Tag Archives: vertical indoor growing system

The questions arose during instrument design as well as when responses were arriving

In addition to evaluating pig behaviors through RGB videos, automation can be further facilitated by other sources. For example, videos containing depth information are useful to estimate pig body weights. Body weight is a critical trait associated with growing rate, feed efficiency, and meat biomass. Conventionally, pigs are weighed on the electronic scale in the pen, but it can be either inaccurate when more than one pig is standing on the scale or expensive if the scale is integrated into the feeding system. A past study has presented a video-based pipeline that can successfully estimate pig body weight with an RGB-depth camera by segmenting pig contours . By combining the existing work and VTag, which can continuously track pig positions, the fully automatic system of pig weighing is feasible for farms with limited resources. The implemented trackers have successfully shown their great performance of tracking objects in their published papers . However, the trackers failed to track pigs without any human supervision in our presented results. The potential reasons may be explained by the difference in the monitoring context. In our study, the tracked objects share similar morphological features. Even for the feature-rich areas, such as pig heads and tails where unique spatial patterns are observed, they were hard for trackers to distinguish the difference between different pig individuals. The trackers easily lost tracking the correct individual when two pigs frequently interact with each other in a short period. Another reason is the video quality. In the papers where the trackers were published, the demonstrated videos recorded at least 20 FPS. Whereas the studied datasets only have 6 FPS,vertical indoor growing system which is a common setting in practical farming to reduce power dissipation and save data storage. Such low FPS videos reduce the similarity between consecutive frames and increase the chance of mismatching tracked features over time .

Additionally, when the tracked object moves rapidly, the track features are more likely to become blurry in a low-FPS video. These limitations make the tracking task in livestock farming more difficult than the regular tracking task, where videos have 30 FPS, and the video frames are assumed to be similar in adjacent frames and the tracked features are unique compared to other objects. We also included pre-trained models, YOLOv5 and Mask R-CNN, in our benchmark study. The low-FPS results indicate that it is difficult to fulfill real-time long-term monitoring in livestock farming without accessing GPU resources. Although we did not show their precision in the current work, the detection results are not comparable with the presented trackers. It is because the models were trained by COCO datasets, in which top-view pig images are not included. In some video frames, pigs are either not detected, or 2 adjacent pigs are identified as the same object. Besides, without further modification of the models, it cannot force tracking the certain number of objects. These limitations make the evaluation difficult when we want to compare the precision of tracking the same number of pigs. In conclusion, the results suggest that the object detection models are not as suitable as object tracking algorithms in the pig monitoring tasks. Further improvement can be made in the current version of VTag. For example, VTag is found to mis-identified pig identities when individuals frequently contact each other in a short time as described earlier. Although the wrong labels can be corrected manually, it still requires time and effort from humans’ supervision. One way to reduce such error is to utilize a strategy called template learning, which was discussed in the literature . The general idea of this strategy is to first select the video frames in which pigs are not in close range of their neighbors. Then, the pig morphology observed in the selected frames is learned as “templates”.

Finally, the model can use the templates to update the predictions in the frames where pig positions are mis-identified due to the closed distance between pigs. In addition to improving the algorithm, adding information by wearable devices is also helpful to increase the monitoring precision. The devices, including motion sensors, magnetometers, gyroscopes, and GPS receivers, have been widely used to monitor behavioral patterns in large farming environments . Specifically, with the use of tracking collar wore by pastured livestock, grazing behaviors were successfully identified for cattle and sheep . The spatial resolution for outdoor studies was further improved to centimeter-level by coupling sensor collars with signal receivers deployed around the farm . In group-housed scenarios, Smartbow , a commercialized ear-tag sensor system, also demonstrated promising results in monitoring complex interactions on reproduction traits in swine cohorts and feeding behaviors of cows . In conclusion, by coupling the VTag algorithm and the described improvement, the automation of the assessment system is expected to monitor more complex farm settings.Much consultation went into developing the survey instrument, including several preliminary discussions with farmers. Cognizant of how besieged many feel by requests for information, we wanted to make ours as welcome or at least as tolerable as possible. Most farmers advised that, although their time was limited, they were not strongly predisposed to either participate in or refuse any survey that might come along. Rather, their decisions to respond would depend on how a given survey was presented, how relevant its content appeared. and how easily it could be completed. A notable guideline that was offered by one Fresno area iarmer and coniirmed by others was, “Don’t make me go to my file cabine!.” The survey requested information from farm operators about labor procurement, compensation, other personnel management practices, administration, legal compliance, and iuture outlook.

