Tag Archives: marijuana

An online survey was also the most cost-effective means of reaching a large number of cannabis growers

The current study did not examine variability in sleep patterns and sleep problems that may be particularly salient to MC users.Additional research in this area is needed to better inform treatment interventions.Meanwhile, treatments such as cognitive– behavioral therapy for insomnia should be routinely available to veterans who may derive greater benefit from this behavioral strategy than resorting to using cannabis with its known adverse effects on health, cognitive, and psychological functioning.Finally, VHA providers should expect an increase in the number of veterans seeking voluntary treatment for CUD, because more cannabis users now seek treatment since the legalization of MC use.Therefore, routine screening or assessment for cannabis use and CUD in the VHA is recommended, particularly in the context of assessing for sleep problems and trauma related symptoms.At a minimum, researchers and clinicians should not be combining cannabis use with other illicit drugs of abuse in terms of screening and treatment recommendations.Several study limitations warrant mention.As with many veteran samples, a small number of female veterans limited the generalizability of our findings to female veterans who are using the VHA for health care services.The caveat to our and other similar cross-sectional findings is that these data cannot establish precedence of cannabis versus other substances or whether MC use leads to subsequent reductions in alcohol or other illicit or prescribed substances, or whether sleep problems amount to increased MC use or vice versa.Planned longitudinal analyses of the larger parent study will indeed help clarify the putative relationship between these variables and MC use in this veteran sample.Next, characterizing MC and RC groups as mutually exclusive categories does not take into account the nuance and complexity of using cannabis for reasons that can be viewed as both medicinal and recreational.Future studies might need to utilize a continuous index of the proportion of use for medicinal and recreational purposes and account for differences across states and jurisdictions in their definitions of medical use of cannabis.

Next, it is possible that responding to the questionnaires specific to medicinal cannabis grow set up use could have influenced responses on the subsequent MPS assessing cannabis-related problems for the MC users.Finally, the study was explicitly focused on examining differences between MC and RC users in terms of the presence of PTSD and MDD diagnoses, the two psychiatric disorders that are most prevalent among the returning veterans.However, comorbidity with other anxiety disorders may be important to investigate in future comparisons between MC and RC users.In conclusion, our findings suggest research on MC use in veterans needs to continue.In addition, although the line between cannabis use for medicinal and recreational reasons may often be blurred , current findings help identify motivations underlying medicinal cannabis use among veterans.Future research can further resolve and address specific needs of veterans seeking medicinal cannabis, which could inform mental health treatment within the VHA.Legalization of cannabis production in 2017 has generated demands for state regulatory, research and extension agencies, including UC, to address the ecological, social and agricultural aspects of this crop, which has an estimated retail value of over $10 billion.Despite its enormous value and importance to California’s agricultural economy, remarkably little is known about how the crop is cultivated.While general information exists on cannabis cultivation, such as plant density, growing conditions, and nutrient, pest and disease management , only a few studies have attempted to measure or characterize some more specific aspects of cannabis production, such as yield per plant and regional changes in total production area.These data represent only a very small fraction of domestic or global activity and are likely skewed since they were largely derived not from field studies but indirectly from police seizure data or aerial imagery.In California, where approximately 66% of U.S.marijuana is grown , knowledge of the specific practices across the wide range of conditions under which it is produced is almost nonexistent.Currently, 30 U.S.states have legalized cannabis production, sales and/or use, but strict regulations remain in place at the federal level, where it is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance.As a land-grant institution, UC receives federal support; were UC to engage in work that directly supports or enhances marijuana production or profitability, it would be in violation of federal law and risk losing federal support.As a result, UC research on California cannabis production has been limited and focused on the geography of production and its environmental impacts.

These studies have documented the negative effects of production on waterways, natural habitats and wildlife.While such effects are not unique to cannabis agriculture per se, they do present a significant threat to environmental quality and sensitive species in the watersheds where cannabis is grown.Science-based best management practices to mitigate or avoid impacts have not been developed for cannabis.Because information on cannabis production practices is so limited, it is currently not possible to identify key points of intervention to address the potential negative impacts of production.As a first step toward understanding cannabis production practices, we developed a statewide survey on cultivation techniques, pest and disease management, water use, labor and regulatory compliance.The objective was to provide a starting point from which UC scientists could build research and extension programs that promote best management practices — which are allowable as long as their intended purpose is not to improve yields, quality or profitability.Survey results also establish a baseline for documenting changes in cultivation practices over time as legal cannabis production evolves in California.To characterize key aspects of cannabis production in California, we developed an anonymous online survey using Qualtrics survey software.A web-based survey that masked participants’ identity was determined to be the most suitable approach given that in-person interviews were limited by legal restrictions on UC researchers visiting cannabis farms, and mail or telephone surveys were constrained by the lack of any readily available mailing address or telephone contact information for most cannabis growers, who are understandably discrete with this information.Survey questions focused on operational features , pest and water management, labor, farm revenue and grower demographics.Two draft surveys were reviewed by a subset of cannabis growers to improve the relevance of the questions and terminology.A consistent critique was that the survey was too long and asked for too much detail, taking up to 2 hours to complete, and that such a large time commitment would significantly reduce the response.We therefore made the survey more concise by eliminating or rephrasing many detailed questions across various aspects of cannabis production.

The final survey included 37 questions: 12 opened and 25 structured.Structured questions presented either a list of answer choices or a text box to fill in with a number.Each list of answer choices included an “Other” option with a box for growers to enter text.Open-ended questions had a text entry box with no character limit.Condensing the survey to capture more respondents resulted in less detailed data, but the overall nature of the survey remained the same — a survey to broadly characterize multiple aspects of cannabis production in California.Data from the survey has supported and contextualized research by other scientists on specific aspects of cannabis production, such as water use , permitting , law enforcement , testing requirements , crop prices and perceptions of cannabis cultivation in the broader community.Recruitment of survey participants leveraged networks of California cannabis growers who had organized themselves for various economic and political purposes.These were a combination of county, regional and large statewide organizations, with many growers affiliating with multiple groups.We identified the organizations through online searches and social media and sent recruitment emails to their membership list-serves.The emails contained an explanation of the survey goals, a link to the survey website and a message from the grower organization that endorsed the survey and encouraged members to participate.The emails were sent in July 2018 to approximately 17,500 email addresses, although not all members of these organizations necessarily cultivated cannabis, and the organizations noted that their mailing lists somewhat overlapped the lists of other groups that we contacted.For these reasons, the survey population was certainly less than 17,500 individual cannabis growers, outdoor cannabis grow but because we were not able to view mailing lists nor contact growers directly, and because there are no comprehensive surveys of the number of cannabis farms in California, we could not calculate a response rate or evaluate the representativeness of the sample.Respondents were given until Aug.15, 2018, to complete the survey.All survey participants remained anonymous, and response data did not include any specific participant identifiers.Our survey, although of limited sample size, is the first known survey of California cannabis growers and provided insights into common forms of cultivation, pest and disease management, water use and labor practices.Since completing this survey, we have discussed and/or presented the survey results with representatives from multiple cannabis grower organizations, and they confirmed that the data were generally in line with production trends.Evident in the survey results, however, was the need for more data on grower cultivation practices before best management practices or natural resource stewardship goals can be developed.All growers monitored crop health, and many reported using a preventative management strategy, but we have no information on treatment thresholds used or the efficacy of particular sprays on cannabis crops.Likewise, the details of species-level pest and disease identification, natural enemy augmentation and sanitation efforts remain unclear.

Growers did not report using synthetic pesticides, which contrasts with findings from previous studies that documented a wide range of synthetic pesticide residues on cannabis.Product selection for cannabis is very limited due to a mixed regulatory environment that currently does not allow for the registration of any insecticide or fungicide for use specifically on cannabis , although growers are allowed to use products that are exempt from residue tolerance requirements, exempt from registration requirements or registered for a use that is broad enough to include cannabis.As such, it may be that in the absence of legally available chemical controls growers were choosing allowable, biologically derived products or alternative strategies such as natural enemy augmentation and sanitation.Our survey population was perhaps biased toward non-chemical pest management — the organizations we contacted for participant recruitment included some that were formed to share and promote sustainability practices.Or, it may be that respondents were reluctant to report using synthetic chemicals or products not licensed for cannabis plants.The only other published data on water application rates for cannabis cultivation in California we are aware of is from Bauer et al., who used estimates for Humboldt County of 6 gallons per day per plant for outdoor cultivation over the growing season.Grower reported estimates of cannabis water use in this survey were similar to this rate in the peak growing season , but was otherwise lower.Due to the small sample size, we cannot say that groundwater is the primary water source for most cannabis growers in California or that few use surface water diversions.However, Dillis et al.found similar results on groundwater being a major water source for cannabis growers, at least in northwest California.If the irrigation practices reported in our survey represent patterns in California cannabis cultivation, best management practices would be helpful in limiting impacts to freshwater organisms and ecosystems.For example, where groundwater pumping has timely and proximate impacts to surface waters, limiting dry season groundwater extraction by storing groundwater or surface water in the wet season may be beneficial , though this will likely require increases in storage capacity.The recently adopted Cannabis Cultivation Policy requires a mandatory dry season forbearance period for surface water diversions, though not for groundwater pumping.Our survey results indicate that the practical constraints on adding storage may be a significant barrier for compliance with mandatory forbearance periods for many growers.More in-depth research with growers and workers is needed to explore the characteristics of the cannabis labor force and the trajectory of the cannabis labor market, especially in light of legalization.Several growers commented on experiencing labor shortages, a notable finding given that recent market analyses of the cannabis industry suggest that labor compliance costs are the most significant of all of the direct regulatory costs for growers.Higher rates of licensing compliance among medium and large farms is not surprising given the likelihood that they are better able to pay permitting costs.Yet, that the majority of respondents indicated they had not applied for a license to grow cannabis, with over half noting some income from cannabis sales, indicates potentially significant effects if these growers remain excluded from the legalization process.

The polysemy of the “drug problem” is itself a problem for researchers

The case of cannabis is very telling since it went through different stages of neutrality, hostility, and affirmation in the last hundred years. In the mid-19th century, cannabis was a legitimate medical substance , included in The Pharmacopeia of the United States and attributed to helping with rheumatism, tetanus, epidemic cholera, hysteria, depression, and other illnesses. In the course of the 1930’s anti-cannabis campaign, the plant was framed as an evil drug that leads to criminality and violence. The mass media and state officials popularized the term “marijuana,” a Spanish word used by farm workers, to transform the public perception of cannabis and tie it with “dangerous” Mexican migrants. In 1937, cannabis was prohibited at the federal level and, five years later, removed from The Pharmacopeia of the United States. The image of cannabis as a dangerous drug was promoted in the public discourse, which resulted in its classification as a Schedule I narcotic by the 1970’s Controlled Substances Act .11 In the 1980s, with the launch of the war on drugs, the prosecution of cannabis cultivators, distributors,hydroponic stands and consumers is escalated, which significantly contributed to the mass incarceration of minority groups. Meanwhile, cannabis supporters crafted an alternative image of cannabis as a safe and pleasurable alternative to alcohol. Social movements and their efforts to portray cannabis as an innocuous substance led to the decriminalization of cannabis in several states in the 1970s . However, neither the prohibitionists nor the proponents of cannabis viewed it as a medicine, but primarily as an intoxicant used for hedonistic pleasure.The medical conceptualization of cannabis came back with the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

Cannabis use helped patients to increase appetite, retain weight, and hence prolonged their lives. Pro-legalization activists created a new concept of cannabis as a compassionate palliative for dying people. Thence began the process of cannabis legalization in the US.This brief historical overview suggests that cannabis is more than a plant in modern America. As Alan Bock argues, “It is something of a cultural signifier, a totem laden with assumptions and attitudes about what constitutes a good life” . Nowadays, cannabis has three equally powerful meanings. In different situations, cannabis is described as a dangerous drug, a medical treatment, or soft tonic. This polysemy creates a significant challenge for developing consistent legal and cultural infrastructure related to cannabis consumption and distribution. Although both medical and recreational cannabis were legalized in California, the idea of “legal cannabis” is still vague. The very distinction between medical and recreational meanings exacerbates this ambiguity, leaving cannabis is in a limbo: it is a pain-relief medicine that is not available in the pharmacy, and a recreational intoxicant , that cannot be bought at the supermarket. Cannabis was removed from the criminal justice context but was refused a place in the context of existing medical or market institutions. At present, cannabis is going through a moment of transition and institutional change. In order to become a “thing,” legal cannabis should settle in a new institutional environment. When we say that something is institutionalized, we mean that it is cognitively, behaviorally, and organizationally established.13 First, institutionalization rests on meaning making. There should be a consensus about what cannabis is and what it is not, a cognitive convention upon which individuals can jointly rely when they make decisions. An idea is institutionalized when it is built into the language, logic, values, social relations, or—as Mary Douglas put it—when it finds “its rightness in reason and in nature” . Second, institutionalization manifests itself through practices, actions, preformed roles, and shaped identities.

To understand the real meaning of cannabis, we need to look at what people do in their everyday lives—that is, how cannabis companies apply for licenses, how licensing agencies decide who gets a license, how landlords decide who gets a space, how consumers choose where to buy cannabis, how the police oversee the activity of illegal businesses, and so forth. Finally, the institutionalized phenomenon is represented through material reality, such as cannabis dispensaries, testing laboratories, greenhouses, licensing agencies, legal documents, licenses, permits, etc. Social phenomena can be institutionalized to a different degree . Complete institutionalization means that individuals experience an institution as an objective reality and take it for granted . In California, cannabis is not understood as a dangerous drug anymore. It is something else, but what exactly? Why distinguish between medical and recreational cannabis, given that it is the same herb, grown in the same conditions, and distributed by the same people? Does the persistence of the black market affect the institutionalization of legal cannabis? To understand the real status of cannabis nowadays, one should answer such and other questions. The idea of cannabis is not crystallized yet, and its vocabulary is still in a formative stage. For example, recently, activists and state officials began using the term “adult-use cannabis” instead of “recreational cannabis.” Such wording supposedly sounds more neutral and legitimate, deemphasizes the pleasure component, and denies the possibility of adolescent use. My research contributes to an understanding of institutional change. The legalization of cannabis is unfolding before our eyes at this very moment. It is a great opportunity to observe the process of institutional change in action, rather than post factum. Instead of examining what caused an institutional change in the past, I focus on what enables it right now, namely, what kind of background understandings, practices, and organizations make the legalization of cannabis possible . According to Rao et al. , institutional change is characterized by the transformations in institutional logics and governance structures . In the case of cannabis legalization, social movements were the most important motors of institutional and ideational change; their actions eventually led to the dissolution of old beliefs systems and governance structures and the necessity to create new ones. Since 2015, California has passed seven statutes and propositions regulating different aspects of cannabis-related activities and elaborating on the idea of cannabis. To be naturalized and reproduced in the future, these new understandings of cannabis come to be positively validated in the environment .

The real meaning of cannabis has to be defined by continuous interaction between regulators, local authorities, market actors, and society in general. When I say that cannabis legalization is the project under construction, I mean that institutional elements are not yet equilibria : power relations, roles, identities, potential benefits are still being validated and clarified. My research lies at the intersection of cultural criminology and lawmaking perspective. The primary focus of cultural criminology is the meaning, representation, and power in the contested construction of crime . Cultural criminology incorporates, on the one hand, traditional sociological perspectives and, on the other hand, postmodern theories . The concept of crime embodies a dynamic notion: it is defined as a project under construction, which is shaped by interaction, encoded with collective meaning, and attached to a particular social context. This view is essential for understanding several problems in my research, such as the criminalization of cannabis and stigmatization of its users through the 20th century, the role the mass media and power structures in the social control of illicit substances, the reasons and implications of the war of drugs, etc. Similarly, this approach helps to investigate the nature of the legalization process—the reverse mode of criminalization—and understand the construction of “legal cannabis”, i.e., how it is being depenalized, decriminalized, destigmatized, and deracialized. As for the lawmaking perspective, the following ideas are informative for the current study: Gusfield’s distinction between the instrumental and symbolic functions of law; and the ‘gap studies’ exploring the discrepancy between claims held out for law and its actual effects . According to Gusfield , lawmaking is not only a means of social control but also a symbol of cultural ideals and norms. Symbolic aspects of law are concerned with public morality and defining the line between right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, normal and pathological. In analyzing a legislative act as symbolic, we are oriented towards the meaning people attach to it rather than its instrumental functions. Legal rules are not automatically created and enforced; they result from a moral enterprise undertaken by individuals engaged in defense of their status position and the enforcement of their ethical standards . The temperance movement, for instance,grow table was the response of the old middle class to a changing status system and a perceived loss of moral authority . The government acted as a prestige-granting agency glorifying the values of one group and demeaning those of another. Similar to other culture wars, cannabis regulation in the 20th century reflects a general clash over cultural values between the progressive and conservative camps . In this project, I analyze cannabis legalization through the lens of symbolic politics, cultural dominance, and moral authority. The gap studies allow us to move beyond national-level explanations and empirically investigate the local factors—social, cultural, political, or economic—that affect policy implementation. As Mona Lynch has argued, law as practiced is significantly shaped by local norms and culture . Although the adoption of federal and state regulations predicts homogeneous outcomes across the jurisdiction, there are significant variations at the county and city levels.

The notion that legal change happens through ground-up—rather than top-down—processes has gained popularity in socio-legal scholarship recently . The case of cannabis legalization offers another illustration of how social and political culture affects local decision making. This study focuses on the law-before and the law-in-between processes exploring the adoption and enforcement of morality policies at the city level. Specifically, it explains the gap between public input on cannabis legalization and actual political decisions. This project covers several gaps in the existing literature. First, most studies focus on the legalization of cannabis for medical use. The legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes has a very different rationale behind it, but since it is a relatively new phenomenon, it has not been fully explored yet. Second, cannabis legalization is a subject that attracts the attention of economists, policy analysts, psychologists, biologists, but rarely socio-legal scholars. Criminologists are exclusively interested in how the legalization of cannabis affects crime rates—increases, decreases, or does not change them . Sociologists focus on public attitudes to cannabis, deviance and stigma, identities, or the market formation . However, there is no comprehensive socio-legal analysis of how cannabis shifts from an illicit drug to a legal intoxicant, how the idea of legal cannabis is constructed and institutionalized, or, in short, how cultural, social, and legal change happens. Third, the traditional gap studies focus on the discrepancy between the law-in-the-books and the law-in-action. In other words, scholars are interested in how the initial idea of legislators is implemented in practice. However, there is no single “gap” but multiple types of gaps at different levels of the decision-making process . The present study investigates a gap between people’s expectations and the adopted policies . This perspective is especially important when we analyze morality policies, such as the legalization of abortions, same-sex marriages, gambling, prostitution, or recreational drugs. Fourth, a large body of literature focuses on the symbolic qualities of law: the symbolic role of drug legislation ; the symbolic meaning of “crime control” in political campaigns ; the symbolic character of capital punishment ; the symbolic goals of anti-abortion campaign , and so forth. However, all these studies center on prohibitionist legislation while the permissive morality policies, like cannabis legalization, were not on the radar of the symbolic politics studies. The present study covers this gap in the literature.There is no single definition of the “drug problem.” The term may simultaneously refer to the mere use of illegal drugs, drug use by teenagers, the abuse of drugs, drug-induced behavior that harms others, or domestic and international drug trafficking .The two main traditions in the literature on drugs are the constructionist and the objectivist. The latter examines drugs as objective phenomena that can be measured, counted, and classified . This approach is popular among medical scholars, medical practitioners, psychologists, policy advocates, and legislators. The objectivists typically speak about “drug problems” in the plural and employ it as an umbrella term for drug use, drug abuse, drug addiction, drug trafficking, drug selling, etc. The constructionist approach is common among sociologists, socio-legal scholars, political scientists, journalists, and policymakers who see the drug problem as a product of political campaigns and social concerns.

The slippage from civil noncompliance to criminality was mirrored in enforcement practices

Residence in states with medically legal cannabis was associated with higher odds of cannabis use during the preconception period but not associated with use at any other time. The difference in odds of cannabis use between medically and recreationally legal states could be explained by several factors. Provider responses to women may vary based on legalization status and could impact a pregnant woman’s choice to discontinue use early in pregnancy. A recent study in Pennsylvania found healthcare providers were much more likely to focus on legal implications of use rather than health implications when women disclosed use in pregnancy . In medically legal states, cannabis use is often only allowed for a limited set of medical conditions . Therefore, if providers focus on the legality of use in states with more restrictions, pregnant women might be more convinced to quit using cannabis; whereas, in recreational states no “illegal use” exists and perhaps there is less pressure from providers for women to quit cannabis use. Similarly, another study found if providers did not discuss cannabis use during a visit most pregnant women assumed this meant cannabis use during pregnancy posed no health risk . Duration of legalization may also play a role in the differences observed between recreational and medical cannabis states. Medical cannabis legalization first took place in 1996 and in the subsequent two decades resulted in the development of cannabis prevention programs specific to pregnancy, whereas, context of more recent recreational legalization are in their infancy. Further research is warranted to examine how prevention practices differ between states with recreational and medical cannabis legalization and the resultant outcomes.As seen in other studies, the association with inadequate prenatal care and cannabis use in this study may be a result of selection bias insofar as women who use substances may not access prenatal care due to their substance use behaviors or fear of being reported. Alternatively, women using substances during pregnancy tend to be younger and with lower education attainment and may not access prenatal care due to some other external barriers irrespective of substance use and therefore continue use because they do not receive education about cessation of substances during pregnancy .

Inadequate prenatal care is associated with cannabis use across all time periods in this study suggesting a need for public health or clinical interventions prior to pregnancy. One possibility would be to consider delivering cannabis prevention education outside prenatal care through public service announcements and warning labels on legally sold cannabis products consistent with prevention strategies used for prenatal alcohol use . Furthermore, since the study found that parity was a protective factor against cannabis growing system use in all three time periods, offering prevention education for women of reproductive age at any medical appointment may be an effective strategy to reach women before future pregnancies and promote abstinence from any substance use prior to conception. Based on the review of the literature, this study is possibly the first to include e-cigarettes in the assessment of tobacco co-use with cannabis. E-cigarettes present an emerging public health crisis and are considered especially harmful during pregnancy given the increase in nicotine exposure to the pregnant woman and fetus . The odds of tobacco use in association with cannabis use were slightly higher than in other studies looking at traditional tobacco use alone . Possibly, as e-cigarette use increases during pregnancy, there is a concomitant increase in use of cannabis especially given new technology making it easy to “vape” nicotine and cannabis together .Whittington and et al., provided evidence that e-cigarette use is on the rise in pregnancy as is concurrently used with combustible tobacco which could account for the magnitude of the association found in this study. Notably, the indicator for tobacco use in this study was one or more cigarettes and did not differentiate between intensity of smoking possibly leading to an overestimation of use in our sample resulting in the higher reported odds. Interpretation of the study findings is subject to several limitations including the cross-sectional design which precludes causal inference. In addition, the stigma associated with substance use in pregnancy may have resulted in under reporting of use and underestimation of prevalence rates, although the PRAMS computer-assisted interviews could decrease this bias to some degree . The PRAMS also relies on women to recall their substance use from the past year, during the postpartum period, potentially leading to over- or under-reporting of past year use of cannabis.

Limitations due to the use of secondary data include the inability to measure cannabis use throughout the pregnancy and only at designated times as specified in the survey questions. Finally, due to the difficulty of analyzing policies in motion given that recreational cannabis legalization is a new policy, a possibility exists that not enough time has passed to estimate the full impact of the changing policy on use rates . Also, cannabis use rates may be higher in recreational or medical states prior to the passage of cannabis laws and therefore the higher rates of use were not associated with the policy change. Future studies should take advantage of additional years of post recreational legalization data as they become available and analyze the direct impact on policies on prenatal use.With the passage of Proposition 64 , state voters elected to integrate cannabis into civil regulation. The California Department of Food and Agriculture oversees state-licensed cannabis cultivation and defined it as agriculture.Prior to the possibility of state licensure for cultivators, however, counties can decide on other designations and implement strict limitations. In effect, local governments have become gatekeepers to whether and how cultivation of personal, medical or recreational cannabis can occur and the repercussions of noncompliance. When cannabis is denied a consistent status as agriculture, despite being a legal agricultural commodity according to the state, localities can determine who counts as a farmer and who is considered compliant, non-compliant and even criminal. In Siskiyou County’s unincorporated areas, the Sheriff’s Office now arbitrates between the effectively criminal and agricultural. Paradoxically for this libertarian county, the furor around cannabis has seen calls for government intervention, and has led to officials passing highly stringent cannabis cultivation regulations that have been enforced largely by law enforcement, muddying the line between noncompliance and criminality. These strict regulations produced a situation where “not one person” has been able to come into compliance, according to a knowledgeable government official. Nonetheless, at the sheriff’s urging, Siskiyou declared a “state of emergency” due to “nearly universal non-compliance” , branding cannabis cultivation an “out-of-control problem.” Such a strong reaction against cannabis can be understood in terms of cannabis’s potential to reorganize Siskiyou’s agricultural and economic landscape.

According to some estimates, there are now approximately twice as many cannabis cultivators as non-cannabis farmers and ranchers in Siskiyou , a significant change from just a few years ago. Although cannabis has been cultivated in this mostly white county for decades, since 2015 it has become associated with an in-migration of Hmong-American cultivators. Made highly visible through enforcement practices, policy forums and media discourses, Hmong-Americans have become symbolically representative of the “problem.” This high visibility, however, obscures a deeper issue, what Doremus et al. see as a nostalgic, static conception of rural culture that requires defensive action as a bulwark against change. Such locally-defined conceptions need to be understood , especially in how they are defined and defended and what effects they have on parity among farmers growing different types of crops. Our goals in this study were to consider the consequences of an enforcement-first regulatory approach — a common regulatory strategy across California — and its differential effects across local populations. Using Siskiyou County as a case study, we paid attention to the public agencies, actors and discourses that guided the formation and enforcement of restrictive cannabis cultivation regulations as well as attempts to ameliorate perceptions of racialized enforcement. This study attends to novel post legalization apparatuses, their grounding in traditional definitions of culture and the ways these dynamics reactivate prohibition. We used qualitative ethnographic methods of research, including participant observation and interviews. In situations of criminalization, which we define not only as the leveling of criminal sanctions but being discursively labeled or responded to as criminal-like , quantitative data can be unreliable and opaque, which necessitates the use of qualitative ethnographic methods . In 2018–2019, we talked to a wide range of people — including cannabis growers from a diversity of ethnic backgrounds, government officials, business people, subdivision residents, farm service providers, medical cannabis advocates, realtors, lawyers, farmers and ranchers, and,hydroponics rack system with the assistance of a Hmong-American interpreter, members of the Hmong-American community. We also analyzed public records and county ordinances, Board of Supervisors meeting minutes and audio , Sheriff’s Office press releases and documents, related media articles and videos, and websites of owners’ associations in the subdivisions where cannabis law enforcement efforts have focused. Some cannabis cultivators regarded us suspiciously and were hesitant to speak openly, an unsurprising phenomenon when researching hidden, illegal and stigmatized activities, like “drug” commerce . This circumspection was most intense among Hmong-American growers on subdivisions, who had been particularly highlighted through enforcement efforts and local, regional and national media accounts linking their relatively recent presence in Siskiyou to cannabis growing. Human subjects in this research are protected under the Committee for Protection of Human Subjects, protocol number 2018-04-1136 , of the Office for Protection of Human Subjects at UC Berkeley.Siskiyou is a large rural county located in the mid-Klamath River basin in Northern California . Since the mid-19th century, inmigrants have historically engaged in agriculture, predominantly livestock grazing and hay production, and natural resource extraction, primarily timber and mining.

Public records demonstrate that although the value of the county’s agricultural output and natural resource extraction is declining, these cultural livelihoods still shape the area’s dominant rural values of self-reliance, hard work and property rights . For instance, one county document stated that Siskiyou’s cultural-economic stability depends on nonintervention from “outside groups and governments” and residents should be “subject only to the rule of nature and free markets” . Another document, a “Primer for living in Siskiyou County” from the county administrator, outlined “the Code of the West” for “newcomers,” asserting that locals are “rugged individuals” who live “outside city limits,” and that the “right to be rural” protects and prioritizes working agricultural land for “economic purpose[s]” . We heard a common refrain that localities will eventually succumb to the allure of a taxable, profitable cannabis industry. Indeed, interviewees in Siskiyou universally reported economic contributions from cannabis cultivation, especially apparent in rising property values and tax rolls and booming business at horticultural, farm supply, soil, generator, food and hardware stores . However, a belief in an inevitable free market economic rationality may underestimate the deep cultural logics that have historically superseded economic gains in regional resource conflicts . As one local store owner told us, “I’d give up this new profit in a heartbeat for the benefit of our society.” Many long-time farming and ranching families remain committed to agricultural livelihoods for cultural reasons , even as the economic viability of family farms is threatened by increasing farmland financialization , corporate consolidation and biophysical decline . Many interviewees felt that the recent rapid expansion of county cannabis cultivation and corresponding demographic changes were a visible marker of broader tensions of cultural continuity and endangerment. As the sheriff expressed, cannabis cultivation would “jeopardize our way of life … [and] the future of our children” . This sense of cultural jeopardy , echoed by numerous interviewees, materialized in a range of negative quality-of-life comments about cannabis cultivation: noisy generators, increased traffic, litter and blighted properties, and unsafe conditions for residents. Non-cannabis farmers also reported farm equipment and water theft, livestock killed by abandoned dogs, wildfire danger, illicit chemical use and poisoned wildlife. Some non-cannabis farmers expressed a sense of regulatory unfairness — that their farms were subject to onerous water and chemical use regulations while cannabis growers “don’t need to follow the government’s regulations.” Enabling cannabis cultivators to pursue state licensure would facilitate just such civil regulation, but some feared that regulating this crop as agriculture would threaten “the loss of prime agriculturally productive lands for traditional pursuits” .

Ingestion and inhalation were the most common routes of exposure

Surveys conducted in April 2020 found that Canadian adolescents aged 14 to 18 years increased their alcohol and cannabis use, and had increased feelings of depression and fear, which are associated with solitary substance use. To our knowledge, no study has examined changes in cannabis exposures in California since recreational legalization in November 2016, the institution of a recreational retail sales market in January 2018, or after the March 2020 statewide shelter-in-place orders intended to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Past research assessing unintended consequences of cannabis legalizations notes that existing studies are not generalizable to all populations and states; this is particularly relevant for California, which by itself constitutes the world’s largest cannabis market. Previous studies of cannabis exposures were completed before the COVID-19 pandemic and failed to capture exposure rates under pandemic conditions. Since Colorado first legalized recreational cannabis use in 2012, other states have followed and also implemented legalization of recreational cannabis. In this study we reviewed cannabis exposures in California, before and after legalization of recreational cannabis use, after the establishment of recreational retail sales, and during the first nine months of the COVID-19 global pandemic. We also classified product exposures by type to assess which might be associated with exposures among children, in light of popular media reports that have identified group overdoses among children involving cannabis gummies.CPCS serves California’s population of 40 million people, making it the largest poison control provider in the United States. We obtained reports of cannabis exposures from CPCS from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2020. Inclusion criteria were human exposures to cannabis and cannabis containing products reported within California. Cases were identified by searching the CPCS database for American Association of Poison Control Centers codes relating to cannabis. We excluded calls from outside California.Exposures were defined as an “actual or suspected contact with any substance which has been ingested, inhaled, absorbed, applied to, or injected into the body, regardless of toxicity or clinical manifestation.”Case records were individually reviewed by one of four raters to verify that exposures were actually related to cannabis, to separate human from animal exposure calls, to validate the call involved an exposure rather than a request for information, to check whether exposures involved a single substance or multiple substances, and to detail the nature of the product involved in each exposure given that poison control centers until recently did not classify cannabis exposures beyond “marijuana” and route of exposure .

Records with unclear classifications were reviewed with three other authors . CPCS records were collected and managed using RED Cap, a secure, web-based software platform designed to collect and manage study data.CPCS coded 12,108 exposures from January 2010 to December 2020 as cannabis; 1,351 of these exposures did not meet inclusion criteria, as they were miscoded,trim trays involved animals, were calls from outside California, or were requests for information. Of the remaining 10,757 exposures, 20 percent involved someone under the age of six, 6 percent someone between the ages of six and twelve, 24 percent someone between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, and 50 percent an adult . Forty-four percent of exposures were female, and 56 percent were male. Additionally, 79 percent of the exposures involved ingestion, 18 percent involved inhalation, and 3 percent other routes including topical, rectal, parenteral, subcutaneous, or ophthalmic, as shown in Table 1. Although the total population of California grew by an estimated 6.1% from 2010 to 2020, with an increase of 22.5% in those under the age of 18 and a 6% increase in those under 5 years of age; calls to CPCS related to cannabis more than tripled over the same period. The number of cannabis exposure calls in proportion of all incoming calls is described in Table 2. Among children under the age of six years, 2,130 calls were assigned a code indicating the reason for exposure, of these, 2,107 were coded as unintentional exposures, zero as intentional, and the remaining 23 were coded as other . Among children aged six to 12 years, 625 calls were assigned a reason code, and of these 504 were coded as unintentional, 84 as intentional, and the remaining 38 as other. Our interrupted time series analysis first considered overall changes in exposures after legalization of use, initiation of retail sales, and after the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order. As noted in methods, ITSA coefficients represent estimated monthly increases or decreases in reported exposures after an intervention. Following recreational legalization in 2016, estimated monthly cannabis exposures increased significantly . Following the implementation of retail sales in 2018, cannabis exposures increased significantly as well . However, no significant change in cannabis exposures was observed following the shelter-in-place order. A graph of exposures over time is provided in Figure 1; detailed estimates are provided in Table 3. We continued by comparing changes in exposures for two age groups: those under thirteen years old and those thirteen years and older. Age is provided in CPCS records and this categorization follows AAPCC convention; exposures without information on age were excluded. Cannabis exposures in those under thirteen increased significantly both after recreational legalization and after the opening of the retail sales market , but not following the shelter-in-place order .

For those thirteen and older, there was no significant change over time. As a result, although exposures in children under thirteen were the minority in January 2010, by December 2020 they represented nearly half of all exposures, as shown in Figure 2. To assess possible changes in exposures by product type, we organized ingestion exposures by product type and grouped these into categories. We identified significant increases over in the number of exposures for gummies , candies , chocolate , dabs , edibles in the form of drinks , hemp, joints , blunts , cannabis oils , vapes , other edible products , and all other products between 2010 and 2020. However, there was no change in the trend of exposures for cookies, brownies, other edible baked goods, hash, plant products, or synthetic products. We aggregated these categories into nine broad product types: chocolate and candy, other edibles and drinks, gummies, brownies, cookies, and other baked goods, new technology , traditional products , oils, hemp products, and synthetics, then graphed exposures . Chocolate and candy, other edibles and drinks, and gummies increased from levels near zero prior to recreational legalization to thousands of exposures per year by 2020. For example, there were only 16 total reported gummies exposures in the six years between 2010 and 2015; these increased to 409 exposures in 2020 alone.We analyzed trends in cannabis exposures reported to the CPCS before and after the legalization of recreational cannabis in November 2016, the establishment of recreational retail sales in January 2018, and the institution of a statewide shelter-in-place order due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 and found that as expected, exposures increased following recreational legalization and the establishment of retail sales, consistent with previous studies. However despite expectations we did not find a significant change in cannabis consumption following the COVID-19 shelter-inplace order. This finding may reflect that only nine months of exposure cases following March 2020 were available at the time of this study. We also found that cannabis exposures in children under thirteen increased significantly following recreational legalization and initiation of retail sales but did not increase for teens and adults. As a result, although cannabis exposures were uncommon among young children in 2010, by 2020 they constituted nearly half of all exposures.Cannabis edibles such as gummies, candy, and other dessert-like products have been involved with increased use in younger users. Our detailed records review found that a common exposure after 2018 involved a child or group of children finding cannabis edibles that they perceived to be normal candy and consuming an entire package.

Particularly among the youngest children the primary reason for exposure was accidental ingestion, in which children or their caregivers mistakenly identified cannabis gummies as ordinary candy. Cases in which cannabis gummies and other edibles are mistaken for non-cannabis products may result from issues with packaging. Although California regulates the potency of cannabis edibles and requires opaque, resealable packaging, each edible can contain up to 10 mg of THC and each package up to 100 mg of THC; as a result, even a single gummy represents a high dosage for a naïve user,trimming trays particularly a child. By comparison, edible regulations in Canada, for example, place a limit of 10 mg of THC per package, even if it the package contains multiple edibles, as well as requiring plain packaging and larger warning labels. As a result, a child who accidently consumed an entire bag of cannabis gummies in Canada would likely be exposed to the same level of THC as one who consumed a single gummy in California. We note that Canadian regulations on packaging were instituted in 2020, so there is limited data to assess potential changes in pediatric exposures after this policy change. However, given reported confusion among both children and caregivers about whether candy products contain cannabis, instituting similar regulations such as plain packaging and lower doses per edible, or expanding on them by requiring individual packaging, offer potential for reducing the high levels of exposures among children. Our study has limitations. The data were drawn from a single state, limiting potential generalizability; however, California’s status as the most populous with the largest cannabis market allows us to assess trends that would not be possible in smaller areas. Moreover, the more granular data provided by CPCS made it possible to classify product types; these data are not available at the national level. Using poison control data only captures data volunteered by patients and providers and these may not capture general patterns of use. In addition, although CPCS seeks to create a case report linked to individuals rather than to group exposures, in some cases, multiple exposures were reported in a single record . As a result, these findings are likely to be underestimates of actual exposures.

Our classification of product types was limited by reporters, who may use a range of terms to describe cannabis products ; as a result, we were unable to categorize all exposures and may have failed to identify additional products associated with exposures. Finally, given that the study was observational in nature, we could only identify associations between cannabis exposures and policy interventions rather than establishing causality. Despite these limitations, the absence of other contemporaneous factors expected to increase exposures, as well as the consistency of these findings with prior research, suggest that recreational legalization and sales were associated with significant increases in exposures, particularly among children.Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit psychoactive substance in developed nations . While a majority of cannabis users do not report problems, 10–30% of those who ever use cannabis meet criteria for a lifetime history of cannabis abuse or dependence as defined by the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual . Recently, changes to the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder have been made in DSM-5 , including several for the diagnosis of cannabis use disorders . Across the broad range of substance use disorders,the distinction between abuse and dependence has been replaced by a unidimensional symptom count, with endorsement of 2 or more symptoms resulting in a DSM-5 diagnosis of substance use disorder ; the DSM-IV criterion of legal problems has been eliminated from the diagnostic repertoire; and a new criterion for the DSM-5, craving has been added. More specifically for cannabis, withdrawal is now a criterion. A wealth of psychometric evaluations in epidemiological and clinical samples support these recommendations; however, the impact of these revisions on the prevalence of cannabis use disorders under the new DSM-5 classification remains largely unexplored. A recent study of Australian adults found a modest reduction in the rate of cannabis use disorder with the transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5 , while another study of individuals with substance use disorders note damodest increase of 4% . Twin studies indicate that 50–60% of the variation in cannabis use disorders can be attributed to heritable influences.Despite this robust heritability estimate, association studies for cannabis use disorders have largely failed to identify genetic variants of significant and replicable effect.

Living in the university dormitories or living with parents is strongly negatively correlated with marijuana use

Compared to the national data, the WSU sample pre-RML appears to be more white, more likely to be in a fraternity or sorority, more likely to live off campus or in a fraternity/sorority house, and less likely to live with parents. We will see based on the regressions that although these variables are associated with higher likelihood of marijuana use, they are also associated with a lower likelihood of increasing use after RML. To the extent that differences in composition between the WSU and national samples affect differences in the trend of marijuana use, we expect that such differences are likely to bias against an observed relative increase in use at WSU. We also compare pre-RML marijuana use between the WSU sample and the two national samples. Fig. 2 shows the percentage of respondents each year who have used marijuana in the past 30 days for all three samples. The NCHA national data is only through 2011.For the national NCHA data after 2011 and for the WSU data after 2012, we forecast each series based on the data through 2012. Forecasts are generated using best-fit double exponential smoothing to account both for levels and for changing trends.Both the national NCHA and NSDUH data show an increase over the period before 2012 and are consistently within 1 and 4 percentage points of each other. The WSU series starts out slightly lower than both national series but with a nearly parallel trend and remains in the range of both national series through 2012. Readers will note the relatively large increase in the WSU series between 2008 and 2010, which corresponds to changes in Washington’s MML laws. Though the magnitude is smaller, we observe an increase at this same time in both the national samples. It may be the case that national changes affected students both in and out of Washington. Any long-term effects of such national changes are reflected in the NSDUH data. The forecasts for both the WSU and the national NCHA samples are almost parallel to the actual trend in the NSDUH and the 95-percent confidence interval for each forecast contains the other forecast as well as the NSDUH actual values. It appears that the increase in marijuana use at WSU after 2008 may have been a one-time jump,grow tent indoor a proposition more fully examined in the conclusion of the paper.

It is also relevant to note that both national samples are “contaminated” with observations from WSU and from others in Washington and Colorado.9 If RML increases marijuana use for college students, as we expect, then including Washington and Colorado students in the national samples biases against finding an effect in the difference-in differences analysis.Estimates for the logit regressions on the probability of having used marijuana in the past 30 days are reported in Table 3. The far-left column shows the basic regression, controlling only for a linear trend. Column 2 shows the results of the regression with demographic controls added. Columns 3 and 4 show the results with more co-variates added, some potentially endogenous. Controlling for a predicted increase of about 1.2 percentage points each year, we find that marijuana use among WSU students increased between 2.0 and 3.5 percentage points after RML and remained higher through 2015. Each estimate across specifications is statistically different from zero with at least 95-percent confidence. We find no evidence that legal sales had an additional impact on the proportion of marijuana users. The additional change after legal sales is consistently positive but not statistically different from zero at conventional levels; t-scores for these differences range from 0.43 to 0.88 . This regression model also provides estimates of relative marijuana use among WSU students. Male students are between 2 and 7 percentage points more likely to have used marijuana than females. Black and white students are the most likely to use marijuana compared to other races with Asian students being the least likely. In results not shown , we also see a decreasing likelihood of marijuana use with age of about 3 percentage points per year after age 20. After controlling for GPA, Greek membership, residence, and international status, 1st-year undergraduates are the most likely to use marijuana by between 3 and 5 percentage points over students of other years. International students are between 4 and 7 percentage points less likely to use marijuana than domestic students. Students with a 4.0 GPA are between 3 and 10 percentage points less likely to use than other students. Students in fraternities or sororities are between 4 and 12 percentage points more likely than other students.

Finally, the likelihood of marijuana use is positively correlated with the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs.different subgroups and present the results in To better understand the impact of RML, we repeat the analysis for Table 4. Results of these regressions are generally consistent across all four specifications for each group. For brevity, we report only the results that include controls for age, sex, race, and year in school . The proportion of each group that reported having used marijuana before 2014 is included at the bottom of each column. Though the estimates differ greatly in magnitude, and only a few of the estimates are statistically significant at conventional levels, all groups are associated with a positive increase above the trend in marijuana use after RML. The results suggest marijuana use by underage students increased at least as much as that by legal-age students after RML. The estimates for the increase in underage students’ likelihood of using marijuana are large and statistically significant with a p-value < .01, while the estimates for legal-age students are smaller and not statistically different from zero. Using a chi-squared test after estimation, the differences between the two groups’ estimates for 2014 and 2015 have p-values of 0.206 and 0.955, respectively. We also note that the difference between the estimates for 2015 and 2014 for legal-age students is marginally statistically significant with a p-value=0.081, indicating that legal-age students waited to use marijuana until after they could obtain it from authorized distributors. The subgroup analysis provides insight into which groups are driving the changes overall. There is a relatively large increase in likelihood of marijuana use for Black and Hispanic Students, although only Hispanic students showed changes that are statistically significant with a p-value < 0.05. The likelihood of marijuana use among Black and Hispanic students increased in 2014 by 15.8 and 14 percentage points, respectively. This change represents an 88-percent increase in recent users for Black students and a 93-percent increase for Hispanic students. This is 8–9 times the estimated effect for Asian and white students. This relatively large increase is made more significant by the fact that it occurs over a previously non-increasing trend for both groups. In fact, though not statistically different from zero, Black and Hispanic students are the only groups with estimated negative trends over this time.

In other words, both groups started out with a proportion of marijuana users that remained essentially constant since 2005 until RML, after which Black and Hispanic students were among the most likely students to have used marijuana. Females are the group with the next highest increase after RML that is statistically significant with a p-value < 0.05.Results from the logit regressions on the likelihood of using tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs are reported in Table 5. Again for brevity, we report only the results for the regressions that include controls only for age, sex, race, and year in school. For convenience, we report again the estimates for marijuana use from column 2 of Table 3. On average, the yearly trends in the likelihood of use for tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs are in the opposite direction and significantly smaller in magnitude than the yearly increase of 1.2 percentage points in marijuana use. No significant changes occur in 2014. In 2015, the only significant changes include a 2.4-percentage-point decrease in the likelihood of using tobacco and a 2.2-percentage-point increase in the likelihood of using other illegal drugs. These results imply a possible substitute/complement effect or a spillover effect on norms against other illegal drugs, though the changes did not occur until a full year after the major changes in marijuana use. Additionally, relative to the changes for marijuana, the changes for tobacco and illegal drugs are not as robust to alternative specifications and estimation methods . We see no evidence that RML or legal sales affected the use of alcohol. Overall, grow tent hydroponic our results do not support any systematic changes in other substances that occur parallel with changes in marijuana use. This supports a conjecture that RML was the cause of the changes we find for marijuana.Results of the OLS regressions with respect to regularity of marijuana use are presented in Table 6. In 2014, we find an increase of about 0.5 days in the past 30 days above a linear trend of between 0.13 and 0.16 days per year.This increase is statistically significant across specifications with at least 95-percent confidence. The estimates for after legal sales are smaller than for after RML and are not statistically significant at conventional levels. Though the magnitude of the estimates in 2015 are not significantly lower than in 2014, the lack of a significant increase in 2015 could indicate that the effect of RML on frequency is short-lived and the equilibrium trends in frequency are unaffected by legalization. Alternatively, this may indicate that a proportion of students who began using before legal sales of marijuana are more likely to use it more frequently than those who waited.

The calculation of the difference-in-differences estimations are reported in Table 7. Using the national NCHA forecast as a counterfactual, the estimated effect of RML is an increase of 8.6 percentage points. Using the NSDUH, the estimated effect is 9.6 percentage points. These estimates are both statistically significant with over 99-percent confidence and are 3–5 times larger than the estimated increase over a linear trend in the regressions. Although limited by not accounting for covariate changes over time, the difference-in-differences estimations suggest that the increase over a linear trend in the regressions may be a conservative estimate of the effect of RML on the likelihood of using marijuana.Substance use among young adults is a major public health concern and is associated with academic problems. The bulk of research in this area has focused on undergraduate students, as alcohol and marijuana use among this population are fairly common . In addition to academic difficulties, alcohol and marijuana use are associated with other negative consequences during the college years, including risky sexual behaviors, social and interpersonal problems, injury, and impaired driving . Longitudinal research has shown that alcohol and marijuana use during college might have long-term consequences after college graduation. Heavy drinking and marijuana use during college are associated with post-college substance abuse and dependence, unemployment, less prestigious employment, and lower income . Marijuana use during college and the immediate post-college years, particularly heavy use, is associated with several negative health outcomes at ages 24 and 27, including emotional problems, injury, illness, decreased quality of life, and less service utilization for physical and mental health problems . Degree non-completion as a consequence of substance use has been found in longitudinal studies of high school and college students. Adolescents who use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana during ninth grade are less likely to complete high school than non-drug users . One study integrated data from three longitudinal studies and found that daily marijuana use during adolescence was significantly associated with decreased odds of both high school and college completion . In a study of college students, frequent marijuana use during the course of college was associated with increased likelihood of dropping out . Despite evidence of associations between alcohol and marijuana use and high school and undergraduate degree non-completion, the possible impact on graduate degree completion has not been explored. An increasing number of college graduates are enrolling in graduate school, with almost 40% of college graduates pursing a graduate degree within four years of graduation . However, only 50% to about 75% of those who enter graduate school ultimately complete their degree, with differences by degree type and academic discipline .

The density of the protein bands was quantified using ImageQuant TL software

Gilman et al. used a similar multi-modal approach and found that gray matter density , shape , and volume of the left nucleus accumbens was significantly different for recreational users and controls. More specifically, in users, the left and right accumbens showed a negative relationship between shape and marijuana use frequency, such that the accumbens showed more inward deflections with more frequent recent use, as well as greater volume. However, in an attempt to replicate these findings, Weiland et al. found that the results of Gilman et al. held only when participants were not matched in terms of alcohol use. When matched for alcohol use, marijuana users and controls showed no significant effects in terms of cortical or sub-cortical morphometry. Moreover, when Weiland et al. examined the effect sizes observed in 11 prior studies, they found a net zero effect for the effects of marijuana on brain morphometry . Notably the results of the current study take into consideration the potentially confounding factors of alcohol and tobacco use as well as gender, age, and years of education. A recent paper using some of the same sample from the HCP examined how genetic vs. environmental factors might contribute to brain volume as a function of marijuana use. They found that marijuana use was associated with smaller volume of the left amygdala and right ventral striatum. However, their analyses suggested that the results for the amygdala are likely driven by shared genetic factors as compared to environmental factors as both marijuana user twins and their non-user twin showed reduced volume compared to concordant non-user twins. While the current study did not directly examine the role of genetics and shared environment in mediating the effects of marijuana on the brain, our analyses accounted for family structure. When accounting for family structure, we found no effects of marijuana on the amygdala, and a trend for a more inward deflection of the right accumbens, but no accompanying difference in volume. However, the analysis of Pagliaccio et al. trim bin tray was limited in sample size for certain sibships, in particular, monozygotic twins discordant for marijuana use.

With the upcoming complete HCP dataset consisting of 1200 participants, it will be important to update the analyses of Pagliaccio and colleagues, as well as adding sub-cortical shape as a measure, to see if a causal relationship arises with a larger sample .As the current study is not longitudinal but rather cross-sectional, it cannot speak to whether the use of marijuana causes changes in neural structures. Such an analysis will require longitudinal data as is to-be collected by the new national ABCD study funded by NIH. Nonetheless, the current study can provide hints as to potential effects of marijuana use due to its large sample size and because family structure was controlled for in the analyses. In addition, despite the 100-fold increase in the number of marijuana users from most studies and the high-quality of imaging data, the data on marijuana use history from the HCP is relatively sparse. Whereas alcohol and tobacco were assessed in terms of recent and past use, questions of marijuana use were restricted to self-report measures of the age of first use and the number of times used in the lifetime. As such, it was not possible to accurately examine the effects of duration of use or more specifically, the effects of time since last use. As noted in the Materials and methods Section, the age of first use and number of times used data was coarsely coded using relatively arbitrary ranges. In particular, the number of times used score presented widely different categories for participants to select, ranging from 1–5 times used to “more than 1000.” Moreover, no data was available regarding the recency of this use. Additionally, while tobacco and alcohol were controlled for using scores selected to best represent the impact of chronic, co-morbid substance use, it is possible that alternative metrics would change the representation of variance due to these substances. As it stands, the alcohol and tobacco use scores used in this presented significant co-variance with age of first use and times used, highlighting both the need to control for these factors and the importance of a data-set large enough to separate the effects of each variable.

While participants were excluded from the HCP for major psychiatric or neurological illness participants underwent a psychiatric screening as part of the SSAGA, and psychiatric symptoms were assessed with the NIH Toolbox and the Achenbach Adult Self-Report questionnaire . Examining the interactions of psychiatric symptoms and marijuana use was beyond the scope of the current study, but future studies should examine these effects. Previous studies have shown that adolescent marijuana use is co-morbid with a number of psychopathologies including childhood trauma , depression , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , and psychosis . Furthermore, the HCP contains information about parental psychopathology. While much of the psychiatric information available in the HCP has less information than a targeted study of psychopathology, there is enough information for future studies to assess multivariate effects of marijuana use variables and co-morbid psychopathology and other substance use. Lastly, while the advanced imaging analyses used in this study provide powerful ways to non-invasively understand the anatomical changes occurring with a brain, they are limited in that they cannot speak to the mechanisms whereby marijuana use might influence brain structure. specifically, they cannot elucidate the microscopic changes responsible for the more macroscopic GM and WM impacts . For example, while shape changes of the accumbens and hippocampus might reflect inflammation, marijuana has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties . Macroscopic morphological changes could be caused by neuronal loss or changes in cytoarchitecture such as neuronal size, dendritic spine density, dendritic length, or synaptic protein levels . As such, morphometry studies can strongly inform where such changes are occurring, but cannot pinpoint the microscopic causes of these structural changes. It is important to note that the two major components of marijuana, Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol , have opposite effects behaviorally, symptomatically, and in terms of functional activation of all of the regions-of-interest for the current study . With legalization of marijuana comes more accurate assays of THC and CBD concentrations, and thus, future research can and should focus on examining whether THC and CBD have dissociable effects on brain morphometry .Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder worldwide, affecting 1e2% of the population over the age of 65.

The condition is characterised by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra pars compacta.There are a number of studies that link the development of PD with the exposure of certain pesticides such as rotenone.As a result, rotenone is commonly used to create in vivo and in vitro models to study the disease.H2O2 is a compound commonly used to model oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. As mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are thought to contribute to cell death in PD, we aimed to assess the effects of both rotenone and H2O2 on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. The SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line has been previously used to create a cellular model of PD.The cells share many biochemical and functional characteristics with mature dopaminergic neurons and have the ability to differentiate into adopaminergic phenotype. As tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine seem to be central to the pathogenesis of PD and dopaminergic neurons are specifically targeted in the condition, we opted to utilise a cell line that had been transfected with human TH isoform 1.There were two main aims to be addressed in this study, firstly we aimed to compare the effects of rotenone and H2O2 treatment on cell viability and TH expression and once we had established these changes we would then assess the ability of a number of potentially neuroprotective compounds to protect against this toxicity. Cinnamon is a spice commonly used in food throughout the world. The spice has been demonstrated to have anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects as well as some neuroprotective properties.For instance a previous study demonstrated that treatment with cinnamon prevented the development of PD like symptoms and pathology in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetra hydropyridine treated mice, however the effect of cinnamon on rotenone is yet to be investigated. Hemp seed and its oil have been used as both a food and medicine in China for at least 3000 years and hemp seed extracts have been found to demonstrate antioxidant and antiaging effects as well as improve cognitive impairment induced by chemicals in mice.In addition to all of this, epidemiological studies suggest societies that commonly use curcumin, cinnamon and hemp seed appear to demonstrate a lower incidence of PD and neurodegenerative disorders.We included the use of curcumin within our study as a positive control as this substance has been shown previously to provide protection against rotenone and H2O2 toxicity.Polygonum cuspidatum is widely distributed in the world and has been shown to possess antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,pollen trim tray neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties,however these properties are yet to be investigated using a cellular model of PD.

In this study we assessed the effect of rotenone and H2O2 on SHSY5Y cell survival and TH protein expression. We also evaluated the protective effects of curcumin, cinnamaldehyde, and constituents isolated from hemp seed and polygonum cuspidatum .Methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium bromide powder was used as a means to assess cell viability as previously described.Briefly, at the conclusion of the 24 h treatment duration, MTT was added to culture medium at a final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml and the plate was mixed gently for 1 min before 2 h incubation in a 37 C, 5% CO2 incubator. After the incubation, media was removed and 100 mL of DMSO was added to each well for 10e15 min while shaking. The intensity of the purple colour produced in each well was measured colourimetrically using a plate reader at 595 nm. The values of absorbance are expressed as a proportion of the controls.The Trypan Blue assay was used as another means of visually assessing cell viability to support the MTT assay findings. Cells were seeded into 12 well plates and treated as described above. When the treatment protocol had ended the media was removed from the wells and 30 mL of Trypan Blue was added and left for 30 s. After 30 s an image of the plate was taken using ‘Cell Pad’. While not quantitative this protocol provided a means of visually assessing the viability of cell cultures.Whole cell lysates were used for western blotting experiments to analyse total TH and Poly-ADP ribose-polymerase protein levels. Cells were seeded in a 24 well plate and treated as described above. At the end of the treatment protocol media was removed and 110 mL of 2% SDS stop buffer with inhibitors , 2% SDS, 2 mM EDTA, 1 mM Na orthovanadate, 1 mM Na fluoride, 10 mM Na pyrophosphate was added. The lysed cells were collected and heated for 10 min at 100 C. Samples were then frozen and stored at -20 C for later analysis. Samples were prepared for electrophoresis by dilution with sample buffer . Samples were run on an 8 or 10% SDS-polyacylamide gel and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane . To minimise non-specific binding membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.075% tween 20 for 1.5 h at room temperature. Membranes were then incubated with anti-PARP-1 or anti-total TH antibodies for 1 h at room temperature. Blots were washed and exposed to appropriate secondary antibody for 1 h at room temperature. Blots were then exposed to enhanced chemiluminescence detection reagent for 1 h and developed using a LAS 4000 imaging system . Later, membranes were washed and then immunoblotted with b-actin antibody as a marker of the total protein loaded per lane.Quantitation of tTH and PARP-1 were normalised relative to b-actin levels.This study demonstrates that rotenone and H2O2 have markedly different effects on SH-SY5Y cells. H2O2 treatment does not appear to have any significant effect on TH protein expression and the cell death induced by H2O2 can be prevented by a number of compounds tested. In contrast, rotenone treatment was associated with an increase in TH protein levels and its toxicity could not be prevented with any of the compounds.

The application of MRS to the study of chronic marijuana users is limited in the current literature

In the present study natural fiber composites,containing 10%,20% and 30% hemp fibers as reinforcement and mixture of virgin and recycled high density polyethylene as matrix,have been fabricated.The tensile and flexural properties of the composites are evaluated and compared with samples made of 100% virgin HDPE and 50-50 mixture of virgin and recycled HDPE.In the last years,considering the increasing environmental awareness and the introduction of new rules and regulations to reduce the environmental impact and reach sustainability,the new products must minimize the environmental impact,so the interest and the subsequent use of eco-friendly materials is grooving more and more in different application fields.This aspect is particularly relevant in the composite manufacturing field,where both synthetic fibers and petroleum polymers are still widely used.In this contest,the use of natural fibers as reinforcement is reaching an increasing attention,indeed a lot of researches have aimed on the study of a range of recyclable materials based on natural fibers such as flax,ramie,sisal,hemp and many more in order to study their possible use as interesting substitute over the conventional ones.Among various kinds of natural fibres,the hemp one is one of the most promising because of its interesting properties such as the low density,low cost and high specific mechanical properties.In addition,the hemp plant is characterized by the ability of extracting heavy metals from the soil makes and the environmental conditions required from its cultivation allow the easy growth of this plant around the world.Regarding the matrix used for the natural fibre composites manufacturing,commercial greenhouse supplies its selection is limited by the temperature at which natural fibres degrade.Both thermoset and thermoplastic polymers are coupled with natural fibres and each one highlights its peculiarity characteristics: thermoplastics are capable of being repeatedly softened by the application of heat and hardened by cooling and have the potential to be the most easily recycled,on the other hand a better emphasis of the fibres mechanical properties are generally achieved by using thermosets as matrix.

In fact,thermoset polymers are particularly attractive as matrix materials for natural fibre reinforced composite production as they generally have reactive functional groups that make them compatible with hydrophilic fibre surfaces.Among these,the epoxy is one of the most interesting polymer resins that used as matrix for the natural fibre composites shows very high mechanical properties of the final product.Several applications as interior and insulation components of hemp/epoxy composites was largely found in literature in particular in the automotive and building sectors,whilst there are few applications as structural components and few works aimed on the study of manufacturing processes to produce hemp composites characterized by low density and high specific mechanical properties.Based on this overview,this work is focused on the manufacturing of lightweight hemp/epoxy composites through a new process easily implemented in industrial production by using hemp fabrics characterized by a large mesh size.To assess their mechanical performances,tensile and bending tests were performed and coupled with FE simulations.Therefore,due to the no optimum control in the fabric superimposition,even though the fibre weight content is the same for each sample typology,the difference in the thickness vales is directly connected with the difference in the density and in the fibre volume fraction values.Ideally,considering for the B type a good alignment able to obtain the same thickness of the A type sample and also considering that the B type samples contained half number of tows then the A type,the ideal values of the density and of the fabric volume fraction should be half than the ones of the A type.Figs.8 and 9 shows the tensile and bending stress-strain curves for the specimens under investigation.The composites with density of around 0.74 g/cm3 are characterized by a tensile strength of 40 MPa and a tensile modulus of 3000 MPa,whilst the composites with a density of around 0.47 g/cm3 showed a tensile strength of 24 MPa and a tensile modulus of 1650 MPa; the tensile properties of the B type are approximately half of the ones of the A type.Looking at Fig.9,it is possible to note that all curves show the same behavior up to the failure,but when the maximum stress value was reached and then the specimens started to fail,the behavior changes.

This is observed by comparing the stress-strain curves and the type of failure of the specimens show in Fig.10.The curves of the A type show a significant drop in the stress and then a brittle failure of the specimens was observed,whilst the curves of the B type show a slighter decrease in the stress coupled with a sliding failure.This is due to the higher presence of resin on the bottom surface of the A type specimens.The composites with a density of 0.77 g/cm3 showed a bending strength of 40 MPa and a bending modulus of 3100 MPa,instead of the samples with a density of around 0.47 g/cm3 that was characterized by a bending strength of 22 MPa and a bending modulus of 1200 MPa.It is also possible to observe that the flexural mechanical response variability is in any case quite limited.However,a slightly greater value was reached for the B type specimens due to above said misalignment problems that mainly occurs for this specimen typology.This is also corroborated from the results of the FE simulations of the three-point bending tests where the eventual misalignment error was considered.Illicit marijuana use in the United States has been a longstanding public health concern for both adolescents and adults.As many as 44% of college-aged individuals endorse having used marijuana at some point in their life,and 21% of college-aged individuals report marijuana use in the past 30 days.Marijuana intoxication is associated with motor coordination deficits,euphoria,impaired temporal estimation,and a variety of other psychological phenomena.Marijuana use has also been associated with more specific cognitive deficits,even after acute intoxication has subsided,and with the development of severe psychopathology.Furthermore,chronic marijuana use has been related to adverse physiological consequences in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.Adolescence and young adulthood represent periods of the lifespan when increased risk-taking occurs,including the use of illicit substances,such as marijuana.The combination of an innate propensity for risk-taking and use of a judgment-altering substance is a striking example of the immediate public health concern over marijuana use in young-adults.This concern is particularly pertinent in light of recent efforts in support of marijuana’s legalization in the United States.A challenge for the field is to identify which chemical systems and associated information processing networks are most affected by chronic marijuana use.

