medium between subjects’ effects, due to employing multiple between-subjects comparisons, risk for Type I error was increased.

Future research may consider use of open public data sets or consortium efforts in order to pool resources and maximize recruitment of sufficient samples to conduct analyses that require a large sample of subjects, such as exploratory factor analyses of inflammatory analytes. Further, measurement of childhood trauma in this study prevents evaluation of the effect of chronicity and severity of trauma to be evaluated. Future studies should consider use of the non-abbreviated Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: CTQ, in order to capture severity and chronicity of each individual sub-type of trauma endorsed. A review by Schafer and Fisher determined that instruments assessing childhood trauma, such as the CTQ, that were originally developed for the general population are also appropriate for use among people with psychosis. However, the use of self-report measures of childhood trauma is additionally prone to bias, particularly when subjects are under the age of 18. Thus, in order to prevent bias in reporting, future studies should employ use of informants that may be able to verify experience of childhood trauma in order to increase reliability of reporting. Moreover, inflammatory analytes and childhood trauma were only evaluated from one time point. Due to the age range of the at-risk sample , this might mean that ongoing changes in inflammatory analytes and additional trauma experiences that occurred during the course of the study, were not captured. Ongoing sampling of childhood trauma on inflammation must be evaluated across time in order to establish more reliable measures of these dynamic processes. The use of cross-sectional data for mediation analyses is limited, as temporal precedence cannot be established thereby preventing implications to be drawn regarding the causal effect of childhood trauma or inflammatory markers on clinical outcomes. While a study by Simpson et al. demonstrated that self-report measurement of childhood trauma in a first episode psychosis sample remained stable and consistent across multiple time points, they found that severity of trauma reported did fluctuate across multiple assessments.

If unable to collect multiple biological samples from different time points, implementation of a stress test design with blood marker sampling would allow for testing the impact of trauma on stress reactivity and inflammatory response during the course of one visit. Additionally, the validation of inflammatory markers in psychosis is ongoing; therefore, selection of specific markers of inflammation to measure at various phases of illness is not well established, nor is there a clear understanding of what inflammatory analytes may be differentially impacted by environmental stress as compared to disease progression. Measuring a large panel of serum markers of inflammation is preferable, but studies must be well-powered in order to establish reliable effects. Evaluating profile networks of inflammatory analytes is needed to understand the dynamic activation and suppression of analytes and provide a clearer understanding of immune system regulation as a whole, as compared to understanding of single analytes. Measurement of single inflammatory analytes provides only a small snapshot of a much larger and more complex picture that is the immune system. Finally, this study lacked assessment of variables known to affect inflammatory analyte levels, namely body mass index . While this study controlled for the effects of antipsychotic, antidepressant, tobacco, and cannabis use, BMI is highly associated with inflammation and thus may have confounded findings in inflammatory analytes. Taken together these results confirm existing research that individuals at CHR for psychosis demonstrate higher total childhood trauma as compared to unaffected comparison subjects and that history of childhood trauma is associated with increased positive psychosis-risk symptoms and worse global functioning. However, total childhood trauma was not associated with inflammation in this sample, thus analyses of the mediating effect of inflammatory analytes in the relationships between childhood trauma and clinical outcomes was non-significant. Instead,cannabis vertical grow this study suggests that total childhood trauma and inflammatory analytes independently predict positive psychosis risk symptoms and lower global functioning; thus, these independent effects are additive. These findings confirm the importance of assessing for childhood trauma and blood-based inflammation in at-risk subjects as a means to identify individuals who may be at the highest risk for poor clinical and functional outcome. Childhood trauma and inflammation may seem difficult variables to target through existing evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. However, there is a growing body of research that supports the use of complementary and alternative medicine psychosocial interventions that may effectively target these factors in psychosis. The goal of research of CAM in psychosis is to replicate results from studies conducted in the general population demonstrating that the use of mind-body interventions reduces reactivity to stress and chronic inflammation. For example, research Breines et al. demonstrated that higher levels of “self-compassion,” defined by Neff as “the attitude of treating oneself with kindness and non-judgmental understanding,” are associated with reduced IL-6 response in reaction to stress. More importantly, it has been demonstrated that self-compassion is not a “trait,” but rather a modifiable and alterable “state.” Cognitively-Based Compassion Training is a meditation-based program derived from Tibetan Buddhist mind-training that has been demonstrated to enhance empathy and compassion for oneself and others. Research on CBCT in medically stable populations by Pace et al. reveals 6 weeks of compassion meditation training reduced stress-induced immune responses in a stress-test design. Further, Pace et al. demonstrate that strength of reduction in immune response was not mediated by time spent meditating, indicating that benefits of compassion training are not dependent on long hours of practice. This is very relevant to the application and effectiveness of such techniques in children or adolescents, particularly those currently experiencing mental health concerns, given that it would be impractical to expect children with mental health concerns to engage in lengthy meditation practice. In fact, Pace et al. demonstrated the feasibility of CBCT in not only adolescents, but those in foster care with a history of early life adversity.