Within these broad areas the questionnaire contained specific items on employee recruitment channels, engagement offann labor contractors and custom harvesters, use of the public Employment Service, pre-employment screening and hiring procedures, pay basis and wage structure, fringe benefits, supervision and communications with workers, use of personnel management professionals, record keeping, compliance reporting, and contact with government agencies. The questionnaire is in Appendix 1. Content, wording, organization, and fonnat were refined over a two-month period. The draft instrument was reviewed in detail by two University of California Cooperative Extension fann advisors and pretested with three fanners who operate businesses quite different in size and other basic respects. The main objective of the pre-tests was to identify problems with meanings of tenns, clarity of questions and appropriateness of multiple choices. This phase yielded valuable guidance for refinements incorporated in the final version of the questionnaire. A shortened version, sent in the third mailing to two-thirds of non-respondents , is in Appendix 2.The California Employment Development Department provided identification and employment data on a specified study population1 from its file of employer unemployment insurance reports. The data record on each farm employer who paid wages during any quarter in 1991 included: name, mailing address, county code, and SIC code; wages paid in each quarter of 1991; and number of employees in each month of 1991. The population consisted of approximately 22,537 fann businesses. It excluded a total of 13,691 agricultural employers in the following categories during 1991: farm labor contractors; nurseries; veterinary services; other animal services; landscape and horticultural services; and grape growers in Fresno, Tulare, and Kern Counties. Each business in the VI file is typed by a 4-digit standard industrial classification code in the 01, 02, and 07 series . Of the 1991 monthly average number of job-holders in all agriculture , about 54 percent were employed by the target population of fann operators. Vse of the VI data base to identify California fann owners and operators suffers from two broad problems: incomplete coverage or entries , and the imprecise basis for employer groupmg. The imprecision problem stems from both the requirement that employers declare a single SIC when setting up accounts with EDD and the ambiguity built into the very structure of the SIC classification system. Because the SIC structure mixesclasses defined by commodity and by function ,rolling tables the full complement of employers cannot be sorted on either basis. The crops actually produced by even those farm businesses properly classified by a commodity code may be difficult to identify, if the farms are diversified operations or if the classes they fall into are broadly defined . Moreover, reliance on SIC codes to define bounds of the population could have caused errors of false inclusion or exclusion, most likely of businesses with both farm and nonfarm operations. Reports from farmers who also run retail outlets or catalogue sales, for example, may r may not be under a crop code. Some farmers who had been initially classified under nonfarm SICs were excluded from the population tape provided. On the other hand, some businesses that no longer operate farms but have UI records that are still tagged with commodity SICs, were included in the population.

