Moreover, we know that a significant proportion of patients with behavioral disorders do not receive treatment. Therefore, the BHD prevalence data in our study likely underestimate the actual prevalence. Future studies could address whether the addition of pharmacy-based prescription data improves the prevalence estimates. Another possible limitation of our method is that we only required a single mention of a diagnosis to link the patient with that diagnosis. This could result in an overestimation of the true prevalence if diagnoses only mentioned one time are more likely to be inaccurate. However, we do not suspect this. The single-mention methodology is well established. And even if this methodology resulted in an overestimation, it would affect both arms of the case control and, therefore, would likely not affect our finding of a difference between the two arms. In addition, this study also does not examine whether there are specific diagnostic dyads and/or triads that are especially common — a possible focus for future studies. Finally, it is unclear whether the impact of these comorbidities on health care costs and outcomes is attenuated in an integrated health system like the one studied in which care is already highly managed, especially in comparison to study populations that are treated in largely a fee-for-service environment. This knowledge gap will be important for future studies to address. Regardless of how these results compare to other patient populations and health systems, the finding is striking — BHDs are highly prevalent, and even more concerning, these patients have a significantly higher medical comorbidity burden and associated risk of 10-year mortality rate. Given how the co-occurrence of behavioral and medical conditions leads to elevated symptom burden, functional impairment,pot for growing marijuana decreased length and quality of life, and increased costs, these findings highlight the importance of developing and implementing collaborative models of care in employment-based health systems that are effective at treating patients with comorbid BHD and medical conditions.
Many models have emerged ranging from enhanced coordination to colocation of services to full integration. All of these efforts share the concept of organizing care in a medical home in which a health care team provides stepped care with disease and population health management protocols. The high prevalence of multiple psychiatric disorders also argues for lifestyle interventions that focus on behavioral issues in general rather than specific diagnoses, a focus that would be greatly welcomed by primary care physicians. In the employment-based insurance population captured in this study, it is important to focus on depression and anxiety disorders. Important questions include whether outcome measures and even treatment protocols can be developed that are transdiagnostic , the role of Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy, the relative mix of individual versus group-based treatments and the extent to which the medical record is fully open.AT THE TURN OF THE 21ST CENTURY, scientific gains in the pursuit of more effective treatments for alcohol and other drug use disorders had plateaued, and very little was known about the underlying processes that mobilize and sustain positive behavior change . In response to calls to better understand these underlying processes , the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism invested in research on the social, behavioral, psychological, and biological mechanisms that support reductions in alcohol use and other addictive behaviors. As a result, the first Mechanisms of Behavior Change meeting was held in 2004 as a satellite session to the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism. The MOBC satellite session has been held annually for the past 13 years, growing from 30 attendees in 2004 to more than 100 attendees in 2017. NIAAA formalized its commitment to MOBC research via several key initiatives: the publication of a special issue monograph in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ; the development of an NIAAA MOBC statement within the Strategic Research Plan; the formation of a transdisciplinary MOBC team within NIAAA leadership; the inclusion of a call for MOBC research in the main program announcement for Treatment, Services, and Recovery Research; the issuing of program announcements, requests for applications, and a research funding announcement with MOBC aims; and the funding of two MOBC-focused conference grants .
NIAAA was not alone in its efforts to improve behavior change interventions. Concurrently, the National Institutes of Health Institute directors identified research on crosscutting processes or mechanisms of change as a top scientific priority, and Science of Behavior Change became a program within the National Institutes of Health Common Fund, with its first funding opportunity announced in 2010. MOBC initiatives within NIAAA and the National Institutes of Health Common Fund represented a shift away from the then-prevailing efficacy paradigm as the exclusive means for building knowledge to improve alcohol and other drug treatment outcomes. The efficacy paradigm often resulted in evidence-based modalities producing near-equivalent reductions in alcohol and other drug use . That distinct treatment programs with unique behavior targets were producing near-equivalent effects made it impossible for a test of treatment efficacy to determine exactly how change was occurring . Although equivalent outcomes across different treatments could suggest uniform processes of behavior change, behavior change outcomes often vary by person and contextual factors. If we do not know how individuals change addictive behaviors or who is most likely to benefit from addictive behavior treatment, then we do not know how to improve treatment effectiveness. This recognition has resulted in an increased focus on MOBCs, a sixfold increase in citations using mediation models to assess MOBCs within alcohol research studies, and the dissemination of conceptual frameworks and statistical tools to promote research on MOBCs. The scientific imperative included a call for multidisciplinary research teams, multilevel change process considerations, and increasingly sophisticated analytic methodologies . Combined, these efforts represent an attempt to “peel the onion” of human behavior change initiation, maintenance, and relapse. This Special Section in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs is aimed at promoting the next phase in examining state-of-the-science approaches to studying MOBCs in addictive behaviors. We hope to highlight advances in this evolving literature and to guide researchers in developing new studies in MOBC science. Further, we offer a selection of empirically supported mechanisms, both established and novel. The Special Section begins with two articles that consider issues related to study design and data analysis in MOBC research.
