Tag Archives: vertical garden grow system

Raising the Bar: How Vertical Grow Systems are Transforming Cannabis Cultivation

The length of production runs was at least 2 ns. Capacitance was computed using Equation 5.1, where V = ∆Ψ is the voltage drop applied across the cell, and Q is the average absolute value of the charge stored on a single electrode. From the production run we also computed local properties of interest using an in-house software package developed for this study,such as the degree of confinement and the charge compensation per carbon , in order to understand the mechanisms of charge storage and gain physical insights into differences in capacitances between the materials. The definitions of these local properties are provided in the Supporting Information. The FAU_1 EDLC initially had an excess ionic charge of 25 e in the cathode, and an equal in magnitude, opposite in sign, excess charge of anions in the anode. After equilibration,the magnitude of excess ionic charge in each electrode is about 16 e. This represents a decrease of about 36% in charge stored in the electrode, since the electrode’s net charge always balances the excess charge of ions inside the electrode. This discharging shows that in the FAU_1 EDLC, the Poisson potential is not the potential we should apply to obtain the charge equivalent to the constant-charge simulation. To assess the actual potential we need to apply to obtain an average atom charge of ±0.01 e, we try several potential differences and follow the evolution of the total electrode charge as a function of time . We found that this “0.01 e–equivalent” voltage is approximately 1.6 V. A longer simulation would be needed to determine the exact voltage to higher precision. Moreover, we were surprised to see that even when the change in equilibrium charge is small, equilibration at constant potential from a “nearby” constant charge configuration still takes several nanoseconds. We believe this is due to two factors: First, the driving force for ions to diffuse in and out of the electrodes is proportional to how far away the EDLC is from equilibrium charge, leading to exponential convergence at constant potential. Second, the configuration of ions in the electrode is not only a function of the total charge in the electrode, but also depends sensitively on the distribution of this charge among the atoms of the electrode. Rearrangement of ions can take on the order of nanoseconds due to diffusive limitations in liquid that are exacerbated by the bulky size of the ions and the small pores of the ZTCs,vertical cannabis growing systems which at their narrowest points have diameters similar to the ion sizes.

The same type of investigation was done for a number of other ZTCs and gives similar results. After switching to a constant-potential simulation using the Poisson potential drop, the resulting equilibrium electrode charges differed from the initial constant charges by 50– 200% . Following this extensive study, we thus conclude that the approach of doing a constant-charge equilibration associated with a Poisson potential calculation is not suitable for the current work. For the constant-charge equilibration to still be interesting, we would need a better way to estimate the potential difference to apply in the constant-potential simulation. In an attempt to improve the determination of the potential difference corresponding to a particular amount of charge stored, we turned to the calculation of the three-dimensional electric potential field as described in Wang et al.We used the software package developed by the authors for constant potential simulations in a previous work,which implicitly computes the electrostatic potential at the position of each electrode atom in order to determine fluctuating charges. We adapted the code to the case of a constant-charge simulation in which the electrostatic potential of each electrode atom fluctuates. The electrostatic potential averaged over all the atoms in each electrode during a constant charge simulation was computed for 5 ZTC and 2 CDC materials and results are shown in Table 5.1. For almost all materials, the potential drop computed from the averaged local electrostatic potential appears to have no correlation with the Poisson potential one. Formaterials which had extremely low or negative capacitances, such as the ZTCs 221_2_6 and SAO, the average local potential drop was approximately 2 V. For FAU_1, where 1.06 V was too low to store a charge of ±0.01 e per atom, the local potential method computed a potential drop of 2.3 V for the ±0.01 e constant-charge simulation. This is too high compared to the “0.01 e–equivalent” potential of 1.6 V determined in Figure 5.3. It seems therefore that while the local electrostatic potential method does not, unlike the Poisson potential method, yield physically unrealistic values such as near-zero and negative potentials drops across the cell, the potential drops computed by the local potential method are still not accurate enough to be useful for significantly decreasing the time needed to converge the electrode charge in a constant-potential simulation. Our initial motivation for calculating the Poisson potential or averaged local potential from a constant-charge simulation was to reduce the time needed for charges on the electrodes to converge in a constant-potential simulation. However, we found that these proxy potentials were not representative of what the applied potential should be to obtain the same amount of stored charge, and the simulation times required for the charge convergence following the constant-charge equilibration were still more than a few nanoseconds. Moving forward, we thus opted to compute constant-potential properties such as capacitance and electrolyte configuration by skipping the constant-charge equilibration step, and directly applying a potential difference of 1 V to the EDLC.

The results of these simulations are detailed in the remainder of this article. In the constant-potential production runs, we excluded materials for which the EDLC simulation cell had more than 12 000 atoms. These larger cells could not be studied due to computational limitations affecting the memory-intensive constant potential method.This suggests that while particular geometric descriptors might be a useful indicator of capacitance within particular families of materials, a clear relationship between capacitance and, for example, pore size is not the rule, but rather the exception for materials which are otherwise geometrically similar. ZTCs, due to their well-defined templated structures, exhibit a diversity of topologies, pore geometries, and local curvatures, which are not well captured by traditional geometric descriptors, but are known to influence charge storage.Thus the insights we can glean from local interfacial properties in ZTCs might be better translated to microporous carbon materials in general. The bottom row of Figure 5.6 plots capacitance versus quantities related to the electrolyteelectrode interfacial configuration, which are computed for an ion in relation to the electrode atoms within its coordination shell: The charge separation is the average distance between the counterion and the carbons within its coordination shell. The degree of confinement is defined as the fraction of the maximum solid angle around a counterion which is occupied by carbon atoms within the coordination shell cutoff .And finally, the charge compensation per carbon , a quantity introduced in this work, is defined as the magnitude of the average charge per electrode atom in the coordination shell. A high CCpC indicates strong and localized charges in the electrode, as opposed to a weak or diffuse charge response. For all quantities, the angle brackets hi denote averaging over all counterions in an electrode. Of particular interest with regard to classical theories of capacitance, a positive correlation can be observed between the capacitance and A/h dsepi , reminiscent of Equation 5.2. This suggests that we can view capacitance in the ZTCs as arising from an “ideal” contribution from a reference electrode with the same A/h dsepi , and a “non-ideal” contribution responsible for the deviations from classical double layer theory, arising from the microporosity. One measure of how micropores influence charge storage is the DoC. Here, we note that we are plotting in Figure 5.6 the average degree of confinement, h DoCi , which obscures differences in the range and distribution of confinement values within a material. We do not observe a strong correlation with capacitance when h DoCi is below 0.25,vertical cannabis grows and when h DoCi is above 0.25 the capacitance seems to be slightly negatively correlated with confinement. This finding adds nuance to the conclusions from previous studies that more confinement is generally a positive influence on charge storage efficiency.We discuss confinement effects further in a later section, where we examine charge storage mechanisms in individual pores.