The latter type of case is less problematic than the former, as questionnaire recipients who should not have been in the population could easily exclude themselves from consideration. But misclassified non-recipients who should have been but were not included in the population had no chance of getting selected to the sample. Even after screening businesses in the UI file by SIC code, we faced many questions about who should or should not be included.A first step toward minimizing invalid selections to the sample was to remove from the population file all entities which reported not a single employee or dollar of payroll in 1991, and to which, if still in business, questions on labor management were not likely to be relevant. Family-run farms that procure all their paid labor through service contracts might have thus, however, been eliminated in error. A second step was to give an explicit option on the instrument for recipients who do not Own or operate farms to select themselves out. Nevertheless, establishing a clear definition of “farm owner and operator” proved more important and difficult than anticipated.The survey was designed to include farm operators from all size groups, geographic regions, and commodities represented in the population. A less extensive survey that we conducted in 1987 had a 25 percent rate of response. The initial plan for this study was to obtain 1,000 responses by sampling approximately 5,000 farmers, conservatively assuming 20 percent participation. Ultimately we altered the strategy to pursue a like number of responses by eliciting higher participation from a smaller sample. Because the proportion of larger employers in the farmer population is much smaller than the shares of production and labor they manage in California, we stratified the population by size and oversampled from the larger-size strata. Sampling was random within each of the seven size strata, thus selecting farm businesses for the survey from all regions and commodity groups. The size measure used in stratifying the population was total wages paid in 1991, computed for each business in the UI file as the sum of its four quarterly wage figures. Businesses with both zero wages in every quarter and zero employment in every month were eliminated from consideration. The smallest 25 percent of the remaining population consisted of business with reported annual wages up to $9,617, the next 25 percent <those below the 50th percentile had wages up to $32,135, the next 25 percent up to $104,728, the next 15 percent up to $294,806, the next 5 percent up to $571,435, the next 4 percent up to $1,837,310, and the top 1 percent had wages exceeding $1,837,310. The total survey sample of 2,500 was drawn such that 1,375 were from the smallest three size groups combined , 375 05 percent from the next group , 625 from the next two groups combined , and 125 from the top-size group . Businesses selected to the sample that had incomplete addresses on file were replaced through random drawings from their respective size strata. Using employment or pavroll data from the UI file as indicators of farm business size may have led to mis-classification by size, because the amount and cost of labor procured through contract is not represented in these UI records.

Recent alcohol use was assessed via the HNRP Substance Use History form

Considering that majority of PWH do not report heavier drinking compared to the general population , there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of low-risk alcohol consumption among PWH. Examination of whether low-risk drinking exerts differential neurocognitive effects based on HIV serostatus is particularly salient given the increasingly popular recommendations for older adults to follow certain nutritional guidelines . Given that HIV disease can enhance vulnerability to physiological damage from environmental stressors , there may be no level of alcohol associated with better neurocognitive functioning among PWH. Advancing age is independently associated with a higher risk of neurocognitive and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s Disease and its precursor mild cognitive impairment . Despite use of combination antiretroviral therapy, older PWH remain particularly vulnerable to HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases associated with aging . Considering alcohol consumption is common among PWH, and with advancing age these persons are at a heightened risk for neurocognitive impairment, the present study examined associations between the non-linear effect of recent low-risk alcohol consumption and HIV status on global and domain-specific neurocognitive outcomes. Within the range of low-risk drinking, we hypothesize a curvilinear association between recent alcohol consumption and neurocognition among HIV- individuals,vertical growing racks cost such that intermediate levels of low-risk drinking will be associated with better neurocognitive function compared to non-drinkers and heavier levels; however, we do not expect this curvilinear association among PWH.

Participants included 310 PWH and 89 HIV- older adults enrolled in NIH funded research studies at the University of California, San Diego HIV Neuro behavioral Research Program from 2003-2016. Participants were recruited from the greater San Diego area by the HNRP. Regulatory approval was obtained from the University of California San Diego Institutional Review Board prior to the start of protocol implementation. We have previously published several papers using other aspects of these data including medication adherence, age of first alcohol use, and neurocognitive function . The current study represents a secondary analysis of baseline alcohol use and neurobehavioral data from the HNRP. Exclusion criteria for the current analysis included 1) self reported current or past diagnosis of a psychotic or mood disorder with psychotic features; 2) presence of a neurological condition that could impair neurocognitive function ; 3) positive urine toxicology for illicit drugs or evidence of alcohol intoxication by Breathalyzer test on the day of testing; 4) current diagnosis of AUD; 5) current diagnosis of non-alcohol substance use disorders ; 6) recent “at risk” alcohol consumption as defined per the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism criteria for “at risk” drinking ; and 7) aged 49 years and younger. The UCSD Institutional Review Board approved this study, and all participants provided written informed consent to participate. Current and lifetime mood and substance use disorders were assessed via The Composite International Diagnostic Interview , a fully-structured, computer-based interview . Diagnoses were made in accordance with DSM-IV criteria, as the parent grants from which baseline data were collected were funded before the DSM 5 was published. DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse are met when participants report continued alcohol use despite recurring problems . DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence are met when participants endorse symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal, and impaired control over drinking . AUD was assigned when DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence was met in order to maintain consistency with DSM 5 criteria and nomenclature.This form is a modified timeline follow-back measure that assesses alcohol use metrics including the quantity and frequency of alcohol use in the last 30 days .