Topics include approaches to improving causal inference in MOBC research and the development and testing of behavioral intervention theories through tests of statistical mediation. These articles provide timely reviews that address key methodological questions and issues of debate in MOBC research. First, Finney explores limitations inherent to observational mediation design because of the inability to manipulate the purported mediator of interest. For example, it is often not feasible to randomly assign persons to different levels of hypothesized mechanisms . Because of this and other challenges, he raises the question of whether brief experimental manipulations could reasonably be expected to have enduring effects in the face of over-learned drinking behaviors. Finney provides recommendations for future MOBC research that may increase our confidence in causal attributions and includes examples of earlier experiments designed to directly manipulate mechanistic effects. Second, O’Rourke and MacKinnon examine an ever-present question related to mediation tests in behavioral intervention research. specifically, they consider conditions under which mediation may or may not be present in the absence of a main effect for the experimental condition. A core argument in this article is that even when intervention efficacy is not observed,container for growing weed there may be significant and meaningful mediation. Here, we have a central question for mediation design—when should mediation tests be pursued? The authors’ work highlights conditions for the use of mediation tests to develop and refine behavioral intervention theories and underscores that studying MOBCs despite a non-significant main effect can advance understanding of how a given treatment is effective and for whom. The next set of articles present advanced analytic approaches for testing MOBCs. First, Hallgren and colleagues consider greater levels of nuance in mediation questions, such as optimal methods for handling time when examining mechanisms of intervention effects. As the authors note, timing is everything and greater temporal resolution will be important in refining understanding of MOBCs. Moreover, it is important to recognize that alcohol and other drug treatments mobilize long-acting processes that will vary in strength over time. Statistical models should take these factors into account. Many of the recommendations from Hallgren and colleagues are demonstrated in the next two empirical studies, both of which used variants of structural equation modeling to test for mediator effects. The study by Treloar Padovano and Miranda applies multilevel SEM to the analysis of data from ecological momentary assessment among adolescents who use cannabis and who were enrolled in a randomized clinical trial examining the efficacy of topiramate for cannabis misuse. In this way, Treloar Padovano and colleagues take MOBC research into the natural environment and capitalize on analytic techniques that allow for disaggregating within- and between-person mechanisms of change in cannabis use.
Results indicated that topiramate was more effective than placebo in reducing subjective high from cannabis, which resulted in less cannabis use at the daily level. Next, Witkiewitz and colleagues present a novel application of latent class analysis in an SEM framework to examine coping skills as a mediator of outcomes for adults who received combined behavioral intervention and/ or pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder. Results indicated that individuals who received the combined behavioral intervention were more likely to have a broader coping repertoire at the end of treatment and that coping repertoire significantly mediated the effect of treatment on drinking outcomes. Latent class mediation holds promise as a method for examining heterogeneity in the mechanisms through which individuals change. Together, these articles represent significant advances in theory and applied MOBC data analysis, present novel findings on mechanisms in two pharmacotherapy trials, and have clear implications for future MOBC research. The sixth and seventh articles, by Eaton and colleagues and Houck and colleagues , respectively, present recent findings on processes of change in motivational interviewing . They focus on different populations , but both studies found that what clients say in MI sessions mediates the effects of MI-based intervention on alcohol-related outcomes, with different effects depending on the follow-up period that is evaluated. As such, both studies provided support for the notion that MI therapist skills can influence client statements about change and that those statements are associated with changes in behavior . These congruent results are notable given that the two designs varied on the type of MI providers . Given that the effects of client change and sustain talk have been found in other therapeutic approaches , these studies support the generalizability of client speech as a mechanism of action.Noyes and colleagues address pretreatment changes in drinking as they relate to process and outcomes among treatment-seeking adults with alcohol use disorder. specifically, they examined change in drinking days and heavy drinking days during the month before initiating cognitive–behavioral treatment. Noyes and colleagues found that pretreatment drinking moderated the relationship between self-efficacy measured during treatment and drinking days after treatment. This study suggests that the role of self-efficacy as a potential change mechanism may vary as a function of whether patients have already initiated behavior change before treatment begins. Noyes and colleagues indicate that baseline matters and that we need to further develop methods to study pretreatment behavior change. In the final article, Buckman and colleagues provide an overview of the baroreflex, a novel mechanism involving a heart–brain feedback loop that affects physiological reactivity. Consideration of the baroreflex as an MOBC provides an important translational linkage between emotion regulation and behavioral outcomes. This linkage has direct application to intervening with addictive behaviors, and there may be fewer roadblocks to experimental manipulation when biological or physiological mediators are the mechanisms of interest. The work of Buckman and colleagues brings the MOBC science closer to multilevel assessment and intervention with alcohol or other drug use disorders. Overall, the Special Section provides a snapshot of current efforts to advance the state of MOBC science.