Moreover, foster care program adolescents with a history of childhood trauma demonstrated significant reductions in salivary CRP after just 6-weeks of compassion training. Compassion training has not yet been evaluated in CHR population, but there is evidence that adapted mindfulness-based interventions are not only safe and therapeutic for use in chronic psychosis populations, but also may help to decrease individual distress around positive psychosis symptoms, such as auditory hallucinations and delusions . A recent systematic review by Louise, Fitzpatrick, Strauss, Rossell, and Thomas on “third-wave” cognitive behavioral interventions in psychosis, reveals that acceptance-based interventions show moderate effects in reducing depressive symptoms, but no effect in reducing distress around psychosis symptoms or improving functional outcome. Randomized-controlled clinical trials utilizing mindfulness-based interventions for early-psychosis are currently lacking. Nonetheless, these techniques represent a promising category of psychosocial intervention warranting further study as they may modify reactivity to stress and immune response. Other CAM interventions that warrant further study in psychosis populations to target immune response and clinical outcomes include exercise, diet, and cannabidiol. Exercise and diet have been shown to have robust effects on reducing chronic inflammation and improving health outcomes in the adolescents . Research on aerobic exercise in psychosis groups has demonstrated very promising findings, indicating that moderately intense exercises, such as walking or bike riding, may improve positive and negative psychosis risk symptomatology, cognition, and functional outcome . Further, these effects have been replicated in CHR populations . Diet may be another window of opportunity for impacting clinical outcomes and immune response in psychosis. For example, a recently review by Stogios et al. reveals that unmedicated individuals with psychosis demonstrate increased appetite and cravings for fatty foods, which contribute to weight gain and metabolic disturbances known to be associated with higher levels of inflammation. Wu, Wang, Bai, Huang, and Lee revealed that a 6-month combined diet and physical activity program in schizophrenia subjects resulted in reduced BMI, improved metabolic profiles of insulin and triglycerides, as well as improved psychotic symptoms. Cahn, Goodman, Peterson, Maturi, and Mills demonstrated a 3- month mindfulness, diet, and yoga combined intervention resulted in increased levels of BDNF and increased cortisol awakening response in a population of medically stable adults. Research on novel therapeutics, such as cannabidiol , as a potential treatment for psychosis have demonstrated that CBD may not only have neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, but also improve disease trajectory of psychosis by reducing positive psychosis symptoms, anxiety, and cognitive deficits in first episode psychosis groups . To date, there are no studies evaluating the effects of diet, exercise, CBD, or combined interventions on immune response to stress in CHR psychosis populations; however, there is strong evidence to warrant further study of these interventions in CHR psychosis groups. Finally, therapeutic interventions that are known to improve clinical outcomes for individuals who have experienced childhood trauma may be particularly important in mitigating long term functional impairments in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Bendall, AlvarezJimenez, Nelson, and McGorry describe several recommendations to be considered for good, quality, assessment and intervention withing individuals at risk for psychosis endorsing a history of childhood trauma, including, systematic inquiry about childhood trauma for all individuals with psychosis, and development of individualized treatment plan adapted from cognitive behavioral therapy approaches for the treatment of psychosis and trauma, paying particular attention to pacing of treatment and repeated assessment.

History of childhood trauma is also highly prevalent in patients diagnosed with BD

Results are largely consistent with our hypotheses and previous research demonstrating higher rates of psychiatric comorbidity , emotion regulation difficulties, and reward sensitivity in ED-SUD samples. Partially consistent with previous research , our results suggested a trend towards a higher frequency of binge eating in ED-SUD, although there were no differences between ED and ED-SUD groups on purging. Furthermore, patients with bulimic syndromes were not significantly more likely to have a SUD. While this is somewhat inconsistent with previous research , results support examining substance use across ED diagnoses. In contrast, with previous research, we did not find evidence for higher levels of self-harm or BPD symptoms in the ED-SUD group. Previous research supporting increased self harm in ED-SUD has been in adolescent samples , which may also explain this discrepancy. While previous research has found higher cluster B symptoms in ED-SUD , the lack of significant differences between ED and ED-SUD in our sample may be due to the relatively high scores on the BEST in both groups. Indeed, both groups scored similarly to patient samples with BPD .Taken together with previous research, several of these findings have important implications for developing a treatment approach for the ED-SUD population, and provide a rationale for the usefulness of DBT to target these disorders concurrently.Overall, results demonstrating a greater number of comorbid diagnoses for the ED-SUD group support the need for integrated treatment, which is consistent with recent calls from experts within the field . DBT takes a behavioral approach, treating behaviors, regardless of their diagnostic association, according to a specific hierarchy. Given the complexity of ED-SUD cases and the tendency for these patients to vacillate between ED and substance use behaviors over time , an integrated, transdiagnostic approach may be useful in treating both behavioral presentations. Importantly,vertical growing rack we did not find evidence for ED diagnostic differences between ED-SUD and ED only groups, lending further support for a transdiagnostic approach to ED-SUD treatment.