The variable capturing the total number of drinks consumed in the last 30 days was calculated by multiplying the daily rate of alcohol consumption by the number of consumption days in the last 30 days . Total number of drinks consumed in the last 30 days will be hereafter referred to as total drinks. Participants who reported no recent alcohol consumption were included in analyses as alcohol abstainers, with total drinks coded as 0. Participants were administered a well-validated, comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests designed in accordance with the international consensus conference recommendations for HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders . The battery assesses seven neurocognitive domains: verbal fluency, executive function, processing speed, learning, delayed recall, working memory, and motor skills. Individual test raw scores were converted into demographically-adjusted Tscores , which were then averaged across the entire battery and within each domain to derive mean global and domain-specific T-scores, respectively . HIV group differences on demographic, psychiatric, neurocognitive, and alcohol use characteristics were compared using independent t-tests, Wilcoxon tests, and Chi-square statistics as appropriate. Separate multiple linear regressions examined the interaction between the quadratic effects of total drinks and HIV status on global and domain-specific T-scores. Demographic variables that significantly differed by HIV status at a p < .05 threshold ) were included as covariates. Considering the high prevalence of lifetime AUD in both persons with and without HIV, lifetime AUD was included as a covariate. Additionally, diagnosis of a lifetime non-alcohol substance use disorder was included as a covariate to account for potential confounding effects of non-alcohol substance use on neurocognitive outcomes. A follow-up analysis was conducted for any model that did not reveal a significant or trend-level interaction term between the quadratic effect of total drinks and HIV status.

The follow-up analysis examined the interaction between the linear effect of total drinks and HIV status on domain-specific T-scores, covarying for demographic variables included in primary regression analyses. As a secondary followup analysis, the independent effects of total drinks and HIV status were examined for any model that did not show a significant interaction term , covarying for the same demographic variables inprimary regression analyses. Regression analyses were performed using JMP Pro version 14.0.0 . Exploratory analyses, stratified by HIV status, employed the Johnson-Neyman technique to identify specific regions along the quadratic curve of total drinks at which total drinks had a statistically significant effect on neurocognition . Compared to simple slope analyses that describe quadratic effects based on how the effect of a predictor changes at different levels of that predictor, the J-N technique computes the full range of values for which the predictor slope is statistically significant. These boundaries are referred to as regions of significance. Region of significance analyses were computed using the jtools package in R statistical software . Considering long-term heavy alcohol use may have ongoing neurocognitive effects, an additional exploratory analysis examined the association between lifetime history of AUD and alcohol abstinence using a Chi-squared statistic. Finally, we explored the associations between HIV disease characteristics and global neurocognitive function using independent t-tests. We have included any significant variables as covariates in the linear regression analysis by HIV-serostatus. These analyses were performed using JMP Pro version 14.0.0 . Demographic, psychiatric, substance use, alcohol use, HIV disease, and neurocognitive characteristics by HIV group are presented in Table 1. The PWH group was significantly younger,vertical indoor growing system had a higher proportion of males, and had higher rates of current MDD and lifetime MDD than the HIV- group. With respect to recent alcohol consumption, PWH on average reported more drinks per drinking day and more drinking days within the last 30 days than HIV- individuals, yet groups were comparable on all other alcohol use characteristics. In regards to neurocognition, univariably PWH had significantly lower global function, verbal fluency, executive function, processing speed, working memory, and motor skills T scores than the HIV- group. Results of linear regressions examining the interaction between the quadratic effect of total drinks and HIV status on neurocognitive outcomes are presented in Table 2. In these adjusted models, the interaction between the quadratic effect of total drinks and HIV status was significant for global function , executive function , learning , delayed recall , and motor skills . With respect to covariates, older age, a lifetime history of MDD, and a lifetime history of a non-alcohol substance use disorder were associated with worse neurocognitive performance across multiple domains. Follow-up analyses were conducted to examine the interaction between the linear effect of total drinks and HIV status on neurocognitive outcomes that showed no significant or trend-level interaction term. Similar adjusted linear regression models revealed no significant interaction effects between total drinks and HIV status on domainspecific neurocognition . To further examine the independent effects of total drinks and HIV status on neurocognition, linear regression models examined the effects of HIV status, total drinks, and covariates from previous models on neurocognitive outcomes . In these adjusted models, HIV status was significantly associated with verbal fluency , processing speed , and working memory , such that PWH performed significantly worse than their HIV- counterparts. There were no detected effects of total drinks on domain specific neurocognitive outcomes. Additional follow-up analyses on domains that revealed significant quadratic associations were stratified by HIV serostatus . Results exploring the associations between HIV disease characteristic and global neurocognitive function suggest a significant negative association between estimated duration of HIV disease and global neurocognitive function .