Finally, the local descriptor which appears to have the best correlation with capacitance is h CCpCi , for which we observe a positive and nearly linear relationship with even less scatter than for A/h dsepi . Capacitance and h CCpCi both aggregate information about the charge stored by the electrode atoms, however their strong correlation is not trivial because only about 30–45% of the electrode atoms are within the coordination shell of a counter-ion at a given time step. These coordination shell carbons have a slightly larger-than-proportional share of charge, carrying between 35 and 50% of the net charge in the electrode . Perhaps surprisingly, the capacitance does not correlate with the total charge compensation within the coordination shell . The observation that per-carbon charge compensation correlates so strongly with the capacitance indicates that localized charge distributions within the electrode store charge more efficiently than disperse charge distributions, as they use less electrode “real estate” to counterbalance an ionic charge. One complication with comparing materials using local properties is that they are computed with a definition of coordination shell that uses a cut-off radius, rcut around the ion. rcut radius was chosen following the literature as the first minimum in the ion-carbon RDF. However, we found in our materials that the first minima were not all at the same location in all materials, and some of them did not have a clear “minimum” at all. Therefore, we opted to use the same rcut of 6.3 Å for all materials, as this was the location of most of the RDF first minima and also was consistent with the literature. Further work is needed to determine how to better define a coordination shell and compute local interfacial properties. However, since we were able to observe quite a strong correlation of capacitance with h CCpCi with the existing coordination shell definition, we leave this complication for a future study. Having investigated geometric descriptors and local interfacial properties of EDLCs, averaged over the entire electrode, we find that almost all of them other than h CCpCi lack a clear correlation with capacitance or, in the case of A/h dsepi , are correlated but exhibit significant scatter. In the following sections we turn our attention to the relationship between pore geometry, local electrolyte properties, and charge storage within individual pores of selected materials. We then move toward a more general framework for rationalizing differences in capacitance among ZTC materials. Due to the structural diversity of ZTC frameworks, we believe insights drawn from ZTCs are also relevant general design rules for porous carbon EDLC electrodes. We begin our examination of individual materials by considering BEA and BEA_beta, which are templated on different polymorphs of the same zeolite as shown in Figure 5.7a. Naturally occuring zeolite beta consists of a mixture of polymorphs A and B, both of which contain layers of the same tertiary building unit which are rotated ±90with respect to each other. In polymorph A , the layers are stacked in a chiral fashion, while in polymorph B , the rotation of the layers alternates. As a result the pore size distributions of BEA and BEA_beta differ, with slightly larger pore sizes for BEA_beta as shown in Figure 5.7b. The capacitances of these ZTCs differ widely, with 34.0 F g1 gravimetric and 2.33 µF cm2 areal capacitances computed for BEA . The ions within the pores also have different degrees of confinement, possibly arising from the slight differences in the most probable pore sizes. As seen in Figure 5.7c, the anions in the anode of BEA_beta have a single peak in their DoC histogram around 0.33, while the anions in the BEA have on average higher DoCs, with one peak at 0.35 and another at 0.42. We might suppose from this that BEA should have the higher charge storage efficiency, since Merlet et al. showed that highly confined ions are able to store more charge in super capacitors,however, in this case the opposite is true: h CCpCi DoC is higher in BEA_beta than in BEA for all DoC values . In the cathode, as well, the average charge compensation is lower for BEA than for BEA_beta . One noteworthy feature in the charge compensation distribution of the BEA anode is a minima in h CCpCi DoC at 0.43 DoC , the location of the higher peak in the DoC histogram.

Additional repurposed medications show clinical effectiveness for the treatment of AUD

A translational study examining GET73-alcohol interactions found that neither 30 nor 100 mg/kg GET73 administered in rats potentiated alcohol-induced intoxication. Additionally, GET73 administered both in the presence and absence of alcohol was well tolerated in two samples of 14 and 11 participants, with no severe adverse events and no difference in adverse events. A Phase I clinical trial in two samples of 48 and 32 participants found that both single doses and repeated ascending doses of GET-73 were safe and well tolerated. Another inpatient human laboratory study conducted by the same group confirmed the safety and tolerability of GET73 such that no serious or severe adverse events occurred when GET73 was co-administered with alcohol. Co-administration also did not affect the pharmacokinetics of either GET73 or alcohol. However, GET73 also had no effect on alcohol cue-induced craving or self-administration, warranting additional research. A clinical trial of the effects of GET73 on magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures of glutamate and GABA levels in individuals with AUD was recently completed ; however, the results have not yet been posted, and another trial, which includes a free-drinking bar lab component, is ongoing .In comparison to the drawbacks presented by GABAB agonists like baclofen and SMO, positive allosteric modulators at this receptor present a potential alternative. By binding to a different, non-competitive allosteric site on the GABAB receptor, PAMs allow endogenous GABA, binding at its original orthosteric site, to retain its potency and efficacy, reducing the risk of tolerance development and side effects. A number of PAMs have been studied as potential pharmacotherapies for AUD,vertical garden grow system and have demonstrated reductions in alcohol-associated behaviors and ethanol self-administration in preclinical models.

When directly contrasted against baclofen, a GABAB PAM had a better profile, with dose-dependent reduction of relapse-like alcohol drinking and with no signs of sedation. One such novel GABAB PAM, ASP8062, appears particularly promising as it has been shown to significantly increase the affinity and efficacy of endogenous GABA binding in human and rat GABAB receptors in vitro and with oral administration in an in vivo rodent model of fibromyalgia, demonstrating the ability of oral formulated ASP8062 to cross the blood-brain-barrier. ASP8062 has recently progressed to clinical development. Two Phase I clinical trials with a combined total of 112 participants evaluated single ascending doses and multiple ascending doses of ASP8062, respectively. These studies found that ASP8062 was well tolerated in humans, with no evidence of drug effects on safety, cognition, drug withdrawal, or suicidal ideation. One additional clinical trial, assessing the safety and efficacy of ASP8062 for alcohol use disorder , is currently underway. Overall, ASP8062, and GABAB PAMs in general, appear to be well tolerated in humans and decrease alcohol self-administration in animals. These agents present a potential pathway to better utilize the GABAergic system and reduce the side effects seen with GABAB agonists.Ghrelin, a peptide produced by endocrine cells primarily in the stomach, is thought to regulate growth hormone secretion, food intake, and glucose homeostasis. Ghrelin is also thought to play a role in AUD. Ghrelin signaling is required for stimulation of the reward system by alcohol, and higher ghrelin levels are associated with higher self-reported measures of alcohol craving. In human laboratory studies, intravenous ghrelin administration has been shown to increase the urge to drink, increase alcohol self-administration, and modulate brain activity in regions involved in reward processing and stress regulation. Preclinical studies with ghrelin receptor antagonists have shown reductions in alcohol conditioned place preference, alcohol intake and preference, and alcohol-elicited nucleus accumbens dopamine release in rodents.

PF-5190457 is a ghrelin receptor inverse agonist that inhibits GHS-R1a constitutive activity as well as blocking its activation by ghrelin. In a preliminary clinical study in 12 heavy-drinking individuals, PF-5190457, compared to placebo, reduced alcohol craving and cue-reactivity to alcohol. Additionally, when administered in combination with alcohol, PF-5190457 was safe and well-tolerated with no drug-alcohol interactions. This was the first clinical study of a GHS-R1a inverse agonist in a sample of heavy alcohol drinkers. PF-5190457 may increase somnolence, heart rate, and lower blood glucose concentrations, although clinical results indicate that these side effects were not exacerbated by alcohol co-administration and in general PF-5190457 is well tolerated. In summary, preclinical and early clinical evidence support additional research toward investigating PF-5190457 as a pharmacological approach to treat AUD.Cannabidiol , one of the main compounds found in Cannabis sativa, has shown promise as a novel therapeutic to treat AUD. CBD is nonintoxicating and has diverse pharmacological effects throughout the central nervous system, including functioning as a negative allosteric modulator of CB1 and CB2 receptors, and blocking anandamide update and inhibiting enzymatic hydrolysis. CBD may also interact with non-endocannabinoid signaling systems, including the serotonergic system and the opioidergic system, among others. Preclinical studies have shown that CBD reduces alcohol administration, decreases motivation for alcohol, reduces relapse-like behavior, and improves withdrawal symptoms in animals exposed to chronic alcohol. Evidence in healthy individuals demonstrates that CBD is well tolerated, does not interact with the subjective effects of alcohol, and has no abuse liability. Two recent studies investigated signals for potential efficacy of CBD as a treatment for heroin use disorder and cannabis use disorder. Regarding heroin use disorder, acute CBD reduced cue induced craving for heroin and reduced anxiety in a sample of 42 abstinent individuals, which was maintained one-week following the last CBD exposure. The cannabis use disorder study found that CBD was more efficacious at reducing cannabis use than placebo in a sample of 48 subjects.

In both clinical samples, CBD was well tolerated and not associated with serious adverse events. CBD is currently being evaluated as a potential treatment for AUD, AUD with comorbid PTSD, and alcohol withdrawal in AUD in three clinical trials . In brief, preclinical evidence and clinical evidence in other substance use disorders indicate the promise of CBD as a novel therapeutic for AUD.This qualitative literature review discusses the efficacy, mechanism of action, and tolerability of approved, repurposed, and novel pharmacotherapies for the treatment of AUD. This information is summarized in Table 1. As of 2018, the APA recommends acamprosate and naltrexone for the treatment of AUD and suggests gabapentin and topiramate for patients with the goal of reducing alcohol consumption or achieving abstinence, while disulfram is suggested for achieving and maintaining abstinence only. Similarly, while not included in the APA’s recommendations, aripiprazole and mifepristone are associated with drinking reduction, while baclofen shows association with abstinence and mixed results with drinking reduction.Some of these appear to have particular promise in specific cases, such as varenicline’s use for nicotine and alcohol co-users , baclofen for individuals with liver disease, and aripiprazole for more impulsive individuals. Novel agents such as GET73 and ASP8062 have also reduced alcohol intake in preclinical studies. In summary, while currently approved medications are somewhat effective,vertical greenhouse growing there remains a crucial need to develop new and improved pharmacotherapies for AUD. Novel and repurposed agents show significant promise as treatments that may improve upon currently approved pharmacotherapies. Medication development has been identified as a critical priority for AUD research. While considerable progress has been made in this field, there are a number of areas which require our attention to realize the benefit of AUD pharmacotherapy. First, despite the prevalence of AUD, the rate of seeking treatment for AUD remains very low. In order for anyone to benefit from the advances in medication development reviewed herein, the treatment gap must be closed. This will require engagement at multiple levels, from prevention to public education about AUD and the available treatments. Researchers and clinicians can help in these efforts by reducing stigma surrounding AUD and other substance use disorders by choosing appropriate language to describe these disorders and the people who are affected by them. A related issue is the need to improve access to FDA approved pharmacotherapies for AUD. A recent analysis of the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that only 1.6% of people with a past-year AUD received an evidence-based medication to treat their AUD. Medication use was associated with living in a large metropolitan area, use of the emergency department, and receiving mental health care, indicating that these services and residing in an urban environment appear to increase access to evidence based medications. There is also a great need to improve the education of physicians and clinicians on the availability of evidence-based treatments for AUD. Ongoing efforts in this area are underway by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, as well as by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

To further improve access to treatments and increase treatment-seeking, there is a need to increase the menu of approved pharmacological treatments towards AUD, especially those that have shown promise internationally. Currently, the FDA only accepts two primary outcomes for Phase 3 trials: abstinence and no heavy-drinking days. These outcomes do not always mirror the goals of patients with AUD for their recovery, which may be better refflected by a harm reduction endpoint. Recent work has found that harm reduction endpoints, including reductions in WHO based drinking levels, are associated with improvements in physical health and quality of life and can be used as efficacy outcomes in clinical trials. The acceptance of these outcomes as clinical trial endpoints could have a substantial impact on the medication development field and ultimately result in a larger pharmacotherapy toolbox for clinicians.Another area of development is the move towards personalized treatment, also referred to as precision medication. AUD is a highly heterogenous disorder, and it unlikely that any medication will work for all individuals with an AUD. As such, there have been efforts to use precision medicine approaches to tailor pharmacotherapies to individuals with different presentations of AUD. Studies have taken several approaches towards personalized treatments, such as pharmacogenetics, sex differences, family history, severity of alcohol withdrawal, drinking phenotypes, and bio-behavioral markers. However, even these efforts may be overly simplistic given the complex nature of AUD. It is likely that personalized treatment approaches will need to account for multiple factors to truly tailor treatments to individual patients. Conversely, the public health significance of the improved efficacy of AUD pharmacotherapy with clinically accessible phenotypes argue for wider dissemination and implementation of precision treatment recommendations identified to date. A final issue to consider is the need to develop treatments for individuals with AUD and comorbid psychiatric disorders and for individuals with AUD and AALD. AUD often co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders, including other substance use disorders, personality disorders, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and PTSD. The development of integrated treatments, including combined behavioral and pharmacological interventions, which simultaneously address AUD and other cooccurring disorders, is difficult due to the complexity of treating multiple disorders and the limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms. However, this is a necessary area of research given the high rates of comorbidity in the AUD population. Treatment options for individuals with AALD are limited; of the FDA-approved medications, only acamprosate can be used without concerns of hepatotoxicity. Of the non-FDA medications that may prove useful in this population, only baclofen has been evaluated in an RCT. There is a clear need to develop additional treatments for this population.Unisexual flowers are the exception in angiosperms; the vast majority of flowering plants bear hermaphroditic flowers that have both pollen producing stamens and ovule-containing ovaries . Nevertheless, a substantial number of angiosperms produce nonhermaphroditic flowers. In a recent data analysis, 5-6% of plant species were found to be dioecious, but 43% of plant families were shown to contain dioecious members. The rarity of dioecy at the species level, coupled with its widespread occurrence across the angiosperm lineage, shows that dioecy must have evolved multiple times. In this chapter, we will first discuss the possible benefits and costs to producing imperfect flowers, before considering the likely routes evolution has taken to produce these floral types, and the molecular mechanisms that underlie the development of imperfect flowers. Through a sequence of case studies, this chapter will detail a likely route that an ancestor bearing perfect flowers could take to arrive in the derived states of dioecy and monoecy, through the intermediary steps of protogyny and protandry; andro- and gynomonoecy; and andro- and gynodioecy .