DBT provides a comprehensive framework for effectively working with the multiple comorbidities observed in ED-SUD patients. In particular, the focus on the DBT hierarchy may help address vacillation between ED-SUD and other comorbid symptoms. The DBT hierarchy systematically addresses the most severe and life-threatening symptoms first, to help avoid shifting treatment targets throughout treatment. Additionally, skills generalization may be particularly important in this population. Phone coaching, which is a part of DBT, may be useful in helping patients to generalize skills to multiple behaviors across environments. Regarding specific disorders, the non-statistically significant elevation in the likelihood of PTSD in the ED-SUD group compared to the ED alone group suggests that trauma symptoms may be a relevant treatment target for ED patients generally. Indeed, groups are working to develop protocols for the concurrent treatment of ED and PTSD , while existing trauma protocols are commonly used to treat PTSD in these populations such as the DBT/Prolonged Exposure protocol .Our study shows that ED-SUD patients report significantly greater difficulties with emotion regulation. More specifically, ED-SUD patients in our sample endorsed difficulties with regulating behavior when distressed, engaging in goal directed behavior when distressed, and accessing strategies for feeling better when distressed. Moreover, ED-SUD patients were more likely to already be prescribed a mood stabilizer; thus, despite previous treatment for emotion dysregulation they continued to have difficulty in this area. This is consistent with our hypothesis and points to emotion regulation as a critical treatment target. As previously discussed, DBT was specifically developed to provide education on emotion dysregulation and provide individuals with adaptive emotion regulation skills. Several skills were added to the DBT for SUD model to specifically address the heightened impulsivity reported by ED-SUD patients. These skills include Burning Bridges to persons, places, and things associated with substance abuse and Adaptive Denial of urges for substance use.The present findings that patients with ED-SUD report higher reward sensitivity to highlight the importance of assessing for and addressing temperament in this treatment population.

Reward sensitivity may be an underlying mechanism that drives an individual’s substance use and ED behaviors. For instance, substance use and ED behaviors may be highly rewarding in the moment; hence, patients seek the short-term rewards of addictive behaviors despite their long-term, negative consequences. Furthermore, a potential obstacle to abstinence from ED behaviors and substances of abuse is the non-rewarding aspect of abstinence . Several skills taught in DBT for SUDs target these barriers. Contingency management strategies to reduce cues and access to substances and behaviors , as well as reinforcement of adaptive behavior, are essential to treatment. Specifically, Community Reinforcement , and Abstinence Sampling focus on the reinforcement of healthy behaviors. In conjunction with findings on reward sensitivity, the trend towards the significance of increased punishment sensitivity in this ED-SUD population suggests that for some patients, holding patients accountable to treatment goals and implementing consequences and rewards accordingly may be important for behavior change. For example, using behavioral contracts and administering drug analysis screens to monitor substance use may be helpful. The DBT skill of Pros and Cons may help patients to identifying negative consequences of substance use.The present study has several strengths, including the use of structured clinical interviews to assess diagnoses and an examination of a broad range of constructs theoretically relevant to eating and substance use disorders. As such, this study adds to the limited literature investigating factors characterizing the ED-SUD population. However, there are several limitations worth noting. First, participants were drawn from a treatment-seeking sample presenting at a higher level of care. As such, results may not be representative of individuals with ED-SUD in the broader community. The modest ED-SUD sample size may have limited our ability to detect significant differences between groups. Additionally, the present study did not assess tobacco use or caffeine use disorders, which may also be relevant substances for ED groups, given their association with appetite suppression. Further, although the present sample included males and non-binary individuals, the smaller numbers in these groups limits the generalizability of the results beyond females. Importantly, we did not assess the past history of SUD, so the relative influences of active substance use versus traits underlying substance use on our findings cannot be determined.

Finally, this study reviewed factors that provide a rationale for the applicability of DBT to treat EDs and co-occurring substance use in a cross-sectional study; however, future longitudinal studies and randomized controlled trials are needed to examine outcomes to determine the efficacy of DBT to treat ED-SUDs.Psychoneuroimmunology refers to the study of interactions between behavior, neural and endocrine systems, and the immune system . Alder and Cohen state that the field of psychoneuroimmunology is intended to “emphasize the functional significance” of the relationship between mind and body systems “in addition to” and “not in place of analysis of the mechanisms governing functions within a single system.” This growing field seeks to understand the associations between environmental exposures and neural, endocrine, and immune systems,cannabis vertical grow as well as the consequences of inflammatory responses on human behavior, to allow for new insights into mechanistic pathways that are involved in the development of psychopathology. Thus, identifying the impact of early life adverse experiences, such as childhood trauma, on immune system regulation, and subsequent clinical outcomes, such as functioning, provides important information regarding possible therapeutic targets for early intervention and prevention of psychopathology. Psychiatric illnesses that begin during adolescence and disrupt successful transition into adulthood represent one such category of mental disorders for which primary prevention is key, but therapeutic targets meeting the goal of prevention are lacking. This study seeks to provide rationale for and test the hypothesis that immune system dysregulation may serve as a biological mediator between the experience of childhood trauma and vulnerability for developing psychosis by evaluating associations between childhood trauma, inflammation, and clinical outcomes in a sample of subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis . Childhood trauma is defined as the experience of severe and/or chronic interpersonal stress including abuse or neglect . In the development of a validated childhood trauma assessment tool, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire , Bernstein et al. defined subcategories of childhood trauma as follows: 1) sexual abuse is defined as sexual activity between a minor child and an adult or older person ; 2) Physical abuse is defined as bodily assault imposed upon a minor by an adult, which resulted in risk or experience of injury; 3) Emotional abuse is defined as verbal assaults on an individual’s sense of worth or well-being, including verbal humiliation, intimidation, or demeaning behavior directed towards a minor by an adult; 4) Physical neglect is defined as the failure of caretakers to provide for a child’s basic physical needs, including food, clothing, shelter, safety, and health care, as well as poor parental supervision if such behavior places a minor’s safety in jeopardy; and 5) Emotional neglect is defined as a failure for a caretaker to provide a minor with appropriate emotional support or validation. Sub-types of trauma differ in prevalence.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families report that the national number of children receiving a child protective services investigation response increased 10.0% percent from 2013 to 2017 , with the national rounded number of victims in 2017 approximated at 674,000 children. Three-quarters of these victims experienced neglect, 18.3 percent physical abuse, and 8.6 percent sexual abuse . However, prevention of childhood trauma extends far beyond mere desire to protect children, as research has established that the consequences of childhood trauma are severe and long-lasting. Firstly, experience of childhood trauma increases risk for medical illnesses such as lung disease, arthritic disorders, cardiac disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders . Moreover, the development of medical disorders is found to be directly proportional to the number and magnitude of childhood traumas experienced . Secondly, experience of childhood trauma is associated with significantly increased lifetime risk for developing serious mental illnesses, such as major depressive disorder , bipolar disorder , post-traumatic stress disorder , schizophrenia , as well as personality disorders and substance use disorders . Research on sub-types of childhood trauma and early life stress reveal that physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect are associated with the development of mood disorders and anxiety disorders, while emotional abuse is associated with development of personality disorders and schizophrenia . Other studies have identified sub-types of emotional abuse and neglect to be among the most significant predictors of developing a mood disorder in adulthood . Experience of multiple childhood traumas is a significant predictor of increased chronicity of depression, increased suicidal behavior, as well as poor response to antidepressant or combined psychosocial and pharmacological treatment.Incidence of childhood trauma is a significant predictor for severity of manic and depressive symptoms, psychotic symptoms, rapid cycling, greater number of depressive episodes, and increased risk of suicide attempts in individuals diagnosed with BD Importantly, childhood trauma has been reliably shown to be associated with increased risk for developing psychosis later in life . Research on the relationship between childhood adversity and psychosis not only links childhood abuse and neglect to psychotic symptoms, specifically hallucinations, but also indicates that the relationship is causal, with a dose-effect . A large cohort study by , demonstrated that youth who experienced trauma in the first 17 years of life were 2.91 times more likely to have psychotic symptoms at 18 years of age, and those who experienced 3 or more types of childhood trauma were 4.7 times more likely to have psychotic symptoms. Exposure to trauma during childhood is associated with increased emotional and psychotic reactivity to stress in patients diagnosed with psychotic disorders . This increased stress reactivity may represent both an expressed genetic liability, as well as an acquired vulnerability due to exposure to traumatic events. Exposure to childhood trauma may actually sensitize patients with psychosis liability for the later exposure to daily life stress . In fact, Varese et al. , argues the relationship between childhood trauma and psychosis is so significant, that removing childhood trauma from the population would yield a 33% decrease in number of individuals with psychosis. While studies have repeatedly shown that experience of childhood trauma is associated with an increased risk for developing both physical and mental illnesses later in life, the biological mechanisms by which this risk manifests are less explicit .