Therefore, estimated duration of disease was included as a covariate in the linear regression model for PWH. The number of total drinks was not associated with neurocognition in PWH. Estimated duration of disease approached significance for global function . In the HIV- group, results indicated significant quadratic effects of total drinks on global function , executive function , learning , delayed recall , and motor skills . We applied the J-N technique to inspect these significant changes in the slope of total drinks on neurocognition as a function of total drinks within the HIV- group . Total drinks demonstrated positive, statistically significant associations with neurocognition at the lower end of “low-risk” drinking . Conversely, total drinks demonstrated negative, statistically significant associations with neurocognition at the higher end of “low-risk” drinking . Although there was a significant quadratic association between total drinks and delayed recall, the negative slope did not reach statistical significance. Finally, to examine potential ongoing neurocognitive effects of lifetime AUD among alcohol abstainers, a Chisquare statistic was calculated. Results indicate no significant association between having a lifetime history of AUD and currently abstaining from alcohol,2 = 1.11, p = .292. Our study is among the first to examine the curvilinear association between recent “low-risk” alcohol consumption and neurocognition among persons with and without HIV. Among HIV individuals, the association between low-risk drinking and neurocognition expectedly followed an inverted-J shaped pattern, with better neurocognition occurring at intermediate levels of “low-risk” drinking compared to alcohol abstinence and heavier consumption. Specifically, region of significance analyses indicated a positive slope of alcohol consumption on global neurocognitive function when the range of total drinks was zero to 18 drinks, whereas a negative slope emerged when the range of total drinks was 52 to 60 drinks; suggesting a potentially innocuous range between 18 to 52 drinks per month for HIV- individuals. This global effect was driven by abilities supported by frontal brain regions where alcohol metabolism is thought to be particularly active . Additionally, consistent with our hypotheses, there was no quadratic association between level of low-risk alcohol consumption and neurocognition among PWH. This suggests the presence of other factors that may supersede the potentially beneficial neurocognitive effects of low-risk alcohol consumption in the context of HIV. For example, age was significantly associated with global function, executive function, learning, and delayed recall in PWH, despite using age-adjusted T-scores in analyses.Extant literature suggests that the inverted-J shaped association is not unique to neurocognition, which may point towards possible mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective effect of low-risk alcohol consumption. For example, evidence supports a cardioprotective effect of low-risk alcohol consumption including a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and all-cause mortality . There is a higher risk among alcohol abstainers and when alcohol consumption is high, and lower risk when alcohol consumption is low . Although our data does not directly measure pathways underlying a potential neuroprotective effect of low-risk alcohol consumption, including its specificity to HIV- adults, several plausible biopsychosocial mechanisms can be drawn from the extant literature. From a biological perspective, low-risk alcohol use has been linked to increased high-density lipoprotein levels and may carry antithrombotic, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory effects that benefit the neurovascular unit . Additionally, alcohol may directly enhance learning and executive function via stimulation of acetylcholine in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus .