Because they are lipophilic, both TCE and PCE readily distribute in the brain and body tissues and appear to cause mitochondrial dysfunction at high doses. This may partially explain the link to PD as dopaminergic neurons are sensitive to mitochondrial neurotoxicants such as MPTP/MPP+, paraquat, and 200–1000 mg/kg TCE over chronic time periods. While the specific metabolite or mechanism of TCE-induced neurodegeneration remains unclear, pre-clinical studies with high doses showed that mitochondrial complex I activity is dysregulated in the midbrain of rodents exposed to TCE. Mitochondrial function was further reduced in the rat striatum when TCE exposure occurred in conjunction with another PD risk factor, traumatic brain injury. The combined neurotoxic insults resulted in 50% reduction in complex I oxygen consumption, a more severe effect than each factor alone. This combined effect provides a key example of how TCE exposure may influence PD risk in certain populations, such as individuals who served in the military where head trauma is more common. In addition to combined environmental factors, evidence from preclinical studies suggests that genetic risk factors may also play a role in TCE-induced neurodegeneration. For example, in a 2021 study, chronic, systemic exposure to 200 mg/kg TCE elevated the kinase activity of LRRK2 in the striatum and substantia nigra of rats after 3 weeks, prior to the loss of dopaminergic neurons at 6 weeks. Inherited variants of LRRK2 are linked to both familial and sporadic PD, the most common of which is the G2019S mutation, that pathogenically elevate LRRK2 kinase activity resulting in dysregulated vesicular trafficking, endolysosomal dysfunction, and oxidative stress. However, despite cellular dysfunction caused by elevated LRRK2 kinase activity,ebb and flow individuals who inherit the LRRK2 G2019S mutation have only a roughly 50% increased risk for PD.
Incomplete penetrance of genetic risk factors suggests that possible gene-environment interactions could explain why only some individuals exposed to TCE develop PD and why those with a PD-related genetic predisposition may display variable risk of developing PD. Many other genetic causes of PD also affect mitochondrial function, and an interaction with TCE is conceivable for carriers of mutations in these genes. However, more data on gene-environment interaction between TCE, LRRK2,and other genetic risk factors associated with PD are needed.TCE was “ubiquitous” in the 1970s when annual U.S. production surpassed 600 million pounds per year, or over two pounds per person. About 10 million Americans worked with the chemical or other organic solvents daily; in the U.K. an estimated 8% of workers have. While domestic use has waned, the U.S. is still the top global exporter of TCE, and since 1990, occupational exposure to TCE has increased by 30% worldwide. Exposure is widespread, and a 1994 study in Italy found TCE at relatively high concentrations in the blood and urine of three quarters of a sample of the general population. Although the European Union and two U.S. states have banned TCE, it is still permitted for vapor degreasing and spot dry cleaning in the U.S. and for authorized industrial uses in the E.U.. Globally,TCE consumption is projected to increase by 3% annually, and China, which has the fastest growing rates of PD [1], now accounts for half the global market [34]. Workers can inhale or come in dermal contact with TCE, but millions more encounter the chemical unknowingly through outdoor air, contaminated groundwater, and indoor air pollution. In 1987, nearly 56 million pounds of TCE were released into the air in the U.S. alone [35]. TCE can also leak from storage tanks or be dumped into the ground where it contaminates up to one-third of the drinking water in the U.S. [36]. TCE has also polluted the groundwater in at least twenty different countries on five continents . TCE contaminates countless industrial, commercial, and military sites. TCE is found in half of the 1300 most toxic “Superfund” sites that are part of a federal clean-up program, including 15 in California’s Silicon Valley where TCE was used to clean electronics [37]. The U.S. military has stopped using TCE, but numerous sites have been contaminated, including the Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. For 35 years, the base—which housed a million Marines, their families, and civilians—had levels of TCE and PCE in the drinking water 280 times safety standards.
Beginning in 1978, another route of exposure to TCE and other volatile chemicals was recognized: vapor intrusion . Researchers found that TCE, much like radon, could evaporate from contaminated soil and groundwater and enter homes, schools, and workplaces. Buildings often have lower air pressure than the outdoor environment and can draw toxic fumes through cracks in the foundation, utility lines, duct work, and elevators. This polluted air can travel upwards to apartments and offices located above plumes, which function as underground rivers of pollutant within the groundwater. TCE has been found in the indoor air of homes, in the butter in their refrigerators , and in the breast milk of nursing mothers. Since contaminated underground plumes can travel over a mile, individuals who live far from a contaminated site are still at risk. One plume on Long Island, New York, which was associated with an aerospace company, is over four miles long and two miles wide and has contaminated the drinking water of thousands . In Shanghai, China, a village, primary schools, and homes sit atop a TCE contaminated site where a chemical plant operated for over thirty years. In Newport Beach, California, multi-million dollar homes were built above a former aerospace facility known to be contaminated with TCE and PCE. In Monroe County, New York, where many of the authors of this report live, over a dozen dry cleaners have contaminated the ground with TCE.Below are seven cases where TCE may have contributed to an individual’s PD. The evidence linking possible exposure to TCE in these cases is circumstantial but raises worrisome questions about the link between the chemical and the disease. The first three cases depict likely environmental exposure contributing to PD. The latter four highlight potential risks from occupational exposure. In some cases, identifying information was changed to protect privacy.The future physician attended high school adjacent to a large computing firm where his father worked. The soil and groundwater at the manufacturing site were contaminated with TCE and PCE. In 1971, seven years before his freshman year, the well at the high school was found to have “slight contamination” with TCE even after a filtration system was installed. A generation later in 2000, groundwater monitoring found high concentrations of PCE at the manufacturing facility. Neither his homes nor his high school were ever checked for vapor intrusion despite their proximity to contaminated sites.
In 2010, after a nurse noticed that his handwriting was becoming smaller, the right-handed physician was diagnosed with writer’s cramp. Two years later, he developed constipation, a “twitch” in his right hand, and dystonia in his right arm. He was subsequently diagnosed with PD at age 38. He had no family history of and no genetic marker for PD. Two years earlier, his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and three years after his PD diagnosis, his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.Pesticide exposure has been associated with increased risk of adult cancers,dry racks endocrine disruption, and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. Two studies using urine samples from the 1999–2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported that up to 76% and 96% of the samples tested positive for metabolites of pyrethroids and organophosphates, both chemicals commonly found as ingredients in residential and agricultural pesticide formulations. It was reported that 102 million pounds of pesticide active ingredients were applied in homes and gardens in the United States in 2001. National and regional studies with self reports and/or environmental samples found that a majority of US households used pesticides in their homes, yards, and/or gardens during or in the year prior to data collection. This widespread residential pesticide use suggests that a significant portion of the population may be exposed to pesticides in their homes. However these studies did not report application patterns or information about longer term and lifetime use. Residential pesticide use data that includes information about application methods and patterns, total lifetime use, and other exposure related behaviors are needed for risk assessment and for developing population exposure models. In recent years several models have been developed to estimate residential exposure to pesticides. One model developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency is the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation , which uses factors such as frequency of application, application type, and co-occurrence of application types to predict exposures for specified scenarios. However these models omit several factors that may affect exposure estimation such as patterns of lifetime pesticide usage, areas of a home being treated, location for pesticide storage in a home, protective measures used during application, ventilation during and after and cleaning after treatment. Our study provides information on many of these omitted factors. We recently reported on pesticide application methods and behaviors in households with young children. Here we instead focus on current and lifetime residential pesticide use in older adults, an age group that may also be especially vulnerable to toxins, such as the nervous system’s greater sensitivity to neurotoxins, and other age-related factors. To gain a better understanding of patterns and methods of residential pesticide use in older adults we will utilize information from three different studies, the Southern California cohort of elderly from the U.S.
EPA funded Study of Use of Products and Exposure Related Behaviors and the population control subjects interviewed for the Parkinson’s Environment and Genes and The Center for Gene-Environment Studies in Parkinson’s Disease studies. We have focused specifically on a population of older adults residing in an area of intense agricultural activity; therefore this population may also be exposed to pesticides from agricultural and occupational sources, as well as from residential pesticide use. For the purposes of this paper we use the term ‘pesticides’ for any chemical used to eliminate and/or control plant, animal, or insect pests in and around the residence. We hope that this descriptive study of residential pesticide use and exposure related behaviors will inform future studies of cumulative pesticide exposure to pesticides from multiple sources, as well as inform risk assessment and future modeling of pesticide exposure. We will describe the prevalence and frequency of current and lifetime use of residential pesticides; how pesticides were applied; and pesticide application related behaviors that may affect exposure. All three studies that contributed data are based on surveys of older adults residing in Fresno, Kern, and Tulare counties, located in California’s Central Valley, an area of intense agricultural activity . All three studies recruited participants from all three counties specifically selected as study areas because they are similar both demographically and in terms of intensity of agricultural activity. Since these studies collected slightly different information on residential pesticide use, we present data from all three studies in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of lifetime pesticide use and behaviors related to pesticide use. The SUPERB study population consists of residents, age 55 years or older, recruited in three rounds from the three target counties in the California Central Valley. In the first round, beginning in November 2006, we recruited 55 participants by phone and 65 by mail; in round two, 47 participants were enrolled using a mailed screening questionnaire and follow-up phone calls. In the last round of recruitment, 306 door-to-door solicitations were conducted and enrolled 18 participants. In total, 159 participants were enrolled and 154 completed the baseline interview on pesticide use, 153 participants were used for our analysis. A more detailed description of the SUPERB study methods is available elsewhere [18]. Eligible population controls for the PEG study were at least 35 years of age, residents of Fresno, Kern, or Tulare counties, had lived in California for at least five years prior to the study, and did not have Parkinson’s Disease. Initially in 2001, for the PEG study our population controls age 65 or older were randomly selected from Medicare lists for the three counties and younger subjects from tax assessor parcel listings. However, the passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act prohibited the use of Medicare data for these purposes; therefore we limited our recruitment strategy to using tax assessor parcels only, for subsequent enrollment. Residential parcels were randomly selected and names and phone numbers were obtained from Internet searches and marketing companies. Potential participants were contacted by phone or mail and screened for eligibility by trained study staff.