The main psychoactive component of marijuana,Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol,acts as an agonist in central nervous system cannabinoid receptors and in other peripheral cell types,primarily immune cells.In the CNS,CB1 receptor density is high in the basal ganglia,particularly in the dorsal striatum.Cannabinoid receptor signaling acts on multiple neurotransmitters through a variety of biochemical cascades,including inhibition of voltage-dependent calcium channels and by directly inhibiting vesicle release.Both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters,including glutamate,γ-aminobutyric acid and dopamine,are either directly or indirectly affected by CB1 receptor activation.For marijuana and other drugs of abuse and dependence,the dorsal striatum has been hypothesized to play a key role in the transition from intermittent drug use to compulsive habit-based drug-taking via mechanisms that underlie long-term synaptic plasticity.Exogenous activation of CB1 receptors,as occurs with marijuana intoxication,inhibits the release of glutamate as well as GABA in both the dorsal and ventral striatum.This inhibition facilitates the development of long-term depression in the striatum,which is a critical component in the altered synaptic plasticity that accompanies drug addiction.Thus,the manner in which corticostriatal functional connectivity is altered in the context of marijuana use is of interest,as is metabolic activity within the chemical systems that contribute to those alterations.Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a widely used tool,allowing for in vivo characterizations of various brain metabolites.MRS data is acquired either from single voxel or multiple voxels.The SVS method typically benefits from high spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.MRSI has better spatial resolution compared to SVS,but typically has a much more limited spectral resolution.To the best of our knowledge,only four other studies utilizing some form of MRS to examine marijuana users have been published,and the methods of these studies are relatively heterogeneous.The existing studies are summarized in Table 1.

Individuals ages 16-to-42 years were studied with either SVS or MRSI.In two of the studies,only males were examined.In most cases,marijuana use was reported at 20 or more days per month.Lower levels of Glu,N-acetylaspartate,and myo-inositol were observed in marijuana users compared to controls in regions known to be associated with substance use,cannabis dry rack including the basal ganglia,thalamus,cingulate cortex,dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,and the striatum as well as posterior cortical regions.The methods,ages of subjects,and extent of current marijuana use in the samples tested vary considerably across studies as summarized in Table 1.As disruptions in glutamate activity have been implicated in the development of addiction,we hypothesized disruptions in glutamate concentrations in marijuana users compared to controls.Several lines of evidence suggest inhibition of glutamate excitotoxicity by marijuana.In addition,based on the MRS literature described above related to the basal ganglia of adult marijuana users and literature describing the inhibitory effects of CB1 receptors on glutamate release,we specifically hypothesized that young-adult MJU subjects would show lower levels of Glu + glutamine in the basal ganglia compared to their non-using counterparts.We did not have a specific hypothesis regarding concentrations of other metabolites given that other researchers have not concentrated their assessments on the striatum.However,the limited available literature suggested the possibility of altered mIns as well as NAA levels in users versus controls.Twenty-seven marijuana users were recruited into the study through local advertisements on the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus.Marijuana users’ ages ranged from 18-to-21 years,with a mean and standard deviation of 19.5 ± 0.6 years.Exclusion criteria are described below.Twenty-six healthy young adult non-users,who were participants in a large,longitudinal study of normal brain development,served as a control sample.Control participants’ ages ranged from 13-to-24 years,with a mean and standard deviation of 19.3 ± 3.1 years.The recruitment strategy for the control sample has been described elsewhere.Briefly,participants younger than 18 years of age were recruited through a database of research volunteers throughout the Metro community,through post-cards mailed to University of Minnesota civil service employees,and through local advertisements.Participants over the age of 18 years were recruited using on-campus advertisements.During the controls’ third longitudinal follow-up visit,MRS was added to the protocol as time allowed.Thus,the control sample described in this study has a broader age range than the MJU sample,a feature that was considered in the statistical approach described below.A description of the study was initially given to both the MJU and control participants over the phone.Interested participants were then invited to complete a brief phone screening to ascertain study eligibility.Exclusion criteria included major physical,neurological or psychiatric illness,substance use disorders,head injuries resulting in loss of consciousness >20 min,mental retardation,learning disabilities,current use of psychoactive medications,non-native English speaking,vision or hearing that was not normal or corrected to normal,complications at birth,current pregnancy,and MRI contraindications.Inclusion criteria for MJU participants included current use of marijuana at least five times per week for at least one year,and an age of onset of use prior to the age of 17 years.Marijuana users were also excluded if they were daily cigarette smokers,or if their alcohol use exceeded four drinks for females and five drinks for males on more than two occasions per week.Marijuana users were asked to refrain from drug use for at least 12 h prior to their visit to avoid acute intoxication during study procedures.Participants provided written informed consent and all study procedures were approved by the University of Minnesota’s Institutional Review Board.After the phone interview,eligible participants were invited to the University of Minnesota’s Center for Neurobehavioral Development for an in-person screening session to further ascertain eligibility and to verify information given over the phone.The Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia,Present and Lifetime version was used to assess for current or past Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,Fourth Edition axis I disorders,including childhood disorders given the relative youth of the sample.The presence or absence of DSM-IV disorders was confirmed by case consensus meetings with staff members including a license-eligible clinical psychologist.In addition,a two-subtest version of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence was administered to yield estimated full scale IQ.Participants who met all inclusion criteria after the in-person interview were invited back for a comprehensive neuropsychological testing battery and an MRI scan.

A series of analyses were undertaken to identify items most pertinent for a brief risk indicator

As evidence for adverse consequences of marijuana use during adolescence on brain functioning accumulates,such research has the potential to improve prevention and intervention efforts through better education,thus reducing marijuana use and associated negative consequences.To guide recruitment,the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study required a method for identifying children at high risk for early-onset substance use that may be utilized during the recruitment process.In this context,childhood risk refers to characteristics identified at ages 9 or 10 years that predict adverse outcomes in adolescence,and “high risk” refers to a categorical classification of some children as having increased risk compared to others.The construction of a brief measure for childhood substance use risk involves the identification of characteristics that predict early-onset substance use in mid to late adolescence.The identification and evaluation of optimal items for a brief childhood measure to serve as a high-risk screener ideally involves data from several large prospective studies with assessments initiated prior to the typical age of onset of substance use.To inform ABCD Study recruitment,secondary analyses are needed with datasets collected prior to ABCD Study initiation.In this context,a set of analyses with available data focused on a specific substance use outcome was determined to be most likely to be informative and feasible.While other substance use outcomes are also important,early-onset marijuana use is a relevant target.Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug by adolescents,and regular marijuana use identifies youth likely to develop cannabis use disorder.In these secondary data analyses,the definition of early-onset marijuana use was defined by the initiation of regular use as indicated in the available datasets.The studies contributing datasets were the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research,cannabis drying the Pittsburgh Youth Study,the Pittsburgh Girls Study,and the Michigan Longitudinal Study.

In the studies contributing data to the secondary analyses described here,the definitions of regular marijuana use differed by sample due to measurement variations.The variations in the definitions of regular marijuana use were as follows: ; five or more use occasions in the past year and; six or more occasions in the past year.By efficiently identifying children at high risk for early-onset marijuana use,a brief and effective measure of childhood risk measure could be utilized as a screen to identify high risk children in prevention research,primary medical care,and mental health clinic settings.The present analyses were specifically undertaken to inform the development a childhood high risk screen for use in the ABCD Study.The ABCD Study is the National Institute of Healths’ large-scale prospective population study of the biological and environmental factors that influence young people’s ability to successfully navigate adolescence.The study has a special emphasis on the risk and protective factors that influence marijuana and other substance use,and subsequent health problems including substance use disorders.Utilizing data from previously conducted studies,the present study was thus undertaken to develop and establish the efficiency of a short measure to identify youth at high risk for early-onset marijuana use with optimal features for use in the ABCD Study.To achieve this goal,the risk level of a potential participant needs to be determined at the time of recruitment and prior to their scheduling for the extensive ABCD Study assessment protocol.Consequently,the optimal ABCD Study high risk screen has several characteristics: extreme brevity,including less than ten items; lack of sensitive items that may raise confidentiality concerns at this early stage of considering participation; consistency with prior research.These characteristics were taken into consideration in the analyses that follow.Historically,studies focusing on mental disorders such as schizophrenia,alcohol use disorder,and major depressive disorder,have used positive family history as a risk marker.Family history has been demonstrated to identify children at high risk of later substance use disorders in many prospective studies.However,a detailed family history may involve the parent being asked to disclose their own socially undesirable,embarrassing or,in some cases,illegal behavior.

There have been alternative strategies to acquire this information,such as the use of publicly available records of drunk driving or other drug offenses,or the use of hospital records to identify parental diagnosis.Obtaining such records would not be feasible in the initial recruitment phase of the ABCD Study.Regardless of the method for obtaining this information,requesting this information at the point of introducing the ABCD Study raises the real possibility that the parent will decline study involvement.Few longitudinal studies have formulated and tested measures for identifying high risk children likely to exhibit early-onset marijuana use.There have been several approaches developed for predicting substance use disorders,but relatively few have targeted the adolescent developmental period.One of the risk measures developed to identify high risk children is the SUD Transmissible Liability Index developed by Vanyukov,Tarter,Clark and colleagues,using longitudinal data from the CEDAR study.Although the TLI is sophisticated in its development,it is long,uses different portions of existing instruments,and is under copyright.In addition,the TLI did not focus on the age 15 outcome of marijuana use,and the publications did not use Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the Curve analyses to determine an optimal threshold score.Another screening instrument,the DSM Guided Cannabis Screen has unknown predictive value because it was constructed using cross-sectional data from a small clinical sample aged 14–59.Therefore,the current study fills a significant gap in the empirical literature.This report describes the process and results of secondary data analyses to prospectively identify a brief screening measure applicable to age 9–10-year-old children that would predict early-onset marijuana use in the 5–7 years following the initial screening measurement.To acquire data useful for developing this screening measure,we needed to identify population-based prospective studies which began assessments in late childhood,had been continued at least through ages 14–17,included marijuana use variables at both age periods,measured domains previously identified in the literature as predictive of adolescent substance use disorder outcomes,and had a sufficient number of measures in these domains that were shared across these studies so that screening validation could be replicated across different demographic groups.

The objectives of these secondary data analyses were as follows: To develop a brief screener for 9–10-year-old boys and girls to predict early-onset marijuana and other substance use in mid adolescence with demonstrated predictive utility across four longitudinal data sets; To dichotomize the outcome variable,which will reduce shrinkage,improve replicability and practical utility.; To replicate findings across construction and validation samples.The advantage of this dual analysis approach is that we could construct a screener that considers shrinkage that typically happens between construction of a screener and subsequent validation in another sample.In summary,the objective was to develop a brief and feasible approach to the identification of children at increased risk for early onset marijuana use that may inform the ABCD Study recruitment procedures.To ascertain replication of results,we used four existing longitudinal data sets.These data sets were utilized to build construction and validation samples for each sex,resulting in nine independent analyses.The four longitudinal data sets were from the CEDAR,PYS,PGS,and MLS.Where possible,we used both parent and child as informants,which is particularly important for externalizing behavior that is concealing in nature,because parents usually have less knowledge of the behavior compared to the child.The overall sample consisted of 882 boys and 368 girls.At the initiation of the study,81.3% of the boys were White,and 18.7% Non-White,and 74.7% of the girls were White,25.3% Non-White.Sample selection: Families were ascertained through two methods.The first involved recruitment through all district courts of fathers living in the area convicted for drunk driving with a biological son between the ages of 3 and 5 years old.Fathers were also required to be living with the boy and his biological mother.The second group were required to have the same family composition,but were ascertained through the same neighborhoods as the court-recruited families.Door to door canvassing was carried out to recruit two subgroups: families where neither parent met a lifetime substance use disorder diagnosis ; families where father met criteria for an alcohol use disorder but were not involved with the court.In addition to the original 3-5-year-old son and his biological parents,a female sibling within the range of 3–11,when present,was also recruited.If other siblings in the 3-11-year age range were also present in the home,they were recruited as well.Assessment at T1 for this study : average ages: 10.55 for boys and 10.61 for girls.

Where possible,we used both parent and child as informants,which is particularly important for the externalizing behaviors that are concealing in nature,because parents often are not aware of this type of child behavior.The outcome of interest was child self-report of marijuana use at about age 14.Attrition was 10%.The potential items for analyses were identified by examining prior research,prior analyses with the available datasets,greenhouse benches particularly the extensive analyses with CEDAR data,identifying pertinent items available in the four longitudinal projects used in these secondary analyses,and deliberations on the acceptability of areas of inquiry for potential participants during the recruitment process.Based on these considerations,the constructs represented by the pool of items to be considered included child externalizing behaviors,child internalizing behaviors,and parent tobacco smoking.Child externalizing behaviors.In the case of the ABCD Study design,we are projecting from ages 9–10,when marijuana use typically is minimal and not a viable risk item for screening purposes.Therefore,for candidate items on child externalizing behaviors,we considered non-substance use characteristics that other studies have found to predict early-onset substance use in mid adolescence,particularly child externalizing behaviors.Potential externalizing behaviors considered were vandalism,lying,and disobedience at school.Child internalizing behaviors.In addition,we examined whether selected internalizing behaviors augmented predictions.After examining potential internalizing items’ correlations with both the tentative screener and with the outcome variable,we initially focused on the following items : unhappy,sad or depressed; too fearful or anxious; secretive or keep things to oneself; self-conscious or easily embarrassed.After considering which internalizing items correlated with the externalizing screener at that point,we finally focused on: unhappy,sad or depressed; too fearful or anxious.Parent smoking.For candidate items on parent behaviors,parent smoking was also considered a viable candidate.This candidate item for the screener was available in the 4 study data sets.The predicted outcome was marijuana use by ages 14–15 with a frequency that indicated greater than experimental use.The available outcome categories varied across the studies,including monthly use in CEDAR,use at five times or more in the past year in the PYS and PGS,and 6 or more times during the past year in the MLS.The presence of marijuana use at or above these thresholds for the depicted ages defined “early-onset marijuana use” in these secondary analyses.The evaluations of individual items and their combinations in relations to early-onset marijuana use were undertaken with Receiver Operating Characteristic statistics.This approach is typically used in evaluating screening for diseases,with several examples in the prior literature focusing on substance use frequency in relation to adolescent substance use disorders.Using ROC statistics,the evaluation of the prediction power of a screen is usually based on a 2 by 2 table,as illustrated in Fig.1.The quality of a screen is indicated by four parameters: Sensitivity and specificity,which refer to True Positives/,and True Negatives/,respectively,and Positive predictive value and negative predictive value,which refer to True Positives/True Positives + False Positives and True Negatives/True Negatives + False Negatives,respectively.

Area Under the Curve analyses were used to establish whether the prediction is better than chance; and what the optimal cut-off is to minimize false negative and false positive errors.AUC can range from 0.5 to 1.0,when sensitivity and specificity are considered equally important.In practice,AUC tends to be lower than 1.0,meaning that one cannot correctly classify all future marijuana users or correctly classify all future non-marijuana users.The general rule is that the higher the sensitivity,the lower the specificity.Lowering the cut-off score can increase sensitivity,but with the consequence that there will be more false positives.Where sample sizes from study sites were sufficient,we created two subgroups,labeled “construction” and “validation” samples,using a randomization method,the SPSS random variable generation function.This partitioning of the samples was done to avoid idiosyncratic findings.Sufficient sample sizes were available to take this approach for CEDAR boys,PYS,and PGS,but not for CEDAR girls,MLS boys,or MLS girls.To support scale construction yet allow for validation in these limited samples,weightings were applied so that there were more subjects assigned to the construction sub-sample than to the validation sub-sample.We searched for equivalent predictor items of interest in each dataset.This is very important because we needed construct convergence among the four longitudinal datasets.We used prorating in cases where there were missing items so that we would maximize the numbers of participants.Note that sample sizes varied somewhat due to missing cases for each analysis.

The loss of energy is found out on the reading obtained from the impact testing machine

The raw banana and hemp fibers used in for fabrication of composite laminates are presented in Fig.1 and Fig.2.The fabricated composite laminates are given Fig.3 and Fig.4.The tensile test specimens are prepared and testing of the composite laminates are carried out as per ASTM D638 standards and procedures.There are three specimen are used from each laminates for testing tensile behavior of hybrid laminates.The test has been carried out on the universal testing machine,by means of applying load on the specimen until its get failure and the results are observed.These methodologies are followed for remaining specimen in the same composite laminate and other laminate specimens to get the mean tensile strength and corresponding stresses for the comparison of results.The tensile test specimen before and after fracture of bananahemp-glass fibers reinforced epoxy composites are presented in Fig.5 and Fig.6.The use of natural and manmade fibers reinforced hybrid composite materials are growing day by day due to its characteristics like eco-friendly,recyclable,bio-degradable and user friendly in nature.Many researchers are working in this field to make the composites hybrid and to replace metals and alloy materials in the field of engineering and technology without affecting the load carrying capabilities and cost aspects.In the present experimental study,the banana and hemp fibers are hybridized with glass fiber and prepared hybrid composite laminates.Then the test specimen are prepared from the composite laminates as per ASTM standards and testing of materials has been carried out under tensile,pot for growing marijuana flexural and impact loading conditions by using universal testing machine and impact testing machine.The experimental results on mechanical properties of the tested composite specimen are observed and presented in Table.2.

The composite samples are tested in the universal testing machine and the typical force vs.stroke curve generated directly from the machine during tensile loading for the hybrid composites is presented in Fig.11.The tensile strength comparison of different hybrid composites is presented in Fig.12.From the figure it can be observed that the banana-glass fiber reinforced composites are performing better than the other composites tested which can withstand the tensile strength of 39.5MPa followed by hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites can hold the strength of 37.5MPa.The flexural properties of the hybrid composite samples are tested and the experimental values are presented in Table.2.The force vs.stroke curve generated directly from the machine during flexural loading for the hybrid composites is presented in Fig.13.The flexural strength comparison of different hybrid composites is presented in Fig.14.From the figure,it is asserted that the flexural load carrying capacity of banana-hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites is better than banana-glass fiber reinforced composites and hemp-glass fiber reinforced composites.The impact test is carried out for evaluating the impact load carrying capability of the different hybrid composite specimens and the charpy impact test is used in the present investigation.The impact strength comparison of different hybrid composite samples is presented in Fig.15.The results indicated that the maximum impact strength is obtained for banana hemp-glass fibers reinforced hybrid composites which hold the impact strength of 8.66Joules.The banana-glass fiber reinforced composites and hemp-glass fiber reinforces composites are performing in the same level can withstand the impact strength of 5.33Joules.The failure morphology of the hybrid composite samples tested in the present experiment is examined through scanning electron microscopy analysis.The SEM micro-graphs of the hybrid composite samples subjected to tensile loading are presented in Fig.16.

From the images,it can be seen that the fracture of the fiber and matrix due to the applied tensile load.The SEM micro-graphs of the hybrid composite samples subjected to flexural loading are presented in Fig.17 and the samples subjected to the impact loading are presented in Fig.18.The fiber breakage and fiber pull out due to flexural loading are clearly in observed in Fig.17.Fig.18 indicated that the fractured edges of the fibers in the specimen and also the dislocation of fibers due to impact loading.The permanent growing of the world population within the next two to three decades by round about 2.5 billion will result in an additional demand for food of 43 % and for textile fibers of more than 80 %.In contrast to the increasing demand arable land is more and more limited and the cropland area per capita will shrink.This situation will result not only in a food crisis,but also in a “cellulose gap” because cotton production is predicted to be stagnant in the future and the history of man-made fibers shows that approximately one third of all textile fibers have to be cellulosic fibers because of particular properties like absorbency and moisture management.The outcome of this is a disproportionately high demand for man-made cellulosic fibers in the coming years and for dissolving pulp,the most used raw material for fibers manufacturing,too.Dissolving pulps are usually manufactured from several kind of hard or soft wood by an intensive material and energy consuming cooking procedure,which is required for separation of pulp fibers,hemicelluloses and lignin.For those reasons an increase of pulp production will require a lot of time for growth of the trees and money for erection and implementation of new pulp mills.In contrast,pulp raw material based on annual plants like bast fibers offers the options to increase much more quickly the available pulp volume,because of the faster rate of crop growth and lower energy consumption for degumming and fiber separation.Nevertheless,new process steps for pulp purification are required.

Furthermore,pulp quality will have to be adapted to the intended fiber manufacturing and processing line.Here new approaches are needed and have to be developed by the R&D activities.For that purpose a project consortium was installed,consisting of partners from organic farming,agricultural machine development,pulp and fiber manufacturing and fiber and fabrics processing.Moreover,as present in figure 1 it was the target of the team to develop an integrated process chain for the manufacturing of innovative fabrics produced of man-made Lyocell type fibers made of dissolving pulp based on OG hemp.Bast fiber material almost free of wooden shives and dried HBS was delivered by Bast & Faser GmbH and was used as delivered.Dried HBS and mechanical pre-processed hemp fiber tow were typically treated by aqueous caustic soda at 160 °C for about one hour.A mixture of caustic soda and surface active additives was applied as cooking liquor.Reduction of Kappa number was used for process time and DP adjustment.Alternative,a fiber bleaching sequence could be applied for adjustment of cellulose pulp DP at 450 up to 700 using subsequently hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite at 55 °C for 120 minutes,each.Within of pulping procedures suitable sequestrants were added for elutriation of high metal ion contents.The resulting pulp was finally dried to a solid content of 80 % and was used without any further treatment for dope preparation.For dope preparation about 15 % of delivered pulp was redispersed in 85 % aqueous dissolution of NMMO comprising about 20 % of water and transferred into a discontinuous laboratory scaled stirring and kneading reactor.The pulp was dissolved by evaporation of excess water as well as elevated temperatures of 100 °C,decreased pressure of in minimum and a rotational speed of 20 rpm.At the moment when excess water was fully evaporated and a mixture of one mole of water per mole of NMMO was achieved the pulp dissolved immediately and a transparent,brownish,viscous spinning dope was generated.The shearing was continued another 20 minutes at 10 rpm for dope homogenization.Within the project activities the major part of HBS should be converted into dissolving pulp suitable for solution spinning of cellulose man-made fibers.For that purpose a feasibility study was ordered as subcontract from OP Papirna s.r.o.,Olšany,Czech Republic.Because bast fibers commonly offer higher alpha cellulose content,it is not so difficult to adjust required pulp purities of more than 92 % alpha-cellulose content.

But for an application in solution spinning the primary DP of hemp is too high and should be reduced either by a pulp cooking or a pulp bleaching process.At first both approaches were pre-tested in laboratory scale using flax fibers.In the end,the conducted cooking trials generally confirmed,container for growing weed that the increase of cooking liqueur concentration and/or of cooking time could acceptably increase polymer degradation down to the intended pulp DP.However,the cooking process lowered the overall pulp yield.Therefore also the adaptation of bleaching sequences was investigated in a second step.Conventional bast fiber pulp bleaching procedures for paper manufacturing use successively hydrogen peroxide,chlorine dioxide.They end up with an extraction sequence at presence of hydrogen peroxide.For the intended DP reduction an additional sequence was required using sodium hypochlorite as bleaching agent.Also this approach worked well,but only the cooking approach should be further investigated in the running project,because of the environmental toxicity of chlorine containing agents.To conclude from figure 5: At lower caustic soda concentration the Kappa number is different in case of hemp tow control from those of HBS because of its higher amount of lignin in contained hurds.Nevertheless,the Kappa numbers of both hemp samples could become equal,if the optimal caustic soda concentration and process duration were chosen.From these results the conclusion could be drawn that the lignin of hurds was also fully separated from hemp tow control at the properly chosen concentration and time.Table 1 summarizes the typical properties found in crude and purified pulp.Another challenge,also arising from high metal salt contents,is the chemical sensivity of the solvent NMethylmorpholine-N-oxide.Especial,the pulp immanent heavy metal complexes based on iron and copper ions,might generate serious solvent decomposition,what could be autocatalytic pushed on by means of addressed ions.For that reason crude pulps were washed with de-ionized water in order to isolate most of the included hazardous metal ions.After washing of the pulp the iron and copper metal ion content decreased down to no longer relevant amounts.Ongoing problems arise from the extremely high Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions concentration,even in purified pulp samples.But problems could be solved when cooking was transferred into commercial scale and pulp manufacturing was combined with pulp purification by means of aqueous solution containing suitable sequestrants.

The sequestrants might irreversibly bind the ions by formation of complex compounds,even under caustic and/or oxidative conditions.In the end Ca2+ ion concentration dropped down below 200 and Mg2+ ion concentration was found below 50 ppm.Finally,of cooking process investigation a 5.3 metric ton OG hemp tow sample should be converted into dissolving pulp applying the identified process parameter.Five different cooking batches were performed in commercial scale equipment.Intrinsic viscosity of the produced five pulp samples was in the range of 370 dl/g up to 450 dl/g,what correlates with pulp DP’s of about 500 up to 650,respectively.The accepted iron ion concentration in semi-technical scale was appointed below 10 ppm.Unfortunately the content of iron ion was nearly twice the number.The so-called onset-temperature,that temperature at what thermal induced solvent decomposition occur,has to be measured,if the iron ion content is higher than allowed.In case of dope derived from OG hemp it was determined at the same temperature as of dopes prepared of wooden pulp and was located at higher temperatures than 170 °C.That temperature is high enough to release the prepared pulp for further processing of man-made cellulose fibers.In the last step the pulp was dried to solid content of 80 % and was handed over for further investigation of direct dissolution in NMMO monohydrate.Spinning dopes were manufactured as described in material and method section.After finishing dissolution and homogenization dopes were characterized by daylight microscopy,laser light scattering,particle analysis and rotation/oscillation rheometry.Incomplete pulp dissolution as present in figure 6,what even could be detected by daylight microscopy,might occur whenever fibrous particles are insoluble in case of high molecular cellulose shares or unsuitable pulp is used or solid particles are formed in case of higher amounts of inorganic impurities.Bad solution state as shown in fig.6a could be caused by extreme high Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions concentration.Visible particles are generated by calcium and magnesium salts,which are precipitated at low concentration of excess water in dopes.Because those particles are incompressible danger arises for clogging of spinning holes,if dopes are extruded through the spinneret.Fig.6b demonstrates the effect when OPP Hanf HP pulp is well dissolved and separated from the inorganic contamination at application of sequestrants.Such kind of purified pulp could be easily shaped into cellulose man-made fibers by dry-wet spinning procedure.Adolescence is a unique developmental period characterized by major physiological,psychological,and neurodevelopmental changes.These changes typically coincide with escalation of alcohol and marijuana use,which continues into early adulthood.

Agricultural measures tend to increase the crop yields and to enable a multipurpose exploitation of the crop

With a growing interest in sustainable issues and ecofriendliness,the textile industry is now faced with the challenges of developing eco-friendly textile products with enhanced sustainability.Efforts have been made in the field of wet processing of textile products.However,another equallyimportant aspect of producing more sustainable textile product is to select eco-friendly and low-cost raw materials,as well as to control the textile manufacturing processes in regard to energy and labour savings.An increasing recognition of hemp as more sustainable cellulose fibres has to be accompanied by an improvement in some comfort performances,aesthetics and,last but not least,by cost effectiveness.Apart from the environmental benefits of hemp in comparison to cotton,which is elaborated in the introduction section,the average prices of hemp fibre are 1.0e2.1 US$/kg while the cotton prices are between 2.1 and 4.2 US$/kg.However,the approximate prices for plain hemp textiles range from 5 to 13 US$/kg.In addition to these aspects,modern consumers expect high standard of performance even after a number of care cycles.Low cost and efficient production of synthetic fibres,together with their easy care and shape-retention properties can contribute to hemp based textiles to fulfil these requirements.In this context,acrylic fibres offer some benefits one of which is low specific gravity that allows yarns and fabrics to be made with a high bulk to weight ratio enabling improved softness.Other one is the simple and effective on-line coloration capability of acrylic fibre technology by which any further wet processing for finishing fabrics and garments does not need.This is not only extremely cost-effective,but very environmentally competitive route to market.In addition,avoiding any chemical treatment of hemp based fabrics with softeners to improve the tactile comfort performance is important from both economic and ecological aspects of sustainability.This elaboration,along with the results obtained and references given in the introduction section,clearly indicate that the use of hemp instead of cotton,mobile vertical rack and the use of acrylic to integrate with hemp yarn during knitting offer possibility of improving several sustainability aspects for cellulose based textiles.

However,some efforts are continuously made to achieve the reduction in cost and environmental impact in the range from the crop stage to the hemp product development stage.A new approach to a decrease in the environmental impact involves a reduction in eutrophication in the crop production.In fibre processing step,the research is aimed at improving fibre extraction processes so as to increase fibre quality and reduce labour requirements and price.Attempts have been made to improve hemp yarn production by developing new and more productive equipment and reducing energy costs.The avoidance of additional chemical treatments in this project is extremely important bearing in mind that a large amount of energy,water and chemicals are used for processing,finishing and dyeing of fibres,yarns and fabrics.The current trend towards improving sustainability of these processes goes in a direction of using eco-friendly substances and dyes.The recyclability and degradability of enzymes has stimulated research into their application to hemp fibre processing.Dyeing by natural dyes extracted from various plants,as well as agricultural wastes utilization for dyeing of textile fabrics,have been investigated in recent studies in order to meet the challenges of improving sustainability of production processes.In addition to production technology,new products development is also very important so as to meet market demand.We believe that hemp based textile product developed in our project presents a useful contribution to up to-date hemp textile product range,offering the textile engineers,designers and decision makers in textile companies the way to balance the cellulose based product performance,environmental concerns and costs at the current level of technological development.The utilisation of wood resources for energy production makes up the demand for the development of new technologies in the area of the chemical processing of agricultural residue.

The increasing demand for products derived by the chemical industry also increases the demand for furfural,which is exclusively produced from hemicelluloses-containing biomass.There is no synthetic route available for furfural production in the chemical industry.The production of furfural belongs to environmentally friendly technologies,although it has chemical properties similar to those of petrochemicals.It is used for the production of a wide range of important non-petroleum derived chemicals such as furan,tetrahydrofuran and furfuryl alcohol.It is also used as an extractive,a fungicide,in oil refineries,as well as in the plastics,food,pharmaceutical and agricultural industries.For example,it can be introduced during fibril formation to enhance the thermal and mechanical stability of collagen.At the moment,in the European Union,furfural is an imported products,although potential raw material resources are in a sufficient amount.During hydrothermal pre-treatment,the dehydration of xylose to furfural in water typically proceeds at 150–220 °C,and the reaction rate is small under neutral conditions,increases during autocatalysis by acetic acid,which originates from the biomass,and is accelerated further by the addition of catalysts,especially strong acids such as sulphuric acid or solid acid catalysts such as H-Beta zeolite.The costs and inefficiency of separating these catalysts from the products make their recovery impractical,resulting in large volumes of acid waste,which must be neutralised and disposed of.Other drawbacks include corrosion and safety problems.Al23 as a hydrolysis catalyst has been considered in some publications related to obtaining levulinic acid from biomass,but there are no scientific publications about the use of Al23 in furfural production from lignocellulosic biomass by hydrothermal pre-treatment.Furfural production from hemp shives has not been investigated until now as well,while the high content of hemicelluloses shows that the hemp fibre production byproduct has great potential.Also,this valuable raw material is concentrated in one place at the fibre production manufacturer’s site.The hemp species are an approved and rapidly expanding crop in Latvia,with a yield from 150 ha in 2009 to 1200 ha in 2013.Hemp shives are the woody inner part of the hemp stalk separated from the fibres,making up to 75 % of the oven dry stalk.

The chemical components of the hemp variety “Bialobrzeskie” shives used for experiments testify that the material also has the potential for the production of composites.Up until now,however,the main utilisation of hemp as a crop has been for its bast fibres.To utilise the leftover lignocellulose after obtaining furfural,binder-less panels could be made without the use of any additional adhesives during the panels’ production process.The panels made from the shives after the catalysed pre-treatment may have improved water resistance of the panel because hemicelluloses are the most water absorbing component and,after pre-treatment,their content is significantly diminished.Furthermore,steam explosion treatment transforms the lignin structure in the plant matrix and promotes the binder-less composite moulding in the following hot-pressing process.The objective of the study was to investigate the preliminary technological parameters of obtaining furfural and binder-less panels depending on the hydrothermal pre-treatment temperature,steam explosion treatment and pressing conditions.The pre-treatment process reference criteria for optimal parameters were chosen by the furfural yield and cellulose destruction degree in the leftover lignocellulose,which affects the obtained panel’s mechanical properties.The panel’s evaluation criteria were the panel quality and the maximal values of the tested properties – modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity.The holocellulose content in the raw material was 75.5 wt% and,after the pre-treatment process,it decreased to 34.2 wt% at 160 °C and 27.7 wt% at 180 °C,calculated on the oven dry hemp shives’ mass.This means that,during the catalytic pre-treatment in the presence of Al23,not only is hemicelluloses converted to furfural,but also some part of cellulose has started to degrade.By increasing the hydrothermal pre-treatment process temperature up to 180 °C,the cellulose content significantly decreased from 31.4 wt% to 22.2 wt%,calculated on the oven dry raw material,vertical grow rack taking into account the yield of lignocellulose.The leftover lignocellulose after the hydrothermal pre-treatment contained ~ 50 wt% moisture content; therefore,it was dried to a 10–15 wt% moisture content at 25°C.

With increasing temperature of the pre-treatment process,the moisture content of residual lignocellulose was higher at the drying stage.This can be explained by the increasing of the surface of the raw material particles due to the degradation of cellulose at elevated temperatures in the presence of the Al23 catalyst.The obtained panels are very different from the outside.The Ref 1 and Ref 2 panels are light enough in colour like the raw shives and similar to conventional OSB panels.The panels from the shives after the catalysed hydrothermal pre-treatment process are slightly darker in colour,compared to the reference panels.The panels from the pre-treated and steam-exploded shives are very dark in colour,with an apparent degraded morphology of shives on the surface.Most of the panels from the pretreated and steam-exploded shives have gaps on the surface and on the inside parallel to the surface.These observations allow concluding that the lignocellulosic material after the steam explosion treatment is significantly degraded.However,the degradation level of lignocelluloses depends on both pre-treatment and treatment,and the treatments conditions should be optimised.Cutting edges are another property of the panel quality that was observed,although only qualitatively.The panels made of untreated shives at 160 °C have unstable edges,which drop off.However,the cut edges of the panels made at 200 °C are stable enough.The panels made of pre-treated shives have cut edges similar to those of the untreated ones,although look more stable.Generally,the cut edges of the obtained panels are poor in quality.This is probably due to the too high moisture content of the pressing material and due to the too high steam explosion temperature that results in the too high severity factor of the material and degradation of cellulose.However,we believe that this could be improved by optimising the panel moulding process that is the next goal of the research.Some studies state that it is possible to make a high quality binder-less panel from agricultural species.The density range of all panels obtained was from 800 kg/m3 to 1250 kg/m3.85 % of the differences in density are explained by the panel’s thickness,which varies from 6 to 8 mm as shown in Fig.4.On the other hand,such different thickness obtained means that the same pressure used at pressing for all samples shows that the samples are different as materials,and different pressures should be used for each of them to obtain the same density.

The MOR values of the panels vary from 2 to 12 N mm-2,depending on all included factors.However,the strength difference is not significant.The low MOR values could be explained by the high enough severity factor of the lignocelluloses and,possibly,the fact that the pressing temperature was too low to achieve the lignin flowing and then the glass transition necessary to form a rigid material.The MOE values of the panels vary from 141 to 3250 N mm-2,also depending on the same factors as in the MOR performance.The obtained maximal MOE value is high enough and demonstrates that the material can be used for panel production.However,the MOR values are too low and should be improved by optimising the panel moulding conditions.In spite of the low mechanical properties,an excellent correlation was obtained between the MOE and MOR values,which means that the strength of the composites could be predictable.Temperature and relative humidity are important parameters influencing perceived indoor air quality and human comfort.High moisture levels can damage construction and inhabitant’s health.High humidity harms materials,especially in case of condensation and it helps moulds development increasing allergic risks.Consequently,several researchers have studied the use of various hygroscopic materials to moderate indoor humidity levels.The material that absorbs and desorbs water vapor can be used to moderate the amplitude of indoor relative humidity and therefore to participate in the improvement of the indoor quality and energy saving.Vegetal fiber materials are an interesting solution as they are eco materials and have low embodied energy.Hemp concrete is one of these materials which is more and more recommended by the eco-builders for its low environmental impact.The physical properties of hemp concrete has been measured by many authors.It is highlighted that the one presents high moisture buffering capacity and a good compromise between insulation and inertia materials.To investigate the hygrothermal behavior of building envelope,a simulation should be done because it is cheaper and more detailed than the test in situ.For this to be done,many simulation tools have been developed.Hygrothermal properties are required for all Heat,Air and Moisture transfer models.Many models and simulation tools for predicting the hygrothermal behavior of building envelope are represented in the Annex 41 of the International Energy Agency’s.For the building envelope,the main difference in HAM-transfer modeling is made by the dimension of represented phenomena and they can be classed by the granularity and complexity†.